EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Charchia, Elva n Elvan is fun!

Haha meltie, at least ur girl is helping with mei Mei name. To save my trouble, I decided not to give an English name for my no. 1 so now also no headache. We let fengshui master pick their Chinese names.

There is no good position to sleep... I need to keep changing else will feel the backache.


Yup... decided to stick to El...

no position is comfortable to sleep in during third trimester... I m also tossing n turning around throughout the night...


Yeah it's horribly hot and humid these days.. and I cant switch on e air con to sleep at night cos my girl is down with runny nose.. couldnt open e windows cos afraid of the haze.. argh!

I guess im quite thankful I dun hav trouble sleeping.. Maybe cos my girl wakes up like 2-3 times a night these days to scream and whine for no apparent reason.. By the time I soothe her im dead tired oredi.. but during the day, the backache and stretched tummy is realli getting uncomfy.. get breathless easily.. and my left leg is getting better though I still cant stand for long.. at least im no longer limping..

Aiyo.. Meltie, drink more water to hydrate urself.. Esp now e weather is so hot now and u still having diarrhea.. mus drink even more!

Hang on mummies.. 2 more mths to go.. Smetimes I dunno whether to wish May to come soon or later.. Im like super nt ready yet!
ST Woo and Lingz12, must take care of ourselves for this last leg of the race, which is very crucial as well!

And Same here, mummies!!! SO tiring! I cannot imagine carrying my #1 for more than 10 mins. I carry her for 5 mins, and I'm like aching everywhere! Plus she is 13.8kg now! Too heavy to handle! So difficult to find a comfy position to sleep. Must turn sides to sleep to avoid numbness too...

I'm also trying to find a suitable name that starts with C for my #2. So tough! Cos my name starts with C and my surname is Chan, so my #1 is called Chantelle (spelling given by my gynae). Hahaha! everything on #1 is about me. LOL!!! #2, really clueless what to name!!! AND May is coming right after April! Scary scary! Time flies! I tell myself, ok still got 1-2 months to decide.


Mummies, i just went for checkup today and did my growth scan. Currently baby is in breech position.

gynae says most probably her head will move down during 34 weeks. Should i be worried?


Melancholy:860888 said:
Mummies, i just went for checkup today and did my growth scan. Currently baby is in breech position.

gynae says most probably her head will move down during 34 weeks. Should i be worried?
I dun think u need to worry so early. .. bb dun engage so fast right...


Ya my bb was facing down at start of scan.. by end of that short scan, was facing up liao.. she keeps moving around one.. no need to worry.. we can be still breeched till last 2 weeks.. bb can still turn around.. unless gynae says oheriwse then maybe need to go through csect to minimise risks... :p

i had slightly low lying placenta for 1st pregnancy.. gynae was abit worried as after 30+ weeks it was still low.. but i had no bleeding.. she say sometimes will slowly move up and surely my placenta moved upwards as my womb stretched towards the last few weeks and i was safe for normal delivery.. coz if placenta is low , probably risky during labor.. well let's hope we all can go through smooth deliveries this time! My gynae just commented that this time my placenta is high and in good place.. no worries! Also, she say my 2nd labor should be very fast! No more admitting to hospital at 3-5mins intervals like previous! She said i just admit at 15mins intervals.. 4 contractions in an hr.. I have also confirmed that i will deliver at MtA, near my house.. the clinic assistant has given me the admission form to fill up and submit at next visit.. :p

Days are flying past!! I cannot imagine it's gonna happen in 2 mths time!!!! Scary scary.. and how am i gonna manage!!!? :p I feel so unprepared!


At my last scan 2 weeks ago at 29wks, my boy was still horizontal.. haha.. like everybody says, now head down doesnt means will remain tat way till delivery.. im trying not to tink so much now too.. haha..

My gynae oso said second time should b faster.. have to quickly admit if contractions 10min apart, nt 5min apart.. I have no idea cos I have nvr timed contractions! My first was induced.. haha.. well.. There's always a first time for everything!

I oso cant imagine how life will be in May.. I haven washed bb clothes yet.. haven dust e spiderwebs away from the cot (haha!).. haven done a stock take to see wat I lack.. oh dear.. bb better dun come early..


Chloe sounds nice but too common! Still searching for a classic , not so common name... sigh.. getting very hard.. still need to match hubby's surname Lau.. :p Lydia Lau like very Got 'LL' as short? Should i use C again since her sis is Charlotte? :p Haha Hubby was saying Claire..hmmm...

Oh ya , the flow doesn't really link to normal menses one.. so depends on how your body clear the lochia.. different ppl different ... i remember even after the bleeding stopped, there was still yellowish discharge.. :p I just wore disposable panties and pads till it ended.. :p Save the trouble of washing (awkward for CL).. for me, i only used the undepads for 1st 2 weeks or less.. the remaining i used it to put under baby or over the diaper changing mat as a layer.. :)
Oh... Then I'll pray that my flow wont be so heavy. I really hate staining stuff. Guess I can go get more of the underpads from guardian. Haha.. Can let baby use if I don't need. Thanks!!


Saw gynae on Sat and baby head is down. I know baby can still turn around now so oh well. But gynae did say baby is on the skinny side so told me to eat more. Baby is 1.6kg at 31 weeks. Seems ok to me. My mum was saying small baby better coz easier to give birth. Lol...


my baby's jead is also down... hopefully no.2 will be like no.1... though keep moving about but head is always down...

my gynae also keeps telling me 2nd birth is faster n to monitor my contractions... but no. 1 I couldn't feel contraction except keep wanting to pee and sereve spinal pain... so kind of worried I might just pop at places other than hospital...


my baby's jead is also down... hopefully no.2 will be like no.1... though keep moving about but head is always down...

my gynae also keeps telling me 2nd birth is faster n to monitor my contractions... but no. 1 I couldn't feel contraction except keep wanting to pee and sereve spinal pain... so kind of worried I might just pop at places other than hospital...
Haha aiyo.. but every pregnancy different they say.. maybe this time will have different symptoms? Though i hope i get same water bag break and contractions again.. this time round i should be able to identify the contractions.. :p v similar to menstrual cramps... :p


Saw gynae on Sat and baby head is down. I know baby can still turn around now so oh well. But gynae did say baby is on the skinny side so told me to eat more. Baby is 1.6kg at 31 weeks. Seems ok to me. My mum was saying small baby better coz easier to give birth. Lol...
Wah makes my bb seem so big lol.. 1.8kg at 30 weeks and i'm panting.. carrying my both babies is not ez man.. so tiring... well smaller baby easier to give birth ! Haaha but bigger baby easier to carry and handle at birth .. thats what some.. i think my no.2 should be slightly heavier than no.1 bah.. sigh i also don't want her to be too big, hard to push out.. now i wanna eat durians also gotta think twice.. trying to cut down on my sugared drinks.. lol realised that now after i shift out from mil house, have been drinking alot of coke, iced apple tea, orange juice, apple aloe vera during my meals at home coz my hubby n i stock them in our fridge.. but last time in mil house we just drink plain water everyday.. :p sinful indulgences.. i also cook simple and sometimes fry nuggets, taiwan sausages, etc to eat.. argh so unhealthy hahaa .. oh well ...

Hmm as long as our babies are healthy and we are healthy n strong can liao... pray for smooth n fast plus painfree delivery!

Wah i was just looking through the delivery package rates for mt Alvernia.. difference between single and double room for normal delivery w epi is $1k! ($2145 vs $3198!) What a jump..! i was still thinking of staying single room for privacy and comfort.. but hubby is saying we can save the $1k for many things! Argh.. plus i am not working ... hmm i think i'm just spoiled previously hahaa... single room no disturbances frm neighbors/their visitors, own bathroom, mote space and privacy to talk , privacy for breastfeeding.. hmmm if double bed and i kena near the door, alot of ppl walk past and visitors always peep one.. haiz howhow..

ST Woo

Thanks meltie & perkyperky. I better now no more bleed stain after I rest on bed last Sunday. It really scare me. My baby also moving all the while in my tummy. My gynea said that mean baby is active and healthy.

Me too cannot a comfy position to sleep. Will wake up to go toilet when im sleepy soundly...haiz...I can feel my tummy stretch very tight sometimes. 2 more months to go...also feel not well prepare...have not wash the baby cloth yet.