EDD May 2014 (maybe)


My gal has been very temperamental too, very tiring to handle her.

Btw, anyone donating cord blood? How much is does it cost?
tannie - i am also donating my cord blood like charchia. you have to make an appointment with them to check whether you are suitable or not first. you can check out the website to make arrangements How to Donate

give the nurses a call - they will arrange a meetup either at your gynae or kk. but my next gynae visit is too late cos 36 weeks so we are meeting at kk instead.


Hmm maybe i can consider donating since i'm not doing cordbanking this time round..

I can't take chicken essence too.. Don't like the taste and also it keeps me too alert.. Makes baby hyper too..

I was referring to the berry essence which helps digestion n soften stools like prune juice.. :)

Tannie, ya it's tiring and frustrating when they just refuse to listen.. Sighhhh

Charchia, at least u got some help.. Hmm its really not ez handling a baby..


meltie, it is good to donate.... dun waste it and use it to save life...

ya I m glad I still have help else I dunno how I m going to cope...


New Member
i'm a first time mummy. EDD may 24th. But recently I have a feeling baby might be coming out soon... Im not prepared yet!


New Member
Yesterday I had very regular braxton hicks (I suppose). Very hard and last very long. And my back feels achy and the top of my thigh bone super duper painful. I realised my legs were suddenly very swollen last saturday. People says if legs start to swell its a sign. And plus some of my own gut feelings. I hope is not accurate though.


New Member
haha yea.. but think im abit too nervous. not prepared. and scared. My pain tolerance very low, I wan normal delivery w/o epidural, but not sure if i can take it. :(


Dun worry jeerin.. my legs have swelled since weeks ago.. and I have not delivered yet.. bb is nt even engaged.. my colleagues have been telling me my bump is super low oredi since wks ago and kept predicting I will go into labour anytime.. but bb is still happily baking inside.. in fact, gynae said he can probably last till edd which is still 2 wks away.. like charchia said.. jus enjoy the process.. dun need to take to heart wat ppl say.. I feel I enjoy my first pregnancy more, maybe cos I rest more.. now with #1, this pregnancy is super tiring.. sometimes I jus wan it over and done with.. but the tot of handling 2 babies is scary.. so u njoy while u still can!


jeerin no meed to worry about pain tolerance... sometimes we just surprise ourselves... lol... alot of us here are also trying to endure without epidural... some of us here are second time mummy and had used epidural before also...


New Member
ya. i think the more i listen to other people says the more panicky i get. keep trying to tell myself to relax. really salute those of you having #1 and pregnant at the same time. must be so tiring. I am here struggling with the tiredness with just #1 in my tummy.


jeerin, try to rest as much as u can... coz once u give birth lesser time to rest... dun bother about what people say... the more u hear the more worried and anxious u become...


jeerin:867413 said:
Yesterday I had very regular braxton hicks (I suppose). Very hard and last very long. And my back feels achy and the top of my thigh bone super duper painful. I realised my legs were suddenly very swollen last saturday. People says if legs start to swell its a sign. And plus some of my own gut feelings. I hope is not accurate though.

My Edd is 22 May, people all say boy will tend to come out earlier. I also have regular braxton hicks, it's feeling uncomfortable recently. My pubic bone and bottom of tummy is so painful when I walk. Anyone experience a cracking sound at pubic bone when you turn ur body when sleeping? I have the sound everyday night when I sleep


My Edd is 22 May, people all say boy will tend to come out earlier. I also have regular braxton hicks, it's feeling uncomfortable recently. My pubic bone and bottom of tummy is so painful when I walk. Anyone experience a cracking sound at pubic bone when you turn ur body when sleeping? I have the sound everyday night when I sleep
ya I always have... n can be super painful... now I just can't wait to deliver.... lol


so uncomfortable and tummy super tight.... but gynae ask me to wait till tomorrow... 37 weeks then go in for a check.... now endure one more day...


Hi jeerin, dun worry, my col who is so scare of needle can give birth twice without epidural.

Now we are all playing waiting game... I also wonder what kind of situation I will be in this time... hope not too bad.


New Member
Yes im also very scared of needles. But I can do it! Dont like waiting game. haha. just abit worried if water bag will burst in public when im alone. isint it very paiseh?


Yes im also very scared of needles. But I can do it! Dont like waiting game. haha. just abit worried if water bag will burst in public when im alone. isint it very paiseh?
hi, I am also first time mum and I also duno how to know when will be my delivery and how was it going to be like. ya, like waiting game loh. will start my matermity leave ard one week before my edd date already.


so uncomfortable and tummy super tight.... but gynae ask me to wait till tomorrow... 37 weeks then go in for a check.... now endure one more day...
tmr I will be gg for my 37 weeks checkup plus the GBA test already. times flies even when wking wor... always have this urgent wan to pee kinda of feeling suddenly. tummy keep wan to stretch kinda feeling..lolx..