EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
mrs_eg: Cheyenne had diaper rash in the first 2 weeks when she was using Huggies, despite using Desitin diaper cream after every diaper change. My confinement lady recommended another diaper cream Sudocrem (from Mothercare), and at the same time we switched to Pampers. Her diaper rash cleared up within 2 days! So now I'm not sure whether it's the diapers or the creme that cured her rashes - but I've been using this combo ever since. :D

Wah, can pass rattle from one hand to the other at 3 months, that's quite advanced! Then again all these milestones are just guidelines, some babies develop faster than others, so let's keep our eyes peeled for those first times! Hee!

You guys going to the baby fair? Nowadays not very sure what to shop for because I've gotten so used to buying things for baby online haha! And it's right next to SITEX - gonna be very packed so remember to go early!
Hmm ok... Tats the first time I hear of the cream.... So pampers is hw much?? I wana go to the fair tomorow n check out...

Ya... Very advanced to switch one hand to another...

Ooooo... Shop online... Share share leh... Wat webby? :p :p
Hi ppl, I wana ask all of u...
Hw frequent are ur diaper changes, (when there is no poo)? Every 4hrs? 3?
For babies that slp thru the nite, do u still wake up to change their diapers??
If my daughter wakes up for feeds then I will change her before I feed her so that it's easier for her to go back to sleep again.
Wow, 150ml in 3 minutes - amazing speed! Incidentally I bought new Avent bottles yesterday - been using Tommee Tippee previously. (Mrs_eg, it's such a nice change being able to see clear bottle markings especially for the night feeds!) Tried the new Avents last night but didn't notice any significant increase in speed heh. I'm using the size 2 teats that came with the bottle, have not changed to size 3 yet. Should I? How will we know when it is time to change?

.bee: maybe the different teat shapes affect the way babies suck - perhaps your girl may just need some time to get used to the new NUK ones?

I read on forums that Avent bottles had a history of being leaky - mine didn't seem to have that problem. LittleLady and .bee, you are using Avent too yes? Any problems with them?
When my elder son was using AVENT, no problem. Now with my daughter, yes, it does leak occassionally. When I opened up the new 260ml bottles, it comes with another attachment that helps to prevent the leak but it's so inconvenient. The dont have that extra attchement before that. I was thinking of switching to NUK but then bee. said that the flow of liquid is slow...sigh..so how..change to which bottles?


Raine... U change diapers 3 times a day only?!?!? Wow wat diaper cream n diaper brand u use???
Btw, ya... Me... Ive been reading bedtime stories... And she always yawn at me although she still listens... Duno if it is bcos I bore her or bcos it is bedtime... Hahaha

Anyone using modern cloth diaper durin the day? Im wondering wat causes my gal's diaper rash... The long hrs overnight? The daytime cloth diapers? Or isit huggies cant last too long overnight??? Hmmm.... I also went to check my diaper cream (pureen)... It says there for protection n for treatment... How come suddenly all not working??? Btw.... Are u all using pampers? Or a more expensive brand than huggies??? And wat diaper cream u all use???
I wonder if the diaper rash will subside soon... Anyone has similar experience b4?? Wat did u do???

Nightingale... My fren's bb 3 mths old know hw to switch her rattle frm one hand to the other le... So I tot it will be pretty soon for our semtember babies... Hmmm....

Btw.. Tis wkend got babyfair!!! Starting friday! Hope it is not dissapointing... :)

i using mustela diaper cream + mamypoko & petpet diaper :) so far so good
yeah...i will be going babyfair on saturday..hope can get good stuffs!!
did you all bring your baby to the fair??
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If my daughter wakes up for feeds then I will change her before I feed her so that it's easier for her to go back to sleep again.
Hoho, I can only do this if kiddo isn't wailing the house down for her milkmilk! But yes, generally this is pretty good strategy - because normally she gets nice and sleepy towards the end of her bottle feed. :)

When my elder son was using AVENT, no problem. Now with my daughter, yes, it does leak occassionally. When I opened up the new 260ml bottles, it comes with another attachment that helps to prevent the leak but it's so inconvenient. The dont have that extra attchement before that. I was thinking of switching to NUK but then bee. said that the flow of liquid is slow...sigh..so how..change to which bottles?
The AVENT bottles I bought were the ones with the anti-colic one piece valve (comes with the orangey extra-durable bottle). Seems to work quite okay, so far no leakage (crossing fingers). Yours is the two piece valve, could be an older design. Maybe you want to try this one instead?
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New Member
Raine... U change diapers 3 times a day only?!?!? Wow wat diaper cream n diaper brand u use???
Btw, ya... Me... Ive been reading bedtime stories... And she always yawn at me although she still listens... Duno if it is bcos I bore her or bcos it is bedtime... Hahaha

Anyone using modern cloth diaper durin the day? Im wondering wat causes my gal's diaper rash... The long hrs overnight? The daytime cloth diapers? Or isit huggies cant last too long overnight??? Hmmm.... I also went to check my diaper cream (pureen)... It says there for protection n for treatment... How come suddenly all not working??? Btw.... Are u all using pampers? Or a more expensive brand than huggies??? And wat diaper cream u all use???
I wonder if the diaper rash will subside soon... Anyone has similar experience b4?? Wat did u do???

Nightingale... My fren's bb 3 mths old know hw to switch her rattle frm one hand to the other le... So I tot it will be pretty soon for our semtember babies... Hmmm....

Btw.. Tis wkend got babyfair!!! Starting friday! Hope it is not dissapointing... :)
i use huggies in the day and pampers in the night. and avent diaper rash cream. haha. nvm its ok de. jus continue reading to her. she'll listen. :)
For diaper rash usually its because its too hot and also never change for a long time bahs. i will always put the diaper rash cream after bath &during change of pampers too.
i'm going to the bb fair too. :x


Active Member
Wow... So many of u use the brand pampers!! I guess the brand does more or less affects the "dryness" of the diaper after long hours of wearing I guess...

Maybe I shld try pampers? Wonder if they will hav offer at the fair.? Can anyone tell me the usual price of Pampers?


Wow... So many of u use the brand pampers!! I guess the brand does more or less affects the "dryness" of the diaper after long hours of wearing I guess...

Maybe I shld try pampers? Wonder if they will hav offer at the fair.? Can anyone tell me the usual price of Pampers?
A NB pack of Pampers costs around $8.50 at NTUC (but can get for $7.90 at CK). Unfortunately they seldom have offers or promos for the NB / S sizes, mainly for M and above. At the stage when our baby needs the most frequent diaper changes!! *grumble grumble*


New Member
Nightingale, yup have been using avent since birth, and ocassionally I get the leaking problem. Anyway, littlelady, update on my new nuk bottle - think my girl is still adjusting to the teat. First time I fed her with nuk she took 30 mins! Gradually she's adjusting, today she took 15 mins :) other than that I love the nuk bottle. Teat is small enough so that milk doesn't leak out from her mouth, cute prints, no leakage problems so far. Plan to change all my bottles to nuk.

As for diaper change, day time I normally change her every 2 feeds. Then after her last feed at night which is normally 10+ or 11+ I will change her into mamy poko and it can last till her first feed at 7plus. Day time I'm using huggies. Diaper cream I'm using desitin, so far so good except that I find it a little difficult to apply probably coz it's most of a paste than cream.


Active Member
hi mummies

there is a bigger fair coming in dec

SIBPEX 2010,Singapore International Baby Products Expo,Singapore,Singapore

hope the parentfair has some good deals..

will be gg in the morning hopefully to escape from the crowd for SITEX....
Today is weekday isnt it?!?!
Suppose to be a work day right???
But no........
Baby fair starts at 11am, I reach expo at 11.50..... Carpark ALL FULL!!! The usual entrance? Behind expo... Far end of expo all need to queue to go into capark!!! wait until 12.30 then was lucky to find a lot!!!!!

It is not the baby fair that is crowded... It is the SITEX!!!! hahahaha.... Singaporeans spend money on gadgets rather than having kids!!! Hahaha no wonder singapore birth rate so low!!! Hahaha

Anyway the fair is the usual big enuf fair... Not too bad la... Think our stage nw no need to look at those stroller, cots n such. There are a number of baby n kids apparel booths, diapers only huggies though... Medela, playtex, heinz, pigeon, avent, tommee tippee, baby bjorn, hmm wat else... Alot other shops la...

Brace urselves if u r going expo tis weekend... Cos i think the crowd for SITEX on weekend will be unbelievable!!!! :)
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Nightingale, yup have been using avent since birth, and ocassionally I get the leaking problem. Anyway, littlelady, update on my new nuk bottle - think my girl is still adjusting to the teat. First time I fed her with nuk she took 30 mins! Gradually she's adjusting, today she took 15 mins :) other than that I love the nuk bottle. Teat is small enough so that milk doesn't leak out from her mouth, cute prints, no leakage problems so far. Plan to change all my bottles to nuk.

As for diaper change, day time I normally change her every 2 feeds. Then after her last feed at night which is normally 10+ or 11+ I will change her into mamy poko and it can last till her first feed at 7plus. Day time I'm using huggies. Diaper cream I'm using desitin, so far so good except that I find it a little difficult to apply probably coz it's most of a paste than cream.
i have bought NUK bottle yesterday and same thing my boy took 30mins to drink the milk!!! i think the milk flow slow. are u using 0-6mths M size teat??
i also change to mamy poko diaper for his last feed :)


Active Member
Thanks mrs eg for the review

Do you mean that we have to queue just to get into the baby fair?

Do you think is ok to bring baby there?
Sorry... Mus be my sentence construction... Hahaha...
I meant that carpark all full... There are several carpark entrance to into the expo, all need to queue to go into the carparks... After going in, u will still need to wait for an available lot... So parking is already a problem.

The crowd inside the baby fair itself is considered quite empty... Not squeezy... Probably more ppl on weekend... But SITEX is jus nxt door... So outside the baby fair... Corridor, restaurants n all shld be even more packed on weekends... If u dun mind waiting to park... And u enter expo hall 4a straightaway, bringing baby shld be fine i guess.... But if u will be mingling there for long... Or wana drop in at SITEX then of cos not!!! Baby still small... Not good to mingle too long in crowded areas!! Alot of germs!!!


ermm.. maybe u gals can try using a needle (use a lighter to sterlise) den pok thru the hole on the teat? juz to make it slightly bigger, so tat the baby can suck smoothly.. this is wat i did after i change the bigger size bottle.. hope it helps u oso.. hee~~

sianz.. know the crowds for today, tink tmr or sun will b even worst... haiz.. shd go? or wait the next one..??


I found the easier way to apply destine cream was using tapping method, the same method when we apply face foundation. It spread more evenly n less fiction on baby skin.
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Wah, just came back from Expo, went just with hubby after dinner today just to have a look-see at SITEX and the Parenthood Fair. Crazy crowd indeed! haha! So what did you guys get from the fair this time? I bought 2 more AVENT bottles and a couple of hair accessories, and picked up 2 copies of free Motherhood magazines (Eng and Chinese). That was it! Wanted to get the 4 for $10 Carters rompers but the designs were limited, not that nice. Hope to see more interesting stuff at the next fair - these fairs are getting rather 'monotonous' after a while...