Edd nov 2011


Hello mummies. Haven't been posting cos i literally ko everyday at about 10pm but still keeeeep waking up in the middle of the night due to baby girl's kicking.. She Isla definitely not gentle loh.. Haha..

The end is getting damn tiring and irritating. Everyone says we'll miss the good ol pregnancy days but honestly other than maybe having a easier time at work I don't think I'll miss baby inside.

I'm actually considering to go for csect on my pator anniversary to take her out and by then she should be 37 weeks. Is it a good idea!! My Edd is on 8th nov and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a better date than my anniversary. (we calculated for the day of my anniversary). Plus of baby comes out on anniversary, my ml can be well planned. Hahaha.. Making full use of all my days to spend with family.. Hehe.

Is there anyway we can induce without medical reasons on week 37?! Or should i just go for csect?! Im scared of the operation yet also afraid to induce cos it's not 100% successful then we'll end up with a huge medical bill. How?! :((
if no medical condition, i think better not go for c-sect. recovery takes longer, and may affect subsequent pregnancies. i also heard mummies that go through natural delivery lose weight faster.

why don't you just wait for baby to come out naturally? why are you considering c-sect or inducement?


I think i'm lucky, I sleep like a pig except when I need to turn my body i will wake up because of my injury and sciatic nerve thing. Whether my baby girl got kick a not, got no idea... >.<

Agree with didy why u don't want to opt for natural? I know u want the baby to come out during the anniversary but if natural recovery time will be shorter.

Really can't tell u which one to do induced or c-sect, is best u discuss with ur doctor what are the pros and cons for both and u see which one u r more comfortable.

ohya forget to mention my baby head down already!! :D haha after doing all the pre-admission getting so excited, hubby ask me why I haven't fall asleep, I say I too excited liao.. haha.. I think this is the only thing which makes me forget I'm useless because of my leg :p


Personally I dont feel there is any strong reason to go for c-sec if just for the anniversary date purposes.
c-sec is a big operation involved, and natural birth proves to be beneficial for mother and most importantly for our baby.

Hello mummies. Haven't been posting cos i literally ko everyday at about 10pm but still keeeeep waking up in the middle of the night due to baby girl's kicking.. She Isla definitely not gentle loh.. Haha..

The end is getting damn tiring and irritating. Everyone says we'll miss the good ol pregnancy days but honestly other than maybe having a easier time at work I don't think I'll miss baby inside.

I'm actually considering to go for csect on my pator anniversary to take her out and by then she should be 37 weeks. Is it a good idea!! My Edd is on 8th nov and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a better date than my anniversary. (we calculated for the day of my anniversary). Plus of baby comes out on anniversary, my ml can be well planned. Hahaha.. Making full use of all my days to spend with family.. Hehe.

Is there anyway we can induce without medical reasons on week 37?! Or should i just go for csect?! Im scared of the operation yet also afraid to induce cos it's not 100% successful then we'll end up with a huge medical bill. How?! :((


New Member
Becos I think the back part of the pregnancy is getting so tough. I'm feeling sooo breathless, it's as if I have ran a marathon when all I did was lying down or even sitting. And now heartburn is making my throat burn, so irritating. And this baby girl of mine is super active. I'm getting so angry at nothing and I feel sooo dumb. :( even my mil also say baby very naughty. Sigh. She really move non stop and quite demanding. Like if the pillow block her she will also kick. Tskk. She is like Xiao ba Wang. :( and my back is impossible and yet I don't wanna take leave to rest now cos I don't wanna waste my ml. But having to travel now seems really tedious. Morning still okay but at night I really cannot liaoo. I end up feeling so irritated after one day and honestly, for what?! I am getting angry at my daughter who is not born yet and I feel sooooo dumb. Lol..

And to be honest I'm all for normal birth so I was thinking of inducing but I'm afraid it wont be successful. =\ And it will still end up in emergency csect so I might as well just do elective csect.

And another thing it's a pretty good date after calculating. Plus baby will have the same Chinese birthday date as me (my Chinese bday 16/8 hers 16/9) Ahh just a date that has many meaning leh that's why I'm so tempted. Am I being a selfish mummy?! :(


I am sure most of us here are facing the same as you, the breathless, the aching, the fatigue etc.
But seriously, isnt it good ur baby is kicking and active? If she is not, u are in trouble. I wld be really worried if my baby is not active at any one point. We hv already suffer 30+ weeks, all we want is a healthy active baby.

Anyway is ur call, I don't think anyone here can advise u.


agree with hotmilktea, the choice is really up to you.

The things that u r experiencing all of us are experiencing it too.. mine I can't even walk for more then 10-15mins can even stand for more then 10mins because my baby girl is pressing on my sciatic nerve and my right hip (leg) got injury due to pregnancy, so both legs no strength I need help in a lot of ways, I feel depress and useless but nvr once think of inducing of having surgery to have my baby come out earlier so that I'm free of all this and don't feel handicapped. Because the longer the baby stay inside our womb (as in the full term period), the better it is, because of immune etc.

As for the calculation of auspicious date and timing, personally I feel that what is meant for the baby future still depends on whether baby is hardworking and working towards the goal. If calculate got a super good life but don;t know how to treasure end up also nothing. But like i mention this is just a personal feeling coz I don't really encourage or like to take out baby just because of auspicious date or special date. Coz ultimately baby health is the most important.


Btw, any mommies start to have colostrum? I started have it for few weeks liao, but today got blood instead of colostrum T.T, my mom said might be infection.. sianz.... if tmr still have got to see dr liao.. every time things happen after I finish seeing doctor...

Feeling lousy again.. but still positive mood... hopefully will go off tmr


hey qiqi, i didnt have any colostrum :(
do u squeeze it or it flow out on its own ? after the soreness in first trimester, my breast do not feel anything different till now. makes me worry if i will have breast milk or not. because my bestie didnt have any colostrum or leak or engorgement at all, and she didnt have breast milk after deliver also.

Btw, any mommies start to have colostrum? I started have it for few weeks liao, but today got blood instead of colostrum T.T, my mom said might be infection.. sianz.... if tmr still have got to see dr liao.. every time things happen after I finish seeing doctor...

Feeling lousy again.. but still positive mood... hopefully will go off tmr


I didn't squeeze, it started leaking few weeks back, ya I was kind of early -.-" i mean comparing to my sister and some comments from my friends. But only very little R > L

But today when I removed my bra, I saw dry blood on my R, so I clean it up and try to see whether is it from surface or the colostrum. After cleaning nothing on the surface so I try to squeeze lightly, it comes out blood a bit only... T.T but my breast is not painful when press... Now still "leaking blood" sianz..

think tmr got to see my doctor liao... my first half pregnancy super smooth, 2nd half *shake head* I WANT BREASTFEED!!! ahyo...


btw, pamper my feet today, so shiok!! imagine can't scrub ur legs and finally u got it srub the feeling is so wonderful!! :p

Is quite cheap, i do spa and french pedicure ~ $35 :D



haha, that is really a good deal you've got.
i hasnt go pedi yet, i still can paint my toe nails! but it be nice to go for some pampering though


Ya quite cheap do it at the medicurist place. I'm lazy to paint myself n always do a horrible job so better let some one else do n have a good srub :p

Anyway I Just do some research online aprrently the breast is going through some major changes some will go off after giving birth. So I think I just observe since will be seeing my gynae in 2 weeks time. -.-! Sometime pregnant signs n symptoms making us paranoid haha..


Hello mummies. Haven't been posting cos i literally ko everyday at about 10pm but still keeeeep waking up in the middle of the night due to baby girl's kicking.. She Isla definitely not gentle loh.. Haha..

The end is getting damn tiring and irritating. Everyone says we'll miss the good ol pregnancy days but honestly other than maybe having a easier time at work I don't think I'll miss baby inside.

I'm actually considering to go for csect on my pator anniversary to take her out and by then she should be 37 weeks. Is it a good idea!! My Edd is on 8th nov and I'm not sure if it's gonna be a better date than my anniversary. (we calculated for the day of my anniversary). Plus of baby comes out on anniversary, my ml can be well planned. Hahaha.. Making full use of all my days to spend with family.. Hehe.

Is there anyway we can induce without medical reasons on week 37?! Or should i just go for csect?! Im scared of the operation yet also afraid to induce cos it's not 100% successful then we'll end up with a huge medical bill. How?! :((
Hello jiaying
I'm also like u, Gg to opt for c-section. My reason Is because my husband is working overseas and we think dat it is easier to plan for his work schedule. However, my gynae strongly encourage induction. She said I Shld nt forgo my chance to go thru normal delivery so dat I can "feel" like a mother. Moreover, if I opt fo c-section all my subsequent preg wld Ve to b c-section and a max of 3 times. However, I dun need to go thru normal delivery to feel like a mother. I dun think I will go thru 3 preg too. Many Ppl wld advise normal delivery but there is also a handful of Ppl wld advised c-section. My gf who works in polyclinic, even the midwives advised c-section at personal lvl. All the best to you.... Cheer up. No matter how miserable u feel now, I'm sure you will laugh over this episode of Yr life in years to come...



Love Yr pedi! I Ve also arranged a series of beauty treatment for myself. I plan to go for facial, hair cut, Brazilian wax and mani pedi b4 my boy's arr. Beta pamper myself first b4 I become my boy's maid! Keke..

I'm also like u, so excited over our bb's first month celebration. I think the decoration thingy is to fulfill our own needs den for the guests'. Let's share watever ideas we Ve for the celebration. I like Martha Stewart DIY paper pom pom. The ready made material is available in daisio. R u expecting a lot of guests? Do u knw of any place dat we can get DIY decorations?

I'm nt sure y im getting preg jitters. Guess it's like wedding jitters.. Being a first timer and the surge of hormones contribute.


i tot of doing brazilian wax also, but i hv bad experience 2 yrs ago and till now still very scare. 1st and 2nd time i did, its ok. but the 3rd time i did, its like my skin becomes so sensitive that it is even more painful than my 1st waxing! so never go back till now :(

i will be doing my facial also. but manicure once our baby pop, we hv to cut short our nails !!!! :( my mum keep reminding me all the time! haha.
coz is so long and she say baby skin so thin, will easily scratch him.


Love Yr pedi! I Ve also arranged a series of beauty treatment for myself. I plan to go for facial, hair cut, Brazilian wax and mani pedi b4 my boy's arr. Beta pamper myself first b4 I become my boy's maid! Keke..

I'm also like u, so excited over our bb's first month celebration. I think the decoration thingy is to fulfill our own needs den for the guests'. Let's share watever ideas we Ve for the celebration. I like Martha Stewart DIY paper pom pom. The ready made material is available in daisio. R u expecting a lot of guests? Do u knw of any place dat we can get DIY decorations?

I'm nt sure y im getting preg jitters. Guess it's like wedding jitters.. Being a first timer and the surge of hormones contribute.


wow mummies, just like all of you, getting excited :001_302: except these few days, i've been down with sore throat, cough, runny nose and fatigue.. tsleeping most of the time.. appetite has not been fantastic but tried to eat as much as I can for the sake of baby. hope to recover soon..

Also intend to go for a hair cut in early Nov. I have not done brazilian wax before :shyxxx:is it painful ? any good recommendation ? I used to shave but now not possible to do it on my own liao.


yeah talk about waxing.. i used to keep myself clean and neat.. but now not possible anymore. but also scared risk of infection at this point of time, if i happen to be really unlucky and meet some irresponsible/unhygenic waxing parlour. how?? everytime the gynae want me to take off my undies to do check up.. i feel so embarrassed.. cos not very neat and tidy there :(


wow mummies, just like all of you, getting excited :001_302: except these few days, i've been down with sore throat, cough, runny nose and fatigue.. tsleeping most of the time.. appetite has not been fantastic but tried to eat as much as I can for the sake of baby. hope to recover soon..

Also intend to go for a hair cut in early Nov. I have not done brazilian wax before :shyxxx:is it painful ? any good recommendation ? I used to shave but now not possible to do it on my own liao.

I do find waxing very painful. My last BW was 5-6yrs ago and the pain was terrible. Moreover, I applied cream to numb the area first. I dun knw Wat gv me the courage to go thru again. Mayb it's for hygiene purpose. Meantime, I Ve been trimming myself using the blind spot technique. My gf cont to shave herself by "feel". So far so Gd, no accident yet.


sherwawa: haha... at first find it a bit cute, but later ok lah, like my sister said having baby girl so cute a bit lor..

I'm not sure about my hubby side but should be around 60-70 plus. So far Singapore i only know SKU, otherwise online I know taobao.com haha.. my wedding DIY items all from there.

Hotmilktea: then better don't do, coz pregnant already, the skin become more sensitive even more painful.. but actually not advise to do, coz quite sensitive.

durianfan: wish you speedy recovery!!

didy & durianfan : My sister went to do, my mom scold her.. haha.. actually like what I say to durianfan, our skin is quite sensitive so advisable not to, will be prone to skin tear coz when they pull, and also without doing anything now, some peopl already feel sore or painful down there. So up to individual if u really want to do it.

for me i think i will just take a mirror and shave.. >.<



I do find waxing very painful. My last BW was 5-6yrs ago and the pain was terrible. Moreover, I applied cream to numb the area first. I dun knw Wat gv me the courage to go thru again. Mayb it's for hygiene purpose. Meantime, I Ve been trimming myself using the blind spot technique. My gf cont to shave herself by "feel". So far so Gd, no accident yet.
Just like didy, I feel untidy downunder.. 2 months back, I used the by "feel" method too to shave myself and got two cuts. After that, didn't shave liao..