EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Hmm.. nt so much on sterilisation ba.. seems a bit extreme and irreversible.. so will probably look at conventional methods.. either e pill or jus protection? Not tat we are gg to have a lot of time and energy for tat once #2 is out anyway.. haha..
Hi mummies!!!

Good to hear that you're shifting to your new home, meltie! By the way, what medisave is there to claim???

My husband also objects sterilisation. I guess just gotta be extra careful... I'm wondering if the withdrawal method still works...hahaha! SCARY! LOL!
Hey mummies, shall we all move to FB to chat instead? This is an open forum, meaning anyone who comes in here to read, will know our statuses and progresses. Unless you all are ok to let others know...?


Hi hi.. Been weeks since i update. Now approaching 24 weeks Le.
Oh btw my baby is a princess! Haha 1st one boy.. So this time gonna b learning from scratch again.. N means I need to buy new stuffs! Cos bought too many boy clothings-tot my second one will b a boy! Anw baby is kicking very strongly lately.

my son n hubby had been down with fever so hv been busy taking care of the two darlings.. Bad timing ESP during e cny period. Somemore need to do spring cleaning.
I was also sick earlier so it's like never ending. Can't rest much. Plus packing of luggage xia this sat flying to china with my family for a week long holiday! Hopefully they both recover from cough also cos china is cold.

Didnt hv time to shop for cny clothings. No time to do anytime. Damn sad but oh we'll my resolution after birth is to go back to my original shape n look well kept (unlike now)

ladies please don't shift to Facebook. I m not into Facebook n I think it's quite sad to not chat in this forum. Afterall it's all about sharing n mostly preggies come in to learn n know things.

ok early cny to all mummies! We r almost into our 3rd trim Le! How fast!


Congrats Piglim! So now u will have 1 boy and 1 girl too! Have fun buying things for ur princess.. There are oh so many cutie things to buy!

I dun mind continue chatting on this forum.. Like Piglim said, forums are about sharing anyway.. just like how wen we are unsure abt certain things, need reviews on stuff, we oso look to other forums.. and in forums, we oso have anonymity as we are all using nicks instead of real names.. so not so much of a privacy issue ya?

Cant wait for CNY! Last workday todae before the new yr.. Hehe.. I bought matching dress for me and my girl.. Can barely wait to show off in it.. Hahahaha..


Thanks mummies!

Tannie, i applied Dentinox teething gel.. doesn't really work leh.. she calmed for awhile but still went on cranky and cried.. i reapplied .. yet she cried again.. gave her cold teethers and so far only can distract her w toys and talking to her.. like teach her to say all the names of animals, fruits, vehicles, car brands, A-Z, etc.. n she repeats one by one after me.. until she dozes off.. :p

Hmm i'm super bz trying to unpack.. but my no.1 also keeps whining in her play pen.. i can't do much.. :p Hmm was sneezing again.. blocked nose.. took medicine.. :(

Oh ya i'm stuck at home waiting for deliveries.. so upset abt my fridge! They came last fri n was damaged.. they guys claimed they did not drop but bigbig dent at bottom.. so rescheduled for monday 4-8pm .. waited till 8pm n was wanting to go out to get dinner n stuff after shifting.. they mia.. den tues morn called, they say 4-8pm but i got reunion dinner, so squeezed them for 4-6pm.. waited at home.. they called at 6pm said cannot deliver coz brought out the damaged fridge.. Again i wasted my day! They said today 11-3pm deliver. I called this morn she said mine will be first delivery.. n blah.. waited till now 1.30pm liao still no calls frm delivery guys!! i'm super pissed!! I can't go thru cny without a fridge! My veg n grapes are rotting.. couldn't buy minced pork/chicken to make porridge for no.1.. she only eating carrot porridge.. and i can't go out to buy coz waiting for the fridge delivery! arghhh!!!!!

I'm ok w fb n here.. forum can type longer and more full story lol.. fb easier to check and get notifications though.. i'm typing this in safari.. :p

Sterilisation? i may be too young for it lol.. just gotta practise contrception bah.. think we'll stick to 2 bubs for now.. hubby says nvm if its just 2 gals.. :p


Ladies might want to try shopping at home to cure boredom. try this for maternity bra


Meltie, u might wana try gripe water or bao yin dan. Heard it works.

Oh goosh, y the fridge so cock up... where did u buy from?


Wow... The thread is really moving very fast! Haha... BB has been very active lately, kicking quite hard too!

Been sick the past 2 days. Sore throat n no voice. Now sore throat gone but been coughing like mad and can't really sleep at night due to cough. Argh!! Seen doc but he only gave me lozenges for the sore throat. He mentioned that it's a viral infection and will likely go off on its own in 3-5 days. I really hope i can stop coughing soon and have my voice back. I don't want to sound like a spoilt voice recorder during cny visits!!

I'm moving into my 26 weeks as cny approaches. I'm getting more and more nervous as 3rd trimester approaches. As a first time mum, i have no idea what to expect for labour and am worried that I can't cope with it. Sigh...

Oh and I prefer chatting here than facebook as well coz I dun have a facebook account :p


Aiyo meltie.. who do u buy the fridge from? So poor service! I hope the undented fridge has finally arrived!

Yeah.. miso.. dun tink so much.. wen it comes it comes.. no point worrying over it ya? Wen i was first pregnant, I was oso apprehensive about labour, dunno wat to expect, whether it will be painful, if I would noe how to push etc.. But trust me, wen the time comes, all worries will fly out the window.. A woman's natural ability takes over and u cant wait for bb to be out, no matter wat it takes.. Haha.. So lean back, relax and njoy the rest of ur pregnancy!

Happy new year mummies! May we all have a smooth pregnancy and labour and of cos deliver healthy cute horse babies! ;)


Sigh my fridge came at 4pm. Supposedly 11-3pm and i'm first in line right coz mine was since last week.. they delivery guy called at 2.40pm and said need to go balestier for a delivery and need 40mins more.. coz got backlog from yesterday's deliveries.. i called the office again and asked why i'm last of the last insead?! The lady said will give me a reply but as usual nv call back .. I bought my fridge from Audiohouse, agent delivery.. Hitachi outsource to BS Resources , some logistics company.. some many empty promises.. waste so much of my time.. and my lotus root since monday has rotted.. corn seems to too.. :/ Grapes gone.. anyway after they delivered fridge, say can only turn on 1 hr after that.. 5pm?! But have to wipe the fridge before turn on.. and i was rushing for reunion dinner.. so now gotta go wipe the interior and turn on.. zzzzz
So pissed with them.. gonna make an official complaint to hitachi and audiohouse.. whichever..

Hmm miso, i'm also that sort who fear labor one.. little pain i also cannot tahan.. but when the time comes, u'll find strength.. coz no turning back liao!! haha cannot quit delivery.. baby has to come out.. i just bear w the needles n drip and go for epidural.. even so, i also felt pain and discomfort.. in the end the labor nurses concluded that i have zero threshold of pain.. sigh hahaa they nv see someone so afraid of pain .. coz i kept saying pain even when there's epi.. lol scared needles and everything! but i made it! lol


Hihi, how's all you May Mummies! I'm a Jan mummy and since I been through pregnancy + childbirth recently, I thought I'll swing by and share with you 5 parenting/baby-related services which might be useful for you guys :)

1) Prenatal Massage

I did prenatal massage! And then I engage the same lady for post natal cos her massage is damn shiok. I did a review of her service here and she is giving my readers a 1 for 1 prenatal massage special + a free anti stretch marks oil. She charges $98 for 1 hour so this 1 for 1 special will be only $49 Good price!

Details: Pre Natal Body Massage at Nouri Face & Body Concepts | NGJUANN.COM

2) Postnatal Massage

While I was doing the prenatal massage with her, we chit chat a lot then I realise she also do post natal. Her method of post natal treatment is very different from the normal post natal jamu massage and its very modern.

It's actually post natal slimming with the use of a machine that gives you much better effect than what hand massage can do. I did a review here on my blog if you are interested: My Post Natal Slimming Treatment | NGJUANN.COM

I gained 11kg during pregnancy and now 1 month later, I have 2kg more to go. But more importantly I feel is the shape. I have gotten way shapelier and I do believe its cos of my post natal massage cos she use the machine to shape my body.

3) Man Yue Gifts!

I recently did my baby full month party at home. JTS, I engaged Babyinlove.com.sg for their full month door gifts!! LOVE IT! Details here: You Made Me A Mother, Daniel | NGJUANN.COM

4) NewBorn / Pregnancy Photoshoot

My photoshoots were done by this company called Cottony Photography.. Check out the photos here:

Daniel’s Newborn Photography with Cottony Photography | NGJUANN.COM
Celebrating the bump with Cottony Photography | NGJUANN.COM

Really like the photos!

5) Prenatal Chiropractic Care

I also went for chiropractor during my pregnancy cos my back and shoulder hurt like mad :( Here's sharing the guy I went to. They are experienced in treating preggies and very young children too! :)

Prenatal Chiropractic Care | NGJUANN.COM
Hi mummies!

It's cny eve~ Just eaten two rounds of reunion dinners and is very very very bloated! really feel so xinku like breathless and tummy gonna burst! regretted eating so much but how to resist all the hao liao? hehe..

here's wishing everyone a very happy and prosperous horse year! may we all have a smooth delivery and give birth to cute and healthy babies : ) : ) : )


新年快乐!!! Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday... Monday blue is arriving :(

So far I have already taken 4 reunion dinner... Next week still got 1 more reunion dinner to go... plus visiting all the light munching at relatives' place... can't bear to see myself on the weighing machine so afraid to see the weight gain just these few days...