EDD Sep 2010


When I went for my checkup ytd, gynae could not hear my boy's heartbeat. Then when she did the ultrascan, we could see the heart beating and my boy is also growing. He's weighing 2.72kg at 36 weeks and 1 day. My gynae said that it's due to the thick layer of stretchmark cream which I applied in the morning that interfered with the doppler effect. I got a huge scare when she 1st told me that my boy's heartbeat could not be heard.

Any mummies experienced the same thing before?


New Member
congrats claralicious! :D

jiayou mecolemummy! may you have a smooth delivery!

very exciting to know that some of us are going into labour already. i can't wait to see my little angel too! but i guess i'll be one of the last here to go into labour as my EDD is on 25 Sep. good luck to all mommies!

at my last doctor visit at 33 weeks, baby was 2 kg, so doctor was telling me to expect a 3+kg baby at birth.

delvy, nope, never experienced before. good to know that your baby is doing fine :) as long as you feel your boy moving throughout the day, i guess it shouldn't be too much of a concern. my girl is very active now too, and sometimes her movements are so dramatic that it hurts!


New Member
Jiayou mecolemummy!! Everything will fall in place nicely for you.. Hang on alright! =)

Keep us posted when your little angel arrives.. =)
hi mummies, I am having itchy skin all over my body and I think I am experiencing braxton hicks contractions cos it's been very irregular. Does that signal that I may be giving birth soon? My EDD is 15 Sep, still a couple of weeks to go lah.
Good morning ladies...

I'm in mount a. now. Water bag burst at 12.30am but it was lite leaking and thought nothing of it till 2 hours later when I realized that I wet my bed. Got my hubby up and got us admitted. My contraction is about 4 mins apart and has dilated 2 cm but as baby is still not in full term, I was given a jab for boost my baby lungs and drip for slowing down the labour process.
Keep you ladies posted. Wish us luck!
mecolemummy, all the best to you! Hope you and baby will cope well.


Active Member
When I went for my checkup ytd, gynae could not hear my boy's heartbeat. Then when she did the ultrascan, we could see the heart beating and my boy is also growing. He's weighing 2.72kg at 36 weeks and 1 day. My gynae said that it's due to the thick layer of stretchmark cream which I applied in the morning that interfered with the doppler effect. I got a huge scare when she 1st told me that my boy's heartbeat could not be heard.

Any mummies experienced the same thing before?
Aiyo y the gynae like tat scare u??? The gyn Shld check properly first... U shldnt hav such unnecessary stress!!! Anyway great that all is well!!! So sit back and relax and wait for the big day!!!


Active Member
hi mummies, I am having itchy skin all over my body and I think I am experiencing braxton hicks contractions cos it's been very irregular. Does that signal that I may be giving birth soon? My EDD is 15 Sep, still a couple of weeks to go .
I also developed rashes few days ago... The doc says my skin jus suddenly decide to reject the stretchmark cream im using

Actually how does braxton hicks exactly feels like huh??? I do have this tightening of uterus sensation b4, like the tummy becomes realli really hard... I wonder if it is braxton hicks... Some told me it shld last for a few seconds isit true???

But mine last like half hr... Duno wat it is?!


Had been experience "hard tummy" for the past weeks, and it became more intense for the past 2 weeks. Notify gynae abt the tightness, he given me salbutomalto prevent pre-labour cos I am only in 33 weeks. He told me if the tightness came like every hours then need to careful cos anything may go into labour. So ladies, please be careful if you yet to reach 36 weeks. Hopefully I can pass through the 36 weeks mark.


I also developed rashes few days ago... The doc says my skin just suddenly decide to reject the stretchmark cream im using

Actually how does braxton hicks exactly feels like huh??? I do have this tightening of uterus sensation before, like the tummy becomes really really hard... I wonder if it is braxton hicks... Some told me it shld last for a few seconds isit true???

But mine last like half hr... dont know what it is?!
BH is like tightening of uterus, that's what I heard. A tightening sensation on the top and slight cramp at the bottom. Hee...Sometimes I'll have that sensation too.


Aiyo y the gynae like that scare you??? The gyn Shld check properly first... you shldnt hav such unnecessary stress!!! Anyway great that all is well!!! So sit back and relax and wait for the big day!!!
Yup, thanks! :tlaugh:It's like counting down to THE DAY. 2 more weeks before I start my maternity leave... dread going to work now...:embarrassed:


Active Member
U mean gyn gave u medication?
My oh my!!!

I have been wondering if mine is BH... How long does EACH tightening sensation suppose to last?? How do we knw when shld we alert the doctor?? Anyone knows?


Alpha Male
Good morning ladies...

I'm in mount a. now. Water bag burst at 12.30am but it was lite leaking and thought nothing of it till 2 hours later when I realized that I wet my bed. Got my hubby up and got us admitted. My contraction is about 4 mins apart and has dilated 2 cm but as baby is still not in full term, I was given a jab for boost my baby lungs and drip for slowing down the labour process.
Keep you ladies posted. Wish us luck!
Hi All

My wife mecolemummy has just gave birth to our baby girl maegan today at mount A. After 17hrs of labour. Maegan was born by c/sec.. Both mummy and baby are doing fine... I'm a very proud dad now...


Active Member
Hi All

My wife mecolemummy has just gave birth to our baby girl maegan today at mount A. After 17hrs of labour. Maegan was born by c/sec.. Both mummy and baby are doing fine... I'm a very proud dad now...
Yeah!!! I was just thinking if there's gonna be some update from you guys!!



Hi All

My wife mecolemummy has just gave birth to our baby girl maegan today at mount A. After 17hrs of labour. Maegan was born by c/sec.. Both mummy and baby are doing fine... I'm a very proud dad now...
OH! That is so good to hear~! Congratulations J@son and mecolemummy!! Enjoy every moment! :D


Yes these days I'm also getting the Braxton Hicks contractions - whole uterus tightens every now and then. If I am sitting / lying down, I will feel breathless for those few minutes; if I'm standing up I'd feel some additional pressure downwards to my bladder! Otherwise there is no pain or discomfort - supposed to be common especially during the 3rd trimester. I don't think it means labour is going to start soon.. just practising for the real thing. Unless you have other labour signs that are the ones our gynaes ask us to look out for - a 'show' (mucus plug), water bag leak or burst, and/or regular contractions.

Baby is also VERY active - especially at night and in the early hours of morning, like 5 a.m. (=.=) Helping to prepare mummy for the sleepless nights after she is born!

Everyone take a nice deep breath and enjoy this countdown process! :D And take care take care!!
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Active Member
Had been experience "hard tummy" for the past weeks, and it became more intense for the past 2 weeks. Notify gynae about the tightness, he given me salbutomalto prevent pre-labour cos I am only in 33 weeks. He told me if the tightness came like every hours then need to careful cos anything may go into labour. So ladies, please be careful if you yet to reach 36 weeks. Hopefully I can pass through the 36 weeks mark.
Yes, i experienced hard tummy for abt 2 weeks but did not know is pre-sign of go into labor. Until when i went for my weekly check up at 37 weeks, I lost weight, gynae hook up the equipment to monitor my baby heart beat for 30 mins. Then found out that the contraction has started and pretty constant yet i could not feel it at all. Gynae said the tightness/hardness that i felt is the contraction. LOL .... My baby did not come out after abt 2 weeks later.

Not too worry, just wait for contractions (dun mistaken contraction as normal stomache-like me), waterbag burst or red discharge then the actual show starts.

Happy counting down to all mummies!
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Yes, i experienced hard tummy for about 2 weeks but did not know is pre-sign of go into labor. Until when i went for my weekly check up at 37 weeks, I lost weight, gynae hook up the equipment to monitor my baby heart beat for 30 mins. Then found out that the contraction has started and pretty constant yet i could not feel it at all. Gynae said the tightness/hardness that i felt is the contraction. LOL .... My baby did not come out after about 2 weeks later.

Not too worry, just wait for contractions (dont mistaken contraction as normal stomache-like me), waterbag burst or red discharge then the actual show starts.

Happy counting down to all mummies!
Thanks for your sharing, lekdao!

A colleague of mine had a similar experience - she doesn't seem to be able to feel BH contractions, even now in her second pregnancy. She said for her first child, when she started having real contractions she wasn't aware at all, until she was told by her gynae at her 38-week checkup! It was only after the gynae broke her waterbag then she started feeling them.