EDD Oct 2013


Wow!!! Congrats on ur boy!!

U one shot bought all? U still need buy confinement items , n basins to wash ur boy . Cushions etc . These are optional though. Like toys walker.

Baby sling, carrier, carseat, Cordlife , adult diapers etc. All optional.


Hey mummies interested in medela freestyle. Mothercare having promotion $799 with many freebies. Cab check out on their Facebook . ;)


New Member
Hi mummies,

Went for detailed scan a couple of weeks ago, we'll be expecting a princess in Oct.. Cannot resist the sweet pink dresses!!!
A friend is handing me her breast pump, but I felt it is important to get my own set of "consumables" (things that are abit more personal??)
Saw some accessories like breast shields, valves and such.. What is necessary? Any advice??
Thanks lots mummies..

At least tis is so encouraging n motivating..
Yup will stay positive and await good news to share too..

Meanwhile, mummies u all take care too..

Thanks once again..
hi spyy, i bought for 3 mths usage. confinement, im going for aixinconfinement, as my mil place not suitable. im d kiasu type n will b busy with part time degree lessons n exams frm jul-aug. only free in sept which is last month to go!

adult diapers? hmm i tot maternity pad will suffice:rolleyes:

spyvonne:795487 said:
Wow!!! Congrats on ur boy!!

U one shot bought all? U still need buy confinement items , n basins to wash ur boy . Cushions etc . These are optional though. Like toys walker.

Baby sling, carrier, carseat, Cordlife , adult diapers etc. All optional.


Wow! I'm buying all by July. Cos I may premature even with the medications. So I also kiasu buying most stuffs Le.

Ur so diligent! Still go sch n got exams! If me, I sure freak out. I specially fin my p/t deg then try for bb de


hi spyy, i bought for 3 mths usage. confinement, im going for aixinconfinement, as my mil place not suitable. im d kiasu type n will b busy with part time degree lessons n exams frm jul-aug. only free in sept which is last month to go!

adult diapers? hmm i tot maternity pad will suffice:rolleyes:
can share me the price of aixin confinement? I try to FB message them they nv reply.


anyway mummies,

i came across this confinement catering. menu looks gd. they extending the expo promotion til this sunday.

for those interested in all days confinement food, can see see this. cheapest i found so far (with the promo).

Menu from Newbaby


anyway mummies,

i came across this confinement catering. menu looks gd. they extending the expo promotion til this sunday.

for those interested in all days confinement food, can see see this. cheapest i found so far (with the promo).

Menu from Newbaby
I tried newbaby before during my 2nd confinement. Not very statisfy with the food, so not looking back. If you are very fussy mummy, i think better dont order confinement catering.


Hi princess - great that you got the appt with dr tc Chang. hope it all works out well. He is very nice and professional. If I could, I would change gynae to him! Hee hee - maybe second kid =p
ooooooh littlej, pls stop changing gynae already!! hahaha


New Member
Hi all mummies,

i just did my detail scan today and confirm I am having a bb boy.

Although today my husband and I waited for 2hrs (with appointment made at tmc level 4) before scanning my bb, but the wait is worth it.
We saw our boy, he was waving to us at the start of the scan. Saw his face, organs, hands, legs, fingers, toes, lip and nose. Practically everything. But he kept hiding his cute face, using his hand, fingers to block.
Towards the end of the scan, he waved goodbye to us.

My husband kept smiling, laughing and kept saying "dear, look at that, and that." throughout the whole scan.

Our bb boy weighs 348grams.
Gynae said its growing well and healthy.

Now we got to wait till our next visit in order to see him again.
And he is kicking me now as I type. Haha!


New Member
hello MTBs, i was quietly reading ur posts since i last posted my maldives holidaying here.

heres my update to share, ytd detailed scan confirm its a boy! n i bought 1k worth of stuff from d expo motherhood fair. 11am till 9pm! shiong shopping. e.g disposable breast pads, maternity pads, moomookow washable diapers, 300 worth of nursing bra & tops n dresses, liquid detergents, rash cream, thermometer, nipple cream, wipes, baby carrier, pillow n so on. filled d car boot entirely. last but not least me n baby's first prudential saving policy.

i hope to get everything else at d nx fair for after ppl passed me d hand downs.
i've gain 10kg since n doc tell me to eat lesser carbos. :eek:
now then i announce to my frens im preggy. am i late? lol.

and MTBs, besides stroller, breast pump, baby clothing, baby cot, sterliser, warmer, feeding bottles, any impt crucial items i have missed out so far?

edd 19 Oct!! :D
Wah! You got everything!
I have started looking around but haven't confirm what to buy.
Btw, you got the moomookow reusable diapers.
I am planning to get the Charlie banana.
Have you compare both before buying? Can share some information with me?

And yes, we have the same EDD. Hurray!!


I just had my FA scan done yesterday too! My baby already weighs 418 grams at 21 weeks...is that very big? I can't help but feel that I have a fat baby. I've put on about 5kg. My placenta is no longer low! But the professor said I have slightly increased amniotic fluid which puts me at risk for diabetes..
My boy was very active throughout the scan though, he just refused to keep still and was in a downward facing position, hiding his face from us...can see him kicking his legs as the sonographer scanned my tummy...

moomookow is very expensive! I went to the motherhood fair and saw like one pack costs $133? I gasped...
hello Alisa, i took d package at 8k (got cheaper ones).
not sure wats d rates now. i suggest tat if any of u r interested to give a call to mk appt n visit d place.
my reasons for chosing are
i nd a place to recover fully due to previous op on cyst removal i didnt recover well.
my mil place too noisy n crowded + dementia grandma who kp opening the door.
confinement lady no place to stay.
if rent a place + $ of confinement food n nanny > cost at aixin.
room n personal toilet at centre (terrace) larger than hdb + whole day aircon.
less hassle for family members n quiet environment..

hubby used up his bonus tis yr to pay for this... haa ;)

Alisa:795532 said:
blackroselian, how much you pay for aixinconfinement?
Hooray eileen ;)

u shd get ur stuff now so tat u wont scramble in d last minute. n after buying u nd to sort them out n stuff. took me 1 nite to unpack n sort out, store them in boxes. best to buy d consumables in bulk. bcuz when ur stomach big ur hubby will haf alot to do for u. my last minute thing is antennal class, in sept when my exam is over.

charlie banana i not sure. but moomookow is singapore brand, made in china. i think its cheaper n quality assured 1 yr warranty. but its quite hassle to wash n maintain actually. got many freebies frm mmk at motherhoodfair eg bamboo face handkerchief, xtra 4 diapers n inserts, xtra 8 hemp inserts, outdoor changing pad, mattress pad, laundry pad. so i deem my diapers part is settled. aixin also provides me plenty of disaposable diapers during confinement. banana i was told not as suitable in sg hot weather while mmk is better suited to sg. any query i can call bak to mmk sales lady i got her namecard.
tats all frm me hope it helps u eileen.

eileenyoyo:795699 said:
hello MTBs, i was quietly reading ur posts since i last posted my maldives holidaying here.

heres my update to share, ytd detailed scan confirm its a boy! n i bought 1k worth of stuff from d expo motherhood fair. 11am till 9pm! shiong shopping. e.g disposable breast pads, maternity pads, moomookow washable diapers, 300 worth of nursing bra & tops n dresses, liquid detergents, rash cream, thermometer, nipple cream, wipes, baby carrier, pillow n so on. filled d car boot entirely. last but not least me n baby's first prudential saving policy.

i hope to get everything else at d nx fair for after ppl passed me d hand downs.
i've gain 10kg since n doc tell me to eat lesser carbos. :eek:
now then i announce to my frens im preggy. am i late? lol.

and MTBs, besides stroller, breast pump, baby clothing, baby cot, sterliser, warmer, feeding bottles, any impt crucial items i have missed out so far?

edd 19 Oct!! :D
Wah! You got everything!
I have started looking around but haven't confirm what to buy.
Btw, you got the moomookow reusable diapers.
I am planning to get the Charlie banana.
Have you compare both before buying? Can share some information with me?

And yes, we have the same EDD. Hurray!!


Active Member
Wow. Blackroselian - u are super prepared. I erm haven't bought a single thing. Haha.

Tvh - no change no change. Second kid will consider dr Chang.


Active Member
hello Alisa, i took d package at 8k (got cheaper ones).
not sure wats d rates now. i suggest tat if any of u r interested to give a call to mk appt n visit d place.
my reasons for chosing are
i nd a place to recover fully due to previous op on cyst removal i didnt recover well.
my mil place too noisy n crowded + dementia grandma who kp opening the door.
confinement lady no place to stay.
if rent a place + $ of confinement food n nanny > cost at aixin.
room n personal toilet at centre (terrace) larger than hdb + whole day aircon.
less hassle for family members n quiet environment..

hubby used up his bonus tis yr to pay for this... haa ;)
Wa!!! that time i ask them, they qoute me around 7k and i am already eyes wan to pop out!!!