EDD May 2012 Mummies!

My boy has d same problem some times but not due to dripping cos I onli leak one side. Try clean the breast if it leaks? In your case since u can pump out 5 ounce why not feed ebm first. Btw how many weeks is ur boy?
Ok thanks..will try. He's 10 days old today. Yup have also given him EBM but also want to mix some direct latch on feeds so as to boost milk supply n establish some bonding with him. Today i tried using the nipple shield again and it seems to work. He only detached himself about 2-3 times during the 45mins feed. Maybe my nipple too short?
If nipple a bit short d shield should be able to correct the problem :) seems like u are starting to take longer time to feed your boy now (I can take 90mins) :p jia you!
Initially I tot of giving up latch on my boy for night feeds (between 12-5am) but it seems like he is behaving well at night, not fussy and doesn't cry during night feeds. Perhaps it is night time n he is sleepy as well. And when I latch him on I can really feel the bonding between us. Though he may not really know I'm his mummy (or does he?) but I dearly know he is my son. And it can be a happy experience feeding at night too :) well, I may eventually resort to bottle feeding in d coming months but I want to enjoy this kind of bonding for now. So Mummies, though we are going thru difficult times but dun give up easily as u may find the kind of 感动soon :)


Would like to ask when will we start to have milk after delivered? Heard about 6-10days, is it truth? I tried pumping now and it's just a bit of the colostrum which are few drops only.


I got quite alot of colostrum but baby drink seem like drink alot! He drink 40ml after I breast feed him for 2 hr this morning!! Btw my boy bully me!! During evening breast feed!! I feed him abt 20 min I change side he feed awhile then sudden cry super loud n shiver! We wake him up for the feed, nurse just undress him to wake up! Maybe he not use to too open space!! He really scared me!! No matter how I hold touch or cuddle him no use!! See his tear super big one also!! I cry n tell hubby I dun him le!! Baby stop 1 second n continue even louder!! Lucky a nurse came in to wrap him up n carry him, he quiet down after tat! The nurse say he very strong to wrap up!!keep saying baby naughty make mummy cry! Then he stop! Eyes open super big n look at my direction!! The nurse ask to feed him a bit water to fill up his stomach since I feed him 30min le! But he reject water, not choice feed him FM cos my nipples like bruised le! I can see some blood clog!! He finish abt 30ml!! Nurse is stun by his intake also!!

I ask for glass bottles, I got 25 of them!!


In the delivery suite now, very mild contractions 1.5cm dilated only. But I can't feel anything. Can only tell that baby very excited to hear hubby voice. My hubby talk, his heart rate go up 20


Gracecwz- Jia u jia u! Waiting for u at level 3!! Hahaha!! can go walk ard the ward if not in ctg!! But not too far hor!! Outside the other end of the corridor got nursing ward can see babies!! May give u power to push ur baby later!! All the best!!


In the delivery suite now, very mild contractions 1.5cm dilated only. But I can't feel anything. Can only tell that baby very excited to hear hubby voice. My hubby talk, his heart rate go up 20

Hopefully we can read abt ur update by today ;) Finally all May mummies pop Liao!!


Need help. It's 5th day since I delivered. I still do not know on breastfeed. My baby doesn't wanna latch on so I wanna use pump. But when pumping, there isn't anything flowing. What do I have to do?


Fanger - which hospital u delivery?? U can call to ask the lactation nurse or Wat to help. I k ow Thomson n mount a have! There will be charges. But hear from hubby's frd they get help from them, its helpful to have her come over ur place to teach u. Try drink more soup also! Dun stress also! Keeps think of baby!! I actually got more milk today, will try pump out later when go home later.
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does anyone knw when our menses will come back? now is my 1 mth 1 wk aft birth & my blood flow for d past 2 days was as much as my usual menses on d 1st 2 days.. not sure if it's menses or bleeding frm d stitches.. but I do feel abit 腰酸.


Yes I will wait till he stop sucking. I hope he will be full and rest longer before next feed
Then will he suck the other breast after that? I tried letting my girl stop herself, takes abt 45 mins, but she will refuse the other breast...
I will feed him till he's satisfied. If unlatched already he still cries, i'll latch him back again. When he finally gets enough milk, he will have a contented smile on his sleepy face.
My lactation consultant recommend to feed him 30mins on one breast first. If he still not satisfied then start the other breast.


does anyone knw when our menses will come back? now is my 1 mth 1 wk aft birth & my blood flow for d past 2 days was as much as my usual menses on d 1st 2 days.. not sure if it's menses or bleeding frm d stitches.. but I do feel abit 腰酸.
If bf i think it wont come back so soon. My postpartum bleeding is ending soon i think. Now just staining. Finally after almost one month.

But i realized every time i pump my milk, the bleeding will increase?
does anyone knw when our menses will come back? now is my 1 mth 1 wk aft birth & my blood flow for d past 2 days was as much as my usual menses on d 1st 2 days.. not sure if it's menses or bleeding frm d stitches.. but I do feel abit 腰酸.
If bf i think it wont come back so soon. My postpartum bleeding is ending soon i think. Now just staining. Finally after almost one month.

But i realized every time i pump my milk, the bleeding will increase?
Essentially Breastfeeding will cause uterus to contract so bleeding will increase.


back home!! i tried pump out milk i got 30ml for 1hr. breast still very hard and nipples pain, maybe try again later for evening feed. think drink more soup really help. i got soup mostly every lunch n dinner during the hospital stay, drink alot of water, dates tea n milo also.

Btw there a lot of bubbles in milk, how?? Need to warm up 1st b4 give baby drink?
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