EDD Sep 2010


hahaha ..... i experienced slept at 45 degrees with my 1st pregnancy. every nite gotta lay the bed with 4-5 pillows and apply tiger palm cream on my back before i can get to sleep. Can never forget the bad experience. Luckily 2nd pregnancy dont experience that.
Sigh~ sleeping is not too big an issue for me; it's sitting at my workstation that gets really uncomfortable! No matter what I do to try and raise my legs, put support cushion, sit on cushion, raise or lower my armchair, get up a few times to stretch etc... it's a torture sitting down, I feel SO restless!


New Member
Sigh~ sleeping is not too big an issue for me; it's sitting at my workstation that gets really uncomfortable! No matter what I do to try and raise my legs, put support cushion, sit on cushion, raise or lower my armchair, get up a few times to stretch etc... it's a torture sitting down, I feel SO restless!
yeah, i am sleeping with the propped up pillows. as you said it..siting down at workstation is such a torture.
i force myself to walk around every45 mins..


Active Member
Sigh~ sleeping is not too big an issue for me; it's sitting at my workstation that gets really uncomfortable! No matter what I do to try and raise my legs, put support cushion, sit on cushion, raise or lower my armchair, get up a few times to stretch etc... it's a torture sitting down, I feel SO restless!
i got no problem with sitting, only when hubby drove his dad merz to fetch me from work. Told him off dun fetch me with this stupid car, had a hard time to get out from the car.

hubby feedback, fetch you with big car can sit more comfortablely. in the end kena complained. hahahaha


Active Member
yeah, i am sleeping with the propped up pillows. as you said it..siting down at workstation is such a torture.
i force myself to walk around every45 mins..
Simple, just drink more water make urself go toilet more often. hehehe


Active Member
hello ladies..

my baby has moved head down from my last appt. so everytime the baby moves..i got to pee. it sure feels like the baby is hitting my bladder..
i have lost sleep due to difficulty in breathing and the bulge..sigh..but it seems i did not put much weight..hehehe been maintaining it well.

and now do work all i slow motion..hehehe.. i am stocking upon diapers..clearing the room...more busy at home than at work..

Ya totally understand the "pressing to bladder" feeling...

Think i've tried all position possible while sleeping... But i reckon i cant stay in one place for long, so even if it feels comfy at first, i'd need to change a sleep style afterwards... So when i start to ache in one position, it is time for me to get up and peee again....


Wow! The September mummies thread has hit 1000 replies! :D Woohoo!

Wanna ask you gals - have you all decided on whether to use epidural? I'm concerned about possible side effects.. also not sure exactly how painful the contractions are going to be. How to tell what our own threshold of pain is going to be when it's the first time we're going through childbirth? :p


New Member
Hi ladies, I saw nightingale's post. First I want to introduce myself. I am a birth companion aka doula and I am a nurse in training. I accompany throughout the labor coaching your husband how and even personally to support you and also give parents all their options and help parents to attain birth of their choice, mostly natural and medication free labor. I want to introduce labor to all of you to prepare all of you what you guys are going thru. 1st, everyone of u must be wondering how painful can the contraction be. I hope that all of you can understand that labor is not pain like breaking your bones but it is just very bad discomfort coz your uterus is cramping. You will see is as pain if u keep believing that labor = pain. Next, your body has the ability to create a pain relief hormone called the endorphin which is also the love hormone created when you are making love. This is a very shy hormone which will hide themselves if u are cold, at a unfamiliar environment etc. So you need to make yourself so comfortable to create more endorphin. As for epidural, there are side effects and they are all proven. If there are anyone that tell u epidural has no side effect, that is bullshit. But I will never deny that there are times that I strongly agree epidural is necessary when your labor is far too long and you cannot relax your muscles. So there is no wrong if you are going to take up epidural. Just know all your options at the point of time and what are all the risks you r putting yourself or ur baby thru. You can pm me if you have any questions about labor or you want to discuss more to know what are your options.


Wow, thanks ling010! This is a very great courage booster. When my gynae asked if I am planning to take epidural, I was very brave when I replied "I hope not!" Immediately, I was having 2nd thoughts again.

Nightingale, let's hope we all are able to go through the labour without taking epidural :001_302:. Afterall, there was no epidural in the olden days and people could also give birth to dozens of babies. I understand from my gynae that the mid-wife and nurses there will monitor your situation and if needed, they will ask you to take the epidural.

Exactly 5 more weeks to my full term...:tlaugh:


Wow, thanks ling010! This is a very great courage booster. When my gynae asked if I am planning to take epidural, I was very brave when I replied "I hope not!" Immediately, I was having 2nd thoughts again.

Nightingale, let's hope we all are able to go through the labour without taking epidural :001_302:. Afterall, there was no epidural in the olden days and people could also give birth to dozens of babies. I understand from my gynae that the mid-wife and nurses there will monitor your situation and if needed, they will ask you to take the epidural.

Exactly 5 more weeks to my full term...:tlaugh:
Firstly, thanks Ling010 for the informative introduction! :)

DELvy, I am just the opposite - at my last visit when my gynae asked me on my views about using epidural, I replied yes I would use it - but now I am not so certain about that. :p Would be interesting to speak to mummies who have tried giving birth with as well as without epidural, and ask them for their views?

I'm curious to find out how well I can 'tahan' the pain~ and am also comforted by the fact that you've pointed out - that for centuries, women (like our mothers and grandmothers) have given birth without the use of epidural, yet it doesn't deter them from having more than one child. Surely if it is the way things work in nature, it should not be THAT bad? (haha easy for me to say!)
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New Member
me will also try not to use it unless labour is too long. my gynae will discuss the plans on the next visit.
i believe (hehehe) that i can tolerate it. reason being, my mensus cramps were just like contractions pain. i even have nausea, swollen ankles..so my doctor said, then ..my world is kinda upside down..lol....

on the lighter side, i told my hubby that i am the queen for that day..whatever i say goes..never ever argue when i'm having contractions...or in any sort of pain..:laugh:

well to all ladies, we will hope and pray all will go well and smooth..all should have positive mind set..
also i am preparing my mp3 player so that can relax with my favourite music..


Active Member
way to go ladies!!!

Me also trying for the "all natural" way... hehehehe... been trying to read up more on the "techniques" for a "painless" natural delivery.. hahahaha hope everything will naturally come to me when Im actually delivering...

real fast ya? we are approaching the new start of life! hahahahaha how exciting!!! super look forward to it! Think I will cry when I first carry my baby... the thought of it makes me wana tear already.!!! :wong19:


dl28 and mrs_eg, your enthusiasm is infectious! :D Glad to see so many happy and positive mummies here!

I'm starting to monitor my baby's weight - cos in the past 2 weeks she'd put on half a kilo~ scary!! At 34 weeks my little girl is about 2.3kg now - hopefully her weight gain will not speed up too much over the remaining weeks. How about you ladies?

Dunno whether I should cut down on my food intake or not!
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New Member
dl28 and mrs_eg, your enthusiasm is infectious! :D Glad to see so many happy and positive mummies here!

I'm starting to monitor my baby's weight - cos in the past 2 weeks she'd put on half a kilo~ scary!! At 34 weeks my little girl is about 2.3kg now - hopefully her weight gain will not speed up too much over the remaining weeks. How about you ladies?

dont know whether I should cut down on my food intake or not!
nightingale - my baby is also 2.3kg..doc said that the baby can put up to anothr kg. but how to control that. hoping that it will not over shoot.
my meals are really small portion and spread over..only thing i cant let go is Oreo cookies..


dl28 and mrs_eg, your enthusiasm is infectious! :D Glad to see so many happy and positive mummies here!

I'm starting to monitor my baby's weight - cos in the past 2 weeks she'd put on half a kilo~ scary!! At 34 weeks my little girl is about 2.3kg now - hopefully her weight gain will not speed up too much over the remaining weeks. How about you ladies?

dont know whether I should cut down on my food intake or not!
My little boy at 34 weeks was also weighing 2.3kg, and my gynae told me that his weight is very slightly on the lower side, but still consider normal. So I think your girl is doing absolutely fine :tlaugh:

Very soon, we will be sharing the unforgettable experience of our labour process and the joy of stepping into parenthood!:001_302:


New Member
Firstly, thanks Ling010 for the informative introduction! :)

DELvy, I am just the opposite - at my last visit when my gynae asked me on my views about using epidural, I replied yes I would use it - but now I am not so certain about that. :p Would be interesting to speak to mummies who have tried giving birth with as well as without epidural, and ask them for their views?

I'm curious to find out how well I can 'tahan' the pain~ and am also comforted by the fact that you've pointed out - that for centuries, women (like our mothers and grandmothers) have given birth without the use of epidural, yet it doesn't deter them from having more than one child. Surely if it is the way things work in nature, it should not be THAT bad? (haha easy for me to say!)
I have just given birth to my 2nd boy 5 weeks ago, this time with epi cos was too premature (33 weeks) and was already 4cm dilated when I went to hospital. I was all set for a full natural birth without epi cos I went thru my 1st labor without that and tho the "pain" or cramp was terrible, I could still than cos I think I have a high threshold of pain. In fact I was 8 cm dilated during my 1st labor and I still didn't really find the cramp unbearable. Could still read magazine, doc commented I was one of the lucky ones!

For my 2nd baby, due to 4 cm dilated (too fast) and too premature, doc wanted the steroids for the lungs to develop to work and she needs to make sure I dont't deliver at least till 4 hours later (min time required for the steroids). But if the contraction comes, I will have the natural instinct to "push" baby out and she didn't want that. So for baby sake, she insisted I take epi though I mush prefer not to. With epi, I won't feel contraction so won't push, thereby keeping baby in longer

Now for both experiences! My first one was in-your-face kinda pain when I reached 10cm. It's really quite instinctive actually, once you feel the contraction, you will naturally push. But some gals may feel so much pain, or have pushed so long, that they dont't have much energy left to push. For me was quite lucky labor was fast enough. The childbirth experience is definitely more impactful, memorable and for lack of the right word, more 'meaningful'. The disadvantage was, I was so exhausted after all the pain and pushing, I didn't really had a good look at my baby when it popped, and almost instantly closed my eyes to rest.

For my 2nd boy, I was "forced" to take epi (ok, doc says my epi was worth every cent cos managed to keep baby in for another 9 hours, enuff time for steroids to work n baby lungs were ok) and hence, with no pain, I was alert throughout. Didn't like the numbness feeling in the legs though! Couldn't feel anything, and didn't even know when I was already 10cm! Can say was blissfully unawares of what is called labor pains if not for the fact that I had been thru once before. Can still joke w nurses, gynae n hubby. Atmosphere was definitely more relaxed tho still worry about the premature part. Had to rely on nurse n gynae to tell me to push cos can't feel any contraction. Whole experience was a bit detached, like I was audience instead of main character! But good thing was I was alert enough to see baby pop out. That moment was priceless! But I had post-epi allergy, my 2 legs were mad itchy but only for half a day so that's still ok

All in, both have their pros n cons but if I were to have a 3rd baby......hmmm... I think I will go for epi. After all I have already experienced "real" childbirth. And if epi can make the whole process a smoother, painless (albeit a bit detached) one, and I can be so alert throughout, why not? My personal view only :001_302:


Thanks MummyofTwo for your sharing - deeply appreciated! :D

My gynae also recommended that I keep my options open - depending on the pain and progress of labour by the time I am admitted, he suggested that if it doesn't hurt that much at first, I could try using the milder forms of pain relief - like gas - but to listen to the body and go by the pain, and to keep our options open. Basically he thinks that since pain relief is available, it would seem quite a waste not to go for it!