EDD May 2013


i am currently 24 weeks
my baby is weighing 730grams now..... gynae said its within the normal range....


Hello Mummies..it has been a while. how are the lilttle ones doing?
i went for my check last month, gynea say my baby overweight..... How do to eat less when im hungry all the time?? haha
Anyway, kinda worry coz if baby grows to big difficult to deliver many say....might even lead to C-section....
Any tips to curb over eating???
my EDD is 28 May, my weight is now 55 kg. i gained about 12 kg in total during my first pregnancy, so hopefully this time will be about the same.
my last weight in jan was around 52kg so i gained about 3 kg to date. will visit my gynae after cny.
just don't take too much sugary stuff, other than that just eat proportionately and more fruits !


my EDD is 28 May, my weight is now 55 kg. i gained about 12 kg in total during my first pregnancy, so hopefully this time will be about the same.
my last weight in jan was around 52kg so i gained about 3 kg to date. will visit my gynae after cny.
just don't take too much sugary stuff, other than that just eat proportionately and more fruits !
Hi, my edd date same as u. Hihi..
wahu juz gain 3kg.. So nice. I've gain abt 8 kg le. Scary..
Compre to my 1st pregnancy this time I gain a lot. Last time I also gain 12kg in total.


Hi, my edd date same as you. Hihi..
wahu just gain 3kg.. So nice. I've gain about 8 kg . Scary..
Compre to my 1st pregnancy this time I gain a lot. Last time I also gain 12kg in total.
hihi! don't worry, as long as baby is well, it's fine i think. try to cut down on unhealthy food.
counting down to the date .......:001_302:


My doctor/sono nv tell me my baby weight. Also nv say anything. Just say the length of the baby normal. I myself already gain 8-10kg. But my gynea nv say anything also.

Should I ask about the weight? I'm now 24weeks.


Hi mummies,

Happy new year!

My edd is 30th May (initally). last week (wk 24) when i go to gynae, bb wt is 689g. Guess that's normal? But edd reflected on photo changed to 24th May. So should i follow 24th May or 30th May? And also, did any of you notice your bb's percentile? mine is always hovering between 30 - 50 percentile.. wonder if that is ok too.
Hi to all mummies,

I had been browsing this forum and found many useful tips. This is my 2nd post in this forum.

My EDD is 4th of May. My tummy didn't seem to grow much but my baby has been gaining weight. At Week 27, the ultra sound scan already showed that my baby is 1.2kg.

I am concern whether my baby will come out very big as when my husband was born last time, his head was bigger than ave and my MIL ended up in c-sect. I wished for natural birth. When will most ppl discussed their birth plan with the doc?


Hi to all mummies,

I had been browsing this forum and found many useful tips. This is my 2nd post in this forum.

My EDD is 4th of May. My tummy didn't seem to grow much but my baby has been gaining weight. At Week 27, the ultra sound scan already showed that my baby is 1.2kg.

I am concern whether my baby will come out very big as when my husband was born last time, his head was bigger than ave and my MIL ended up in c-sect. I wished for natural birth. When will most ppl discussed their birth plan with the doc?
Hi Violetangelz,

I turned 29 weeks today. My EDD is on 2nd May. My tummy dont grow much too.
At 24 weeks , my baby is 700g and my gynea say it is quite big.
At 28 weeks, my baby is at 1.1kg. Gynea say very good, this is normal. Dont worry too much. So just try to eat healthy, dont diet though. Just healthy food. There is still time for baby to move to correct position.
I have yet to speak to my gynea abt birth plan.....will update y'all as soon as i do.. :)


My doctor/sono never tell me my baby weight. Also never say anything. Just say the length of the baby normal. I myself already gain 8-10kg. But my gynea never say anything also.

Should I ask about the weight? I'm now 24weeks.
Hi ping87, it's strange that gynae didnt tell you your baby weight... Did she give you a printed copy of the scan? The weight is actually written there.
My tummy started really growing bigger and bigger... Now almost every time I'm getting a seat in MRT - hehe)))


New Member
Hi mummies!

Just wanna share that there's baby care festival 2013 at expo on 22-24 Feb. U might wanna get all the baby n mummy stuff there. :)


i am 26 weeks preggy, and my baby is weighing about 932 grams.
as for birth plan, i have also yet to discuss with my gynae, yes, afrogail do update us !
I am trying for VBAC, anyone who is experiencing similar situation ?

Hi Violetangelz,

I turned 29 weeks today. My EDD is on 2nd May. My tummy dont grow much too.
At 24 weeks , my baby is 700g and my gynea say it is quite big.
At 28 weeks, my baby is at 1.1kg. Gynea say very good, this is normal. Dont worry too much. So just try to eat healthy, dont diet though. Just healthy food. There is still time for baby to move to correct position.
I have yet to speak to my gynea abt birth plan.....will update y'all as soon as i do.. :)

Nestled amidst the quiet and serene nature in the north-eastern part of Singapore, Aixin Mummies is the only one-stop wellness and confinement center in Singapore to provide stay-in confinement services for mummies. Our nannies are specially selected and undergo intensive training to ensure that we provide our mummies and babies the best care during the confinement month.

We also provide antenatal classes for mummies; pre/post natal & aqua yoga; herbal bath and massages; guidance and massages for breast-feeding mummies after birth; slimming massages and tummy binding after birth etc.

Thanks for your reply. Waiting to hear from you soon.

Currently my next appt is on 25th Feb. Can't wait to see my baby though my husband is away for reservist.

I been eating as usual. Not much craving but the vomiting from 1st trim come back and I been vomiting out my dinner every night. And now my legs have numbness and pains and today my right arm was numb until I nearly can't write. Anyone experience this before?

I visited my gynea 1 wk before because of giddiness and as such he prepared for me hospitalization leave in advanced that start from week 30 on top of the 2 days mc though he didn't tell me much except to rest more and I been having tenseness in my tummy esp when I walked or take public transport. I attended Childbirth class and my educator mentioned it might be sensitive stomach and might cause pre-term labor. So I am now crossing my fingers and hope nothing serious. As I don't want my baby to come before wk 37. =S

Hi Violetangelz,

I turned 29 weeks today. My EDD is on 2nd May. My tummy dont grow much too.
At 24 weeks , my baby is 700g and my gynea say it is quite big.
At 28 weeks, my baby is at 1.1kg. Gynea say very good, this is normal. Dont worry too much. So just try to eat healthy, dont diet though. Just healthy food. There is still time for baby to move to correct position.
I have yet to speak to my gynea abt birth plan.....will update y'all as soon as i do.. :)


Hi ping87, it's strange that gynae didnt tell you your baby weight... Did she give you a printed copy of the scan? The weight is actually written there.
My tummy started really growing bigger and bigger... Now almost every time I'm getting a seat in MRT - hehe)))
No. My gynea just measure the length. He just print a copy and let me keep that's all. My tummy is growing but dunno is my fats or my baby growing. Don't talk about mrt seat I don't even get seats sia. Maybe they tot I'm fat instead. Lol!
I visited my gynae last wed. Week 28 n he said my bb weighed 1.4kg while normally he should be around 1.2-1.3kg.... :( quite scared cos too big, but he said looks healthy so i shouldn't worry too much..!
I visited my gynae last wed. Week 28 n he said my bb weighed 1.4kg while normally he should be around 1.2-1.3kg.... :( quite scared cos too big, but he said looks healthy so i shouldn't worry too much..!
For mine, the baby weight 1.5kg on ultrasound scan at wk 29. But I think should be normal as I heard ultrasound always not accurate.