EDD Oct 2013


anyone have problem taking the fish oil? I will feel like throwing up and even puke out my food with pill within 5mins of consume.
My body gets very turn off n feel sick whenever i take any vitamins pill =(
Hi huiqin83,
beside fish oil , what other vitamins did u take? gg to see my gynae soon, wonder he will prescribe fish oil or vitamins to me.


eh too early?? how come your dr so different from mine.

My dr starts me on multi vitamins, fish oil with DHA, calcium since week 8. the multi vitamins has all A B C, folic acid, iron etc inside. Calcium to take separately with iron.

Im week 16 2days now, been taking till last week i stop a bit. puke too much.I didnt put in fridge, maybe can try.
all of you have not start on these vitamins? i eat until i want to puke (literately )


I started folic acid and multi vitamins until week 12, from then onwards fish oil, calcium and iron. 16weeks 5days today. and now tummy start to shows! Who had already started to wear loose/maternity clothes?
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hahaa june83, i been wearing since 2weeks ago! Mine are all hand-me-down from my friends, dont wana waste money. Some of them are 3rd and 4th hand cos my friend oso get from her friends.

i have itchy skin problem, so dr advise wear loose clothing. and I think it helps me get a seat in bus at time. Some ppl can tell is maternity clothing =)


New Member
Dear all, i m now in wk14.
Feel that my MS increase, e.g. feel more like to puke...sigh....i still hoping for my second trim "honeymoon" :(

Me also taking multi vit & calcium now. but bcos the calcium need to be taken separately, so i always forgot to eat the calcium......

June83: me! i alrd bought few maternity dresses. Cos all my shorts alrd cant be button up >.<

Btw, can anyone advise me on how/ what to eat? bcos i din cook recently, me n hubby always go dabao n eat foodcourt.
din really eat nutrition food ...
hmmm.wonder what shd i take/eat now so that my baby can be more healthy (except taking multi vit & calcium now)?
Heard abt bird nest~ have you all started to consume it?
can buy those bottle one? e.g. 老行家? haha..seems convenient... :p


New Member
Hi sbc - how did it go with dr anandakumar? Hope all is good?

Hi tvh - I'm waiting for coco shambhala to re-open at Delfi on 15th and will take one trial class to see how it is. Ya lah... Like quite Sian to go back CBd on sat and parking is ex some more!! But somehow going to orchard feels better :p Which part of tanjong pagar do u know?

Dear Littlej
Went to see Dr Anandakumar yesterday. We did a genetic ultrasound (2hours of scanning). He concluded that baby is fine, no signs of risk and this brings my risk down by alot. I decide not to go for Amnio as Dr Ananda says that the risk of me miscarriage is higher than me having a Downs baby. Besides, there is still a 21weeks scan which can pick up more details. Feel much better seeing Dr Ananda... he is definitely someone i would recommend for second opinion. :)


Dear Littlej
Went to see Dr Anandakumar yesterday. We did a genetic ultrasound (2hours of scanning). He concluded that baby is fine, no signs of risk and this brings my risk down by alot. I decide not to go for Amnio as Dr Ananda says that the risk of me miscarriage is higher than me having a Downs baby. Besides, there is still a 21weeks scan which can pick up more details. Feel much better seeing Dr Ananda... he is definitely someone i would recommend for second opinion. :)

Hi sbs, may i know how much u spend total for the scan and consultation?


Hi June83, yeah! and I have alot maxi dress at home which comes in useful. tummy big still can wear, long dress become 3/4 dress hahaa
I just scare my hands n legs become thicker. when do we start water retention?

I tell my friends, hand me down is like receiving blessing from other mums too!

btw have u all started on stretch mark cream?


yeah, will start water retention think around 5mths. As for me i did not use stretch mark cream. Mine already been there for the past 3 births, so no point using for this pregnancy


my hubby say those are 'war' marks, reminds us how 'Wei Da' we are to go through all these hardship =)
i oso have stretch mark on my butt, but is cos i used to be plump. lost some weight and the skin becomes ... so i dun wear bikini

hmm 5 months, coming very soon! is it uncomfy to have that water retention? my friend show me her leg, press liao got a 'hole' . the depression doesnt come up after u press her feet.


Yes we cant eat half boil eggs, every time im seeing my hubby eating and i drool ........... sad
Most people advice against eating anything fermented chinese food like century eggs + salted eggs + fermented bean curd which goes nice with porridge


oh no, i already took salted eggs a few times!!

half boil egg, salad all cannot. stay away from any food that is not 100% cook.


huiqin83 its ok, since you didn know and I think salted eggs mostly due to high sodium.
These are all the things i wanna eat :( but most people says it contains preservatives or too much salt and zero nutritional value which is not good for the baby.


xtinee, i understand how u feel. I love to eat watermelon, but have been stopping myself since preggie. is like arghhhh feeling eveyrtime i see it at fruit stall.
my hubby oso dun dare eat in front of me.

after confinement, i think we can whack most of the food we loved liao!