EDD Sep 2010


Yes I agree with you. So what do you mummies do to put little ones to bed. I hold her in my arms n pat but can be time consuming as my son also want my attention. Sigh.
How about trying the pacifier? Sometimes when my girl is fussy my confinement lady pops the pacifier into her mouth, turns her to her side and pats her bottom to sleep. Or she may rock her crib. This settles her quite quickly. At first I had reservations about using a pacifier - bought it as a back-up haha - but I think so long as we don't over-depend on it, it should be fine using it to soothe baby when he/she cries (and you've tried everything else like feeding & changing diapers). Confinement lady suggested not rocking baby in our arms because once baby gets used to it, will be difficult to put baby to sleep some other way.

Hi mummies, just wondering what breast pump r you all using? M using AVENT manual but my friend told me to use medala electric ones. Any review?
Am using Medela Freestyle, so far so good although I've not tried any other types so can't really compare... I had to buy different sized shields though, because the ones that come with the set are too small to fit me properly (I keep leaking precious drops of milk!) so I went to buy larger sized ones, which solved the leaking problem.

I suppose electric compared to manual would save you some work since the motor does the job; although my cousin, who also used the Avent manual pump, is of the opinion that sometimes the manual pump empties the breast more effectively than an electric pump would. I'm not sure how to tell when my breast is 'emptied'... normally I would stop expressing when I see the flow slowing down or come to a stop. How about you ladies?
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Hi mummies, just wondering what breast pump r you all using? M using AVENT manual but my friend told me to use medala electric ones. Any review?
I bought Medela mini electric before I gave birth. Then the lactation consultant advised me to get the Medela In-Style Advance cos the suction power is better. So I bought the latter when I was still in the hospital. So far, so good. I started using the pump on the 1st day I gave birth to get early stimulation.


My mother in law sometimes uses cloth diapers, but the washing and drying part can be quite tedious and it tends to leak and stains the mattress. So we mix with disposable ones. Tried Fitti, which was used by the hospital, and Drypers, both have leakage problem. So we ended up using Huggies and Mamy Poko.

you can try using diaper covers over the cloth diapers to prevent leaking, cos there's a waterproof layer inside the covers. they look something like the one in the attachment. some brands like Pigeon are quite expensive, almost $10/pc. you can try looking for those going at 3 for $11. and to be on an even safer side, put a changing mat underneath your baby's butt.

and yeah! we've both got lil terrorists! :tlaugh:



Yes I agree with you. So what do you mummies do to put little ones to bed. I hold her in my arms n pat but can be time consuming as my son also want my attention. Sigh.
Is your crib able to rock like Nightingale's princess's crib? Else, I guess will have to take turn with your hubby to rock your little one to sleep.


you can try using diaper covers over the cloth diapers to prevent leaking, cos there's a waterproof layer inside the covers. they look something like the one in the attachment. some brands like Pigeon are quite expensive, almost $10/pc. you can try looking for those going at 3 for $11. and to be on an even safer side, put a changing mat underneath your baby's butt.

and yeah! we've both got lil terrorists! :tlaugh:
Thanks mommymin! I am wondering if the diaper covers or changing mat are breathable. I am also worried that my boy will be rashes if he's put on changing mat or diaper covers for too long.


How about trying the pacifier? Sometimes when my girl is fussy my confinement lady pops the pacifier into her mouth, turns her to her side and pats her bottom to sleep. Or she may rock her crib. This settles her quite quickly. At first I had reservations about using a pacifier - bought it as a back-up haha - but I think so long as we dont't over-depend on it, it should be fine using it to sooth baby when he/she cries (and you've tried everything else like feeding & changing diapers). Confinement lady suggested not rocking baby in our arms because once baby gets used to it, will be difficult to put baby to sleep some other way.

Am using Medela Freestyle, so far so good although I've not tried any other types so can't really compare... I had to buy different sized shields though, because the ones that come with the set are too small to fit me properly (I keep leaking precious drops of milk!) so I went to buy larger sized ones, which solved the leaking problem.

I suppose electric compared to manual would save you some work since the motor does the job; although my cousin, who also used the Avent manual pump, is of the opinion that sometimes the manual pump empties the breast more effectively than an electric pump would. I'm not sure how to tell when my breast is 'emptied'... normally I would stop expressing when I see the flow slowing down or come to a stop. How about you ladies?

hey nightingale! how to know if the shields are too big/small for us?

and i limit my pumping sessions to 10 mins as my LC suggested, to avoid overtiring our nipples. and indeed, when i observe the flow coming to a stop, it will be the 10th min. :elvis: i got amazingly accurate breasts, haha.

i consider them emptied when they are really soft when i press them, and they feel light. but there are times when they have gotten really soft but i still decide to give it another go by massaging them for awhile and pumping, and they actually spray an extra oz or two. :shyxxx: the breasts mechanism is so hard to comprehend.


Thanks mommymin! I am wondering if the diaper covers or changing mat are breathable. I am also worried that my boy will be rashes if he's put on changing mat or diaper covers for too long.
the diaper covers are not too breathable i guess cos after all the layer is waterproof. but i usually dont put them on too tightly on my girl so that there's still some space here and there for some air circulation.

and to me the changing mat is pretty essential if she's wearing cloth diapers, else the mattresses around the house are going to be stained with her poop/pee in no time! :eek:

to me, as long as we change the diapers frequently be it cloth or disposable, and put the nappy rash cream diligently, the rashes shouldnt be an issue!
I'm also using medela but is single electric pump . Wanted to get freestyle but it was very exp haha. But I think freestyle can save half of our time when getting back to work. I cannot imagine waiting for 45 mins for each pump during office hours. For those who have friends traveling to uk can get them help buy the freestyle from mothercare cos is half the price cheaper than Singapore.

Is pampers brand ok? I'm trying to see which one fits my son cos he will leak his poo onto my husband or mother in law shorts while feeding him haha.

Regarding the full month party, how many days in advanced did u all inform ur relatives and friends ? I have booked four season catering during thebaby fair but has not planned.


I'm also using medela but is single electric pump . Wanted to get freestyle but it was very exp haha. But I think freestyle can save half of our time when getting back to work. I cannot imagine waiting for 45 mins for each pump during office hours. For those who have friends traveling to uk can get them help buy the freestyle from mothercare cos is half the price cheaper than Singapore.

Is pampers brand ok? I'm trying to see which one fits my son cos he will leak his poo onto my husband or mother in law shorts while feeding him haha.
I got my Freestyle from an online spree at another motherhood forum (not sure if I can put up details of contact person here - is it against the forum rules? I can PM you the email address of the contact person if you like.) The cost is in US dollars, converts to about nearly half the local retail price here. The only thing is that you will need a US adaptor to use it; also I think there is no local warranty.

Pampers seems to be pretty good - seems more absorbent compared to Huggies (tried both). Most of my friends with kids also vote for Pampers, except that some think it is a bit on the costly side.
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I bought Medela mini electric before I gave birth. Then the lactation consultant advised me to get the Medela In-Style Advance cos the suction power is better. So I bought the latter when I was still in the hospital. So far, so good. I started using the pump on the 1st day I gave birth to get early stimulation.
Wow then you waste money buying the first one right? How much did u get the latter one? I thought of buying but scare if I don't breastfeed for long then it's a white elephant.


Wow then you waste money buying the first one right? How much did you get the latter one? I thought of buying but scare if I dont't breastfeed for long then it's a white elephant.
Sigh...I didn't do much research before buying. I got the Pump In-Style Advance at TMC for $690+, inclusive of 10% off for FBI members. That's the problem lor, I am also worried it will become white elephant, but no choice leh.


Active Member
Anyone already establish baby sleeping and drinking pattern. I wonder when I can achieve a pattern. Anyone believe in letting baby cry to sleep?

hmmm... does knowing the baby will wake up at 2-3hrs plus interval considered a pattern??? hahahaha...

btw to answer ur question...
I dun believe in letting the baby cry to sleep...
have read up some child psychology... they mentioned about "attachment" parenting...

I learn that, being not sensitive to ur baby's need (eg. allowing the baby to be left alone to cry) will result in more dependent and difficult kids... Babies whose caregivers are sensitive to their needs grow up independant and confident... and they are more self-controlled....

bcos at such a young age... babies are totally dependant on their caregivers... if the caregivers are able to attend to their needs... be it whether they are feeling lonely, bored, hungry, uncomfortable etc... they learn to grow up to trust their primary caregivers... and thus... when they grow up it is easier to "parent" them....

the book says... yes... it is going to be tough at first... and tiring... but in a long run... it is for our benefit in parenting too!



Active Member
Hi all sept mummies, I have just given birth to baby boy , Gabriel on 17 Sep at Mount A.

It was really an experience on giving birth . My doc advised me to induce cos baby movements not very active. I really admire those who gave birth without epidural cos I cannot tolerate anymore after 1 and half hour later with laughing gas. The epiduralist came only 20 mins later after I requested and injected me when the contractions were at the highest. Hence, the nurses have to hold me tight .
But soon the epidural run out just 1 to 2 hours before the time to give birth so I have to endured till the very last minute. When the doc came, he used vacuum and did an epitosmy and my prince came out shortly after a few pushes. I was very relived that the suffering was gone. Haha. I almost cried when I carry my prince in the delivery ward.

Now the difficult part is on the confinement and catching baby eating pattern.
My boy also likes to sleep while drinking milk and cry for more after he waken while a few minutes later. I always have to breastfeeding him to sleep after each feeding session . He drinks about 80 ml now every 2 hours . I'm glad that all of you shared your experiences so I can see if my boy is the norm a not . He vomitted milk at times and that worries me. Did your babies hiccup every each feed?
congratulations!!! happy queen!!!


Active Member
Nightingale. Yes I drink papaya soup twice everyday, and a lot of other soups. I am also taking Fenugreek supplement, plus lots of longan red date tea. I express my milk every 3-4 hours, through day and night. Each expression takes around 20 minutes. dont't give up, keep on stimulating, the flow will come.

If you store in the normal refrigerator, it can only be kept for 24 hours right? Furthermore, my mother in law and maid keep opening and closing the fridge to take things, I am quite worried that the milk will go bad less than 24 hours.

Oh, I also ordered my cupcake tree from Precious Moments. As for gift boxes, my mother told me that we only need to give to those relatives/friends/colleagues who never turn up for the celebration. I love their packaging and design! But I have a concern about gift boxes too. They do customisation of baby arrival card right, and it will be included in the gift boxes. I wonder how many people actually keep the card, or they will just throw it away. The thought of my precious's photo being thrown into the bin, I feel heartache .:embarrassed:
Hi delvy...

envy ur milk supply!!!!!
you pump exclusively??? or u do latch on???

I find it difficult to latch on and pump at the same time...
if I latch on and pump at the same time my EBM turn out very little...

But Ive got no choice... there will be certain hours of the day Im not able to latch the baby on... so need to rely on EBM to feed my baby (who's hungry every 2hrs)...

anyone got any suggestions?!?!?!


Active Member
My baby boy dont't really like to open his eyes. so worry ...:embarrassed:
i think shldnt be a problem...

my girl like to open one eye only...
now the other eye is opening up more often...
guess it is normal...
jus give ur booy some time


Active Member
Yes I agree with you. So what do you mummies do to put little ones to bed. I hold her in my arms n pat but can be time consuming as my son also want my attention. Sigh.
somtimes... sing lullaby... sometimes swaddle... carry and walk ard... carry and pat... put on the bed and pat...on some soothing baby music... or combination of everything........ hahaha


were you asking about other suggestion other than sweetest moments?
U might wana check this out...

Choz 2010 - Full month, Wedding, Lovely Design, Variety of Choices, Freshly baked qualities. View Famous Artistes feedback...

Btw,... u gals champs!
in the middle of taking care of baby can still come here and share sooooo much!!! I missed out about 2 pages since I last sit down and check this thread!!!!


i think shldnt be a problem...

my girl like to open one eye only...
now the other eye is opening up more often...
guess it is normal...
just give your booy some time
My boy also kept opening one of his eyes in the beginning. His PD said it was becos his the other eye got stuck cos the tear gland was not established yet.


Hi delvy...

envy your milk supply!!!!!
you pump exclusively??? or you do latch on???

I find it difficult to latch on and pump at the same time...
if I latch on and pump at the same time my EBM turn out very little...

But Ive got no choice... there will be certain hours of the day Im not able to latch the baby on... so need to rely on EBM to feed my baby (who's hungry every 2hrs)...

anyone got any suggestions?!?!?!
Mrs_eg, I don't latch him on cos he simply cannot suckle. He's a lazy baby, needs the milk to dribble into his mouth. So, I express every 3-4 hours. I think relying on EBM is quite ok, especially when we go back to work.


Active Member
Mrs_eg, I dont't latch him on cos he simply cannot suckle. He's a lazy baby, needs the milk to dribble into his mouth. So, I express every 3-4 hours. I think relying on EBM is quite ok, especially when we go back to work.
Icic... Im trying to express as much as i can in btwn latching on cos these few days doing postnatal massage... 4 hrs cannot bathe (this can mean 2feeding)... Body oily difficult to latch her on too...
But smtimes cannot pump much out....... Duno if it is bcos milk haven produce enuf within such a short period of time or wat...

Anyway.. Dun tink i can continue with Ebm when i go back to work... I dun have a desk bound job...


Icic... Im trying to express as much as i can in btwn latching on cos these few days doing postnatal massage... 4 hours cannot bathe (this can mean 2feeding)... Body oily difficult to latch her on too...
But smtimes cannot pump much out....... dont know if it is bcos milk have not produce enuf within such a short period of time or what...

Anyway.. dont tink i can continue with Ebm when i go back to work... I dont have a desk bound job...
hey mrs eg, i decided to delay the postnatal massage till after confinement cos not being able to bathe and wash away the oil on the body after the massage sounds really uncomfortable. in fact the oil gave my sis-in-law rashes. any idea if the massage will be less effective if i delay till then? :embarrassed: