EDD May 2014 (maybe)


Insomnia at this hour 3am everyday.. This is bad. I m so tired n breathless n aching all over but I can't slp! Tossing n turning.. Itching n also dunno feel hot or cold despite with e air con on.. Machiam like having hot flushes or menopause man.. Sighhhh

thanks to some of ur feedbacks realised I didn't pack the jackets into my bag... Document wise think won't b bringing cos names need to choose n decide n don't think I can settle with one within 2 days.

As for longan red dates tea, instead of buying instant ones, if u can, get ur helper mum or mil to cook upon your admission (then get ur hubby to bring to u the next day or when u hv delivered hours later in a hot flask) here is the recipe;

50g of dried longans
40g of seedless red dates (make a small cut so that the flavours will really come out)
1litre water
rock sugar to taste
Ginger ard e length of ur baby finger (smash with a chopper)

Rinse the longan n red dates
boil the water
when water is boiled, throw in the longan n red dates n ginger n turn fire to simmer for 30-40mins
add sugar for taste.

viola! That's it. N if u r e traditional kind, by right u need to drink this everyday (n only drink this NOT plain water) so hope this helps!

If u dont hv helper, wat u can do is throw all these (except e sugar) into slow cooker n cook overnight in low setting, then next morning u can scoop them into e flask.. Watever it helps. Cos somehow I think instant stuff sure hv some preservatives or unknown added ingredient.. These r never Gd for health.


Woo...thanks for the recipe Piglim! It's very helpful and looks quite easy to make so think I will prepare it than to buy instant ones ;)


Oh yah I also wake up in the middle of the night these days coz my feet are itchy...it's either that or the urge to go toilet then had a hard time falling back to sleep...so sianzz


No prob.. Always happy to share :) after all that's wat this forum is for eh?

Char chia so I supposed u hv delivered? How's e delivery this time? Shorter? Wats baby weight? Epidural administered?

I just realised I miscalculated my weeks (tot I m coming 35 but I m
n actually 36 weeks!!!) goosh.. Jialat I m so unprepared...


Some babies are born w sharp and long nails.. Sill unable to cut at newborn stage coz its like flesh.. So babies tend to scratch themselves esp their faces.. Better to put on mittens for them.. Most of the time mittens are too big for their tiny hands.. :p and when they struggle in the swaddle, they drop them..
ya precisely.. My girl are born with sharp nails and mins after delivery she already got scratches on her face and sucking her thumb.. Must be very hungry cos no food intake after I was admitted lol
now back home with no2, no1 was surely sticky.. No me she rather don't drink her water or brush her teeth unless I do it for her.. With her in the house can't really rest.. Have to wait for her to go for her enrichment classes then I am able up shower etc
hope it is just a passing phase!


Wah jiayou jojosnake!!! i still cannot imagine how life will be when i come home with no.2 and handling no.1... She'll be stuck at home w me... Maybe shld get hubby to bring her out if possible.. If not i no end!

Piglim, i also cannot sleep back.. Soo tiring these days.. In the day slog like mad and driven up the wall.. At night finally can slp , but bb kick like mad and when i finally dozed off, need to struggle up on my feet to pee and come back she kick again or i can't fall aslp.. Past few days my #1 has been waking up afew times a night too.. Sighh last night was worse.. She woke at 3am and refused to slp.. Finally made a bottle and fed her.. So hungry suddenly.. And she slept after fussing for 1.5hrs? After that it was like morning liao.. Just dozed off and she woke at 7am fussing and cranky.. Crazy days.. I hope tonight she can slp in...... So tired managing her crankiness just now.. And she puked out her whole lunch after i fed her.. Bathed n cleaned her up.. Argh and i had to go on my fours to wipe the vomit up from the floor.. All over the place!!!! :(

haiz i have been pooping so much.. 3 times liao today.. So much gas and poop alittle here n there.. Feeling so much pressure... :p #1 is napping now.. So i can relax abit.. Later is another battle... :/ can't imagine staying home to manage her and another newborn.. Sigh sigh


Ya, i'm thinking of bringing 2 mittens for my girl in case one drops on the floor or go missing.. If ur hosp provides, do they pre-wash it? I prefer to wash it before use.. Anyway all my mittens are my #1's.. Lol.. Hmm oh ya a little baby hat helps to keep their head warm too .. Last time i v on.. Even brought the buckwheat pillow to hosp.. This time i travel light better bah..

Wah my thighs are cramping alot now.. Now sitting on bed w aircon blasting at me but i'm still sweating!! Bb kicking and thighs twitching .. I don't recall i had all these during 1st pregnancy.. Maybe really body weaker and older liao.. Stressed out too much taking care of #1.. Really need more rest i guess.. :/ but can't ..

Mummies who have given birth, look fwd to hear ur birth stories! only when u are free ya? :p


I couldn't sleep for past few days too, having stuffy nose n burning throat... couldn't take medication in the morn n noon cause will cause drowsiness. .. went to see tcm today instead. .. hope to recover before baby pop.

Yhe weather is horrible. .. I m bathing twice a day.. must use hanky when go out cause tissue is totally useless. ..

Some ppl add black dates n dang sheng in the red dates tea too.

Today I also poo 3 times so tiring. ..

Mummies jia you.


Jia you mummies.. I dun poo as much as u all, in fact I still suffer from constipation lor.. As a result, the hateful piles are back out man..sighz.. Tink I'm more or less packed oredi.. Arranged with my mum to pick my #1 from hospital should I need to deliver in e middle of the night..so now I gotta pack my girl's bag too.. Now realli hope bb decide to come out next week, cos I v scared gynae say induce again!

The weather is a killer these days.. I jus feel like soaking in e tub all day..this morning I went to the medicine hall to buy the herbs to bathe in.. I bought 30 packs and hubby commented y so many? I say I wanna bathe everyday leh.. Then e lady say if wan wash hair must use 2packs..hmm.. Now I'm tinking if I need to buy more.. Hahahaha..


Yeah i remember my longan red dates tea got dang sheng , black dates etc.. Alot of flavor and very thick..

Lingz12, i also have piles coming out.. Sighh
wah that's alot of packs for bathing! i remembered i used 1 pack for 2 days and bathed on alternate day, the other day i will use the used herbs boil again just to wipe body.. :p This time i haven't bought the herbs yet.. Hubby asking mil to help to buy.... :p hope will buy correctly.. This is the list given by my CL :
大风艾(冲凉)10包庄X2 包

This is just an initial list to start off.. She say she'll buy more after she come.. Hopefully this CL don't disappoint me.. :p

Wah i also got burning throat.. Itchy mouth go and eat chocs.. Heartburn liao.. Last night i also went to eat carrot cake n rojak.. End up heartburn whole night... :p


yikes looks like all the little ones are having "separation anxiety" from mummies hence they are being difficult to handle? 辛苦你们了,妈妈们!

looks like we are all suffering from heatiness. i'm also coming down with a cold despite the hot weather. feeling quite lousy - lethargic and nose can't stop dripping and throat feels inflamed.

ok just want to ask - when we get sick now, do our babies build up antibodies to fight the sickness? so it's a good thing to fall sick? - i know it sounds quite silly but was just thinking about it.

take care and hang in there for bad weather!


So excited n nervous! Im gg tmc now as bloody show appear.. will update when i have delivered!

This is my #2, also a boy. #1 is a boy, gg 23 months soon.


So excited n nervous! Im gg tmc now as bloody show appear.. will update when i have delivered!

This is my #2, also a boy. #1 is a boy, gg 23 months soon.
Wah! Looks like you're up next! Jiayou!! How many weeks are you? :p wah early morning is good timing! can plan! i hope mine is also early morning!

My #1 is a girl 19 mths now.. #2 is another girl too.. Haaha

Awaiting your birth story! keep us updated!


I am home already... was discharge yesterday... My baby boy wslas born on 26 April 2014 at 0812hours... weighing 2.862kg at 37 weeks...

My birth story... decided to go for a check as feeling a lot of omfort and tightening of tummy for a few days but gynae ask me to admit myself once I hit 37 weeks... so I waited... after my hubby finish work, he came to fetch me and we went to KKH... was at observation ward from 2230pm to 0030hrs... suddenly my gynae appeared as he was around doing delivery so he decided to drop by and check on me... when he check the chart, there was no sign of contractions... wanted to discharge me but he decided to check for dilation since I have been complaining about discomfort... n realise was already 4cm... so send to delivery ward and waiting game begins... Straight away give epidural... They burst my water bag at 5am coz it still didn't burst... At 7 plus am, baby heartbeat suddenly drop with every contraction.... imeediately the nurse call gynae in to prepare for delivery but was only dilated about 8cm... gynae check and say wait for another half hour... less than that I was fully dilated... keep pushing but cannot... suddenly I dunno y I laugh till I cough then he pop out... lol...


Not sure about now but heard similar thing about breastfeeding. That even if mother is sick, one should continue breastfeeding as our body builds antibodies which is good for the baby.

It seems everybody is suffering from inflamed throat, fever and cold.


Congrats again Charchia! Luckily u dilate fully within the 30min time frame la.. I hope wen my turn comes it will be swift too!

Initially I hope bb can tahan till May then pop.. but now I tink I hope he comes anytime now.. cos im realli afraid gynae will wan me to go for induced labour! Haha..