EDD May 2012 Mummies!


oic.. I know the gown is tied from back so that easier to insert the epidural..
But I hope I dont't need to take it.
Hmmm ok... I shall bring one and see how..
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Yes Rzena, me oso a lot of mix feeling... n keep worrying if water bag burst in offy hw, if burst outside how... if burst when sleeping n stain the bedsheet how .. me oso nothing much to do so mind keep going wild....


wonder when should we start wear pad pad incase of water burst?? haha. getting more crazy thinkin of all this.
wonder will i hold tight to hubby, scold him, or bite him??:Dancing_tongue: will he scare halfway go out of the labour ward?? :bmad:


ha ha , whenever I describe labour to my hubby, he will asked me to stop...thn he will ask what if he faint in middle of labour how...


anyone knows if its true for the chinese name, the total no. of strokes must be even number? I'm getting more panic liao cos haven found a nice name for my baby...
Hey miracle25, dun need to be even. Can be odd, but different number signify difference means. Some number not good for girl. To make things worse, must count the strokes of the traditional writing, not the simplied one


Hey all, I think all of us starting to feel the toll of labour. This morning I realized my bump grew so much overnight that if I stretch a bit more, the bottom area will ache. Walk also must be gentle and slow. So reluctant to go work. Keep thinking whether doc will encourage me to take mc and rest or it's something very common? I scared to strenuous until go into early labour.... How ah?


Not true.... There is a set of 81 numbers, some are good some are not. Doesn't necessary need to be even.
However all this depends on whether you want to follow or not... Most pple now either leave the naming to fengshui masters, or simply choose one name that they like. As long as sound nice can liao.

For myself, we did choose our son's name according to the chinese naming methodology, but there are a few different methods too. Very cheem to fully understand how each works.

anyone knows if its true for the chinese name, the total no. of strokes must be even number? I'm getting more panic liao cos haven found a nice name for my baby...


gracecwz- my gynea say my movement too fast when getting out of bed at clinic.. he keep ask me to be gentle n slow, must remember i am 30week now!! hahaha, hubby cant stop laughing also. whenever i dun feel cramp or aches i tend to move very fast. today i just ask hubby if gynea can give me 1 week mc, tat will be the best!! hahaha


Hey all, I think all of us starting to feel the toll of labour. This morning I realized my bump grew so much overnight that if I stretch a bit more, the bottom area will ache. Walk also must be gentle and slow. So reluctant to go work. Keep thinking whether doc will encourage me to take mc and rest or it's something very common? I scared to strenuous until go into early labour.... How ?

I am feeling tired all the time. Baby getting heavy as well. Sometimes i feel it pressing so much against my bottom area, it hurts...how i wish can just lie on the bed whole day..haha


gracecwz- my gynea say my movement too fast when getting out of bed at clinic.. he keep ask me to be gentle n slow, must remember i am 30week now!! hahaha, hubby cant stop laughing also. whenever i dun feel cramp or aches i tend to move very fast. today i just ask hubby if gynea can give me 1 week mc, tat will be the best!! hahaha
My hubby says i walk too fast, ask me to slow down as well..haha..unless i have leg cramps or pelvic pain then i will slow down.

I think I turn too fast from my left ot right while sleeping as well. Keep telling myself to be more gentle but i keep forgetting.

I think my memory is getting worse as well. One moment i recall something, next moment i would have forgotten about it.


New Member
My father-in-law went to some fengshui master to get the chi name for my daughter and the characters are so cheem! Poor girl have to take longer time to write :( and I didn't really like the name but no choice cos we let him choose the chi name.

WOW everyone is so kan chiong abt labour. Hehe. I didn't go through that stage though :p Anyway after baby is born, it is NOT a holiday leh. If you're intending to breastfeed, have to wake up like 3 hourly! So not enough sleep. Should enjoy pregnancy now before baby comes out :)


My hubby says i walk too fast, ask me to slow down as well..haha..unless i have leg cramps or pelvic pain then i will slow down.

I think I turn too fast from my left ot right while sleeping as well. Keep telling myself to be more gentle but i keep forgetting.

I think my memory is getting worse as well. One moment i recall something, next moment i would have forgotten about it.
Yes I agree! Memory is worse... So must remember to reply this first otherwise will forget.

Thanks everyone, think is really we move too fast. But hor.... Today I dun move too much or too fast, baby start to move and kick alot leh....omg, no space already still move so much. It's becoming not so enjoyable...


Lucky I onli do on toe nails. So dun need to clean on the way to labour ward!! Hahha
When I had my cyst ops last year, was told tt need to remove all nail polish on both nails n toes. Reason being tt if things go wrong during the procedures, the doctors n nurses will monitor the colour of our nails n toes. Thus, cannot hv nail polish.

Guess bb delivery should hv the same procedure.


Actually I have a question, can I wear the hospital gown instead wearing my own clothes in labour and the wards ah? As I see the list of things to pack for hospital bag, it says to bring own gowns.. But hospitals should provided clothes too right?

Cos I prefer not to wear my own clothes in hospital..
I m not bringing my own gowns too. Will use the hospital gowns.


My hubby says i walk too fast, ask me to slow down as well..haha..unless i have leg cramps or pelvic pain then i will slow down.

I think I turn too fast from my left ot right while sleeping as well. Keep telling myself to be more gentle but i keep forgetting.

I think my memory is getting worse as well. One moment i recall something, next moment i would have forgotten about it.
Nowadays I can't turn too fast in bed also, will feel cramp. Whenever walk or movement slow, my hubby will k ow I not feeling well. Or when I nvr talk. My collg know my quiet pattern now also. Haha. I agreed memory is getting worst. I keeps forget stuff also, think too tired, nvr sleep well, all inside is all abt our little cuties.
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When I had my cyst ops last year, was told tt need to remove all nail polish on both nails n toes. Reason being tt if things go wrong during the procedures, the doctors n nurses will monitor the colour of our nails n toes. Thus, cannot hv nail polish.

Guess bb delivery should hv the same procedure.
Sian, think I just polish shine n clean lo.


Morning ladies. Heard tt for first child, typically bb will arrive 2 weeks before EDD. Any truth? Has anyone's EDD been brought forward?