EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Ohh excitedwifey urs at NUH hence ur first trimester test is at NUH too? I went there for mine n scheduled 5th month FA screening too.. but my gynae is at Gleneagle..

I dont know my package cost yet cos the nurses dont wana reveal until i reaches 16 weeks!


Excitedwifey, the sample I got is in tin, u can have the whole tin... I am staying in pending road, is it convenient for u to collect frm my block?


hmm shiningnails, its not too late to change gynae.. my consult is $90 each time, plus supplements will come up to $100+.. hmm one thing i like abt my gynae coz she's gentle and assuring.. i don't need to wait long too.. i can't wait 2 hrs for a consult.. there are many gynae clinics super crowded one.. mine usually at appt time can see.. now with a toddler in tow, i gotta make it fast...

I'm going for my appt later at 2.30pm! Hubby says i gotta go alone coz he really need to study for his exams next week.. :/ gonna bring my little girl along.. hope she is guai.. excited to see my little bub!


i bought my gal alone to the gyane too. luckily she still cooperative there. play with the nurse n she peep while we doing scanning den the nurse carried her to see the scanning. she got so excited. kept telling her papa bb moving. lol.


U mummies r so capable, I can't handle my gal alone... she is too active n get bored v fast... else she will want me to carry. ..


Haha i always have to bring bb out one for lunches and meetups.. playdates etc.. :p but nowadays i getting lazy and my bb n car seat is getting heavier to transfer.. still can tahan... bb is light.. hmm now waiting at gynae.. hope my gal dozes off! But the clinic staff always can keep her entertained.. still ok.. :)

Can't wait to see the little bub inside me! :>


i dun dare to tink how am.i gg out with a 3yrs old + a baby next yr onwards
nw my gal n i very " flower legs" we kept gg out alone without hb... nw am.more adventure to bring her take public transport .. but i guess very soon. i have to depends on cab liao.


New Member
Hi all, im new here. 9 weeks and counting and feeling very bloated. finally decided to participate as i cant wait to shout out the news to someone!
does anyone here experience the same way? when i lift up my shirt, it seems as if my belly has grown, but im wondering whether it is bb or me getting fat?

ST Woo

Welcome FurryJ...I also joined recently. I will feel bloated after every meal. Is normal.

Shiningnails, I agreed if you are not comfortable with the current gynecologist is not too late to change. For my gyne, he is Dr Woo Bit Hwa and his clinic at tiong bahru plaza under Thomson women clinic. I already signed up the package when my third visit abt $700.


ST Woo:841361 said:
Welcome FurryJ...I also joined recently. I will feel bloated after every meal. Is normal.

Shiningnails, I agreed if you are not comfortable with the current gynecologist is not too late to change. For my gyne, he is Dr Woo Bit Hwa and his clinic at tiong bahru plaza under Thomson women clinic. I already signed up the package when my third visit abt $700.
ST Woo, mine is also Dr woo at his Punggol clinic, but my package is 800 plus, wondering why the difference?


Welcome FurryJ! When's ur EDD? Wow we're abut far apart! I'm coming 15 Weeks now! Ya always bloated esp at night and in the morning.. tummy already showing.. but yesterday measured no weight gain..

Mummies, yesterday i saw my bub! measuring 9.2cm already! Gynae tried to see gender, but mostly legs were crossed.. but she say high likely girl.. aww .. i hoped for a boy... but 2 girls oso nvm la.. ;) save money on clothes! Well, it shall be confirmed on my detailed scan on 23rd dec! :p

Sinbaobao, my 1yo toddler also super active.. need to give her alot of attebtion.. sometimes just let her cry in car seat while i drive.. she's learning how to walk.. need to hold her alot.. she's super adventurous, challenging boundaries... she just jumped off the bed 2 days ago.. had the biggest bump on the forehead ever.. haiz..... i was so scared.. but after monitoring for 24 hrs, she seems normal.. but now got thebigbig bruise.. :/ poor bub....


Meltie! So amazing that ur baby bump showing with no weight gain? Mine showing too but i alrdy put on 3.9kg! 2 more days to 14 weeks.. my FA is 3 weeks later than urs on 15 Jan 2014.. i wonder hw come so late? By then i m in week 21+..


Meltie! So amazing that ur baby bump showing with no weight gain? Mine showing too but i alrdy put on 3.9kg! 2 more days to 14 weeks.. my FA is 3 weeks later than urs on 15 Jan 2014.. i wonder hw come so late? By then i m in week 21+..
Haha maybe i lost alot before i got pregnant.. got some morning sickness too.. still can eat but not as much.. maybe also burn alot of energy taking care of my 13mo.. ! Haha

I think the detailed scan is done ard 20weeks+-.. so maybe no appointment earlier.. hence put urs on 21weeks.. ? I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and will be scanning on my 20th week.. :) Maybe i booked early lol..

I'm gg out again later for lunch meet up w my frens and their kids! gonna be less boring day but tiring to bring this 13mo out! :p

I just booked a dental appt this sat for my jaw pain.. gonna investigate and see whats really wrong.. or is it really due to pregnancy.. my gynae say shld check .. shouldn't suffer so long.. sian appt on my birthday! But not as if anything special is gonna happen though.. hubby is busy mugging for exams next week!! Just a thought.. sigh busy parents.. we don't even celebrate bdays as much ans buy presents.. everything is for our baby.. save money here n there for diapers n milk.. :p now got 2nd one too... :p


meltie.. hahaha wait till she walked on her own.. ur head will swelled bigger
My gal tried to go in between my window grilled.. LUCKILY the width is wide enuff.. if not, i got to call 995 to resuce her alrdy..
everyday got new patterns ..
dunno why am feeling more tired in tri 2..
JA13 - yah my gynae's at NUH.. my 20th week scan is booked for 27th Jan... delayed a bit cos wanted to be closer to CNY, then chances are my hubby will be on CNY compulsory leave heh...

Tannie - yes can! Convenient for me... pm you

ST Woo

Mrsjlim, oh great we got the same gyne Dr Woo. He was also my 1st baby gynecologist and this time 2nd pregnancy I see him again. The package same like last time no change. Not sure why the package different.great the package include consultation fees, multivitamin, ultraconservative, blood test except fish oil has to pay separately. What is your package like?