EDD Sep 2010


by the way, i'd like to check with the breastfeeding mommies who are supplementing with fenugreek, where did you get it and any special things to note? like maybe cannot consume it directly before breastfeeding.

mommymin...I bought "more milk plus" from TMC pharmacy. The brand is called Motherlove (www.motherlove.com). It contains Fenugreek Seed, Blessed Thistle, Nettle and Fennel Seed. The pharmacist recommended that to me. The instructions indicate "For maximum effectiveness, avoid more than 1-2 oz of liquid 15 minutes before and after each dose".


Hi mummies, I decided to get a medala mini electric breast pump. Anyone using it? Good reviews?
LittleLady. I bought the mini electric during pregnancy and found that the suction power is not too efficient, though light and portable. Good for bringing to work. Also, since it's single sided, you will probably need another empty bottle to contain the leakage from the other breast while pumping in order not to waste the milk.


Dear mummies,

I have finally 'popped' at 1711 on 29 Sep and would like to share with all of you. Woo~ my princess is quite big at 3.44kg and height 50cm. She was induced via drip and was surprised that I had a short labour process of only 6hrs as first time mom.

I was lucky that I went ahead with the induced birth with your advice as my baby was distressed in my womb and had already poo poo in my waters...doc says luckily I have lots of water so it was still diluted. Wa...I really think I was very lucky that I didn't wait longer and insist on letting baby come out on her own without inducing labour.

Was already 2.5cm dilated upon admission n doc push it to 3cm before putting me on drip. Decided to go for epidural and was also lucky that I decided before 1pm as I quickly dilated to 8cm before 2pm...omg it would have been too late if I still did not made up my mind.

Pushed out baby within 35 mins...really very appreciated that Thomson Medical Center had such good nurses n midwife as the tactic to push n their encouragement is really impt at this stage...haha nurse even turned off my epidural without informing me so I can better 'feel' my baby n concentrate my pushing!!

Am glad it's finally over...now is just the beginning of another stage. Poor Baby has to go hungry today coz I can neither latch her on successfully nor pump out any milk. Do you all have the same experience on the first day? What can I do to stimulate the colostrum to come??
Congratulations LittleWorm!!! Your princess is finally out! I agree about the good medical staff at TMC! Maybe you can ask for Lillian Pong. She's a consultant at ParentCraft centre and is really good. She gives lesson and helps a great deal with breastfeeding. For the first few days, I fed my boy with colostrum and topup with a little formula. It should be able to last them for the 1st 3 days. Start pumping, latching and stimulating your breast now. All the best!


mommymin...I bought "more milk plus" from Thomson Medical Center pharmacy. The brand is called Motherlove (www.motherlove.com). It contains Fenugreek Seed, Blessed Thistle, Nettle and Fennel Seed. The pharmacist recommended that to me. The instructions indicate "For maximum effectiveness, avoid more than 1-2 oz of liquid 15 minutes before and after each dose".
thanks for the info! :tlaugh:

i saw from the website that there's the alcohol and alcohol-free version, which one are you taking? or does the TMC pharmacy only carry the alcoholic version?

and did you really experience a spike in breastmilk supply after you started on it?


hot milo, hot holick, oats cereal, can helps to boost breast milk. If you want can try Scared tea, it helped some ppl to incarease breast milk. And you should try one thing at a time so that you can which one works on you. those dont work on you can stop taking.

BTW, its normal that one side breast (right) produce more milk then the other.
OH, so it's normal! I am still thinking why my right breast always works harder than my left and keeps massaging my left breast. Lekdao, do you know the reason?


wow its been a few days since i came into mummysg! >.<
congrats again to all mummies who have given birth!
so exciting and happy to hear that all are well! ^^

i just went to kk cardiac centre to have my baby's heart checked and doc says its quite a big hole and therefore its unlikely to close by itself and might have to do surgery to close the hole. my heartbroke upon hearing that my baby need to operate on her heart to close the hole. she still so young. though doc says in kk there's no failure so far in baby & kids operation. Doc is observing baby for a month first and see how it goes. baby is now on medication to decrease the swellness of the heart.
i'm praying so hard to have a miracle to let the hole close by itself. :tsad:
oh dear, any mom's heart will break upon hearing such news of her baby. be strong okie? your girl will be fine! hope the miracle happens. =)


thanks for the info! :tlaugh:

i saw from the website that there's the alcohol and alcohol-free version, which one are you taking? or does the Thomson Medical Center pharmacy only carry the alcoholic version?

and did you really experience a spike in breastmilk supply after you started on it?
I am taking "more milk plus capsules" (More Milk Plus Capsules:Motherlove Herbal Company). It's alcohol free. They carry different types and the one I bought was recommended as "the most popular type" selling at the pharmacy.

Like what nightingale mentioned, I coupled it with all other "formulas" like papaya soup, red dates tea etc., so I am not sure if the supply works with which method. Haa...


wow its been a few days since i came into mummysg! >.<
congrats again to all mummies who have given birth!
so exciting and happy to hear that all are well! ^^

i just went to kk cardiac centre to have my baby's heart checked and doc says its quite a big hole and therefore its unlikely to close by itself and might have to do surgery to close the hole. my heartbroke upon hearing that my baby need to operate on her heart to close the hole. she still so young. though doc says in kk there's no failure so far in baby & kids operation. Doc is observing baby for a month first and see how it goes. baby is now on medication to decrease the swellness of the heart.
i'm praying so hard to have a miracle to let the hole close by itself. :tsad:
*Hugz* Raine. Your girl will be strong. Trust the doctors at KKH. She'll be fine. We will be praying for you.


I am taking "more milk plus capsules" (More Milk Plus Capsules:Motherlove Herbal Company). It's alcohol free. They carry different types and the one I bought was recommended as "the most popular type" selling at the pharmacy.

Like what nightingale mentioned, I coupled it with all other "formulas" like papaya soup, red dates tea etc., so I am not sure if the supply works with which method. Haa...
haha i see, thanks!! :tlaugh:
LittleLady. I bought the mini electric during pregnancy and found that the suction power is not too efficient, though light and portable. Good for bringing to work. Also, since it's single sided, you will probably need another empty bottle to contain the leakage from the other breast while pumping in order not to waste the milk.
Oh dear then which suction power is good? Swing also not good isit ?


Oh dear then which suction power is good? Swing also not good isit ?
I never use Swing before so I can't comment on that. I am using Pump In-Style Advance, which works fine for me. I think Nightingale is using Freestyle right? Maybe can get her comments on that?
wow its been a few days since i came into mummysg! >.<
congrats again to all mummies who have given birth!
so exciting and happy to hear that all are well! ^^

i just went to kk cardiac centre to have my baby's heart checked and doc says its quite a big hole and therefore its unlikely to close by itself and might have to do surgery to close the hole. my heartbroke upon hearing that my baby need to operate on her heart to close the hole. she still so young. though doc says in kk there's no failure so far in baby & kids operation. Doc is observing baby for a month first and see how it goes. baby is now on medication to decrease the swellness of the heart.
i'm praying so hard to have a miracle to let the hole close by itself. :tsad:
I am sorry to hear abt yr baby. Don't worry your baby will be strong to endure all odds. I am sure the surgery will be a success if need to be done. Cheer up, yr baby need you so be strong ok.
I never use Swing before so I can't comment on that. I am using Pump In-Style Advance, which works fine for me. I think Nightingale is using Freestyle right? Maybe can get her comments on that?
Thank you. I m not sure if I want to invest in such an expensive pump coz I know I will not use for long. Sigh.


Thank you. I m not sure if I want to invest in such an expensive pump coz I know I will not use for long. Sigh.
LittleLady, then I guess mini electric should fit your requirement. I understand your concern in not investing in a expensive pump if you are not using for long term or frequently. Don't sigh, don't sigh :tlaugh:


13 Aug - Mecolemummy aka Mecole with Princess Maegan
18 Aug - Raine aka YuRu with Princess Wen Xin
11 Sept - mommymin with Princess Shanice
14 Sept - Nightingale aka June with Princess Cheyenne
15 Sept - Mrs_EG with Princess_LG
20 Sept - Christinawong with Princess Amber

10 Aug - Claralicious aka Clara with Tyrant Darien!
11 Sept - DELvy aka Junyi with Prince Zheng Yang
21 Sept - lovemk87 aka Siew Li with Prince Bryson

Mine is 19 Sept... Jaslyn with Princess Jsabelle Lee.. :)


Active Member
OH, so it's normal! I am still thinking why my right breast always works harder than my left and keeps massaging my left breast. Lekdao, do you know the reason?

Sorry, i dunno the reason behind it.
After you stop breastfeeding, everything will goes back to normal provided you latch evenly on both side.
LittleLady, then I guess mini electric should fit your requirement. I understand your concern in not investing in a expensive pump if you are not using for long term or frequently. dont't sigh, dont't sigh :tlaugh:
Thanks for reassuring me. Haaa ok I sigh too much. My pal just SMS me saying she wants to pass me the motor for mini. So ICANN try out. Cool!


Active Member
LittleLady, then I guess mini electric should fit your requirement. I understand your concern in not investing in a expensive pump if you are not using for long term or frequently. dont't sigh, dont't sigh :tlaugh:

Can consider to look for a 2nd hand breast pump if you dun mind.


Active Member
wow its been a few days since i came into mummysg! >.<
congrats again to all mummies who have given birth!
so exciting and happy to hear that all are well! ^^

i just went to kk cardiac centre to have my baby's heart checked and doc says its quite a big hole and therefore its unlikely to close by itself and might have to do surgery to close the hole. my heartbroke upon hearing that my baby need to operate on her heart to close the hole. she still so young. though doc says in kk there's no failure so far in baby & kids operation. Doc is observing baby for a month first and see how it goes. baby is now on medication to decrease the swellness of the heart.
i'm praying so hard to have a miracle to let the hole close by itself. :tsad:
Sorry to hear this.... Babies are natural fighters so u must stay strong too... *hugs*