EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Active Member
Mine was a Xmas month promotion. Initial price was $2,955/- for 5+1 year storage. However, bcos of the discount I paid $2,653.60 which covers all related cost including gynae collection fee, lab test n storage fee. The subsequent yr ie 7th yr onwards annual storage fee $275/-.

I actually compared Against Cord life but eventually chose Stemcord bcos they hv 2 storage facility unlike cordlife only 1. Juz being kiasu here.

Also, I m seeing that alot of mummies looking at donating. Personal preference but may want to consider storing for own use (touchwood) but juz in case. BB's cord blood only upon delivery, 100% match for BB, 75% match for siblings, 50% match for parents n 15% match for other relatives. We never know when we need it to save our love ones . By donating, doing good but only at 15% match. Juz my 2 cents worth ;)
Hi dear..

The cord blood doesn't applies on all illness & dieases. Keeping baby"s cold blood is just like insurance. Now u buy later when u need it..they will tell u one thing I am sorry we can't used ur baby"s cord blood.

It happens to one of my friend ,End up still she still lose her child who was suffering from leukaemia. What they told my friend was " i am sorry" we can"t used the cord blood due to the condition of your child.

So the moral of this is.. No one (cord bank) can give u 100% promise that it will help ur child even it's a 100% match your child.
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Hi dear..

The cord blood doesn't applies on all illness & dieases. Keeping baby"s cold blood is just like insurance. Now you buy later when you need it..they will tell you one thing I am sorry we can't used your baby"s cord blood.

It happens to one of my friend overseas.. End up still she still lose her child. Even if it's a 100% match for the child but no 100% in curable dieases or illness.

Yup, def works like insurance but it's a safe guard. My cousin's elder child was diagnose wif cerebral palsy recently. Luckily she has stored the cord blood of her younger child. Thus, u never know when u need a chance. Also, wif the advances of technologies, we always hv hope tt new diseases will be treatable. I hope I fun hv to use my BB's cord blood at all but feels more assured knowing I buy myself a chance of guarding against the future :)

FYI , list of diseases treatable by cord blood as per below link


Active Member
Yup, def works like insurance but it's a safe guard. My cousin's elder child was diagnose wif cerebral palsy recently. Luckily she has stored the cord blood of her younger child. Thus, u never know when u need a chance. Also, wif the advances of technologies, we always hv hope tt new diseases will be treatable. I hope I fun hv to use my BB's cord blood at all but feels more assured knowing I buy myself a chance of guarding against the future :)

FYI , list of diseases treatable by cord blood as per below link
STEMCORD Hope for the future
leukaemia is also one of said treatable disease but yet to cure my friend"s child. The life of the child is fated. Your cousin"s child is lucky.


leukaemia is also one of said treatable disease but yet to cure my friend"s child. The life of the child is fated. Your cousin"s child is lucky.
Sad to hear abt ur fren's child. Guess as parents we all hope our child will be blessed wif healthy, abled body. Losing ones beloved already a pain, wats more a child.


Today is my appt. happy that baby is fine n everything ok. Told gynae that I can't feel kick or movement yet and gynae said its impossible as I'm 6mths preg n baby is ok. Maybe I just dont know what is the feeling when baby move or kick. Hiyah
dont worry since your gynae said everything's fine! :)

i felt the movements quite late coz my placenta is anterior so it cushions the movement. also baby might be kicking towards your back instead so you dont realise it either.


Thank u milkshake n Meilynn goer sharing the cost. I guess it's not an easy decision, will discuss with hubby thn decide.


New Member
Yup, def works like insurance but it's a safe guard. My cousin's elder child was diagnose wif cerebral palsy recently. Luckily she has stored the cord blood of her younger child. Thus, u never know when u need a chance. Also, wif the advances of technologies, we always hv hope tt new diseases will be treatable. I hope I fun hv to use my BB's cord blood at all but feels more assured knowing I buy myself a chance of guarding against the future :)

FYI , list of diseases treatable by cord blood as per below link
STEMCORD Hope for the future
hi mummies,

im new in this group and my EDD is on the 26 May. =) im also tinking bout if cord blood is really necessary. my sis told mi u can donate to save other children in need. and also it expensive to keep it. my hubby also said not needed.. (oO)???


New Member
HI mummies,

im expecting my little girl on 26th May. wondering what are the things to buy and if i have got everything ready.. =)
any mummies have confinement ladies to recommend..?? i will need help with my confinement. Need not stay overnight as i dun hv an extra room.. thankz..


feeling angry n emo now..

wonder is it my homo again. i feel some pple who dun know me well thou i very young n shotgun. it is wrg looking very young. i am 32 this yr, but alot of ppl thou i was abt 21 or abit more. w/ a little small tattoo on my hand, dun mean i young n wild n get shotgun.even realli i am shotgun, wonder wat is their biz also!!

i work so hard in my job to gain respect, cos i know alot of pple will onli judging by appearance.

since i preg i start to feel more emotional whenever surrounding aunties give me looks n shake their silly heads!!

just now, my office newly hired cleaner aunty nearly make me fall when she vacuum my area, cant she just wait for 1 second for me to get up n leave b4 vacuum, my space is so big, why must she start at my chair area!! feel like scold her!!


Active Member
feeling angry n emo now..

wonder is it my homo again. i feel some pple who dun know me well thou i very young n shotgun. it is wrg looking very young. i am 32 this yr, but alot of ppl thou i was abt 21 or abit more. w/ a little small tattoo on my hand, dun mean i young n wild n get shotgun.even realli i am shotgun, wonder wat is their biz also!!

i work so hard in my job to gain respect, cos i know alot of pple will onli judging by appearance.

since i preg i start to feel more emotional whenever surrounding aunties give me looks n shake their silly heads!!

just now, my office newly hired cleaner aunty nearly make me fall when she vacuum my area, cant she just wait for 1 second for me to get up n leave b4 vacuum, my space is so big, why must she start at my chair area!! feel like scold her!!
Hi climsp,

Dont bother abt how people look at u ! :) be positive.
If I were u .. I will scold the cleaner.. I never like people vacuum near me when I m preggie. She should do it at all when u r around.


Hi climsp,

Dont bother abt how people look at u ! :) be positive.
If I were u .. I will scold the cleaner.. I never like people vacuum near me when I m preggie. She should do it at all when u r around.
i dun mind she vacuum ard me cos let baby use to the sound also good, but i hate it when she bang to my chair, n nearly make me fall when i try to get up n move away for her! i actually stare at her, but she is like no feeling at all! hope she got karma if she continue like this! just now realli feel like scold her @$%^&* but now baby can hear now, better dun let him listen.


feeling angry n emo now..

wonder is it my homo again. i feel some pple who dun know me well thou i very young n shotgun. it is wrg looking very young. i am 32 this yr, but alot of ppl thou i was abt 21 or abit more. w/ a little small tattoo on my hand, dun mean i young n wild n get shotgun.even realli i am shotgun, wonder wat is their biz also!!

i work so hard in my job to gain respect, cos i know alot of pple will onli judging by appearance.

since i preg i start to feel more emotional whenever surrounding aunties give me looks n shake their silly heads!!

just now, my office newly hired cleaner aunty nearly make me fall when she vacuum my area, cant she just wait for 1 second for me to get up n leave b4 vacuum, my space is so big, why must she start at my chair area!! feel like scold her!!
Oh my, that is so bad of that auntie. Did she apologize?

I look younger than my age as well, though not as young as early twenties, maybe mid twenties. But i ever have those kapo aunties ask me about my pregnancy as well, cos they say I dont look like I am married so cant believe I am preggie.

Hah...so I just laugh it off. Told them i got "bao yang" and it is good to look young what. They had nothing to say then...


Oh my, that is so bad of that auntie. Did she apologize?

I look younger than my age as well, though not as young as early twenties, maybe mid twenties. But i ever have those kapo aunties ask me about my pregnancy as well, cos they say I dont look like I am married so cant believe I am preggie.

Hah...so I just laugh it off. Told them i got "bao yang" and it is good to look young what. They had nothing to say then...
she nvr!! and like nothing happen!!

i dun mind ppl say i look young! but not in a sarcastic way when they know i preg, cos many thou i not married yet!! even if i not marry wat have it to do w/ them!! super kpo lo!! they got children also, not scare of karma meh!!


Active Member
i dun mind she vacuum ard me cos let baby use to the sound also good, but i hate it when she bang to my chair, n nearly make me fall when i try to get up n move away for her! i actually stare at her, but she is like no feeling at all! hope she got karma if she continue like this! just now realli feel like scold her @$%^&* but now baby can hear now, better dun let him listen.
Baby will be used to vacuum sound even u don't let him listen when he is in ur tummy. Vaccum is a white noise it's just like the sound of your blood flood now, ur digestion sound.. So naturally when bb is out he will thinking that the vaccum noise as ur blood flow sound.

For me personally.. Hubby don't do vaccuming in front of me during my preggie.. I can only stay in the room when he does that. I dont touch the vaccum myself at all. Both of us believe that baby will feel scared when they hear the vaccuming sound... During miscarriage.. Baby usually are vaccum out. We both having the same mentality So we will avoid all these.

I think u should tell her off.. But maybe later u can confront her .. Tell her next time u want to vaccum please ask me to get up. Tell her off.. Tell her u r preggie anything happen u can pay or not. For me I will be very nasty if this happen to me.. Some people just brainless n not sensitive... So wake them up !!

Be happy okie !! Jia you !!


i dun know abt the vacuum sound. will walk away next time.

wanna complain to my boss later on the aunty but scare later boss scold her, she become more nasty to me cos my company is very family-oriented, they always like their staffs to get marry n have babies!

i not trying to be big deal tat i am preggy now, but just very angry over this issue!!


Active Member
she nvr!! and like nothing happen!!

i dun mind ppl say i look young! but not in a sarcastic way when they know i preg, cos many thou i not married yet!! even if i not marry wat have it to do w/ them!! super kpo lo!! they got children also, not scare of karma meh!!
Hi climsp,

Dont get so worked up .. Relaxed!! Some people r just werid. Don't bother.. People r just jealous.

If I were u .. I will just laugh it off n say .. Wow.. How I wish I m nt married n preggie.. Don't know how it feels like. But too bad I m married. Why allow others to make u angry!! Laugh it off!

Like me .. I m having a small bump comparing to others at 30wks I am still lean.. Aunties will ask me oh.. How many mths already when I say 7mths+ they comment :" oh ur tummy look abit small" . I don't feel anything.. I just laugh n say.. Ya very small cause 1st child no extra fats.. My baby is doing good weight very good healthy!!

They can't say anything. U know yourself so no need to let other people"s feedback affect u .


i dun know abt the vacuum sound. will walk away next time.

wanna complain to my boss later on the aunty but scare later boss scold her, she become more nasty to me cos my company is very family-oriented, they always like their staffs to get marry n have babies!

i not trying to be big deal tat i am preggy now, but just very angry over this issue!!

Can understand that it can be frustrating when u meet with such people. Try to stay happy. Sometimes I get abit grumpy and angry as well, but I try to tell myself I wont want my baby to be affected. So i try to brush it off.

Yesterday I just met a group of very mischievous boys while buying ice cream. One of them remarked, tummy so big already can still eat ice cream meh? Hah...either they are really ignorant or just trying to be funny. Who cares....


Active Member
i dun know abt the vacuum sound. will walk away next time.

wanna complain to my boss later on the aunty but scare later boss scold her, she become more nasty to me cos my company is very family-oriented, they always like their staffs to get marry n have babies!

i not trying to be big deal tat i am preggy now, but just very angry over this issue!!
Tell ur boss about what happen .. Then tell her off urself .. Just say nicely :" aunty next time hor if u want to vaccum my area pls ask me to get up okie. I m preggie I don't want to fall off my chair n anything happen to me. Add on .. Anything happen who can give me another child".


Just a little feedback, at the baby fair, finished alr actually.
Not very big ( like at most 30 stores, w 10 of those insurances, cord blood, services etc)

Nv buy much. If u r looking for casual cheap bb clothes maybe u will get something, but mil alr bought too much for bb.

So if u r staying far I think not worth the trip, I'm staying like 5 min away so nvm. Will come for the one next week too.


Just a little feedback, at the baby fair, finished alr actually.
Not very big ( like at most 30 stores, w 10 of those insurances, cord blood, services etc)

Nv buy much. If u r looking for casual cheap bb clothes maybe u will get something, but mil alr bought too much for bb.

So if u r staying far I think not worth the trip, I'm staying like 5 min away so nvm. Will come for the one next week too.
Oh...so few stores only? I was thinking of getting some avent stuff. Should I just get it from Robinsons or Metro instead then?