EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


If no pain then it's not contraction, prollly just braxton hicks :) or ur tummy has air :p either your mucous plug will come out or water bag burst and painful tummy...
Ooh!okay okay.just very excited now only can wait and wait. But is there such thing as back contractions?


We have the same edd! I had super hard tummy this week too.. Gynae said it's just false contractions preparing us for the big day.. As long as there's no pain, it's not real contraction.. :D
Heehee which hospital will you be delivering at? And have you started ML?
FINALLY IT'S SEPTEMBER! I wanted to pack my bag for the hospital but suddenly my mind has gone blank. It's as if all the countless books and articles I've read over and over again have disappeared from my head. Hahaha! But I'd like to check with the new Mummies who have just given birth; the checklists that I have found online are rather long with many items. Any tips on what are the bare essentials to pack to keep it light and easy? =)

And will the mummies here be using their own sanitary napkin or the maternity pads provided by the hospital? I'm afraid the ones provided would be really uncomfortable or bulky. Haha!

Oh and another question for mummies is, it's really common for us to sleep in an air-conditioned room at night. But how would you know what is a comfortable temperature for baby to sleep in? Not too warm or not too cold? Would 23degrees be okay? Gosh I'm feeling the jitters already! :)


Active Member
Camcam u can look at the pinned thread in third trimester forum...

For me, what i brought for myself: one set of clothes for wear with easy assess to nurse in (preferably front button or nursing wear), maternity sanitary napkins (TMC ones r non adhesive n used up v quickly), toothbrush, some biscuits for snacking (hungry in the middle of the night esp woken up to latch bb!)

Things I brought but not used: socks, cardigan (I'm mad I was perspiring nonstop even with aircon turned down while my poor hubby has to wear his jacket to sleep), disposable undies (I wore the TMC one but I only changed once, frequently changed pads though, cos the TMC one v comfy!), nursing bras (I didn't bother to wear bra while staying in, no supply yet so no leakage, go home I wore the same bra I admitted in)

Documents needed: the form that gynae gave for admitting to the delivery ward, IC, marriage cert to register bb birth cert. to open cda acct need bank statement but they allow u to go home then send softcopy via email.. That's what I did.

Hubby brought jacket, toothbrush, n wore the bedroom slippers I brought as we upgraded to premium ward n they provide too so I wore the TMC one. He went home everyday to bathe n change.

When I was In TMC they switch off my room aircon when bb comes in... I was almost perspiring to death!! Otherwise they turn aircon up to around 27-28 deg C.. When she not around i make hubby turn it to below 20!! Cos i was perspiring like mad and couldn't slp! Maybe if u wanna go below say 27 degC, get thicker bb clothes/swaddle?


mrsliaw:687749 said:
We have the same edd! I had super hard tummy this week too.. Gynae said it's just false contractions preparing us for the big day.. As long as there's no pain, it's not real contraction.. :D
Heehee which hospital will you be delivering at? And have you started ML?
Me delivering at TMC.. starting ML next wed! :D
Camcam u can look at the pinned thread in third trimester forum...

For me, what i brought for myself: one set of clothes for wear with easy assess to nurse in (preferably front button or nursing wear), maternity sanitary napkins (TMC ones r non adhesive n used up v quickly), toothbrush, some biscuits for snacking (hungry in the middle of the night esp woken up to latch bb!)

Things I brought but not used: socks, cardigan (I'm mad I was perspiring nonstop even with aircon turned down while my poor hubby has to wear his jacket to sleep), disposable undies (I wore the TMC one but I only changed once, frequently changed pads though, cos the TMC one v comfy!), nursing bras (I didn't bother to wear bra while staying in, no supply yet so no leakage, go home I wore the same bra I admitted in)

Documents needed: the form that gynae gave for admitting to the delivery ward, IC, marriage cert to register bb birth cert. to open cda acct need bank statement but they allow u to go home then send softcopy via email.. That's what I did.

Hubby brought jacket, toothbrush, n wore the bedroom slippers I brought as we upgraded to premium ward n they provide too so I wore the TMC one. He went home everyday to bathe n change.

When I was In TMC they switch off my room aircon when bb comes in... I was almost perspiring to death!! Otherwise they turn aircon up to around 27-28 deg C.. When she not around i make hubby turn it to below 20!! Cos i was perspiring like mad and couldn't slp! Maybe if u wanna go below say 27 degC, get thicker bb clothes/swaddle?
That's really helpful info! I was reading and re-reading the checklist provided in the Third Tri thread too, but I still felt that the items list was quite long. Especially like from what you said, I do believe it'll be warm and I'll be perspiring and screaming so I doubt I'd be needing the jacket or socks either. Hahaha! And in other lists they'd recommend bringing baby's shower towel and baby's body wash but I honestly think hospital would have covered that. Trying to keep my bag as light as possible! Heeheehee. Ohh but did you bring any milk bottles or milk storage bags? Because the nurses at the hospital told me to prepare them to store BM. So I'm a little confused over whether they will let me do night feed or they will bottle feed baby and ask me to express. :/

And my hubby is already asking if all goes well and doctor says baby and I are fit, he'd rather we come home earlier instead of staying the full 3days2nights according to the hospital package. Haha! We requested for Single room but he's still not very tempted by the sofa that's supposed to be his bed. Haha!

I think I'm suddenly freaking out. :rolleyes: it feels like the butterflies in your tummy just before sitting for a major exam! Haha!


Active Member
Haha don't worry! It'll be over b4 u know it n bb will be in ur arms ^^

I think socks n jacket u can still bring just in case, cos depends on individual.. I do see many others in socks n jackets when I go down for the breastfeeding n bathing workshop.. My mum also said she was shivering after giving birth so dun understand why I'm always so hot! But I hv heaty body I guess...

Oh I brought a set of bb clothes but nv use.. TMC provides all bb stuff :) I didn't bring any pump n milk bag cos I didn't think the supply may kick in so soon... And the supply came on the day I was discharged so no issue. At the meanwhile just let bb latch.. When i was there, nurse bring bb in every 4 hr to latch :)


Active Member
Me again!! Ytd my mum made this peanut soup for me... She wanted to add papaya but when she cut open the papaya is too ripe lol... But she says it's ok, peanut itself can boost milk production... So I just went to do a search on it n found this, so just to share :) http://www.homemade-chinese-soups.com/peanut-soup-recipes.html

So far so good, guess that means bb no nut allergy also, since I'm on exclusive breastfeeding


Wow, good one written here... Yea, I agree with you that Alot of things are not used at all... Things like cardigan, socks, breast pad, pads, toiletries... As hosp are providing these stuff like pads, baby wipes, wet wipes, cool maternity pads and tissue box, and also disposable undies. I'm also sweating like hell, so there is no need for cardigan...


New Member
Ya.. I delivered in KK, my Gynae is Dr CK Khoo... He's quite professional I would say... When is yr due date?
I got the same gynae as u! He's like very boh chap leh.. My EDD is this Fri 7 Sept and last seen him was on 22 Aug. I was shocked when he said no need any appointments for me already and see me in Delivery Suite.. Did u gif birth naturally? I hope he won't insist in using forcep or doing c-sect for me..


Oh... Same goes to me.. He doesn't increased the frequency of visits during the last month, reason being is because he said mine is first baby, the cervix is still tight and throughout pregnancy,I have no complications. Are yours first baby?

But when it's due for delivery, he's very professional... With only 2-3 push when he's around, baby is out.. He used his left hand to push baby from tummy and another to receive the baby.. He doesn't use any forceps.. But he perform episiotomy though... But it's normal for that... Don't worry that much, even my hubby felt that he is good...


New Member
Yes, it's my first as well.. Ok thanks Nlipeng, at least I'm more at ease now knowing tt's his pattern.. :)


nlipeng:687879 said:
Ya.. I delivered in KK, my Gynae is Dr CK Khoo... He's quite professional I would say... When is yr due date?
oh, I'm seeing dr.S L goh. Think kkh practice is like that, don't really see u so often ....my last visit was my 33weeks + next will be tml which is 37+....even though this is my 2nd pregnancy.
I think for those who sweating like mad, if i remember correctly, felicity and nlipeng, u guys didnt use epidural right?

From what i heard from other mummies, they will shiver one after delivery. they said it's from the side effects of epidural or if you have c sect and they use epi or spinal during your op..

My bag is half packed now, left with my going home clothes, cardigan, iphone charger n few tiny bits items which i purposely dun wanna put in, kinda scared that baby will sense that i'm ready and come out faster.. hahhaha..

It's finally sept!!!! Last 2-3 weeks!!! *gulp* suddenly anxiety attack..


Active Member
Oh yea, bring ur cam, phone, cam charger, phone charger etc... V impt!! Haha..

My gg home clothes I also last min grab one cos I didn't packed b4 hand as was working n need the clothes. Bought a few maternity wear w nursing access which I hv been wearing for work also... So wore one to hospital, brought one to wear back but end up wear back what I wore to TMC as I was told to change outta it immediately upon arrival...

My mum says she was shivering.. She didn't take epi, only a shot on her thigh I think.. But she says overdosed >< cos her to have rashes for days after..