EDD May 2014 (maybe)

Hihi Kan cheong mummy! It's normal to be kan cheong! I was like that too.. but now 2nd pregnancy i really no time to bother.. lol alot of things no choice got to do.. carry baby, stroller, diaper bag, diy etc.. i don't get to rest.. :p I also fell sick recently.. haven't fully recover, kenna flu again.. i just take some go-prescibed light medication.. coz was sneezing n sniffing like mad, everytime i sneeze, my jaw pain n my pee leak, tummy also contract n cramp.. hate those sneeze marathons.. and i need to get well asap to be able to take care of myno.1.. alittle medication is ok.. i just take 1 day and when it improves, i stop.. its for symptoms relief, unlike those antibiotics, so still ok. :p I also cannot afford to pass to my hubby or no.1.. so i have to get well asap! :(

ST Woo, ya i've been going toilet more often in the day now.. :p really v inconvenient eap i'n out w no.1 alone, need to find handicap toilet so i can push her in with me.. today had to leave her outside the cubicle for a min while i peed at lughtning speed with her screaming outside when she couldn't see me.. aiyoo..

Lingz, ya with no.1 as girls.. we really hope for no.2 to be boy!!!! Let's hope and pray it will be!!!

Today i had sudden morning sickness that struck me while walking.. aiyo gagged n coughed! Sighhh looks like i'm still plagued by it!!
hi meltie,

hope you are getting better from ur flu..

I also felt like as though the lower tummy is contracting when I coughed and smtimes the throat just gets irritated very suddenly and started coughing non stop. Was so worried that the impact of the coughing will affect the babies. As much as I wana control the strength of the cough, but once the throat irritation comes, I just started coughing before I can do anything. My lower tummy feels abit achy today from all the coughing yday...hope it gets better from today...I read online and saw a lot of articles and post that coughing will not harm the babies and also some mummies and MTB experiences here, felt slightly better..

Hope all the mummies and MTB stay healthy always....:)..it's a kan Cheong but exciting journey for me and my hubby thinks I'm being paranoid and worry a lot...but can't help, coz first time mum, dunno what to expect...hope I'm not the only first time mum that behaves like this... Haha
Thanks Meltie for encouraging me! :)

The past few days i'm very addicted to ice-cream, candies, chocolates...... all the sweet sweet stuff.... But i try to control. especially soft drinks.... haha
Hi winniemint,

I also have craving for sweet stuff since first trimester...I kept telling my hubby I wana drink soft drinks and he always tempting me with coke but I always reject coz I know it's not god..but smtimes cannot stand it so take a few sips...:)

and recently i had had my first ice cream after craving for so long...haha... And Of coz it's my hubby who bought it

I was already a sweet tooth person before pregnant so now controlling not to take too much sweet stuff...


Went back for a follow up after last week threaten MC.
Heard baby heart beat. Still look.good.
But oscar result not so ideal.
1:272 while the acceptable range is 250.
was suggested to do amino but hb n i rejected it. Gyane din presist.

Arranged a FA scan on week 18 n detail scan at week 20/22.
SIMbaobao - I'm see Dr Su at NUH! She's really gentle, calming and reassuring... I like that she's not the kind who is judgmental or the kind who's bossy or condescending.. really nice lady and according to 2 of my friends who have had their 1st child delivered by her, they think she's really gentle and it helps that her hands are small! LOL... but she's really popular, always got lotsa people in line for her...

JA13 - I myself have not toured the delivery rooms per se (only gonna do so in Jan) but from my previous visit to my friend in the maternity ward, everything looks quite new and nice... but so far what has really convinced me that I made the right choice, is the caring staff and nurses I have encountered these few months... the Women's Clinic is always super busy and crowded whenever I go down for my appts, but everyone is still always very professional and polite and courteous.. so no feeling of being herded like cattle/assembly line, know what I mean? Unlike what I've heard at a very popular public hospital keke... even when I went for my OSCAR scan last friday and after that, to see my gynae and this happened in 2 different clinics, everything went smoothly and no confusion or screw-ups.. only downside maybe is that I always have to "add" around 45 mins to my appt timing, to get the actual timing of seeing the doctor/getting a scan... but since I know this, I always come later so that my waiting time is less :p

sherin86 - don't worry! I'm very sure your baby will be okay and I assume from your nick that you're only 27 this year - even lower risk for you than me! I did think of a plan if my baby result turned out to be not so good - instead of going for amnio or CVS which is invasive, or going for a DNA test which is super ex, you may want to go to a Dr Anandakumar at Camden Medical - apparently he is very experienced and super zai in this area... he will perform a scan for you and usually his scan is super accurate... this way you don't need to pay so much, and you get peace of mind :) Anyway... which reminds me... I'm still pending my blood test results heh... hope it turns out well!
SImbaobao - I just read your latest post... you may also wanna consider Dr Anandakumar at Camden Medical - apparently he is very experienced and super zai in this area... he will perform a scan for you and usually his scan is super accurate... this way you dont't need to pay so much, and you get peace of mind :) This is my back-up plan in case my test result also not so good... but really, chances are your baby will be fine :)
All - anyone hiring a confinement lady? I think I will, cos this is my 1st and knowing me, I'm a bit "xiao jie" type LOL (my parents called me "xio jia" when I was younger) and even when not pregnant, am lazy to do household chores and need a lot of sleep to function LOL... initially I was very gungho and thought of my hubby and I being super hands-on, but after reading about the 2nd time mummies experiences, I think I better be safe and hire a CL and try to get more rest during my confinement...
But after the 4 months maternity leave ends, I'm almost 100% sure I will go back to work and will not be a stay-home mum... I'm just someone who is not talented domestically nor have the temperament to be one... I really respect and admire who are, because it is such a noble calling, for mums to be home for their kids growing up... so now my hubby and I are trying to plan ahead... after my 4 mths maternity leave ends, then how...

Anyone facing the same issue as me? And what is your conclusion so far? Hai... Singapore really not conducive to work-life balance, I must say, speaking as both a mum to be and a HR professional... the govt is frankly more concerned with GDP growth and productivity (and ministers pay which is linked to these KPIs) than happiness of the citizens... sigh...


SIMbaobao - I'm see Dr Su at NUH! She's really gentle, calming and reassuring... I like that she's not the kind who is judgmental or the kind who's bossy or condescending.. really nice lady and according to 2 of my friends who have had their 1st child delivered by her, they think she's really gentle and it helps that her hands are small! LOL... but she's really popular, always got lotsa people in line for her...
I see. Seeing Dr Anita/ Kanika ( delievered my #1 emer case) / Dr Claudia as subsidy patient now. Will switched over as pte patient with Dr claudia. Kind of like her way of handling things with us.


excitedwifey, there are realli nt much choices if u dun tink u can be a sahm.. either help from parents, infantcare or bb sitter.. For me, my parents stay too far away and I wan to fetch my bb back every night, so tat's no deal.. my pil are too old and mil say she can take care if we hire a maid (im not comfy with a stranger in e hse so no deal too).. Infant care has pros and cons but the big con of bb falling sick easily or if I hav to take leave in case the centre has to close due to hfmd or wat is quite disruptive.. So in e end I settled for a bb sitter for my #1.. after interviewing many bb sitters, im lucky to find one tat's good enuff for me and bb.. hee..

now tat #2 is coming along.. im facing e same headache again.. we sounded my bb sitter out asking wat she tinks if we put my #1 in childcare and she helps us with #2.. we will need her help to fetch #1 hme from childcare cos we wun b able to rush back by 7pm amd probably oso feed her dinner.. but she's nt too keen.. she say she might nt b able to cope with 2.. esp if childcare centre is to close or of #1 falls sick, she will have 2 bubs at hme with her.. sighz.. big headache now..
Ling12 - yeah, currently I'm leaning towards a babysitter too... but in this day and age, I really dunno who's available and good :( Haha anyone know a good one in Bukit Panjang, hopefully in Bangkit? :p


haha.. excitedwifey, cant help u.. this kind of thing need connections.. we manage to get ours after asking ard.. asking frens, asking relatives etc.. in e end, my bb sitter is the mum of my hubby's fren's fren.. hahaha.. jia you la!


New Member
@winniemint You are not alone! I am at week 17 now and my appetite is still very bad. I can only stomach down 1 and a half meal a day. And I am also addicted to sweet stuff like chocolates and ice cream!! I've been having it almost every other day. :x

Anyway, I have started to feel the baby kicks since a few days ago.. and today, I managed to see it! Small bumps will appear on the tummy. It's really amazing for a first time mom like me. :001_302: Can't wait to find out the gender in 2 weeks time!


Shersy! I also felt the kicks!! This time so early at 15 weeks for me! :p Cannt recall when i first felt or recognised it in the 1st pregnancy! Today all the kicking and fluttering while i was driving .. such a calm activity lol ..

simbaobao, jiayou. I'm sure there are some worries on your mind.. but once you set ur heart and mind to go for it, just be strong.. :) The tests are not always accurate...

Kan Cheong mummy, its v normal to be kan cheong! ;) Don't worry ! You can read up more! :) Best is to hear experiences.. coz books differ much frm reality.. i read up online also, but its the advice of mummies that i trwasure most coz its real! :p

Winniemint, just go with what your body tells u ya? But with some moderation lol.. i also believe your body has some cravings and inclination towards foods that your body needs.. :) Like i craved for milo (calcium bah), bananas (magnesium), etc ..

Lingz12! aiyo all the problems abt childcare! :p having no.2 just reshuffles our lives that we have sort of put in order after a year , doesn't it? lol Hope you find the best way! Hope your babysitter can take 2 kids , thats the best liao.. so fetch all together! :p Ya my aches .. aiyo feel so old man..

Excitedwifey, i was also very career minded, pending for a promotion to be in marketing.. everyone was looking at me to apply for the next internal opening.. but i wanted to focus on my pregnancy, so i thought maybe after giving birth i will try.. Lo n behold, my parents n mil not keen to take care of bb, infant care all full! Waitlist is at least 6 months! (Dragon baby thats why?), mil don't want me to put in babysitter, always say thebest person to take care is me... AND of coz, after my little one came i to my arms, i feel so much responsibility towards her and her development.. this mother instinct? Hmm love her so much , can't bear for her to go infant care n fall sick, come u der hands that i don't trust.. she was not an easy infant.. with colic, reflux, lotsa regurgitation, cried alot.. had to undergo surgery at 3months.. i just couldn't bear to leave her alone.. plus she is super super cute n sweet! I don't wanna miss any of her development milestones.. so i went back to work at 5 mths after maternity and tendered after a month.. meanwhile my bb had a hard time crying n puking everyday under my mil n maid's care.. they cannt carry her properly, can't coax, can't feed properly, and she vomits every feed without burping well.. she seldom slp in the day coz mil doesn't know how to coax.. sigh.. all these factors pushed me to decide to be a fulltime mum. I guess its up to individual.. anyway i went back to work feeling different, work no longer on my mind.. family seems to come first and my baby is the most impt thing in my life.. i decided to devote myself to her 1st few years of life, that she can grow up happy n w the right values! :) Now with no.2 coming, whoe new set of worries I don't know how i can manage 2 alone! Not keen to get maid.. foresee i'll have even more no time for myself! Gotta eat, pee n poop faster!! :p But alot of mummues say i'll pull through.. hope my no.1 is guai enough to help! (even waiting helps!) As long as finances ok, we live simply, without regrets.. :) I don't buy clothes/shoes often, also dun do skincare/facial , manicure.. basically v low upkeep.. after delivery, i also eat fast and simple.. i'm a foodie but i can eat lesser restaurant n go hawker/fdcrt more, appreciate different food , well its alot on managing expectations.. People always tell me... babies don't stay babies forever.. they outgrow v v fast!!!! I'm already missing her baby moments! My no.1 is already 14 mths and it seemed like just yesterday that she just came to mess up my life! lol! Sometimes felt like eternity, but time keeps ticking! :p So i'm trying to cherish everyday with her , though sometimes i dread those bad fussy days... :p she makes it up w her hugs n kisses, blunders n overdose of cuteness! :D V soon she'll be running away from me instead of asking me to carry or hold her! :p Before long, she'll go to sch n start the stress of life! Now she can enjoy play everyday with no worries .. love to see her enjoy, ask and being so curious of everything around her..:)

Jiayou mummies!!


meltie, i totally felt u. i haf no regerts becoming a sahm after delievering her. though most of the time she really drive me up the wall but when she gave me her hugs n kisses.. tell me she will protect me n i love u.. just clear off all the shits she given.


Hi kan cheong mummy, I am experiencing same cough as you..been 4 weeks and im still coughing! Maybe the cough is some pregnant thingy? Just need endure I guess..the itchy throat is no fun! Ircause non stop coughing! And now I hardly have appetite. I am abt week 14.

Btw anyone with kkh? What prenatal are you guys on? I took Ganilia. Isit enuff? Or we need additional fish oil?
Meltie - thank you so much for sharing! Yah I always think that you never know what happens in life; you may think you have a certain mindset but it could very well change 180 degrees... I guess now at 14 weeks I don't think I'll be able to cope being a full time mum, but who knows right? Being women we do have the choice (somewhat more socially accepted than men) to opt out of the workforce and devote our time to our previous children... Ok we see how over the next 6-10 mths :)

Btw anyone got problem swallowing huge pills, like me? I've given up on my calcium pills and dont even wish to start on my multi vits... Have cut up my calcium pills but I still gag on them and end up puking out everything :( :( :( I'm gonna ask my gynae for alternatives lol...
Hi kan cheong mummy, I am experiencing same cough as you..been 4 weeks and im still coughing! Maybe the cough is some pregnant thingy? Just need endure I guess..the itchy throat is no fun! Ircause non stop coughing! And now I hardly have appetite. I am abt week 14.

Btw anyone with kkh? What prenatal are you guys on? I took Ganilia. Isit enuff? Or we need additional fish oil?
Hi applez10,

did u go see doc for your cough? I still wana let it heal by itself so I din see doc and I haf been drinking a lot of hot water whenever the itch comes. U are right, the itchy is no fun, it can really make you cough like mad and hard non stop. I heard immune system will not be tt gd during pregnancy so will fall sick easily..tts why I think we must really take good care during this period...

do you feel your lower tummy like tightening after every time you cough? I was so worried abt the little ones inside coz the cough action was qte forceful smtimes I dunno is it bad for them. I'm hoping for the cough to recover soon. My appetite actually not very gd also coz my digestion not very gd so always feel bloated, can't really eat much so my food now mostly liquid food like porridge or soupy stuff. I'm at abt 16 weeks now.

my gynae is at gleneagles.