EDD Oct 2013


Active Member
hi Huiqin & Mums the word, usually if this is yr 1st preg, u may not know about the kick till later weeks. I only know of my 1st son kick when I wan about 18 weeks. then as the kick grow stronger u will think back, maybe u actually felt the kicks earlier. there's also baby's hipcups! u will know how to differentiate them in later weeks.


I've been advised by my gynae I have a low placenta at 16 weeks. Had wanted to plan a trip to phuket this June which by then I will be about 22 weeks. Gynae told me to postpone trip till after delivery if possible. I really need a break! Anyone with same condition and still travel ?

if i were you, i will just listen to my gynae and not travel. Better be safe than sorry
at most take annual leaves, or ask gynae for H/L or M/C to stay at home, take a break from work if you are very stress.


Thanks Faithmummy, ya I guess better to be safe than sorry...sigh....been looking fwd to the trip...but I wouldnt want to risk my pregnancy for a few days of fun...

Hope my placenta would move up in the later stages. Gynae said if it becomes placenta previa, I can only deliver thru c sect. I so much want to push my baby out.
yes yes, don't risk it... i heard of some cases that it will move up....
but if really have to go through c sect, i still think its better to listen to whatever gynae advise.


Ya faithmummy, just discussed with hubby. He doesn't feel safe too so might not go for trip until doc confirmed my placenta has moved up. If not, doc said this might cause bleeding later on. It has no harm to the baby but just that I have to go thru c sect..sigh


Has anyone heard of Wong boh boi? My friends attended her prenatal classes and say it is not bad because it is a handson session. I've tried searching for her classes but can't find. Anyone knows how to register for her classes?


Hi tvh, don't travel since ur Gynac advised so. I feel myth we can sometime don't believe but all advices from Dr, better follow.

For tt class, I'm planning to take from mdm Wong too. She from TMC but her class is in amk. I duno y. U go to tmc website n look for child birth education, can register online. My friends advise don't attend yet. Wait till ard 24 weeks. Too early we will forget by the time bb born.


Heard her class is v popular so got to register early. I went to TMC website but coildnt find her classes. Can u let me know if u know if there are any classes coming up conducted by her?


Active Member
Hey tvh - agree that it is best to listen to gynae's advice... Or you can seek a second opinion :p do a staycation perhaps? A nice super lux 3D 2N staycation - perhaps Capella? :)

I heard of mdm wong's classes too! And yes I wanna sign up with tmc cuz i heard it is pretty good but not sure if i wanna sign up for mdm wong?!? reason is - if she is so popular, I wonder if her class will be crowded and you don't get the required attention or the chance to ask what you want to know. So perhaps a less popular teacher but a smaller and more intimate group might be better? Don't know leh... Still thinking....
TVH hope it gets better for you too!

my placenta started very low but it has been moving up(hope it keeps going up fingers crossed!). it causes me to spot so i cant stand/walk for long and flights are not an option for me too :(
but my hubby did drive me across the causeway for mini vacation.and we're going to do a staycation soon! haha bo pian gotta find alternative sources of enjoyment.
Hello Mummies,

I am 18weeks now. Are any of u having flu symptoms? I have been having bad flu since last friday and its still bad...

Any remedies?


Hello Mummies,

I am 18weeks now. Are any of you having flu symptoms? I have been having bad flu since last friday and its still bad...

Any remedies?
Happen to me last week, i was sneezing for 2 days, i dare not take any flu medi, i went to see tcm, but now coughin but getting better.
maybe u wana see ur gynae? Take care and get well soon


hmm i dun haf flu but i think is normal. Best ask gynac for medic so it wont clash with ur current supplements.

ANyone throw up by just taking those supplement? my MS is gone but whenever i take vitamins or fish oil or constipation syrup, i will throw up =(
Thank You MeowMummy and Huiqin83.

I visited the gynae 2 weeks back when i was having throat infection. She gave me flu tabs to take.
Been taking the tabs over the weekend.. Still not helping.. And afraid to continue as well.. Haizzz..

Its just terrible with runny nose and blocked nose...


I have sinus every now and then, best remedy is to rest more, try to sleep more, for blocked nose can use saline drips to lubricate your nostril.

Our immune system is lower now, so try to take more Vit C


TVH maybe you can consider Batam or Bintan, only 45mins ferry ride, so anything can still rush back to SG.
They have nice resort there, so should be able to relax, best go for banyan tree, you will have your own villa just next to the sea, with private Jacuzzi just outside your door.
I have sinus every now and then, best remedy is to rest more, try to sleep more, for blocked nose can use saline drips to lubricate your nostril.

Our immune system is lower now, so try to take more Vit C
Hi Xtinee,

I cant take Vitamin C.. Infact it all started when i drank Sunkist orange juice on Friday aftnn. I cant take citrus stuff. I am too weak. I used to have sinus as well. Haizzz... I just hope it doesnt affect baby.. And Baby stays healthy and fine...:embarrassed: