EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi all,

I am currently 37 weeks pregnant. EDD is on 20 Sept.. Saw spotting today.. Is it normal?? Worried..
Hi Mikita, welcome!! My doctor told me that if I see blood I need to go down to the hospital.. It could be your mucus plug.. Best to check with your gynac.


mamadinosaur:688169 said:
Nope I didn't attend the prenatal classes.. My work schedule didn't allow me too. So I had to do as much reading as possible when I had the time. :)

Oh how's Dr Kang? I initially saw Dr Kang for my first two checkups but I switched to C H Koh because I found him friendlier. Haha!

Did you go for the maternity tour at Mount A? Have you reserved your ward yet? ;)
camcam, if u want, i can scan some of the prenatal class notes for u... may help a bit, coz the information is directly from Mt A... let me know! :)
Hi mamadino... can send to me as well???


New Member
Hi All

quite a long time did not update here. I see a lot of mummies is ready to deliver, same like me!
my ETD is 28/Sept. Now also preparing the bag if baby cant wait until the date :D
If there any mummies deliver at Mount Alvernia? I would like to know anything things that they will provide to me, so i no need to bring.

I heard that red rasberry leaf tea is good for labour, may i know is any mummy drink before? and what brand is good for us?

Hi All

quite a long time did not update here. I see a lot of mummies is ready to deliver, same like me!
my ETD is 28/Sept. Now also preparing the bag if baby cant wait until the date :D
If there any mummies deliver at Mount Alvernia? I would like to know anything things that they will provide to me, so i no need to bring.

I heard that red rasberry leaf tea is good for labour, may i know is any mummy drink before? and what brand is good for us?

I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia!! But they never informed me of what items will be provided during the tour. So I just packed the basic items for baby. Keeping it light. :eek:


Hi mummies!
i just went for my 37th Week gynae appt. Edd still 24th Sept. Baby not engaged yet, doc says she'll see me again next tues to monitor. Still safe for this week!

Last week did the vaginal swab test, got slight infection, so started on antibiotics last sat. Have been having loose stools for past 3 days.. mornig and night.. gynae decided to change to milder antibiotic.. coz i weighed today and i lost about 1 kg.. while baby gained 100g frm last tues.. now at 2.9kg.. But baby is still doing fine! :) As long as she is healthy i'm rest assured.

I have packed some stuff in my bag to carry w me whereever i go in the car.. charger n stuff i nv bring coz very hard to pack n unpack everyday haha coz no spare.. i just brought a simple change of clothes, maternity pads, breast pads, nursing bra, pre admission form and gynae letter... maybe will pack abit more at a later timing..

I had a tough night last night.. was itching like mad esp the tummy and wasit area , including breasts .. sigh.. was trying to sleep and could not find a comfy position to sleep..kept scratching.. teared to slp.. sobsob.. so xin ku.. told myself its the last stretch already.. battled for half an hr.. finally gave in to use the steroid cream my gynae prescribed.. relieved abit but still itchy.. felt bad that i had to use the steroid cream again.. hope my bb wun get affected...


Me too! Itchy tummy.. So itchy that I can't sleep at times.. Dun dare to put warm towel cos scared tat it will hurt bb.. So jus ren and scratch like mad.. Sometimes buay tahan I will wipe the area with water to cool the area a bit.. :(


Hi mummies!
i just went for my 37th Week gynae appt. Edd still 24th Sept. Baby not engaged yet, doc says she'll see me again next tues to monitor. Still safe for this week!

Last week did the vaginal swab test, got slight infection, so started on antibiotics last sat. Have been having loose stools for past 3 days.. mornig and night.. gynae decided to change to milder antibiotic.. coz i weighed today and i lost about 1 kg.. while baby gained 100g frm last tues.. now at 2.9kg.. But baby is still doing fine! :) As long as she is healthy i'm rest assured.

I have packed some stuff in my bag to carry w me whereever i go in the car.. charger n stuff i nv bring coz very hard to pack n unpack everyday haha coz no spare.. i just brought a simple change of clothes, maternity pads, breast pads, nursing bra, pre admission form and gynae letter... maybe will pack abit more at a later timing..

I had a tough night last night.. was itching like mad esp the tummy and wasit area , including breasts .. sigh.. was trying to sleep and could not find a comfy position to sleep..kept scratching.. teared to slp.. sobsob.. so xin ku.. told myself its the last stretch already.. battled for half an hr.. finally gave in to use the steroid cream my gynae prescribed.. relieved abit but still itchy.. felt bad that i had to use the steroid cream again.. hope my bb wun get affected...

Hi Meltie,

I'm also facing the same situation as you. Just came back from gynae visit and was diagnosed of PUPP.. The itch is really unbearable each day esp when it comes to night time. Can hardly sleep as the itch is getting worst. Initially, starts from bump, later to legs and now to entire legs, cant help scratching too. Totally feel so helpless.. Same as you which i try to avoid using steroid and medication but the situation just went out of control and i just could not take it anymore hence have to resort in applying steriod and medication. My gynae advise me not to scratch as it will worsen it hence please do not scratch it and apply moisturizer and use cold compression to ease the itch. Have been advise to use Physiogel Hypoallergenic AI cream which is a moisturizer and can help to ease the itch. Perhaps you can try that as well since it is milder than steriod. Feel bad have to use steriod and medication during pregnancy, but it just got worsen till i could not really sleep for entire night hence no other alternative.. Hope it will go off soon. Im been tested +ve for GBS as well, need to be on antibiotics.. Lately, all the bad news coming in together, feel so down and wonder why i have so many complications while others just go through so smoothly during pregnancy. Last lap to go now, hope we can pull it through and have a smooth delivery..


New Member
Hi meltie and memory,

I had the same problem. I have the itch but only on my breast areas. I use ice pack to cool the area down and i think it helps a bit. Maybe i was too tired , just sleep through it. But cold compress works at least for me . Do try.

I also had GBS and had to be on antibiotics. I understand how you feel. Now i am going to be on my 40th week and no sign of baby coming. I am worried she will be overdue. She still kicks and move a lot. Her head is down and engaged but still no sign of contraction or anything.
Hey everyone..

Turning 39 weeks tmr. Baby's head is engaged since week 36. But still no sign of labour yet. Gynae did the cervical examination yesterday and there's no sign of dilation so far.

I'm so worried that I will need to be induce. From what I heard, its very common for people to induce nowadays cuz there is no sign of labour up till 40 weeks. I really hope that everything can be natural. The past few weeks I wasn't ready for labour as I was pretty scared to go through the process. But if you ask me now, I cant wait to get into labour. Its getting really heavy and uncomfortable as the day passes.

Baby is also pretty active over the last few weeks. There's always movements throughout most part of the day.


good luck you all! some people 'sagely' gave the advice of taking long walks to induce labour, but my gynae said it's rubbish - not at all proven to help. still, doesn't hurt to take a walk or two..

I don't have itch on my tummy or breasts or thighs, I have it on my vagina and anus -_- thanks to thrush / yeast infection. anybody else has it?!


Marissa n camcam...

I checked with the admissions ytd n according to the staff we need to bring our own pjs (hav to bring cos they only provide hospital gowns which r open back), panties, sanitary napkins (they only provide those hook types not adhesive type, n according to staff its not too gd cos will not stuck to our undies), breast pads, nursing bras n a set of clothes to wear on discharge..for babies they will provide all for the baby during the stay including diapers...

You can check out the thread discussing about this in the "Third Trimester" forum... some of the mummies also mentioned what they give us on discharge.. ;)


Good morning everyone!!

Have their been any more babies popping?

I have my 37th week appointment in the afternoon today, getting anxious, nervous and excited.. Didn't sleep too well last night, thinking about my appointment today and hoping the baby has grown well.. Cos I have gained more weight in the past two weeks :(

Also, a part of me is hoping the baby will come out soon, cos its becoming so difficult to sleep at night. My stomach is soo itchy, and its got so many red lines. Have killer back pain almost every night when trying to sleep, I'm fine during the day just sleeping at night is such a problem. Sleeping during the day is also fine, so its not the bed or the pillow. Groins hurt quite a bit these days, walking is also becoming difficult and the baby is still on her head banging spree on my bladder, so have to keep visiting the toilet every hour or two. Seriously contemplating on buying myself some adult diapers so I dont have to keep waking up every two hours.
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Kary2500:688791 said:
Good morning everyone!!

Have their been any more babies popping?

I have my 37th week appointment in the afternoon today, getting anxious, nervous and excited.. Didn't sleep too well last night, thinking about my appointment today and hoping the baby has grown well.. Cos I have gained more weight in the past two weeks :(

Also, a part of me is hoping the baby will come out soon, cos its becoming so difficult to sleep at night. My stomach is soo itchy, and its got so many red lines. Have killer back pain almost every night when trying to sleep, I'm fine during the day just sleeping at night is such a problem. Sleeping during the day is also fine, so its not the bed or the pillow. Groins hurt quite a bit these days, walking is also becoming difficult and the baby is still on her head banging spree on my bladder, so have to keep visiting the toilet every hour or two. Seriously contemplating on buying myself some adult diapers so I dont have to keep waking up every two hours.
Hi Kary... u r not serious abt the diaper right....... hahaha
Me as also having slpless nites.... tossing n turning, cant find the right position due to back aches... causing me to feel extremely drowsy in the day... baby s also bumping on my bladder, so i feel like going back into the toilet even when i hav just come out of it!! haha...
Guess it's the sacrifices mummies make...


felicity, pglim, and those other already mothers: what diapers are you using for your babies? disposable or cloth? if disposable, what brand for your newborns? which are good? thanks!
Sighz.. i feel so upset..

Just had my check up yesterday and i feel kinda sad coz baby seems really tiny.. I was 36wk 3d yesterday and baby weigh 2.5kg only while i was kinda hoping she will be 2.7kg. Lots of mummies in my fb group said that their baby alrd weigh 2.7kg (some even heavier than that) during their 36th week check up..

I also still confused whether still wanna try to deliver normal or just go for c sect (since i have the good date and time alrd) while gynae yesterday also still ask me if i still wanna try normal. She said if baby around 2.8kg, got chance to deliver normal, but if baby around 3kg and above, she still can try to go for normal delivery if i still keen, but she said higher chance will have to go to emergency c sect.

And then when i was trying to schedule out my next appt with the staffs, i feel upset again coz the dates are all full and i have to push my next appt until i'm 37wk 6d.. I have to do VE n swap test by then, and it takes like 2-3 days to get the swap test result and wouldnt it be too late for medication?? By the time i get the result i will be 38wk alrd.. Then i asked them about it, they said no need to take the antibiotics, will only give meds during labour. I thought if we detected positive for the virus, we have to take 1 week course of antibiotics??!!

Sighz.. maybe it's hormonal, but i really feel upset thinking about it. I wanna do the next check up earlier so that i can know how big the baby will be, and maybe i can decide whether to go for c sect or normal.. If i were to c sect, my chosen date will be on 20th but how to book the gynae if my next appt date will only be on the 14th?!?!!!

Arghhhhhhhhh.. i feel so angryy!!