EDD May 2014 (maybe)


excitedwifey i heard NUH Kent Ridge facility for delivery n the ward r good! But expensive.. hehe..

ohh okok.. mine on 15 Jan..


Just gotten my oscar results.Nt tt gd.Haiz..gynae suggested for amino test. But hubby felt tt it's Nt a need to do..my results was 1:259 .gynae said the bb nasal bone,neck thickness was good.but the result gt affected by my blood test.. Haiz..


i cant remembered the reading for #1 it wasnt ideal too.. quite a few of my frd had nt ideal reading too but all our babies r ok
its really indivdual to do the amino test which we all rejected coz there is a risk in mc.


ST Woo:841485 said:
Mrsjlim, oh great we got the same gyne Dr Woo. He was also my 1st baby gynecologist and this time 2nd pregnancy I see him again. The package same like last time no change. Not sure why the package different.great the package include consultation fees, multivitamin, ultraconservative, blood test except fish oil has to pay separately. What is your package like?
ST Woo, my package Is the same as you, but I can sign up the package from the 2nd visit . It also consist of 2 postnatal checkup


New Member
Hi all.. im newbie.. been a silent reader all along. Nw 1st trimester had officially ended, I decided to join in the fun.. hehehe..

My edd is on 18th May.. :)

Sherin86, heard tat there's another test called harmoni test. Is less invasive but abit more ex. Dun wori abt the oscar result ya.. everything will be fine!! :)


Haiz.the reason of Nt wanting to take the amino test is because it's too exp! We can't afford it Nw.Haiz.but hubby decides to still keep the bb. Cause the ratio still Nt too bad..Hopefully bb comes out OK.it's hard Nt to worry lei....:(


Simbaobao, ya my toddler already everyday new pattern.. feeding woes, walking woes, gets bored easily.. i'm exhausted lol..

Welcome happynn! Congrats! My edd is 15th May! afew days before yours! ;)

Hey sherin86, don't worry ya? Hmm nasal bone still ok.. maybe blood test not so accurate? Jiayou ya! If for me i also will worry, but since decision is made to keep baby, just keep a positive mind ya? :)

I just woke up frm putting my baby to slp.. just turned on the bed abit.. wah sort of got a super hard kick frm the bub in my tummy! Coz can't be anything else! His/her first kick!! <3

I'm exhausted .. was out whole afternn, came home n immediately cooked spaghetti for hubby.. walked baby , bathed bb , bathed in lightning speed n put bb to sleep (took her 1hr plus to settle down!) , until i dozed off too.... now up liao.. i hope can slp later!!

ST Woo

meltie, you are really a multi tasking mummy....*^▁^* really admire you....I don't think I can handle....hee

Sherin86, for my 1st pregnancy is 1:32 and high risk. At that time I have no choice to do the amino test. Lucky the result come out to be normal. Now my boy already 3 years old. You don't think too much since you have decide to keep the baby. Just think positive. Jia you!

ST Woo

mrsjlim, I'm not sure you mentioned the postnatal checkup is it the blood test. Anyway, I think the charges still not that ex compare to some of the gyne. As long, you find comfortable with him.


New Member
Good morning!!

Thanks thanks meltie.. :)

Any mummies know their gender of the bb le mah? Just got to know tat one of my fren who's edd oso in may, is having a boy!! So excited nw!! Hope to c the gender nxt visit!! Hehehe


Went for check up yesterday, gynea said 90% is girl again... we wanted a boy... abit disappointed. .. also urine is slightly high in sugar. .. sian...:mad:


ST Woo:841605 said:
mrsjlim, I'm not sure you mentioned the postnatal checkup is it the blood test. Anyway, I think the charges still not that ex compare to some of the gyne. As long, you find comfortable with him.
ST Woo ,The package just say 2 times of postnatal checkup, other than that I'm not so sure .
Anyway do you use Dr Woo's fish oil or buy your own fish oil outside? If you buy from outside which brand do you use?


meltie, you are really a multi tasking mummy....*^▁^* really admire you....I don't think I can handle....hee

Sherin86, for my 1st pregnancy is 1:32 and high risk. At that time I have no choice to do the amino test. Lucky the result come out to be normal. Now my boy already 3 years old. You don't think too much since you have decide to keep the baby. Just think positive. Jia you!
ST Woo, haha i bo bian no choice one.. mil in china for a week.. no dinner.. but its always ez to tapao or cook something simple.. :) Next time i move to my own house i also have to do everything myself.. no relying on maid for laundry.. :p Anyway laundry also done properly, i gotta do double work to sort and fold .. she likes to stack all clothes somehow in alternate fashion.. all mixed up.. rompers, burp cloth, socks, dresses, pants in between.. same for my hubby n my clothes.. sigh no heart.


Good morning!!

Thanks thanks meltie.. :)

Any mummies know their gender of the bb le mah? Just got to know tat one of my fren who's edd oso in may, is having a boy!! So excited nw!! Hope to c the gender nxt visit!! Hehehe
sigh, my gynae also somehow saw nothing between the legs.. most likely girl again.. :/ we hoped for a boy then i can close shop lol.. not sure if still wanna try no. 3.. super xiong.. but as long baby is healthy can already.. :p Hope at detailed scan can see a boy!!


New Member
Tannie.. heard from my fren, drink lots of water one day before the check up.. then the urine test will be gd. Duno hw true is it.. u can try. :)

yeah.. Meltie, I agree wif u.. As long as our bb is healthy n come out smoothly, boy or gal oso doesnt matter. :D
Hi to all mummies and mummies to be

Nice to see all the May babies mummies...

Can I ask all the mummies here, did your experience flu and cough during your pregnancy thus far?
im currently 16 weeks and down with abit of block nose and cough since mon...I'm hoping that I can recover by myself without taking any med and my mum advised me try to refrain from taking cough mixture but it the coughing action which I'm afraid may be bad for the babies.

Any advices from mummies here?


Hi welcome Kan cheong mummy! Hehe.. I have sore throat, cough n flu last 2 weeks.. hence i kept drinking lots of water n some honey drinks n try to avoid fried foods... do rest plenty too.. it helps. now i m better.. Just worried might get it from my colleagues cos it seems like most of them is gg to sick kind..

Hi Meltie, haha u r right! If got 1 boy n 1 girl can close production.. hehe.. but it is really as long as baby is healthy is more impt! :D


New Member
I oso kena a bad cough last week. Tink kena from colleagues, as alot of them is coughing. Machiam orchestra like tat.. hehehe..

I tot of let it heal itself. But in the end, cough until cannt tahan. So go c my gp. Then gp prescribed some meds safe for pregnancy wan. I dare not take too much. So I cut the pills into half n eat. Nw getting better.

Tink drinks lots of warm water helps ba. :)