EDD Oct 2013


Salad can eat but must wash first, they are just worried about contamination if it is left in the open for too long, or if it is prepacked stored too long.
Sometimes i hope i didn know about the soft boil egg thing sigh......


Oh die!!!

I Had half boiled egg, salad n recently been eating fresh cherry tomatoes summore..

Die die die!!!
Princess Irsh,
dont panic, just stop eating those item for now. We still got 5mths to go. I dont think u eat those items like everyday. When i told my colleague i cant take sunny side up egg, they were surprised! They told me they were not informed when they are preggie. raw Sushi , half boil egg, salad everything they whacked. Their children already in NS.

U can read up on the link below to understand why we stay away from those item =)

A Food Guide for Pregnant Women: What to Eat and What Not to Eat


but then the rate of miscarriage is very low during their time, like our mum time, very few had miscarriage, dont know why this generation the rate goes up.
Maybe cause all of food has been genetically modified. Look at our fruits and chicken all looks the same now, like clones.
Princess Irsh,
dont panic, just stop eating those item for now. We still got 5mths to go. I dont think u eat those items like everyday. When i told my colleague i cant take sunny side up egg, they were surprised! They told me they were not informed when they are preggie. raw Sushi , half boil egg, salad everything they whacked. Their children already in NS.

U can read up on the link below to understand why we stay away from those item =)

A Food Guide for Pregnant Women: What to Eat and What Not to Eat

Heheehhe!!! Not everyday.. But i am an egg freak.. So anytime i feel hungry n alone at home.. i will fry egg with the sunny side up n eat.. And for salads n cherry tomatoes.. i will wash n eat them raw.. dun cook them..

Haizz.. thks Thks.. must stop all nonsense oredi... :we3embarrassed::we3sad::wong14:


but then the rate of miscarriage is very low during their time, like our mum time, very few had miscarriage, dont know why this generation the rate goes up.
Maybe cause all of food has been genetically modified. Look at our fruits and chicken all looks the same now, like clones.
hmm just something to share on my own experience..

I had a m/c last sept, it was my first bb =( I oso asked myself many many times why me when everyone ard me seems to make it.
then my close friend n my MIL came to tell me they also went through m/c.. they didnt wana share till they see me breaking down. my hubby was shocked cos the whole family din noe abt it (except FIL)

Then i realise is not last gen dont happen often, just that they kept it in the dark and the culture of last time is not to say or mention it. Now era is abit different, we are more open to share. not because we want sympathy or what. Sometimes, venting out is better than keeping it inside.


Active Member
i have been eating my multi vit & fish oil even b4 preg and my gynae said i can continue my multi vit except for the fish oil cuz i took cod liver oil instead of fish oil, so i just change to fish oil.


hmm just something to share on my own experience..

I had a m/c last sept, it was my first bb =( I oso asked myself many many times why me when everyone ard me seems to make it.
then my close friend n my MIL came to tell me they also went through m/c.. they didnt wana share till they see me breaking down. my hubby was shocked cos the whole family din noe abt it (except FIL)

Then i realise is not last gen dont happen often, just that they kept it in the dark and the culture of last time is not to say or mention it. Now era is abit different, we are more open to share. not because we want sympathy or what. Sometimes, venting out is better than keeping it inside.
I agree, but then my mum is like 60+ haha. During her time not really a lot.
I had a miscarriage too last year i share to help people so they dont get too worried :)
But a miscarriage is not our fault, and its very common nowadays.


Active Member
Hi sbc - glad it all went well and you now have a peace of mind :) enjoy your pregnancy now!

One gynae prescribed me with multi vits, fish oil and calcium since week 5. Another gynae told me no fish oil, no calcium. Only DHA allowed (not fish oil). This other gynae said we consume sufficient calcium through multi vits and the food and milk we take and apparently too much calcium is no good - I googled and I found this http://www.babycenter.com/0_calcium-in-your-pregnancy-diet_665.bc

Xtinee, huiqin

Big hugzz
i had an m/c last year too so i understand perfectly how you feel...
now our rainbow babies have come back... lets do our very best to protect them and keep our previous angels in our hearts
jiayou!!! Five more months to the big day!!!


Any mummies still suffering frm ms?? Mine comes on on n off..when i thought its gone,it comes!! Argh.. ive seen mummies in their third tri at the gynae asking for plastic bag to gag! Hope we wont hv to bear for that long!!


Hello mommies, anyone felt weakness in legs or whole body aching? I had this problem for awhile... It felt like fever kind of body aching, but when I measure my temp I am not having a fever. Is it common?


Hello all, I had all the vits when i just seen my gynae at wk 8, have been eating it till now wk 15. I have fish oil, iron, calcium, folic acid. Initially i had vit B too... Hmm I have already started wearing maternity clothes which my friends passed down to me... But sometimes I will wear not so loose clothes to work so others can also see the Lil stomach protruding out. :)

I still do have MS as and when. Felt uncomfortable. But got to endure.

So all mommies, please take care... :D
Any mummies still suffering frm ms?? Mine comes on on n off..when i thought its gone,it comes!! Argh.. ive seen mummies in their third tri at the gynae asking for plastic bag to gag! Hope we wont hv to bear for that long!!
i tink some mummies do suffer ms whole pregnancy..some 1sr and last trimester.. and some never! gotta tahan ya.. its just one of those unexplainable things.... and keep hydrated and avoid smells that make u sick.
my MS ok le but there are some things i just cannot smell( like bakchor and pig organ soup!) so i stay clear of them at food courts.
my gynae just gave fish oil and folic acid. she said as long as i drink milk everyday , eat my cereal with milk its enough for now. too much calcium can give me constipation also.

i also take pregnancy multivits on some days when i feel like my meals are not very nutritious. so just go by my own feeling doc say ok.. haha. i take vit c coz during pregnancy our immunity is lower, easy to fall sick.

i got some Anmum samples from the clinic that day so gg to try if it suits me..i really very scared of getting too heaty and constipated. coz my constipation can be quite jialat.

so i think just follow doc's guides, and listen to our bodies, take notenof what we eat, shd be ok le.


My ms reduced since week 10, now week 13 still have on and off stabbing pains on breast, giddyness, fatigue and constipation.
Told doctor yesterday and he do not seem worried.
I think its better to have ms then me feeling worried that there is nothing for me to prove my pregnancy.

Im not on any pills yet except folic acid, doing oscar scan today as yesterday we keep poking the baby, he is swimming and moving but still head down,
Didn know this will be so difficult arghhhhhh. Talked to him again.tdy to guai guai and even daddy told him that, hope he swims the right way.
Ooh he moved so much that i can see his five fingers moving haha.
At one point he turned to face the doctor like telling him "hey stop poking me im sleepy" Praying hard now....


I only feel like throwing up whenever i take vitamins or fish oil. Not sure if is considered MS or not.
last week was throwing up badly, bad MS then this week suddenly ok. anyone got suddenly change like me?


I haven't start on fish oil too, only on folic, iron and calcium. Yesterday I went Eu Yan Sang, bought their birds nest. Now they are having 20% discount for all birds nest for mother's day. The sales recommended taking normal low sugar (blue box) for pregnant mummies.