EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
I try not to let her sleep somuch in the day so that she won't wake up so often at night. My daughter pattern not very fix yet but usually like yours wakes up 2 plus 3 am for feed then 6 plus again. Sometimes we trynot to let her sleep so much in the day but she choose to then she may stay awake quite biting the middle of the night before she settles into her sleep.

Normally babies sleep in the day and active in the night. Try to recall, during your pregnancy, baby is more active in the night - right?

They sleeps in the day coz we walk that make them sleep. when we sit still or lie on the bed, baby starts to move inside our stomach.

Now is the time to train them not to sleep so much in the day, so in the night they can sleep longer hours. Especially in the evening, Dun play with them, once you turn on their play mode engine, you will hv a hard time to put them to bed.


Active Member
i tried NTUC brand diapers for my elder son the last time, not very good. you need to change quite often, so in the end the price is about the same as other brands. i use pet pet too, i think it's absorbent and cheap too,
At this time, diapers still change very often.

Try out the Fitti basic, pretty good and cheap. NTUC selling at $12.90 M-84, L-68, XL-60.

BTW, Shop `N' Save selling Dryper DryPantz at $12.80(M-44, L-36, XL-32) valid till 31/10/10. Can store up now and use later. . . I hv stored up the whole cupboard with diapers and pull up pantz. hahaha

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Hi nightingale,

I've decided to try out Manna Pot Caterer based on your review as the website doesn't show any pictures. Do u mind to recommend the menu? Btw do you know how many days in advance need to confirm n book with them?


Active Member
Mummies, what brand diaper are you ladies using for your baobei? I have try so many different brands... goo.n, huggies, drypers, nepia, pureen, pampers and i love fitti 360 the best! Love the stretchable waistband and grip tape. The newborn size fit her till now but changing to small once finish. I can trust the diaper to last up to 5-6 hours! The best part... It's cheap! Drypers are good too... i love those with stretchable waistband... no mess from the top. What do you think ladies?^^
Hmmm only used huggies so far... So far so good..... Only a few leaks, i think its bcos i didnt wrap properly....

The elastic u are mentioning... Does it leave elastic marks on skin?
Yes, but i dont experience this.
I tired to let my elder gal to sleep with me, but she still crys. In the end i resort to sarong and it works.

My younger gal dont have to chance to sleep with me coz the elder gal will cry coz of jealouscy. hahaha .... They are very sensitive, they know their sibling is on the way before you know you r pregnant. So when planning for # 2, start to educate them early the coming sibling and also sharing of things.
You have the same problem as me. My elder son now is very jealous even though I prep him 9 mths ago. So now the more diff one to look after is actually my son not my daughter. What are elder daughter's reaction these day?


Hi nightingale,

I've decided to try out Manna Pot Caterer based on your review as the website doesn't show any pictures. Do you mind to recommend the menu? Btw do you know how many days in advance need to confirm n book with them?
Hi LittleWorm,

Okay some of the items that we'd ordered that we thought were pretty tasty:
Honey Glaze Wings (finished very fast!), Broccoli & Cauliflower w/mushroom, Fish Fillet w/ Spicy Apple Sauce, Oatmeal butter prawns, sambal sotong, mini spring roll, Curry chicken, deep fried salad roll (crab stick with batter), Longan Beancurd Agar Agar. We ordered the Hong Kong fried noodle but didn't find it fantastic, maybe you want to try something else.

We were able to order 2 items from some of the dish categories because we had 2 sessions. :)

Have fun!


Active Member
You have the same problem as me. My elder son now is very jealous even though I prep him 9 mths ago. So now the more diff one to look after is actually my son not my daughter. What are elder daughter's reaction these day?

Now my elder gal is okie, she dote on her sister much (always kiss her). but some time she felt jealous when she is tired or just woke up from sleep. I took abt 6 mths to prove to her that i love her as much as before. I spent most of the time with her, i left the younger on the cot after feed. i even slept with her in the night (on the floor) during my confinement. LOL

Most of the time I could not direct bf my younger gal coz of elder gal. 1 day i managed to bf 3 times (7am, 3pm and midnight) only. the rest i will pump out the milk and bottle feed my gal.

Just keep a close look out with the elder kid, they may hurt (disturb/beat) the younger. I got a friend who elder gal climb into the cot, disturb (beat) the new born baby. hahaha

Dun worry, give urself some time to settle both kids.

Jia you!
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New Member
oh yah, i am pantang too. where do you get the leaves from?
can get them from florist... so far all the florists i went oso sell... a pack 8-10 leaves for about 50cents. i use them for shower, put under the pillow, bring out if going to be late... hahaha, very kiasu one!!!
can get them from florist... so far all the florists i went also sell... a pack 8-10 leaves for about 50cents. i use them for shower, put under the pillow, bring out if going to be late... hahaha, very kiasu one!!!
so what is the exact name for it if i go to florist?
thank you so much for your infor. hey, dont say that you are kiasu...i am also like you...prevention is better than cure. haha.
Hi all mummies !
its been quite a while since i've been here.
Sigh~ my Milk flow isn't working at all.
Tried all different ways to have more milk flow.
by drinking papaya soup, eating fenugreek, Doc's prescribstion, drinkings lots and lots of water, being counselled by the president of singapore breastfeeding organisation. all also no use. t.t
Just came menses today and my mum said once come menses means no more milk . so depressed.
My baby now needs breastmilk the most and i could not even give her the best. am feeding her goat's milk now which is the closest to breastmilk.
and now she's having bad cough. brought her to kk last sat and doc says it might be chest infection. has to be on strict observation for now.
my baby's so poor thing now. heart has a hole and having a bad cough.
on 5 types of medication. :(:(:(
hey raine, dont be despair ok. my menses came yesterday and i am still having breastmilk. so...your mother might be wrong. i guess it's part of parenting that we have to go through all these. take it easy and dont be too hard on yourself. you are still a good mother even if you cant provide breast milk to your child. hugss!
Now my elder gal is okie, she dote on her sister much (always kiss her). but some time she felt jealous when she is tired or just woke up from sleep. I took about 6 mths to prove to her that i love her as much as before. I spent most of the time with her, i left the younger on the cot after feed. i even slept with her in the night (on the floor) during my confinement. LOL

Most of the time I could not direct bf my younger gal coz of elder gal. 1 day i managed to bf 3 times (7am, 3pm and midnight) only. the rest i will pump out the milk and bottle feed my gal.

Just keep a close look out with the elder kid, they may hurt (disturb/beat) the younger. I got a friend who elder gal climb into the cot, disturb (beat) the new born baby. hahaha

dont worry, give yourself some time to settle both kids.

Jia you!
thank you lekdao,
same here, i am spending more time with my elder than my younger and i feel bad for the younger. haha. but no choice. my friend's son took 8mths to accept his sister too. so i am praying hard that my son will soon come to term that he is an elder brother and love his sister. hmmmm....
yah, many warn me about elder beating or hurting the younger one....thank you for your valuable advise.


Active Member
Hi all mummies !
its been quite a while since i've been here.
Sigh~ my Milk flow isn't working at all.
Tried all different ways to have more milk flow.
by drinking papaya soup, eating fenugreek, Doc's prescribstion, drinkings lots and lots of water, being counselled by the president of singapore breastfeeding organisation. all also no use. t.t
Just came menses today and my mum said once come menses means no more milk . so depressed.
My baby now needs breastmilk the most and i could not even give her the best. am feeding her goat's milk now which is the closest to breastmilk.
and now she's having bad cough. brought her to kk last sat and doc says it might be chest infection. has to be on strict observation for now.
my baby's so poor thing now. heart has a hole and having a bad cough.
on 5 types of medication. :(:(:(

Sorry to hear your kid is not feeling well, for the time being dun bring the kid out since the weather is very bad. My 2 gals also take turns to fall sick. . . sigh . . . Hv you consider to try scared tea? no harm trying if you are pro on BFing.

Menses come does not mean no more milk, just during menses the milk supply will drop alot. But no worry abt it when menses finished, the milk supply will return. Meanwhile, just continue to breastfeed and pump, and drink alot of water.

Just FYI, goats milk from Cheong Hoe at 61 Serangoon Garden way, selling at $38 per tin alot more cheaper then NTUC.


Active Member
hello mummies...
i have a question. my milk flow is still on-coming but why isit that my menses came last night...any clue? hmmm

Every body health is different. Some can hv no menese for 3 mths, some is 6 mths, some is 8mths. Depends on individual, myself no menses for 6 mths.

When u hving menses milk supply will drop. the supply will return after menses finished.


New Member
i tried NTUC brand diapers for my elder son the last time, not very good. you need to change quite often, so in the end the price is about the same as other brands. i use pet pet too, i think it's absorbent and cheap too,
seem like many ppl are using petpet... was told pretty good. hmm... maybe can try too ^^

At this time, diapers still change very often.

Try out the Fitti basic, pretty good and cheap. NTUC selling at $12.90 M-84, L-68, XL-60.

BTW, Shop `N' Save selling Dryper DryPantz at $12.80(M-44, L-36, XL-32) valid till 31/10/10. Can store up now and use later. . . I have stored up the whole cupboard with diapers and pull up pantz. hahaha

only tried fitti 360 and the price abt the same.
Woo! thats good!!! but i wish i have the place now to store up! my house will only be ready in Dec :( Drypers are good too.
hahaha... u even store up pull up pants!!! 2 thumbs up!


Active Member
seem like many ppl are using petpet... was told pretty good. hmm... maybe can try too ^^

only tried fitti 360 and the price about the same.
Woo! thats good!!! but i wish i have the place now to store up! my house will only be ready in Dec :( Drypers are good too.
hahaha... you even store up pull up pants!!! 2 thumbs up!

Drypers the cutting is a bit smaller. Sealer also not bad, thin yet can last. Good for outing

My elder gal is using pantz. At home i use mamy poko value pack, outing will either use Drypantz or mamy poko (normal) can last longer.


Active Member
Thanks littlelady and lekdao. i shall try BF and pumping while i still can! :)
But since i started work( i separated the 4 mths leave into few parts. just for incase) i can only BF & pump when i'm home. >.<
lekdao. where can i get the scared tea? and for the goat's milk is big tin? so far i only can get the small tin at kk and its 29 bucks ! :eek:

You can get the Scared tea from online, here is the link:

Dun your breast engored when u r at work? I understand some office they dun hv nursing rm or place to pump. I feel that you shd pump in the toilet and discard the bf milk, then your body can produce more milk.

The goats milk for 0-12mths only come in 400g (dunno the price), the next stage (12 mths and above) comes in 900g which is $38 per tin.

Cheong Hoe Chinese Medical Store
61 Serangoon Garden Way
Tel: 6288 4652

They do hv chinese doc consultation. I brought my elder gal there whenever she coughs and running nose.
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Active Member
lekdao: I dont feel engorged since after my baby full month . my mum was also wondering why i dont. hmmmm. Thanks for the info. :)

Means your body dun produce much milk.
Either you dun drink enuff water, dun hv enuff rest or you are stressed. All this will cause low milk supply. Try taking more fish, hot milo/holicks, oats which helps to increase millk supply. I used to drink hot milo with oats after breastfeeding/pumping and also alot of water coz milo is heaty.