EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Wat I read was.. wen mummy comes home with #2.. make sure that mummy is not carrying #2 so tat mummy keep her hands free to hug #1 and introduce #1 to #2.. also to prevent jealousy.. so tat's wat im prob gonna do.. then oso to buy a gift for #1 and tell her tat didi brought her a gift! My fren says this gift approach works for her.. I hope it works for me too.. Though I haven tot of wat to buy for #1 yet..
Ya i heard about the gift too.. probably bring the gift to hosp or prep at home.. maybe should bring no.1 to buy a gift for no.2.. and also buy a gift for no.1 saying its no.2 give one.. :p hope she understands.. she loves meimei alot now.. kissing, listening and hugging my tummy day and night. I wonder if she remembers she also was in my tummy 1.5 yrs ago.. haha

Hmm i haven made any solid arrangements to settle no.1 yet.. but most prob i need hubby to settle my no.1.. so may not make him stay w me this time round.. but he was a great help coz i was in pain and allergic reaction etc.. his friends come he was around too.. so easier.. he also helped me to the toilet and helped me apply some of the piles cream.. :p this time round i guess i gotta be stronger on my own.. my no.1 come hosp also won't be v ez to handle her.. sure ask me to carry and stuff.. sure run all over the place... sigh how man.. but i will miss my girl.. i'm taking care of her needs 24-7.. cannot imagine not seeing her n putting her to slp.. worried for her meals too.. dunno if hubby can cook for her .. :p and manage everything while i go give birth... am i thinking too much? hahaa

Oh ya i just went to see my gynae today! My girl is growing very well, placenta is high, umblical cord is good, baby facing down, 1.8kg now @ 30 weeks! Gynae commented very good weight.. i've gained almost 10kg! My no.2 is super active! Kicking non stop and moving around whole time.. these days she kicks me alot in the middle of the night!!

And oh! any of you have decided on your baby's name? sigh i'm still trying to think of a name.. her sister is Charlotte.. i like classic names.. any suggestions? Been thinking of Claire, Isabel, Lydia.. just cannot find one that i can really say 'aha!'.. For my no.1, hubby n i thought of her name since early stage of pregnancy liao! Poor no.2 is still nameless and i don't have much time to talk to her.. haha


Ya i heard about the gift too.. probably bring the gift to hosp or prep at home.. maybe should bring no.1 to buy a gift for no.2.. and also buy a gift for no.1 saying its no.2 give one.. :p hope she understands.. she loves meimei alot now.. kissing, listening and hugging my tummy day and night. I wonder if she remembers she also was in my tummy 1.5 yrs ago.. haha

Hmm i haven made any solid arrangements to settle no.1 yet.. but most prob i need hubby to settle my no.1.. so may not make him stay w me this time round.. but he was a great help coz i was in pain and allergic reaction etc.. his friends come he was around too.. so easier.. he also helped me to the toilet and helped me apply some of the piles cream.. :p this time round i guess i gotta be stronger on my own.. my no.1 come hosp also won't be v ez to handle her.. sure ask me to carry and stuff.. sure run all over the place... sigh how man.. but i will miss my girl.. i'm taking care of her needs 24-7.. cannot imagine not seeing her n putting her to slp.. worried for her meals too.. dunno if hubby can cook for her .. :p and manage everything while i go give birth... am i thinking too much? hahaa

Oh ya i just went to see my gynae today! My girl is growing very well, placenta is high, umblical cord is good, baby facing down, 1.8kg now @ 30 weeks! Gynae commented very good weight.. i've gained almost 10kg! My no.2 is super active! Kicking non stop and moving around whole time.. these days she kicks me alot in the middle of the night!!

And oh! any of you have decided on your baby's name? sigh i'm still trying to think of a name.. her sister is Charlotte.. i like classic names.. any suggestions? Been thinking of Claire, Isabel, Lydia.. just cannot find one that i can really say 'aha!'.. For my no.1, hubby n i thought of her name since early stage of pregnancy liao! Poor no.2 is still nameless and i don't have much time to talk to her.. haha
I'm thinking of naming my girl Arielle. Just kind of like the spelling :)


Meltie.. No no.. u're nt tinking too much.. cos im tinking the same too.. although im nt with my girl 24/7, I made it a point to bring her home from the nanny every night so she always sleeps with me.. She has never slept without me before.. So now im quite worried how things will be wen im in hospital, whether she will be sleeping well.. if I will be in hospital on a weekday, then still nt so bad at least she's used to nanny's cooking.. if im in hospital on a weekend, I have to rely on hubby or my mum or mil to cook for her.. my hubby is totally clueless.. I have to specifically tell him where everything is kept (including a description of how they look like) and give precise instructions.. my mil on e other hand likes to put salt or soya sauce in porridge which I hate but she insist bb dun like plain porridge.. But I believe in natural flavouring for my girl lor.. if u cook porridge with meat or sweet potato etc, it will be flavoured lor.. my mum oso e same.. though she respect my wishes unlike my mil.. so my mum is prob e best candidate..

Im oso trying to tink of names for my boy now.. so late! I tot of jie jie's name wen I was in 2nd trimester I tink.. now im in 3rd trimester and didi still has no name.. So these few days I have shortlisted a few to discuss with hubby.. I super like Zachary! But he says it sounds like a spoilt brat name.. >_< Now still trying to convince him.. Jie jie is called Desiree, if didi is called Zachary, their name sort of rhymes and both names are 3 syllabus too!

Wow meltie.. ur girl's growing so well! I always have a weight issue with my babies.. Sighz.. Gg to gynae 2 weeks later and gynae say e target weight to reach is 2kg at 33 wks.. super stress.. I noe how to make me put on weight.. but I dunno how to make didi put on weight.. :(

Ur babies still v active now? I feel my boy like not as active as before le leh.. And it kinda worries me.. I can still feel him move but most of the time it"s just like rolling ard or stretching of the limbs.. v mild movements.. no more kicks and sharp jabs.. I hope it's cos there's nt much rm inside and not cos of anything else.. I cant believe I rather he kick me or give me sharp jabs more.. haha..


I also have not thought about no.2 name... we have shortlisted a few but can't decide... my no. 1 is called elva...

No.2 is growing well... Only active at night, making sleep so difficult... everyday jab me here n there in the middle of the night...


Thanks mummies for all your help. I really blur. Haha.. I worry my flow will be heavy coz i usually have heavy flow during my menses, especially the 2nd day. I have stained chairs, bedsheets and mattresses before so i'm really worried about the staining part.

Meltie, how about the name Chloe?

I'll be seeing gynae this sat. Hope bb has grown more! Can't wait!


Thanks mummies for all your help. I really blur. Haha.. I worry my flow will be heavy coz i usually have heavy flow during my menses, especially the 2nd day. I have stained chairs, bedsheets and mattresses before so i'm really worried about the staining part.

Meltie, how about the name Chloe?

I'll be seeing gynae this sat. Hope bb has grown more! Can't wait!
Chloe sounds nice but too common! Still searching for a classic , not so common name... sigh.. getting very hard.. still need to match hubby's surname Lau.. :p Lydia Lau like very Got 'LL' as short? Should i use C again since her sis is Charlotte? :p Haha Hubby was saying Claire..hmmm...

Oh ya , the flow doesn't really link to normal menses one.. so depends on how your body clear the lochia.. different ppl different ... i remember even after the bleeding stopped, there was still yellowish discharge.. :p I just wore disposable panties and pads till it ended.. :p Save the trouble of washing (awkward for CL).. for me, i only used the undepads for 1st 2 weeks or less.. the remaining i used it to put under baby or over the diaper changing mat as a layer.. :)


Meltie.. No no.. u're nt tinking too much.. cos im tinking the same too.. although im nt with my girl 24/7, I made it a point to bring her home from the nanny every night so she always sleeps with me.. She has never slept without me before.. So now im quite worried how things will be wen im in hospital, whether she will be sleeping well.. if I will be in hospital on a weekday, then still nt so bad at least she's used to nanny's cooking.. if im in hospital on a weekend, I have to rely on hubby or my mum or mil to cook for her.. my hubby is totally clueless.. I have to specifically tell him where everything is kept (including a description of how they look like) and give precise instructions.. my mil on e other hand likes to put salt or soya sauce in porridge which I hate but she insist bb dun like plain porridge.. But I believe in natural flavouring for my girl lor.. if u cook porridge with meat or sweet potato etc, it will be flavoured lor.. my mum oso e same.. though she respect my wishes unlike my mil.. so my mum is prob e best candidate..

Im oso trying to tink of names for my boy now.. so late! I tot of jie jie's name wen I was in 2nd trimester I tink.. now im in 3rd trimester and didi still has no name.. So these few days I have shortlisted a few to discuss with hubby.. I super like Zachary! But he says it sounds like a spoilt brat name.. >_< Now still trying to convince him.. Jie jie is called Desiree, if didi is called Zachary, their name sort of rhymes and both names are 3 syllabus too!

Wow meltie.. ur girl's growing so well! I always have a weight issue with my babies.. Sighz.. Gg to gynae 2 weeks later and gynae say e target weight to reach is 2kg at 33 wks.. super stress.. I noe how to make me put on weight.. but I dunno how to make didi put on weight.. :(

Ur babies still v active now? I feel my boy like not as active as before le leh.. And it kinda worries me.. I can still feel him move but most of the time it"s just like rolling ard or stretching of the limbs.. v mild movements.. no more kicks and sharp jabs.. I hope it's cos there's nt much rm inside and not cos of anything else.. I cant believe I rather he kick me or give me sharp jabs more.. haha..
Haha guess we mummies just cannot rest our minds when putting our babies with someone else.. i cannot imagine how my little girl will feel when she don't see me for half a day.. :p Hmm worried about her food.. i even decide what she wears.. hubby always asks me.. even the timing she eat or drink also i agar agar one.. :p Not sure if she'll allow my mum to feed her coz she seldom see her.. hubby still passable, but he also having hard time.. training him now.. Esp my girl is such a fussy and distracted eater.. can take 1 hr to feed her lunch/dinner... better days will be 10-20mins... zzz losing patience.. she just keep alot of food in the mouth if distracted.. i must start teaching hubby how to cook porridge and steam fish for her.. :p My mum likes to add soy sauce one.. she say got flavor then nice.. but i'm not for adding of salt /sauce.. i also believe in natural flavors or just use herbs! She likes to override and feed my girl when we go over for dinner.. like gave her some roasted pork meat and added salt to her soup.. argh.. well i try not to fuss abt it la.... coz may need her help..

Hmm Zachary n Desiree does rhymes! so cute! haha.. Or will you want the name to start with a D too? :p like Daniel ? lol just off my mind one.. I liked the name Theodore alot but hubby says its really a chipmunks name.. but i'm having a girl again.. arrrgh.. Still wondering.. Charlotte & _____? Hehe


Yes yes.. I oso decide wat my girl wears.. Each time I leave it to my hubby, he will come up with super mismatched clothes.. As for wat time she eats and wat she eats oso all planned and decided by me.. My hubby is totally hopeless with feeding.. My girl tends to get distracted so have to feed fast and keep her focused which my hubby totally couldnt.. And once my girl starts fussing, he will give up and say my girl is full.. Argh! But im lucky my mum can handle my girl cos she sees her every week..

Yeah.. everybody asked me if I will be choosing a D name to match Desiree.. But I dun wan my choices to be so limited.. So far, none of the D names excites me as much as Zachary.. Haha..


Meltie, how about the name Charmaine?

I wanted a name that starts with E. Same as my son's name. But so far didn't find any name that i like.

ST Woo

Hi Mummies, I also think king when should I pack my bag. After reading so much most of u will pack around 30 weeks and above. I also roughly know what to bring to hospital especially the document. Thanks mummies for the info. Ya, for coconut drink, I remember my 1st one I drank 4 weeks before I deliver. My boy was delivered at 38 weeks so I only managed to drank one coconut...Haha...Ya...I also discuss with my hubby what happen when I going to deliver who take of my boy. Emergency that time have to bring him along and call my parents or brother in law come and take of him. I hope my hubby can company me in the delivery theatre.

Today, I went for my gynecologist review. I'm now 28 weeks. Past few days I got a little blood stain my gynecologists said have to go to hospital. I a bit worry now. At first I thinking it could due to my polyps. I came back and just woke up from my nap. I went to toilet and this time got blood stain again. I really worry should I go to hospital. I keep telling my baby not to deliver so early. Now I'm lying on bed. Hope the bleeding stop. Tonight I got wedding dinner to attend....oh dear....


ST Woo

Sorry I realise so many spelling mistakes. I was very worry now. I also thinking of what to name my baby girl...how about the name Cody, Kimberly, Debbie, Quinny...


Oh dear ST Woo.. Hope the blood stains are no more! If not (choy!), since u are so worried, might as well heed ur gynae's advice and go hospital for a check? U're with ur gynae cos u trust him and his judgement right? Nothing is more impt than e safety of our babies.. Go get urself checked and save urself from all e unnecessary worries ya? Take care!


I went to taka fair again todae! Haha.. To buy stroller.. Compared taka fair price and tat at baby hyperstore and found them to be the same but taka give me free stroller seat liner and for purchases above 300 we got a free toy.. So I forced hubby to go buy from taka fair.. Haha..

But my girl was sick, down with runny nose and phlegmy cough so she was super cranky and demand I carry her.. Last night I wasnt feeling quite well oredi, felt sme pain in my left leg near e butt.. And after carrying her for another 30min during the fair, by the time we got home, I was seriously limping.. so I told hubby I realli couldnt carry my girl anymore.. it was super bad.. like my nerves got squashed in the left leg and butt.. I couldnt stand for long, walk oso walk with a limp.. Only felt normal wen I was sitting down.. Now still e same.. sianz man.. hope it gets better wen I wake up tmr.. cant imagine limping for the rest of this pregnancy.. :(

ST Woo

Hi Lingz12, thank you. I think I will need to rest on bed. You too take care ya.... go see doctor if still limping. Don't carry your girl till you recover.


Take care ST Woo! Ya do get it checked! I got a friend who started bleeding and had to stay in hosp for bed rest from 33 Weeks.. due to low lying placenta and bb was lying on it as a pillow ... she kept on having blood stains.. end up delivered c-sect at 38 weeks.. hmm prayingbfor u that all is fine!

I'm also carrying my gal alot.. she's 8.6 kg nw.. i really pant man .. but i need to scoop her out of playpen, playayrd, lift her up to diaper table, carry her in out coz once i put her to walk on the floor i need to chase her.. super tiring and it is nv ending.. she'll fuss when she's being stopped.. so i need to carry her to wash hands and feet, etc.. outside she tends to get bored and ask to be carried.. most of the time i get hubby to do it as much as possible.. last night my gal woke up at 3am to cry inconsolably.. had to carry n hug her to slp.. got hubby to do coz back was aching! These days i feel so heavy, back so strain and tummy so stretched.. plus carrying alot of heavy things n no.1 whole day.. at night super exhausted.. can't really do much.. every position is uncomfortable and hurts.. really hard to slp.. once i doze off.. next moment my bladder is calling me.. zzz bb inside is kicking non stop too.. no.1 kicking my head, neck n back on the bed.. zzz really not ez to b a mum!

Hmm these days are really super hot n humid! Maybe i got some hot flush? Pls hydrate more!! Can't imagine in the month of may n june.. hottest months of the yr.....


Yap I also feel very heavy n tired, can't really carry my gal with big tummy... I have to put her in my mum place on weekend to shop for furnitures for my new house, so tiring walking around the whole day... Luckily I still can stay over at my mum place so I can have better rest.

The weather is also super hot n humid... So uncomfortable...


nowadays I cant seem to walk for long... if not, I will start having chest pain, breathlessness, dizzy spell and lower abdominal pain... sometimes will also feel like vomitting... finding it more and more difficult to sleep now... coz my tailbone hurts alot and can't seem to find a suitable position to lie on... so end up daytime will be super super sleepy and yet can't rest coz need to care for my daughter... but I m glad I still got my parent's, helper's and husband's help...

My daughter is called Elva and I am thinking of calling my son Elvan...


Jiayou mummies! Seems like everyone's getting uncomfy liao.. hope for a good downpour to cool things down abit.. i feel heaty.. maybe shld drink some barley or coconut..

Argh i've been having stomachache 3 times yesterday.. thought was due to maybe not enough space inside , so poop more.. but today after 3rd time in the afternn.. i had explosive diarrhea after dinner.. 2 times liao.. and alot of gas.. wonder what i ate wrong.. :/ just went toilet to let out gas.. haiz.. all prolapse and flesh coming out.. i feel abrasion too.. very scared will get piles.. :/ ouch.. Now so uncomfy everywhere and can feel the flesh outside.. :( Stomach super noisy and gassy.. baby inside also joining in the storm.. took vitagen.. hope i can get it out of my system and feel better....

Hmm Charchia, Elva & Elvan sounds close! :) Or Elson? hehe So u're sticking to an E for both?

Today i asked my hubby again.. we still clueless of what to name our girl.. guess what my no.1 loves her little leapfrog Violet sing-a-long softtoy.. and she sort of only knows her name and calls it, asks for it whole day.. so i was discussing w hubby .. "what shall we name meimei?" and she replied 'Violet!" .. asked afew times rephrased in different way and she replied 'Violet meimei!' we dotdotdotz... lol seems like she has decided but we are not.. and we son't like the name Violet lol... hahahaha

haiz now tossing and rolling in bed with lotsa sounds in tummy.. bb kicking non stop and i'm aching everywhere.. what's the best position to sleep in?? :/