EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
dl28... I guess it really got to depends on when our little one wants to come out. Perhaps, they are too comfortable inside us. You are right, go wth the flow...so long as baby comes out healthy :tlaugh:
lets all stay strong and positive k??

jia you everyone!!!


Stay strong mummies!
try talking to your baby. my labour took me 3 days.
i talked to her nicely asking her to be good. to come out quickly dont't let mummy suffer in pain etc etc... and finally on the 3rd day she came out... >.<
Jia you!
You all can do it ! :Dancing_tongue:
Raine...3 days! You must have gone through a tough period. Amazing =)


It works for me and my friends. I start talking to my bb when 37 weeks. I told her when mummy scream is enough and come now, you must pop out without delay. It works for my No. 1. Going to use the same method for my No. 2. Hee


Ladies, just did my massage this afternoon. I was told we are able to do massage even till the very last day, So ladies if feeling tired and stress out like me, go for it. Really feeling recharge after the session. Cheers!


It works for me and my friends. I start talking to my baby when 37 weeks. I told her when mummy scream is enough and come now, you must pop out without delay. It works for my No. 1. Going to use the same method for my No. 2. Hee
Heh...I will try it on my boy tonight :tlaugh: Thanks!


Hey mummies, sigh I'm still around~! Contractions are coming intermittently, though there are times when they are around 15 mins apart, but on and off. Last night baby was VERY actively kicking, my whole body was aching badly when I woke up!

This morning I had a show - thick mucus and some blood. Hopefully this means that labour is progressing.. but contractions are still slow leh. Can go for a few hours without any contractions, then occasionally one or two. Anyone else experiencing this as well? The suspense and waiting is unbearable~!

I also found out from my clinic's nurse that hospitals consider it a new day after midnight. Hubby and I were joking about standing outside the hospital doors and watching the clock, bearing with the pain and waiting for 12 midnight before going in HAHAHA~ well it's good to know, but must remember that baby's safety and mummy's comfort always comes first! :p

Jia you jia you everyone!! :D


Active Member
This morning I had a show - thick mucus and some blood. Hopefully this means that labour is progressing.. but contractions are still slow . Can go for a few hours without any contractions, then occasionally one or two. Anyone else experiencing this as well? The suspense and waiting is unbearable~!

I also found out from my clinic's nurse that hospitals consider it a new day after midnight. Hubby and I were joking about standing outside the hospital doors and watching the clock, bearing with the pain and waiting for 12 midnight before going in HAHAHA~ well it's good to know, but must remember that baby's safety and mummy's comfort always comes first! :p

Jia you jia you everyone!! :D

Got blood means soon, just wait for another day baby will be out. Yes, the progessing is very slow. My 1st delivery, waited for more than 24 hrs (from slight bleeding till give birth) then baby pop out.

For Parkway East (East Shore) after past 12pm then consider a new day if not wrong. gynae told me to admit after 12pm if not there will be additional day charge.

All The Best!!!


Got blood means soon, just wait for another day baby will be out. Yes, the progessing is very slow. My 1st delivery, waited for more than 24 hours (from slight bleeding till give birth) then baby pop out.

For Parkway East (East Shore) after past 12pm then consider a new day if not wrong. gynae told me to admit after 12pm if not there will be additional day charge.

All The Best!!!
Thanks lekdao! Wasn't aware that different hospitals have different guidelines; mine is Mt Alvernia. Other mummies, you may need to check with your respective hospitals then.

Yeah the slow progress makes it difficult to decide when it is a good time to go to the hospital~ don't want to check in too early because I think it's more comfortable waiting at home; yet afraid of waiting for too long and have the contractions suddenly come on strongly! Quite a dilemma!

Nightingale: Its coming real real soon nightingale! All the best awaiting for the good news yea~
Jia you jia you! :Dancing_wub:
Thanks raine! Wah time flies - you're more than halfway through your confinement already yes? :D


Active Member
Hey mummies, sigh I'm still around~! Contractions are coming intermittently, though there are times when they are around 15 mins apart, but on and off. Last night baby was VERY actively kicking, my whole body was aching badly when I woke up!

This morning I had a show - thick mucus and some blood. Hopefully this means that labour is progressing.. but contractions are still slow . Can go for a few hours without any contractions, then occasionally one or two. Anyone else experiencing this as well? The suspense and waiting is unbearable~!

I also found out from my clinic's nurse that hospitals consider it a new day after midnight. Hubby and I were joking about standing outside the hospital doors and watching the clock, bearing with the pain and waiting for 12 midnight before going in HAHAHA~ well it's good to know, but must remember that baby's safety and mummy's comfort always comes first! :p

Jia you jia you everyone!! :D

all the best nightingale!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
can I ask...

if i have pelvic pain... it comes very suddenly but goes off very instantly... about 5-7 times a day... but it doesn't come with the "menses" kind of cramp...

wat isit huh?
isit BH? or contractions?



Active Member
heehee~ just a week more to go! >.<
i have not't washed my hair since my birth!
i cant wait to wash my hair! haha.
All the best~ :001_302:
actually hor.. can wash la... borrowed a chinese book abt confinement b4.. it says during confinement mus keep clean (for baby's sake)... but as we bathe,.... we must make sure we dun catch chill... thats all....

hehehe I happily showed it to my mother.... hahaha


Active Member
Yeah the slow progress makes it difficult to decide when it is a good time to go to the hospital~ dont't want to check in too early because I think it's more comfortable waiting at home; yet afraid of waiting for too long and have the contractions suddenly come on strongly! Quite a dilemma!

Well, dun worry! either call your gynae or hospital to check. BTW hv u gone for your check up since u start to hv contraction and even spotting. No harm going and see what gynae.


can I ask...

if i have pelvic pain... it comes very suddenly but goes off very instantly... about 5-7 times a day... but it doesn't come with the "menses" kind of cramp...

what isit huh?
isit BH? or contractions?

Hmm.. BH contractions should not hurt most of the time, just a feeling of tightness and the belly hardens. Contractions for me feel like mild tummyache or cramps - like when you need to go and poo poo - and the belly hardens too. Sudden pelvic pain I have experienced several times but not frequent; I think it may be caused by baby kicking or pressing down on some nerve in our lower back, but I'm not sure about this.

Well, dont worry! either call your gynae or hospital to check. BTW have you gone for your check up since you start to have contraction and even spotting. No harm going and see what gynae.
My next appt with my gynae is next Monday. I did call the clinic though and was advised by the nurses that these are early signs of labour; they suggested that I wait for more intense / painful contractions before going to the hospital to prevent an unnecessarily long wait, also to keep monitoring baby's movements and other signs like water breaking.
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Active Member
My next appt with my gynae is next Monday. I did call the clinic though and was advised by the nurses that these are early signs of labour; they suggested that I wait for more intense / painful contractions before going to the hospital to prevent an unnecessarily long wait, also to keep monitoring baby's movements and other signs like water breaking.

How come is long waiting?
For me the moment i enter into the hospital, the admission/cashier asked me here to delivery? i just told them got slight bleeding, immediate they got someone wheel me to delivery ward to check on me.

Well again, is different hospital. hahaha


How come is long waiting?
For me the moment i enter into the hospital, the admission/cashier asked me here to delivery? i just told them got slight bleeding, immediate they got someone wheel me to delivery ward to check on me.

Well again, is different hospital. hahaha
Oh, long waiting as in wait for the dilation to get to 10cm, heh. My contractions seem to have stopped for a while, so I think dilation is quite slow... well, let's see how it goes for the rest of the day! Arghh~ gan cheong gan cheong!! :D


Active Member
Oh, long waiting as in wait for the dilation to get to 10cm, heh. My contractions seem to have stopped for a while, so I think dilation is quite slow... well, let's see how it goes for the rest of the day! Arghh~ gan cheong gan cheong!! :D
Well, dun worry. If just like 1cm-2cm the nurse will advise you to rest at home. It happened to me during my 1st delivert, 1cm dilated after checked and advised me home to rest until the next day.


So excited for you mummies :tlaugh:.

I am back at work today. Sigh...slowly waiting for my turn. My boy's movement has been slow for the past week until last night after we set up his cot. He miraculously kicked me non-stop. I have also been experiencing the tightening of my upper tummy after my session of accupuncture yesterday. Before that, I hardly feel the tightening effect at all. I hope the accupunture really helps.

Jia you jia you, mummies!!!
Hi ladies! I just came back from gynae visit n did ctg. It shows that I'm having contractions already. Both gynaebn head of nurse asked me if I felt anything but seriously I don't feel anything!:elvis: n they looked quite surprised.

hmm... How does contractions feel like? I have very very mild mense-like cramps on n off only. He did cervix test n said ' your gate is still closed' :001_302: hahaa anyway I have a scheduled c sect on 16sep! Hope everything goes well!:Dancing_wub:

All the best ladies!
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Hi ladies! I just came back from gynae visit n did ctg. It shows that I'm having contractions already. Both gynaebn head of nurse asked me if I felt anything but seriously I don't feel anything!:elvis: n they looked quite surprised.

hmm... How does contractions feel like? I have very very mild mense-like cramps on n off only. He did cervix test n said ' your gate is still closed' :001_302: hahaa anyway I have a scheduled c sect on 16sep! Hope everything goes well!:Dancing_wub:

All the best ladies!:red: