EDD May 2014 (maybe)


same here, no signs of baby coming out anytime soon..hehe, will be gg for the next checkup on coming Wed, see what gynae says..still 1+ week to my EDD


I'm having brown discharge. Even have some bloody discharge his morning. Once only thou when wiping.

Good luck tannie and lingz! May we all have a smooth delivery!


Same here no signs.. Only pooping.. 3rd time today liao.... Zzzz no contractions or signs of labor... :p jiayou mummies!

Hmm maybe movements lesser coz not much space inside? My bb's still kicking like mad though.. Sighhh super uncomfy..
Wow tuesday seems happening! Keep updating mummies!

Hmm i tend to sit quite long to wait for feeling to poop and try to poop out the uncomfy feeling in tummy but sometimes sitting too long there may cause the flesh to come out .. Sighh.. :p i'm pooping like 2-4 times a day.. Alot of gas too... :p

hmm i've been very impatient with #1 since weeks ago coz she really purposely get on my nerves! Haha she understands but purposely do the reverse or continue doing it.. Stubbornly hurt herself etc.. These 2 weeks she has been really sticky to me n hubby.. Don't like others to carry when we wre out w friends.. Last time she will love them to carry and don't mind one... Esp today, she totally only want to stick to hubby n me.. I had to carry her coz hubby was bz.. Maybe she does sense something..

Charchia, i will try!! I really hope for a smooth transition to make things easier for my girl ... :p

mummy pris, hoho i thought my no.1 can start walking and i can carry lesser.. But its even more tiring coz need to keep bending and chasing , trying to hold her hands which she is reluctant.. Super tiring for both hubby and me.. Sometimes we don't want to let her down on her feet coz she is a walking maniac or even dash around like a mad sheep.. And hence we have to carry her .. Go supermarket/malls/market is no joke.. She fights to walk and refuse to sit in stroller and car seat.. Its like the beginning of terrible 2! hahahaa don't scare u too much.. Just my experience coz i'm facing her 24-7 .. :p
Oh no! U make perfect sense abt that mobility... and the legendery terrible 2... uh oh.... shud I reconsider the age gap? Or probably i will be able to embrace it as it comes...
Wow mummy pris, triggered labour within hours? That was fast!

Im having some brown discharge now. I think it's likely from gynae checking my cervix this morning. I just wish for time to fly now. Getting excited yet nervous at the same time!
Hi miso
Yah.. i mean it din help baby to pop out like real fast but its like from totally no feeling of baby arriving (her EDD was 13 May and I even did the papers for admission on 12 May tt was Mother's Day haha) to contraction which I thought was pretty normal.. it started off with 10min apart then... like say she did that swep around 4pm? And I already having the 5min interval contraction by 7pm! And dilated to 3cm by 8plus pm... but ehh i only gave birth on following morning 943am.. coz baby face was looking right and not down so though i dilated till 9cm quicker than they expected.. i had 2 to 3hrs of on off pushing... epidural was no use hahaha coz the pain on one side was bad...

I signes C sect form as male doc advise that there may be chance of emergency C sect since baby could get stuck due to face right.. but another female doc later ask if i wanna try pushing one more time since bb heartbeat is strong! And so i did and haha save myself the knife...

Good luck and have fun!!!!


Same here no signs.. Only pooping.. 3rd time today liao.... Zzzz no contractions or signs of labor... :p jiayou mummies!

Hmm maybe movements lesser coz not much space inside? My bb's still kicking like mad though.. Sighhh super uncomfy..
My baby is still moving like waves inside my tummy. Stretching as well wor. :)


Yup like trembling that lasted for awhile. Can see my whole tummy was vibrating very hard for that short while. First time experiencing this though.
Mine is not the whole tummy. Is only one area of my tummy. It happens sometimes though and few seconds only. Maybe is baby shaking her legs?


xiongmao:869185 said:
hey mummies, I delivered on sat morning! my liitle gal is 2.9kg, my little angel
Wow! Congrats! U mentioned that u were sent hme with painkillers and suddenly u delivered!


Congrats xiongmao!! Wah.. When was ur edd supposed to b?
Getting more excited Liao.. I just had my high tea at marriot. Early Mother's Day celebration! For my mum cos she's flying for hols to Canada for 1mth.. Sigh.. So she won't b ard to see n help me out during my confinement. (I m engaging a CL I used previously) oh well abit disappointed but guess I can't b too selfish also. She old Liao want to holiday with her friends...

Hmmm.. Now is the time everyone will keep checking n updating this thread.. Once 3mths later.. The thread will quieten down :(((

hopefullh we can all continue to chit chat n share here.. M not a fan of fb.. So also lost touch with e sept 2012 mummies Le...


Wow! Congrats! U mentioned that u were sent hme with painkillers and suddenly u delivered!
yeah I was sent home but the next night (Fri) the contractions became even more intense. my edd is 18 may, I didn't expect to deliver so soon either. I tot first time mummy usually takes a while


Mine is not the whole tummy. Is only one area of my tummy. It happens sometimes though and few seconds only. Maybe is baby shaking her legs?
Hmm not sure also. My girl finally gave me some hard kicks just now. Cause from yesterday her kicks was very light. Feel more relieve now.


Congrats xiongmao!! No wonder suddenly u nv reply liao.. Have a good rest! My edd 15th may but still no signs!

Piglim, lingz12 and me still here! Haha well ya the sept 2012 mummies chat died down as everyone got bz ... :p

Melancholy, i think baby's movements varies? Maybe u can try by eating something sweet? Gets them moving!