EDD Oct 2013


Oh dear.. Do take care n don't worry so much.

Just walk slower, drink more water n/or milk. Clean lungs stomach n hydrates urself.

Shouldn't be a problem one 10-15min walk.

Cheer up!!!

*I'm on the other hand.. Locked up In room still .. cos of haze I been nose blood clots, dizzy etc. Even skipped Gynae appt. *

Jia you for mummies having to go work! Hope ur bosses let u work from home! Take lotsa care!!
joyfulmum.. i'm not sure actually, different ppl tell me diff things. lol. i was thinking maybe start with 4 pads per day x 2 weeks?

also, abt the haze, though everything is clearer, there's still tiny tiny particles so dun spend too much time outdoors ya. i didnt use AC today and opened windows in the end my hubby got allergic reaction(his nose sensitive)and my eyes were smarting.
locked up in room is good! but tmr is monday le.. :(
How long will we usually bleed after giving birth? Wondering how many packets of maternity pads to get
I don't bleed much when i gave birth to my daughter..maybe spotting here and there...so my mum buy those Chinese herbs ie. hong Hua (red flower) ..but still not much..so she say maybe i don't have much to clear..ask my gynae and he say not all women would have massive flow..
I bled quite a bit initially. I even had to use 2 maternity pads at the same time. I rem I bled quite long but the flow decreased slowly each day. First few days can b pretty heavy. Even on my girl's full mth celebration I was still bleeding. After which, due to breastfeeding, my menses stopped for 9mths.


Hmm is it true that when a woman breast feed she wont have menses? Thinking if i wanna plan for second one then gotta consider length of breasts feeding le


Hmm is it true that when a woman breast feed she wont have menses? Thinking if i wanna plan for second one then gotta consider length of breasts feeding
Hi joyfulmum,

JTS, I gave birth my son on dec'05, and breastfeed him all the way till i gave birth to my daughter. Menses stop for 18mths, my daughter was born on April'08. So it is still quite close.


june83:801361 said:
Hmm is it true that when a woman breast feed she wont have menses? Thinking if i wanna plan for second one then gotta consider length of breasts feeding
Hi joyfulmum,

JTS, I gave birth my son on dec'05, and breastfeed him all the way till i gave birth to my daughter. Menses stop for 18mths, my daughter was born on April'08. So it is still quite close.
hi June83,

u mean to say ur menses came bk after 18mths while breast feeding? Oh i didnt know u can still breastfeed while preggy with second child..hehe that would be so ideal!


Yey.. My menses comes around june/july 2007. Then the following month i was pregnant with my daughter. I breastfeed my son all the way through my pregnancy. But straight after he saw his mei mei latching on me, he reject my breast immediately. LOL.


Different ppl give me different advise on maternity pads. So i m gg to prepare some maternity pads and some normal usage ones, cos dunno what to expect.


I realise the stuff sold at the expo aren't exactly cheap....I bought my avent warmer during the expo at $60 then few days earlier, I saw somewhere else (can't rem where) selling the same at $55 plus a free avent bottle -__-


I also didn't really wait for the expo sale anymore. just bought a quite stable playpen yesterday from compasspoint. cost me $99 only. Previously at babyfair, i saw one unstable playpen selling at $167 exclude the matress. maybe will just go expo to find breast pump..


Ya only some items are worth buying in the expo. i rem during the last expo i wanted to buy an insert for the baby carrier but was out of stock. Went to mothercare on the same day and they were havi having GSS..end up slightly cheaper than expo!

HopefullY can get those wipes,baby soaps n detergent etc. At a gd deal this time! Spent quite alot of money on baby le so far, maybe cos first baby plus hubby n i quite particular, everything new including clothes. And im having a girl girl,everything so sweet v hard to resist!! Lol. Must hold back le!! ;)


hahaha.. so good you having girl! :(
i go around asking for old clothes becus i having a boy.. :x
nothing sweet when it comes to boy T^T

other than stroller, playpen, breast pump, clothes, what else do we need?


don't prepare too much items, cause when come to baby shower or 1st Month Celebrations , relatives and friends will send gifts. In the end, will have duplicate.


chocobell:801968 said:
hahaha.. so good you having girl! :(
i go around asking for old clothes becus i having a boy.. :x
nothing sweet when it comes to boy T^T

other than stroller, playpen, breast pump, clothes, what else do we need?

Boy also can dress up nice nice n v fun de! Hehe
Hmmm i also bought sterilizer, milk bottles, hand towels, bibs ,changing mat..car seat if u driving.. mitten and hats to keep bb warm. I think thats abt it bah..