Edd nov 2011


New Member
Hi all

I'm in my 31th week of pregnancy. I'm looking forward to baby girl girl arrival on 11 Nov 2011 at Mt. E.

Looking forward to share my joy and learn wonderful experience with all new Mothers-to-be. :Dancing_tongue:



ok I will try that, thanks :)
I started to get more itchy during 3rd trimester. Trying very hard not to scratch my tummy...


You may want to try using aloe Vera gel on Yr tummy. I used dat wen I Ve itchy tummy during my 1st trimester. Quite effective. I am using it in my oily face as moisturizer. I got mine from watson-"fruits if the earth"(brand).


I knw a few friends of mine allergy to stretch mark cream containing cocoa butter.
Is in a brand call Palmer. avoid it if u suspect is the cream tat makes tummy itchy


Hello janicehoon,

Nice edd that you have 11.11.11 :)
I am secretly hoping that my girl girl will arrive on that day too. (which is 3 days earlier than my edd)

Hi all

I'm in my 31th week of pregnancy. I'm looking forward to baby girl girl arrival on 11 Nov 2011 at Mt. E.

Looking forward to share my joy and learn wonderful experience with all new Mothers-to-be. :Dancing_tongue:



ok tks :) My friend also recommended a stretch mark cream from Clarins, seems to be very effective for her. I think I will try that as well as the aloe vera gel.

I knw a few friends of mine allergy to stretch mark cream containing cocoa butter.
Is in a brand call Palmer. avoid it if u suspect is the cream tat makes tummy itchy


Yes, clarins work very well, I used the moment I got preg and no marks YET.
haha, this is my 3 tube already, might need half more for the nx 2 mths.
But becoz I got PUPPS now, I stop and monitor first

ok tks :) My friend also recommended a stretch mark cream from Clarins, seems to be very effective for her. I think I will try that as well as the aloe vera gel.


Yes, clarins work very well, I used the moment I got preg and no marks YET.
haha, this is my 3 tube already, might need half more for the nx 2 mths.
But becoz I got PUPPS now, I stop and monitor first

yes yes clarins works very well for me too. i started using it since week 16. so far so good.:red: anyway i also heard its effective only if you use their special massaging technique, so applying the cream to the tummy. i have been following that method religiously too.


ok thanks :) My friend also recommended a stretch mark cream from Clarins, seems to be very effective for her. I think I will try that as well as the aloe vera gel.
Hi escago,

I am currently using the stretch mark cream from clarins and find it good for me. The one thing is I have dark lines at my armpits which hopefully will go away after delivery. very ugly ...
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Hi mummies, I went for my gynae's visit yesterday. Baby is at 1.15kg at 28 weeks and he is in head down position. I asked gynae to show me the baby's position on my tummy so that I can visualize where is his tummy, legs, etc. Gynae said baby is within normal weight. Gynae wanted to give me a present yesterday (3D pic of baby's face) but baby was lying more towards the back hence too far to take a clear pic of his face. hopefully next visit can :shyxxx:

Same as some of you, I have poo problem of late too. It used to be once a day, now hor, sometimes it's twice a day or once every 2 - 3 days.. aiyo, sometimes it's hard too and I also dare not push too much.. sigh...

The sad news is I have GDM :eek:10: I didn't take alot of sugary stuff like cakes or soft drinks.. haiz, now have to poke needles at home to monitor the glucose level (for 2 days) and feedback to gynae next week.

Do you keep track of fetal movement ? If yes, which chart do you use ?
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Yes, is a must to keep track if their movement
I don't follow any chart. Frm the time u are awake till u sleep, there sld be movements every hour, total 10movements in say over 12hrs u r awake.
a series of movements that occurs with few mins is consider as 1.
Babies dun sleep more than 1 hr now. I been monitoring for 3 weeks, is very accurate, I.e. 3.15, 4.20, 5.15

Hi mummies, I went for my gynae's visit yesterday. Baby is at 1.15kg at 28 weeks and he is in head down position. I asked gynae to show me the baby's position on my tummy so that I can visualize where is his tummy, legs, etc. Gynae said baby is within normal weight. Gynae wanted to give me a present yesterday (3D pic of baby's face) but baby was lying more towards the back hence too far to take a clear pic of his face. hopefully next visit can :shyxxx:

Same as some of you, I have poo problem of late too. It used to be once a day, now hor, sometimes it's twice a day or once every 2 - 3 days.. aiyo, sometimes it's hard too and I also dare not push too much.. sigh...

The sad news is I have GDM :eek:10: I didn't take alot of sugary stuff like cakes or soft drinks.. haiz, now have to poke needles at home to monitor the glucose level (for 2 days) and feedback to gynae next week.

Do you keep track of fetal movement ? If yes, which chart do you use ?


memories03: don't be sad about the marks ok, apply more cream and hopefully it will go off or lighter after u give birth :)

bangalah: don't worry to much ok, still got room to grow, since still got few more weeks. Baby will have a sudden weight increase as weeks goes by.

didy: you got a nice MIL... so envy..

escago: lolz.. i also have dark marks at my armpit!! At one point of time, I even try to apply whitening cream, but gave up..

U gals are super hardworking then me, I apply every night, morning sometimes only -.-

Don't feel upset about the fat ok, sometimes is the water retention, not exactly the fats. And pray hard hard it will go away after u give birth!!

durianfan: no worries I also have dark marks at my armpit, my hubby and my sister make fun of me lor say I never shave T.T

The GDM, does ur mom have it? Genetic, age, weight or something? Hopefully the readings will stay normal till u give birth *hugz*

If u want you can download the apps from iphone, its very useful. For me I count through timing like in the afternoon around 1-3pm, 5-6pm and 9-10pm normally my baby quite active during this timing. :)

Any more can post here or PM me :D

Ok I have done a nicer list



Any mummies start packing their hospital bag already? Its still early but because now i am so bored and also absent minded even with a check list I will missed out something. so now i tot of an item, i will drop it in the bag, like feminine wipes & wash, maternity pad, disposable undies, towels.

i tried searching what the hospital will provide, but most of the info are outdated already.


New Member
Hi, I'm new in this forum.

My info is as follows:
EDD - 22 Nov
Baby - boy
Hospital - KKH

Can ask all mothers here how do ur gynae measure ur bb's weight? by the size of bb tummy or head?
went for checkup last wk.. gynae say my bb is 1.6kg @ wk 29. is the bb too heavy or light?

Thanks. :)


Hi Missyqiqi,

Nope, my mum doesn't have Diabetes nor GD when she had me. I am an older mum, that would add to the risk as well. I am working towards keeping the level within normal range..

Thanks for helping to consolidate the list. My EDD is 26 Nov. baby boy will be delivered at TMC.
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Wow, u r so efficient!!started packing Yr bag alr. Then I realized you r the first in e quee to pop in terms of edd :) I probably will adapt Yr style of packing. I think I will bring a flask of red dates drink on my admission day. Dun think the hospital will provide dat. I read drinking water will costs water retention. Therefore, I wld bring a flask on e admission day, while my family can bring for me during the hospitalization. Oh, I was advised to bring a few carrier bags so dat it's easier to pack the prezzie ( from frens) bk Hm... Hehe.

Welcome onboard! One of the MTB, Missyqiqi had posted a growth chart. You may refer to dat. It's on page 21..


New Member
Hi Missyqiqi, so sweet of u for consolidating up all nov mummies edd. My EDD is 3 Nov, bb boy delivering at MAH.

Juz bck frm gynae's appt. last sat. BB's weight nw 1.8kg at wk 32. BB's head facing down & my glucose test all ok. *Phew...

Next visit gonna do virginal swab to chk for any yeast infection.

Yesterday do some little packing for my delivery bag wif my hubby & some washing for bb's clothing... Feel so excited, a month plus to go....

R all Nov mummies ready??!


wow!! looks like hotmilktea and mummyjan are first in the queue..

I have not started packing at all.. have done up a checklist for various things like "baby stuff", "confinement stuff", etc. My CL gave me a list of herbs to prepare in advance. In fact, I am still shopping for baby's clothes and other stuff..

does any mummies know where can I buy baby vest (the wrap around t-shirt and tie with either ribbon or buttons) ? I searched around and saw only one type of design from kiddy palace.

shebride - welcome on board :001_302:


Thank you ladies for recommending the Clarins cream. I bought it yesterday and started using it. Smells nice :)

I just realised I have stretch marks on my lower back, not tummy; dunno whether to be happy or sad. Happy because it is not on tummy, sad because still can't avoid having stretch marks haha :p


wow!! looks like hotmilktea and mummyjan are first in the queue..

I have not started packing at all.. have done up a checklist for various things like "baby stuff", "confinement stuff", etc. My CL gave me a list of herbs to prepare in advance. In fact, I am still shopping for baby's clothes and other stuff..

does any mummies know where can I buy baby vest (the wrap around t-shirt and tie with either ribbon or buttons) ? I searched around and saw only one type of design from kiddy palace.

shebride - welcome on board :001_302:
hi durianfan, you can find those kind of baby vest from NTUC. those hypermart type... like ang mo kio or nex@serangoon. they are of quite good quality, comparable to those shopping centre, and of decent pricing. the brand is usually tollyjoy. you can go check it out