EDD May 2014 (maybe)


New Member
Hello all, am new to this forum.
Gotten a shock when I saw all the diff mum weight gains and baby weight!
I'm 23.5wks now, gained abt 6.6kg and my baby last weighed in at 620g according to the FA scan?!
Have been told since the first scanning that she's "big/tall", in the 95% now :O
Gynae even questioned if I got my last menses date correct (duh)
Dunno why she is so big cos we have skinny genes in the family haha
Shd i be worried?

I'm a normal eater, no MS, first baby, plus she is a girl.
Been taking milk with Anmum powder once a day (recommended is 2x a day)

I heard that babies who are too big will be hard to deliver naturally and will need to do C-sect.
Really prefer natural birth...

Asked gynae and she just said "its ok ur baby is developing well." :/
Hi hi~ talking about drink milk. That reminds me could it be drink milk powder cuz our bb to be heavy??

I'm drink similac mum. Last scan bb is 450g. Detail scan will be on this Thurs


Hi mummies sorry for the late action... my gal is down with fever for 3 days n sent her to kk a&e i have been busy attenting to her. She has becoming extremely sticky.

Those who pmed me email, ive invite via email, hope u hv receive. Will try to keep up with the rest. Hope for your understanding.
Hi mummies sorry for the late action... my gal is down with fever for 3 days n sent her to kk a&e i have been busy attenting to her. She has becoming extremely sticky.

Those who pmed me email, ive invite via email, hope u hv receive. Will try to keep up with the rest. Hope for your understanding.
Oh no! Hope your girl feels better now. Dont worry, Tannie. We all can understand how tiring it will be. We can always chat here first. You must also get more rest yourself. Take care!


Hi mummies sorry for the late action... my gal is down with fever for 3 days n sent her to kk a&e i have been busy attenting to her. She has becoming extremely sticky.

Those who pmed me email, ive invite via email, hope u hv receive. Will try to keep up with the rest. Hope for your understanding.
hope she is much better now... when u r free, add me on facebook... char_chia@yahoo.com


Thanks Perkyperky. My gal is still hving fever, cough n cold. Worst is she dun wana drink or eat n let us sponge or wipe her n is getting quite weak... good thing is she is still drinking milk.


oh dear Tannie.. hope ur girl will get well soon.. wen the babies fall sick, we are as much tired as they are.. so u take care too!

no worries abt the fb thingy.. not v urgent ma.. we can still tok here.. hee..
Hi CharChia,

Thanks for your advice! If I really bth then I will go see the chinese sinseh. Cos u know la.. if anything happens to the bb, ppl will blame me and I will blame myself also.. So try to tahan as much as I can before I go to see the sinseh as last resort.

BTW, is your chinese physician good? Mind sharing the address with me?

Oh, I always thought with my slipped disc problem, c-sect is my only option.. So scared of the pain and wound on top of my severe back pain which I alr anticipated! I m ok with epidural if there is a choice of natural birth even at all.. Shall see what my gynae advise me in time to come.. It is ok to do epidural even with slipped disc hor?

Anyway, how is your slipped disc coming along for this second pregnancy? Everything so far so good? Mother really wei da hor, bear through all the pain just to deliver the baby safely. Jiayou!!!
Thanks Perkyperky. My gal is still hving fever, cough n cold. Worst is she dun wana drink or eat n let us sponge or wipe her n is getting quite weak... good thing is she is still drinking milk.
Tannie, at least she's drinking milk and is well hydrated. I guess with her fever, she will not have much appetite. But keep trying, cos we never know when they will eat.

I've pm you about my FB address. But no hurry though. Like I said, we can always chat here.


New Member

i do agree as long as baby is growing well should be fine. The only down side is we mummy might have a hard time carrying big baby in tummy :) especially last trimester, tummy might get bigger at the quick rate.

I believe most mummies would want a natural birth, but there are times whereby we are hit by difficult circumstances whereby we need to undergo c sec.

For my case, my first pregnancy i was overdue by 1 day, when i admit into hospital, gynae broke my water bag in the morning, but after 7 hours , i am still 4-5 cm
dilated, nurses encourage me to take epidural because think that i might be too nervous and cervix is dilating slower. They want me to relax, so ok, i opt for epidural.
But after 10 hours, only 7cm and until 12 hours still no improvement, got a call from gynae and she comfort me and told me a emergency c-sec is required. i agree i was sad, but my friends comfort me over the phone saying for mum and bb safety, no matter c-sec or natural, as long bb is good, we mummies will be happy.

My bb weigh 3.56kg, not really very big to me though, but the head is slightly big. Now he is 19 months and still in the 90 percentile, and i do hope the second one will be average size to make my life easier when looking after them.haha
Hi ilovebbdylan

thanks for ur reply! Did u eat anything extra during your pregnancy that's why baby is heavy?
And after preg did the doc say why he is still very tall and heavy?

Not sure if it could really be due to all the extra vitamins and nutrients from the milk powder haha but very possible!
But I only started the milk powder in 2nd tri, and i've already been told baby was bigger than average at 12th wk scan haha
I assume u are taking it on top of multivits like me right?
I'm taking DHA pills as well...
Am i too kiasu? haha


New Member
Hi ilovebbdylan

thanks for ur reply! Did u eat anything extra during your pregnancy that's why baby is heavy?
And after preg did the doc say why he is still very tall and heavy?

Not sure if it could really be due to all the extra vitamins and nutrients from the milk powder haha but very possible!
But I only started the milk powder in 2nd tri, and i've already been told baby was bigger than average at 12th wk scan haha
I assume u are taking it on top of multivits like me right?
I'm taking DHA pills as well...
Am i too kiasu? haha
Haha!! Ya kiasu parents from the start :wong29:

Gyane didn't really mention about her weight but keep saying. Here big there big. Looks big~~ lol


Wow! Looks like most mummies have bigger babies! So much nutrients! Haha My baby is average weight.. :p 324g at 20 weeks.. seems like i've got another petite baby.. haha my no.1 also quite small size.. :) 15.5 mths still can fit 6mths clothes.. hahaha ..

All you mummies are so active!! :) Let's keep this forum active! :) Gonna be a long journey together!

I'm sneezing again.. sigh its really every 2 days.. i think its really getting v sensitive.. all the dust and cat fur at home.. gonna brace for packing to sgift house in 2 weeks time! Hate the dust! Makes my nose all itchy.. :/

Wishing all ya mummies a great week ahead! :)
opps i also take multivit, dha n drink milk everyday! big baby good or bad ah?

meltie, i think really is the dust n fur that makes u sneeze so badly all the time.. I have sensitive nose too and can't be in dusty plc or touch animals/soft toys etc.. hope after u move house your nose will get better!


Thanks Perkyperky. My gal is still hving fever, cough n cold. Worst is she dun wana drink or eat n let us sponge or wipe her n is getting quite weak... good thing is she is still drinking milk.
maybe you want to check with the medical shop if can give barley water to help bring down the fever... when my daughter was having fever, we gave her barley water and she recovered quite quickly...


Hi CharChia,

Thanks for your advice! If I really bth then I will go see the chinese sinseh. Cos u know la.. if anything happens to the bb, ppl will blame me and I will blame myself also.. So try to tahan as much as I can before I go to see the sinseh as last resort.

BTW, is your chinese physician good? Mind sharing the address with me?

Oh, I always thought with my slipped disc problem, c-sect is my only option.. So scared of the pain and wound on top of my severe back pain which I alr anticipated! I m ok with epidural if there is a choice of natural birth even at all.. Shall see what my gynae advise me in time to come.. It is ok to do epidural even with slipped disc hor?

Anyway, how is your slipped disc coming along for this second pregnancy? Everything so far so good? Mother really wei da hor, bear through all the pain just to deliver the baby safely. Jiayou!!!
so far so good... my sinseh is in chai chee area... Maybe my slip disc is not so bad plus my gynae is pro - natural... He is very confident in letting me give birth naturally... so u should really check with ur gynae and understand his concerns if he wants u to c sect... btw swming do help in relieving back ache and strengthing ur back too...