EDD Sep 2010


hey nightingale, i have a very close EDD as yours. mine's 14 sep, and im gg thru the same kan cheong period as you too. you're definitely not alone! =P

and i'll be delivering at Mt A too. prob see you there. hahaha.


hey nightingale, i have a very close EDD as yours. mine's 14 sep, and im gg thru the same kan cheong period as you too. you're definitely not alone! =P

and i'll be delivering at Mt A too. prob see you there. hahaha.
Hi mommymin! Thanks for that reassurance~ certainly helps to know that what we are going through is normal! :) and yes! Will be fun to meet up if we're admitted at around the same time!
Are you expecting a boy or a girl? Have you had any signs of labour approaching?


New Member
I can really feel the excitement in all of us here!! My edd is end of month but I have experienced light leakage of water one morning and menses like cramp throughout that day.. But gynea said my condition sounds like false labour sign so ask me to monitor first.. True enough, it returned back to normal the next day and the waiting game continues... Haa



New Member
heehee~ just a week more to go! >.<
i have not't washed my hair since my birth!
i cant wait to wash my hair! haha.
All the best~ :001_302:
Wow, salute raine.. Haa, so did u use any powder shampoo or u just leave ur hair like it is since birth.. Do share some confinement tips because we are one by one gg into this process already!! Haa..


Wow, salute raine.. Haa, so did you use any powder shampoo or you just leave your hair like it is since birth.. Do share some confinement tips because we are one by one gg into this process already!! Haa..
Ya ya raine - really salute you! I don't think I will be able to bear with it - so used to washing my hair twice a day! Can ask whether you can wash with warm water then blow-dry immediately afterwards? I think main thing is to avoid catching a chill, so make sure you have all your windows and doors closed, should be fine?

Well, dont worry. If just like 1cm-2cm the nurse will advise you to rest at home. It happened to me during my 1st delivert, 1cm dilated after checked and advised me home to rest until the next day.
lekdao, did they charge you for admission for false alarm? How long did it take for them to check and decide that you shd rest at home?

hmm... How does contractions feel like? I have very very mild mense-like cramps on n off only. He did cervix test n said ' your gate is still closed' :001_302: hahaa anyway I have a scheduled c sect on 16sep! Hope everything goes well!

All the best ladies!
It's nice to have a date to look forward to~! For me it's like just waiting and waiting... the anticipation is making me very restless haha! Have a smooth delivery, pinkymummy! :)
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Active Member
lekdao, did they charge you for admission for false alarm? How long did it take for them to check and decide that you should rest at home?

Nope, did not charge me for the checking. first they hooked up the CTG to monitor ur baby heart beat and contraction, then they decide to check the cervix, 1cm dilated. They called the gynae, was told to rest at home. Overall think is abt 30 mins process.

Wah! Your 'labor' much longer then me .... till now still waiting. If you deliver on tomorrow; 2nd day of Hari Raya. Same as my 2nd delivery, also 2nd day.


Nope, did not charge me for the checking. first they hooked up the CTG to monitor your baby heart beat and contraction, then they decide to check the cervix, 1cm dilated. They called the gynae, was told to rest at home. Overall think is about 30 mins process.

Wah! Your 'labor' much longer then me .... till now still waiting. If you deliver on tomorrow; 2nd day of Hari Raya. Same as my 2nd delivery, also 2nd day.
Heh heh not much 'labouring' going on leh, contractions coming on and off. I think baby is not willing to leave her cosy nest yet haha!

Hmm... if there are no charges, maybe no harm going to do a check, otherwise need to wait til Monday for our gynae's appointment. Wanna know whether I have started dilating or not leh~


Hi mommymin! Thanks for that reassurance~ certainly helps to know that what we are going through is normal! :) and yes! Will be fun to meet up if we're admitted at around the same time!
Are you expecting a boy or a girl? Have you had any signs of labour approaching?
im expecting a baby girl who is refusing to leave her cosy home too. =P and no i have yet to feel any signs of labour at all! every day is just like it is for the past months. im starting to wonder if im EVER going to deliver. -.-"


im expecting a baby girl who is refusing to leave her cosy home too. =P and no i have yet to feel any signs of labour at all! every day is just like it is for the past months. im starting to wonder if im EVER going to deliver. -.-"
Better than to have some labour signs and then... Nothing happens! Haha~ I've come to realize that what I've experienced as contractions are actually just Braxton Hicks, just slightly stronger ones in the past week. The mucus plug is also not a very reliable indication of impending labour - may be quick for some mummies but for others it could be another week or two. Well at least we are now managing our expectations better~ not gonna stay home and wait! Wanna make the most of our time now before the little one comes along and takes centrestage in our lives!


Better than to have some labour signs and then... Nothing happens! Haha~ I've come to realize that what I've experienced as contractions are actually just Braxton Hicks, just slightly stronger ones in the past week. The mucus plug is also not a very reliable indication of impending labour - may be quick for some mummies but for others it could be another week or two. Well at least we are now managing our expectations better~ not gonna stay home and wait! Wanna make the most of our time now before the little one comes along and takes centrestage in our lives!
haha, but when you dont get ANY labour signs at all, you will start to wonder. yep certainly got to make the most of our time now, esp our chance of sleeping thru the night. =P


Active Member
Hi ladies! I just came back from gynae visit n did ctg. It shows that I'm having contractions already. Both gynaebn head of nurse asked me if I felt anything but seriously I dont't feel anything!:elvis: n they looked quite surprised.

hmm... How does contractions feel like? I have very very mild mense-like cramps on n off only. He did cervix test n said ' your gate is still closed' :001_302: hahaa anyway I have a scheduled c sect on 16sep! Hope everything goes well!:Dancing_wub:

All the best ladies!:red:
Honestly... I also dont know what it feels like... I also bave mild menses cramp of some sort... and some times some sudden attack (some sort of pain) on the pelvic joints... other than that... nothing much....

I have been asking around what it actually feels like... but cant really get a clear description... will see my nxt CTG on monday...

really? my aunty very strict in confinement . she dont allow me to wash my hair untill the 12th day then can wash. >.<
ya... the book says.. during confinement there are 4 "rules" or "points" the mother must follow...
1. Rest as much as possible.
2. Eat well... and replenish nutrients...
3. Cleanliness...
4. (sorry.. I cant remember... want to try to get the book frm library again... it is called Jian4 Kang1 Miao2 Tiao2 Yue4 Zi3 Can1...)

anyway about cleanliness... like I said it is not only for the mother's sake it is for the baby's sake too... (babies very prone to bacteria and germs etc) .... And of cos cleanliness goes with bathing... But they did remind us in the book... NOT TO CATCH A CHILL!

The book mentions... be aware of the surrounding temperature you are in... You shld not feel too hot and too cold... Best temperature to be in is 25-26 degrees celcius... therefore... You shld choose your clothings accordingly... meaning dont't wrap yourself up if you are in a really hot weather or if you are in a colder environment... do wear a jacket or smthing..... always bathe in 'hot enuf' water... and make sure your bathroom is not cold when you prepare to bathe and so on... I was thinking maybe can separate the washing... wash body first... get dressed.. then wash hair??? come out straight away blowdry...

btw... Somebody mention earlier in this forum that her chinese sinsei say can on aircon and all... AS LONG AS THE "WIND" dont'T BLOW DIRECTLY AT you.... hehehe...

I already armed myself with all the herbal baths and all... hahaha... hope my mum not THAT strict on me... hehehe... "i shall remind her that she is the one who borrowed the book!" hahahaha


Active Member
Better than to have some labour signs and then... Nothing happens! Haha~ I've come to realize that what I've experienced as contractions are actually just Braxton Hicks, just slightly stronger ones in the past week. The mucus plug is also not a very reliable indication of impending labour - may be quick for some mummies but for others it could be another week or two. Well at least we are now managing our expectations better~ not gonna stay home and wait! Wanna make the most of our time now before the little one comes along and takes centrestage in our lives!
hahahahaha... can understand ur anxiety!!! its like neither her nor there...... hang in there... shld be anytime soon!!!!

haha, but when you dont get ANY labour signs at all, you will start to wonder. yep certainly got to make the most of our time now, esp our chance of sleeping thru the night. =P
mommymin... did ur gynae say anything? got go check or smthing? maybe the doc will have a more accurate "guess"??


Active Member
no news from anyone yet???

I was put on the CTG just now.. the device detected contractions... but... I don't feel anything as welll
hahahha and I am barely dilated........... so the verdict is to WAIT.....


btw... jus curious... all those doing confinement now... do you all still wash your face (with cleanser) and brush ur teeth??? what water did you all use???

Warm water from tap? Or boiled, warm water? or jus normal tap water???


Active Member
btw... just curious... all those doing confinement now... do you all still wash your face (with cleanser) and brush your teeth??? what water did you all use???

Warm water from tap? Or boiled, warm water? or just normal tap water???

I washed my face and hands, and brushed my teeth with boiled warm water. When going toilet, i brought boiled warm water to wash the wound area.

Even in the hospital, i requested a flask of hot water. When going toilet, add the hot water and normal drinking water to use in the toilet.

We are not allow to touch tap water. I followed just to be on the safe side rather regret later. hahaha


no news from anyone yet???

I was put on the CTG just now.. the device detected contractions... but... I dont't feel anything as welll
hahahha and I am barely dilated........... so the verdict is to WAIT.....


btw... just curious... all those doing confinement now... do you all still wash your face (with cleanser) and brush your teeth??? what water did you all use???

Warm water from tap? Or boiled, warm water? or just normal tap water???

no news :nah: haha....seating at home doing nothing. bored~
btw, mrs eg what's your baby's weight now?


no news from anyone yet???
I was put on the CTG just now.. the device detected contractions... but... I dont't feel anything as welll
hahahha and I am barely dilated........... so the verdict is to WAIT.....
Sigh~ me too, still waiting at home too, haha! Will be seeing my gynae tonight so let's see what he suggests. :)

Have been feeling the BH contractions on and off, sometimes slightly painful, sometimes not much pain. I haven't had any CTG done so far, nor had my cervix checked yet, so not sure how far I'm along now. Trying to stay calm and do some quiet reading... won't it be thrilling if a few of us deliver on the same day! haha~!
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Active Member
I washed my face and hands, and brushed my teeth with boiled warm water. When going toilet, i brought boiled warm water to wash the wound area.

Even in the hospital, i requested a flask of hot water. When going toilet, add the hot water and normal drinking water to use in the toilet.

We are not allow to touch tap water. I followed just to be on the safe side rather regret later. hahaha

huh..... sounds so troublesome... MUST be BOILED???? Hot tap water not advisable?!?!?

no news :nah: haha....seating at home doing nothing. bored~
btw, mrs eg what's your baby's weight now?
Ya bored... my baby 2.9kg... but the nurses and gyn say it is not accurate... just estimation... But the gyn say judging by the size of my tummy... my baby unlikely will be more than 3kg... But baby is of a healthy weight she says...

Sigh~ me too, still waiting at home too, haha! Will be seeing my gynae tonight so let's see what he suggests. :)

Have been feeling the BH contractions on and off, sometimes slightly painful, sometimes not much pain. I have not't had any CTG done so far, nor had my cervix checked yet, so not sure how far I'm along now. Trying to stay calm and do some quiet reading... won't it be thrilling if a few of us deliver on the same day! haha~!
hmmm havent had any CTG and cervix checked??? hmmmmm... good in a way as well... cervix check isnt a great experience... especially today... when gyn says my cervix is 'thinner' already... (meaning she have to reach further in).. ouch.....

btw... Are you ladies all alone at home???? Im wondering if there is a need to go to my mum's place just in case the contractions come when hubby is at work... hahahaha


I'm at home but my mum comes over to keep me company. Sometimes she stays over as well - basically everyone's on standby mode, hehe! Now just waiting for princess to decide when to come out and meet all of us! :D


btw... just curious... all those doing confinement now... do you all still wash your face (with cleanser) and brush your teeth??? what water did you all use???

Warm water from tap? Or boiled, warm water? or just normal tap water???[/quote]

hihi! my girl came on 2 sept! water bag broke at 5am & was in labour ward for 12 hrs b4 going for c-sec with epi at 6pm as advised by gynae. Hubby witness the whole process!
For me, i bath with hot water from the heater with the confinment body gel from jamuorgin..smell so nice!..never used any boiling water..brush and clean my face with normal tap water..weather was so hot..so i actually wipe my body a few time per day. Just be careful not to catch chill..on fan in the day..and aircon in the night..anyway hospital is a aircon place..so i reckon it shd be fine lor.

To mummies that are waiting for the birth of your baby..all the best, take care n jia you!


btw... just curious... all those doing confinement now... do you all still wash your face (with cleanser) and brush your teeth??? what water did you all use???

Warm water from tap? Or boiled, warm water? or just normal tap water???
hihi! my girl came on 2 sept! water bag broke at 5am & was in labour ward for 12 hours before going for c-sec with epi at 6pm as advised by gynae. Hubby witness the whole process!
For me, i bath with hot water from the heater with the confinment body gel from jamuorgin..smell so nice!..never used any boiling water..brush and clean my face with normal tap water..weather was so hot..so i actually wipe my body a few time per day. Just be careful not to catch chill..on fan in the day..and aircon in the night..anyway hospital is a aircon place..so i reckon it should be fine .

To mummies that are waiting for the birth of your baby..all the best, take care n jia you!

congrats happybaby!!! i cant wait for my lil one to arrive :wong19: lols....but i am afraid of pain! btw, how's the contraction pain like?