EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Those who doesn't have good appetite can try drinking honey lemon. It helps me when I am expecting no. 1. Also I drink maternal milk twice a dayto supplement my diet n for calcium in take. Too bad I can't take any milk for no.2 cause I will feel v bloated n uncomfortable.


Exitedwife, I face the same prob when #1. My mum last min changed mind abt taking care of my gal, so we looked arnd for infant care at bt Pangjang area. There is not much choice near my area... The one we like is my first Skool cause it is new n cheap but the wait list is long. The cheap one dun look good, the good ones r ex. My hubby dun like the idea of nanny cause he worried the nanny will bring the baby out to mkt etc n also the hygiene habit etc. Hiring maid is out of qn cause he freak out when he saw a maid Lisa the baby she look after....
But lucky for me, my mum said if no other choice she will look after for me... Think after 4 months of taking care my gal, she also v sayang her....So she took care of my gal till now.


I also not someone who can stay at home n look after baby... After 4months of ml, I can't wait to return... I feel like going crazy looking after baby 24/7... Haha... Returning to work give me a breather.
Thanks for your advice Tannie! At least your mum say she try and take care and now she sayang your darling daughter now hehe... my mum and MIL are not even open to the idea, never even say anything :(

I think I gotta look for a nanny from an agency closer to my due date...

ST Woo

Hi mummies, I have been so worries since yesterday evening I came back from dinner. I realised there's blood stained on the toilet paper when I wipe. For the pass weeks, I have been having yellow discharge from my vaginal whenever I passed urine. Till yesterday until this morning, when I went to toilet to pass urine there is blood when I wipe. I not sure I'm I suffer from urinary tract infection or any other bacteria infection. But I don't feel any pain when I pass urine only I little not comfortable under the vaginal. -_-||

My next gynecologist appointment is next Tuesday. My hubby ask me to go see a GP first. I so scare and worry now. Did any mummies experience this before.


New Member
Morning Mummy St Woo.. u wana make an appt wif ur gynae today for a check up? I oso having blood on last fri nite aft dinner. Scared the freak out of mi. Faster went to kk 24hr clinic. Was damn scared until my heartbeat is more power than my little one.. hahaha.. in the end, doc given mi a hormone jab n duphaston to support. Is reli a scary experience.
ST Woo - I recommend you to call your gynae and quickly go down and see her ASAP... don't bother going to see GP or wait till next Tuesday... this is considered emergency case I believe... my gynae always told me if got blood, quickly see her... better to be safe than sorry...

All the best!!!


yes yes ST Woo.. better to go down to ur gynae immediately.. tat's wat my gynae told me.. if see blood, dun wait, go down immediately, dun wait for the next appt..


Yes yes i agreed too ST Woo! Dont wait just call ur gynae n say u gg to see her today due to the blood stain... dont wait..


ST Woo, ya pls let ur gynae know.. blood can mean alot.. so don't wait! I also have alot of discharge.. whitish to yellowish which is normal according to gynae.. same for pre pregnancy n 1st pregnancy..

Tannie, gd that ur mum eventually cbamged her heart.. i'm actually sounding out my mum to shift in to stay w me in my new house .. to help me in 3rd trimester and 1st few months after no.2 comes out.. need to cook, wash n take care of 2 babies.. not gonna be ez alone... hope she can help..

Tannie n Excitedwifey, ya i also had feelings of wanting to die when taking care of baby 24/7, but got over it.. i realised i just needed a breather .. which let me have my sanity back.... but den the burden of baby not taken care properly was more beckoning.. so no choice i have to try to breathe while being a full time mum.. hubby got to help out! If not i would have gone crazy.. some days i'll keep bugging hubby on what time is he coming home coz i ran out of patience n ideas to entertain my bb.. lol.. so i try to go w bb, go supermarket, drink tea w frens etc.. go out feel better..


Ya ST woo, I more ks will walk in to gynea if got blood... do u hv any piles? I also got bleeding in first trimester n not sure whether is virginal or piles so I called the clinic. .. the nurse advise if bleeding continue thn go down to clinic immediately but if stop after a while shld be piles. ..
Tannie - yah true, read somewhere that pregnant women are more prone to get piles, either cos of hormones or physical changes to body... I guess from the exact position we wipe, can tell if it's coming from anus or vagina... but regardless, best if ST Woo sees gynae ASAP... esp since she said she was urinating when she saw the blood.. and not doing a #2... so better to be safe than sorry....

ST Woo - update us later ok?


anyone can give me a suggestion as i suspect my mgmt will not find a temp. position to cover my duties during my maternity leave next May.. i m doing full sets accounts (bad role) n i m kinda afraid they will wait till i come back to continue the work wor.. haiz the thoughts of these made me dont feel like coming back.. how how how? although i speculate but this feb got 1 lady from operation on ML i was assigned to stand in to cover part of her role.. so i really cant help but assume no one is covering my job.. cos now only myself doing accounts for the company.. :(
JA13, dont give yourself too much pressure now. If cannot cope, must alert your boss about it.

next year my office is going to reallocate during my ML and it's a more far n long travel time for me. i also don't know how. already get myself prepare for the worse after birth. Cos now baby is our priority. most important is to stay positive now and give birth a healthy cheerful baby. :) Hope this will help you!


i speculate but i hope wont happen.. but i think i shd consider til Jan when i finally know what they will do then i can handle it well.. mayb i just take 16 weeks + extended no pay leave.. haha..

oh dear relocation is v exhausting de.. luckily u alrdy on ur ML.. ur company got hr policy say cannot tender after ML of 6 mths? luckily mine dont have any clause de.. if worst come to worst just tender lo..


Yap JA13 dun think too much. I dun think ur co. Can dun do a/c for 4 months. Maybe try to check it out from ur boss. Evwn if they really dun hire one, jus do ur best when u r back, not yr fault.


Hi kan chong mummy!
Yes..I feel v full after coughing and some cramps..:( and my ribcage is so painful!!!! Do you still have itchy throat? Oh mine seemed tp get worst at night and I cant sleep well :(
Hi kan chong mummy!
Yes..I feel v full after coughing and some cramps..:( and my ribcage is so painful!!!! Do you still have itchy throat? Oh mine seemed tp get worst at night and I cant sleep well :(
Hi applez10,

my my throat was really itchy the the first few days and the itchiness can come very suddenly and trigger the cough. My ribcage doesn't hurt but just felt like lower tummy tighten and achy after a whole day of coughing. Now my throat slightly better but still haf sm phlegm. There was 1-2 nights I can't sleep well too coz once the throat itchy...It triggers the cough and I haf to quickly wake up and grab hot water to make the throat better. But now is the nose...everyday keep blowing to try clear the nose but smhow after tt mucus build up again so these few days keep blowing nose. I think coz I did not see doc for med n rather let it recover by itself...tts why taking a longer time.

are u on med? If not maybe u can try drinking hot water each time the throat is itchy... It helps to soothe the throat abit and may help to loosen the phlegm so that u can cough it out without exerting too much strength.

ST Woo

Thank you so much all mummies for your advise. #^_^#

I did went to see GP and I was referred to KK 24 hrs O&G clinic. I went this morning to see the doctor. The reason for my bleeding is not due to pile. At first my baby heartbeat was check to ensure my baby is fine, then my vaginal was examined and found out that there is a polyps grow at my cervix that cause bleeding whenever I passed urine and my urine was also tested no sign of infection. So the reason is because of the polyps and quite big. The doctor said im pregnant it cannot be removed now.. I was given a white color bullet to insert in my vaginal.
Today, my gynecologist clinic only operate in the evening that why I went to KK instead.
I will be seeing my gyne Dr Woo tomorrow and ask for his advise.

Hope the polyps will not grow any bigger....sigh..