EDD Sep 2010


New Member
Yup I remember reading somewhere that poo once in 3days is normal too.

Btw, I bought a nuk bottle to try. For the same quantity of fm i.e. 150ml my girl can finish it on avent in 3 mins, but nuk she will take 20 - 30 mins! Strange.. Both brands I'm using stage 1 nipple teats, so really dun quite understand..


Btw, I bought a nuk bottle to try. For the same quantity of fm i.e. 150ml my girl can finish it on avent in 3 mins, but nuk she will take 20 - 30 mins! Strange.. Both brands I'm using stage 1 nipple teats, so really dun quite understand..
Wow, 150ml in 3 minutes - amazing speed! Incidentally I bought new Avent bottles yesterday - been using Tommee Tippee previously. (Mrs_eg, it's such a nice change being able to see clear bottle markings especially for the night feeds!) Tried the new Avents last night but didn't notice any significant increase in speed heh. I'm using the size 2 teats that came with the bottle, have not changed to size 3 yet. Should I? How will we know when it is time to change?

.bee: maybe the different teat shapes affect the way babies suck - perhaps your girl may just need some time to get used to the new NUK ones?

I read on forums that Avent bottles had a history of being leaky - mine didn't seem to have that problem. LittleLady and .bee, you are using Avent too yes? Any problems with them?
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Active Member
Wow, 150ml in 3 minutes - amazing speed! Incidentally I bought new Avent bottles yesterday - been using Tommee Tippee previously. (Mrs_eg, it's such a nice change being able to see clear bottle markings especially for the night feeds!) Tried the new Avents last night but didn't notice any significant increase in speed heh. I'm using the size 2 teats that came with the bottle, have not changed to size 3 yet. Should I? How will we know when it is time to change?
Haha... I only use bottle now when i feed my gal a little water after having gripe water...
I find that latch on much more convenient for me...

Maybe u jus buy a teat and try??


Active Member
Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
yup... mine yes.. love chatting.. is a chatterbox.. lolx
mine oso v naggy..
My boy keep talking and talking as well even when i feed him, he still wants to talk..haha
but if noone plays or talk to him, he will cry....
he also tries to sing whenever we sing to him .."i just imagine myself that he is singing "

Has anyone tried to put ur babies on their tummies ?
Last PD checkup, doc say I could put him on tummies so he can practise to lift up his head.
been doing it for days and he make different sounds when on tummies..
Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
hi mrs eg,

my boy used to poo a lot in the middle of the night, but now he changed
he change to poo in the morning..and some in the noon..
i have checked with my PD if it is normal not to poo over a certain period of the day
she said it is his pattern and is normal.

at night, i think try not to change his diaper if unnecessary cos this will wake your baby...from what i have read from a book
Hi ppl, I want to ask all of you...
Hw frequent are your diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that sleep thru the nite, do you still wake up to change their diapers??
hi mrs eg,

my boy used to poo a lot in the middle of the night, but now he changed
he change to poo in the morning..and some in the noon..
i have checked with my pediatrician if it is normal not to poo over a certain period of the day
she said it is his pattern and is normal.

at night, i think try not to change his diaper if unnecessary cos this will wake your baby...from what i have read from a book


Active Member
Hi happyqueen, sorry wat i meant was, how frequent do u change ur baby's diaper if the diaper only contains pee?
For me, if I knw my baby poops I will definitely change... But pee..... Duno if there's a guideline on this or wat... Hw often we shld change a new diaper

As for night time... I knw actually shld refrain frm changing... And I tried doing so... But baby develop rashes already......

Tthis wearing of diaper thru the night means for hw long??? Our bedtime routine starts ard 8.30pm where I will giv daughter a warm bath... Therefore the 'night time' diaper starts at ard 9. Although she does wakes up for feed..3hrly... She is not in the "fully awake n alert" mode, so I hav always try to refrain frm changing until morning so that she is able to fall asleep again more easily... She normally become awake n alert at 8am (smtimes 11!!!) so..... I have to change her diaper in btwn smwhere smhw...

Id jus like to ask wat are all of ur experiences so far??? Wats ur practice??? :)


Active Member
My boy keep talking and talking as well even when i feed him, he still wants to talk..haha
but if noone plays or talk to him, he will cry....
he also tries to sing whenever we sing to him .."i just imagine myself that he is singing "

Has anyone tried to put ur babies on their tummies ?
Last PD checkup, doc say I could put him on tummies so he can practise to lift up his head.
been doing it for days and he make different sounds when on tummies..
Actually my gal starts cooing very early.... Her first coo was when she hits a mth old... 1-2 mths she has been chatty... And ya... She seems to wana 'sing-a-long' smtimes tooo...

But after she hits 2mths, she seems to quiet down, seldom 'talk', jus watch n smile... I wonder y??? Hmmm....

Yup... Been puuting her on her tummy for smtime too but she still unable to lift her head up yet... I read that it is Recommended to put ur baby on his/her tummy abt 15mins a day... Hahaha mine wont like to stay for THAT long!

Have any babies started to show signs of hand control yet??? For eg. Bringing their hands to mouth to suck or raising their hands and looking at it... Or raising their hand while eyeing an object (toy) seemingly trying to grab it?? Hehehe i guess the older september babies probably start knw hw to handle their rattles already??? Yes?? Hahaha....
My gal now likes to look at her hands... She look so funny doing that...it's like :"eh?! Is this my hand???"
In the middle of the night also can hear her "hand-sucking"... Damn loud!!! Hahaha...
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New Member
So far i dun have any prob with avent, pigeon and tommee tippee.. but tink of changing to Dr Brown's.. reduce colic.. but leh.. tis brand not cheap.. so still hesitating..
hi jaslyn288 - i am using dr brown for my gal as she had bad colic. this bottle really helped. she has improved so much and drinking much better. it is not cheap...but it was worth it after i bought. now i have changed all the bottles to dr brown for her. hope it will help you out too.


New Member
Actually my gal starts cooing very early.... Her first coo was when she hits a mth old... 1-2 mths she has been chatty... And ya... She seems to wana 'sing-a-long' smtimes tooo...

But after she hits 2mths, she seems to quiet down, seldom 'talk', jus watch n smile... I wonder y??? Hmmm....

Yup... Been puuting her on her tummy for smtime too but she still unable to lift her head up yet... I read that it is Recommended to put ur baby on his/her tummy abt 15mins a day... Hahaha mine wont like to stay for THAT long!

Have any babies started to show signs of hand control yet??? For eg. Bringing their hands to mouth to suck or raising their hands and looking at it... Or raising their hand while eyeing an object (toy) seemingly trying to grab it?? Hehehe i guess the older september babies probably start knw hw to handle their rattles already??? Yes?? Hahaha....
My gal now likes to look at her hands... She look so funny doing that...it's like :"eh?! Is this my hand???"
In the middle of the night also can hear her "hand-sucking"... Damn loud!!! Hahaha...
my gal..she really try to put all her fingers into her tiny mouth and gets frusttrated when it cant happen..lol..also she gets frustrated when i hold her so that she wont get saliva all over face..but i sure can her when she has started the finger sucking sessions. she is already trying to turn to her side.


Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
Daytime I will change every 3-4hr, as for night I will change in early morning feed. I will apply diaper cream when change. So far ok. Been using pamper.


New Member
Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
For me in the day i change my bb's pampers twice, and night time i change once after her mid-night feed.


For me in the day i change my baby's pampers twice, and night time i change once after her mid-night feed.
i change my baby diapers every 3 hrs if there is no poo. For night time, usually once after her midnight feed. unless she poo poo or i think her diaper is very full liao, if not the diaper will last her through the night.:001_302:


my gal..she really try to put all her fingers into her tiny mouth and gets frusttrated when it cant happen..lol..also she gets frustrated when i hold her so that she wont get saliva all over face..but i sure can her when she has started the finger sucking sessions. she is already trying to turn to her side.
ya, my girl will suck and lick her finger whenever there's chance (when i remove her mitten). but with the mitten, she will still lick and eat her mitten until it become so wet...
wanted to remove her mitten totally..but cannot becos of her nails..although already cut and file her nail..but i think it's still quite sharp and she will scratch her face if she's left alone too long without her mitten..


In the day if no poopoo, I will change baby's diaper once every 4 hrs or so; at night before bedtime around 9pm I will wipe her down and change her diaper and into her sleepsuit - then in the middle of the night, I will change if she wakes after 4-6 hrs. I'm using Pampers - sometimes it can last up to 8 hours and still quite dry!

Yes yes, baby has been showing similar developments - she has discovered her hands and feet, sometimes can stare at them for a good 10-15 minutes haha! It's as if she still doesn't realise that they belong to her, so funny to watch! She's also fond of licking her fist and trying to stuff her hand into her mouth - in fact she licks any surface that comes close to her mouth, like my arm or a towel or a toy.

I try to let her practise grasping her rattle by putting it into her hand - sometimes she will close her fingers around the handle and wave it around, then drop it again. I think it will be a while longer before she can reach out to grab things, maybe around 4-6 months?

I'm also letting her do some extension exercises to strengthen her neck and back muscles - she's able to lift her head and shoulders for a short duration. Starts to fuss after a while though haha! She can kick her way around and rotate her body nearly 90 degrees on the bed or cot, but haven't seen her flip over on her own yet.


New Member
In the day if no poopoo, I will change baby's diaper once every 4 hrs or so; at night before bedtime around 9pm I will wipe her down and change her diaper and into her sleepsuit - then in the middle of the night, I will change if she wakes after 4-6 hrs. I'm using Pampers - sometimes it can last up to 8 hours and still quite dry!

Yes yes, baby has been showing similar developments - she has discovered her hands and feet, sometimes can stare at them for a good 10-15 minutes haha! It's as if she still doesn't realise that they belong to her, so funny to watch! She's also fond of licking her fist and trying to stuff her hand into her mouth - in fact she licks any surface that comes close to her mouth, like my arm or a towel or a toy.

I try to let her practise grasping her rattle by putting it into her hand - sometimes she will close her fingers around the handle and wave it around, then drop it again. I think it will be a while longer before she can reach out to grab things, maybe around 4-6 months?

I'm also letting her do some extension exercises to strengthen her neck and back muscles - she's able to lift her head and shoulders for a short duration. Starts to fuss after a while though haha! She can kick her way around and rotate her body nearly 90 degrees on the bed or cot, but haven't seen her flip over on her own yet.
My baby also does the same ! now she loves to suck her hand before her feed. so whenever she sucks her hand for a long time and not making any crying noise means its time for her feed. :p & whenever i put my finger below her chin to *ang gee gee* her. she'll stick out her tongue and try to lick my finger. So cute whenever she sticks out her tongue. :)
Have you read bedtime stories to ur lil one?
my girl loves to listen to me reading bedtime stories to her.
she'll just keep quiet and wriggle around listening to me read stories to her. :)


Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
For me, i will change the diaper after each feed which is abt every 3-4hrs.. den last feed abt 9plus or latest 10pm, i will change and till next day morning.. i dun wake up in the middle of night.. hee~~
so far *touchwood*, still okie..

So far, ermmm.. frm start till nw using avent, it dun give me any problem..

Juz to chk... anyone going polyclinic for jabs?? which is better? PD or GP or Polyclinic? any advise? :D


Active Member
Raine... U change diapers 3 times a day only?!?!? Wow wat diaper cream n diaper brand u use???
Btw, ya... Me... Ive been reading bedtime stories... And she always yawn at me although she still listens... Duno if it is bcos I bore her or bcos it is bedtime... Hahaha

Anyone using modern cloth diaper durin the day? Im wondering wat causes my gal's diaper rash... The long hrs overnight? The daytime cloth diapers? Or isit huggies cant last too long overnight??? Hmmm.... I also went to check my diaper cream (pureen)... It says there for protection n for treatment... How come suddenly all not working??? Btw.... Are u all using pampers? Or a more expensive brand than huggies??? And wat diaper cream u all use???
I wonder if the diaper rash will subside soon... Anyone has similar experience b4?? Wat did u do???

Nightingale... My fren's bb 3 mths old know hw to switch her rattle frm one hand to the other le... So I tot it will be pretty soon for our semtember babies... Hmmm....

Btw.. Tis wkend got babyfair!!! Starting friday! Hope it is not dissapointing... :)


mrs_eg: Cheyenne had diaper rash in the first 2 weeks when she was using Huggies, despite using Desitin diaper cream after every diaper change. My confinement lady recommended another diaper cream Sudocrem (from Mothercare), and at the same time we switched to Pampers. Her diaper rash cleared up within 2 days! So now I'm not sure whether it's the diapers or the creme that cured her rashes - but I've been using this combo ever since. :D

Wah, can pass rattle from one hand to the other at 3 months, that's quite advanced! Then again all these milestones are just guidelines, some babies develop faster than others, so let's keep our eyes peeled for those first times! Hee!

You guys going to the baby fair? Nowadays not very sure what to shop for because I've gotten so used to buying things for baby online haha! And it's right next to SITEX - gonna be very packed so remember to go early!
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