EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Meltie, ur supply is impressive. Mine combined for each pump can't even filled up one medela small bottle. Worse is my left side is always like half of what the right side can produce, so imbalance. Any mummies know if just depend on pumping, will milk supply increase? Coz my baby is having exclusive bottle feed..


Active Member
Erlina same here!! My left side always only around half of right side when I pump :/ but I haven't pumped for 3 days...

My bb shit always v explosive (sounds v gassy) n watery... And just now she latched from 10am to 12pm >< stopped to change her nappies 4 times... Out of which 3 times r poo, n out of which 2 times super power explosive poo... Once explode until the nappy cover tio.. Another time is all over!! I was latching her n she pooed explosively n sounds like alot, but continued to suckle so I let her.. Then later realized it's all over on the nappy cover, her romper, her bootie n my bed!!! I was sitting on my bed cradling her to latch n somehow her poo missed me n is all over the portion of my bed between my legs where I sat.. >< omg messy messy hv to change her all over n only got time to wipe off my bed no time to change bedsheet also.. Then 12:10pm she wants to suckle again >< lie down to latch now she finally asleep but not v deep still moving a lot :/


Haha felicity, ur baby poo is powerful.. Sometimes looking at their Angel and innocent face, u just can't imagine how their poo can be so explosive and burp so loud.. Haha..
My gal will refuse to drink and must wipe her backside clean clean before she decides to continue pooing.. If her backside dirty, she refuse to do anything, not even continue her pooing..


New Member
Baby has lot of rashes on her face. Worried, brought her to see pd. Is some sort of acne due to hormone change. At least has some cream to apply, feel better than waiting for it to recover by itself.

Baby's seem to poo a lot, like every feed, she will poo and lot of gases. Her poo is very watery, wondering whether she's having diarrhoea. She's on both BM and fm. Told my mil she might be having diarrhoea, her shit so watery. Then she straight away asked me fiercely what I eat, must be the food that affect the breast milk. Then was a bit angry coz what I eat is what she cook. Told her that and she just told me she also never cook anything unusual. Really have to be one ear in, one ear out. Told hubby that and glad that he called to make me feel better. Mil also mentioned that she might be having hormonal change coz my hormones change and affect the BM. Aiya, everything also like is my breast milk fault. Haha..

Her pd still say her jaundice looks quite high. Wanted to go on full fm so that her jaundice might be lowered, but hubby is quite supportive of having both BM and fm. Though we can't do much about my mil, at least he is willing to listern to my woes and sympathize me.
Went to see pd on mon and checked with him on diarrhea coz bb's poop very runny (but still yellow mustard in color). Pd said its only diarrhea if the timing and type of poo is different from bb's usual poo. He also said it will b a case of concern if bb is dehydrated (ie from diarrhea). Generally, if bb is not feeding well, drowsy when awake or having fever then we should bring them to see doc.

Im a little paranoid.. So ask pd a lot I questions including milk rash on face as well as noisy breathing due to dry mucus. Noisy breathing is common cox the breathing channel of bb is very narrow. But if bb is breathless, then we should be concerned.

When my bb had jaundice, pd advised me to continue breast feeding, and not switch to full fm.


Erlina: your babe is hilarious!! I have to calm my baby down while changing diapers cos she wants to feed. Jeez!

And don't worry too much abt poop if your baby is bf. it is watery.. And as scientific literature has quoted, mothers diet won't affect bm! So ignore you mil. Nothing is your fault.


Hmmm so quiet today..
this morning went for a chk up at Mt A (delivered at Thomson by referred to the specialist there's by my gynae) cos I discovered a hard lump on my breast while massaging.. Was really emo n upset. Discovered the lump when I was in wk 2. N it seems to have grown bigger. Kept crying then cos I didn't want to b diagnosed of breast cancer...

Anw thank god all is fine. Thru the scan the doc did felt the lump n as we r concern with the lump I agreed to go for the test immediately. She injected the needle into my Breast n injected mixture of milk, blood n dry milk.. Was abit painful... N after that the lump did subside... She said its block duct n if I feel it again I can just ignore it until the day I stop breastfeeding I may want to go bak n have it removed. Was really relieved. Co she said in some cases if after injecting the lump n nothing is extracted out (cos that means the lump is solidified) may need to go for operation n she ever did one case where the duct was blocked n it filled with dry milk (akin to dry powder) n because need to cut out, the milk spilled out from the hole. Oh my goodness.. Really damn scary... But I m really really very glad that it's over. All the things that come along with pregnancy....

Anw was wondering if any of you have attempted to make love with your hubby? I just learnt that as long as we breastfeed, we'll b dry down there.... But it will improve a little over the months


oh dear piglim! I'm very sorry to hear. but also glad to hear it's all ok. phew.

as for having sex.. I asked earlier if anybody is doing it already but no reply! heh. well I wouldn't be surprised if nobody here has attempted it since delivery.. I mean, what with the sleepless nights, frustration of bf, baby crying.. I don't even have the energy! the mood does come occasionally, but I'll wait for my gynae to give me the go ahead before I attempt it. I don't want to mess up the stitches down there!


Thank God everything is fine Piglim..

As for intimate times... So long ur stitches ok.. Can go ahead.. But everynight i can bf till fall asleep.... Where got energy... Prob when my milk supply more stable.. N bb can sleep longer.. Then consider... Lol


oh dear sorry to hear abt that piglim! Glad that it can be resolved.. :) hope the swell dissolves by itself as u continue feeding...

i think mums are the most wei da and sacrificial ! Really won't know until you go through it.. all the pain, aches, slplessness, beauty, career, etc that we give up just to see our bb grow up healthily.. giving them the best!

Let's keep on keeping on!

Sian wanna rant about my CL... i think she is really inexperienced.. making me super tired.. fed baby at 5.15pm till 5.40pm, bb super guai put down slp liao... den she say wanna wipe bb's body.. told her have to wait for bb to settle down the milk first.. so let her wipe at 6.10pm.. unwillingly woke my bb frm her precious slp.. wiped and she super alert and cried for milk again..so i thought just comfort suckle abit will slp.. end up fed frm 6.25pm to 6.45pm... bb dozed off... hubby tried to put her down after she burped... den he cried again at 7pm! Hungry again! Sigh.. so i latched her again frm 7pm to 7.05pm, she slept.. now trying to soothe her to slp after burping.. my hubby n i super tired .. i'm so drained.. i thought i could rest till next possible feed at 8pm.. but now seems like everything is messed up and bb is snacking every hr or taking me as pacifier coz she cranky woken up by CL.... my CL seems not sure how to put things into place... morning bath time oso messed up bb's feeding schedule.. now again... if feed ebm oso dunno how much to feed coz its been less than an hr... i thought my CL shld be experienced to handle and let me be able to rest? i feel super drained on bed now.. latched non stop today.... sighhhh


meltie: wahhhh I'd be soooo pissed off! I hate it when my baby gets woken up earlier than her usual 3 hour interval till her next feeding. I really hate it! but if it's something I can't control, then no choice eh. but if somebody deliberately wake my baby up!!

why not just tell off your CL and tell her NO! no wiping until the baby wakes up?? I really find it ridiculous to wake a sleeping baby!!


Oh dear Piglim, thankfully everything is fine! Hope the lump dun come back again!

As for intimate times with hubby, I tink now realli no mood.. Plus hubby is chased out of the room now so that bb dun disturb his sleep.. Sleep diff room even no mood lor.. Plus sleep oso not enuff liao, where got time tink such things.. Haha.. Maybe wen bb can sleep thru the night then will consider ba.. Keke..


meltie: wahhhh I'd be soooo pissed off! I hate it when my baby gets woken up earlier than her usual 3 hour interval till her next feeding. I really hate it! but if it's something I can't control, then no choice eh. but if somebody deliberately wake my baby up!!

why not just tell off your CL and tell her NO! no wiping until the baby wakes up?? I really find it ridiculous to wake a sleeping baby!!
Sigh.. i am still v pek chek! Now it's really messed up.. put her down w her eyes open , let her slp by herself.. den i went to eat my dinner.. bb cry again.. CL went to carry.. and after i finish dinner she still carrying, say bb cannot slp, i nv feed enough... but she has been suckling since 5! Now bb is really hungry again, started wailing.. just latched her.. bo bian.. dunno if this is snack or main feed for bb... my nipples are super sore liao coz of her cranky chewing!

My hubby asked the CL if she had handled similar experience.. she saud ya, some bb feed hrly, 1.5hrly, etc.. seems like she got no control! :/ I'm so pissed.. backaching.. now my friends came to visit but i stuck in rm feeding.. to make it worse, my aircon just broke down.. leaking... but i really super hot.. told hubby to put pail there n let it drip...... i must on AC!!

sorry for ranting.. me n bb cranky now!


Piglim, luckily, it's fine.. Can understand the kind of fear. Just like that time when I admit to hospital due to suspected blood clot. I kept thinking about whether I'll be able to continue with breastfeeding as will need a series of treatment to remove it and what if anything happen to me, what will happen to baby. Glad everything is ok for u!! Take care and will massage ur breast help?

Meltie, ur CL should not wake baby up coz it's so hard to make her sleep. If she can sleep, I might even forgo evening wiping. It's quite frustrating when all the timing go messy..

Just now, while I was pumping my milk in the room, mil was handling baby. Heard crying, panic ah.. Went out saw mil feeding her, tot she fed her plain water which I'm ok, so, went on to wash my pump parts and realized she's still feeding. Start to worry why need to feed so much plain water. Then, realized she's giving her the empty bottle from the earlier feeding to suck. Almost faint. Offer her pacifier straight away but don't dare to tell her that if baby is sucking for comfort, just give pacifier. Told hubby but didn't want to make a big fuss.. Think at least CL will leave after a month if she's not experienced. But, mil is forever, so, have to tahan..


Active Member
Piglim oh dear! glad all is fine n u r ok now... must be a relief... hope all will be well, if not better, from now on!!

reiann... haha i guess it's true that no one ans cos no one tried... my hubby's been hinting, but my discharge not entirely cleared >< tmr is 7 weeks already!! whyyyy~~~

meltie... yup mothers hv to go thru so much... and u hv to even tolerate ur CL! aiyo if bb slp let bb slp la, i would rather skip wiping bb... it's not gg to get too dirty or unhygienic, since the next morning will get to bathe anyway... hope ur bb slp soon so u can rest...

my hse aircon also no more working... it's not even blowing cool air anymore... sad!!

erlina aiyo... i think if sucking empty bottle will get a lot of wind one de... maybe keep the pacifier handy, let ur mil know where it is... no need to tell her off or make a fuss, just tell her "i leave the pacifier here so it's more convenient for u to give bb ok? so next time u can use pacifier and no need hold bottle for her..."

anyway u reminded me, i haven't washed my pump parts for days >< i ought to go do it now!!


Sigh, finally bb aslp.. but still stirring here n there.. i let hubby do the soothing.. CL just stand there n look......dunno wad she doing inside w bb just nw when my hubby n i was talking to our friends .. sigh.. i really hope bb can slp thru and not get hungry again.. she's been making some sounds....

Can i check w u mummies when in the day u bathe ur baby? And do u wipe your bb's body in the evening? Mine according to mil must do all these when there's sun.. bathe cannot too early... must ard 9-10plus... wipe body cannot too late, must before sun goes down.. CL oso believe in these.. so she insist must wipe body... but she nv go according to a smooth plan ! Why must interrupt my bb's slp esp she's been cranky since morn!!?
Do you gals feed ur bb first den bath/wipe? or do you feed after that? We know that if feed before bathe, bb might vomit out , so must wait after feeding... or feed after bathing? These 2 days my CL tell me to feed half way, let her bathe baby den continue feeding part 2.. end up my bb messed up her own feeding oso... how man..
i was thinking if its possible to wake bb up 30mins before her feeding time to bathe, den bathe finish just right time to feed.. but CL say bb will cry n wail during bathe when she's hungry... but i think my bb cries during bathe anyway.... just that my CL doesn't like her to cry so much.. but she's making me latch n latch, mess up bb's feeding.. end up cluster feed or snacking, or worse, bb cone to me for comfort sucking... zzz i'm messed up now... my CL doesn't help me put things into routine.. i wonder how to survive 2nd mth without help...

Anyway, any mummy gonna tingkat meals frm 2nd mth? i will be stuck alone at home w bb.. hubby goes out in morning.., not sure if i got time to cook n wash while taking care of bb .... maybe tingkat is easier... Any contacts for gd n nutritious food w/o msg?


Meltie, ur CL sounds like mine too! Insist I latch and latch.. Bb fuss jiu push to me to latch cos she claims bb wans mummy smell.. So end up I feel like a human pacifier and no idea wen bb is realli hungry or jus snacking or jus comfort suckling.. And wen I latch in between feeds, bb feeding schedule went haywire.. So sickening.. In the end I jus told CL off wen I can't std it anymore.. So after tat I jus latch wen I wan to, not wen CL wans me to..

Anyway.. My CL left earlier cos of home issues.. But I have got tons of meat and fish in my fridge.. So these few days I have been cooking for myself.. Wen the stock runs out I will probably order tingkat too.. I heard hilltop is not bad with little msg.. Maybe I will try that wen my food runs out..


talking abt cl mine oso prob.. keep tolerating .. every nite she wakes up to feed bb I Mus wake up to check them too .. Cos she will doze off .. last nite even drop e milk bottle . so scare she might drop my bb . v tired still hav to monitor them .. n her cooking sucks .. I still hav to plan my own menu ask her wat to cook every day .. pain in e neck hiring cl .. still dare to say she gt 7 yrs of experience .. everything oso Mus tell .. seems like guiding a maid .. but if dun hire .. alone I won't to able to handle .. sianz .. hard to get a Gd cl .. no more next time .. really pissed me off .. jus cook 2 dish for my 2 meals can take whole day in e kitchen ..dunno busy wif wat .. day time I m e one looking after bb instead .. she only bath him change diaper n wipe him in e evening ..shag.. hope time pass fast n my confinement period ends I dun wish c her again !!


actually there is no rules on bb bathe / wiping timing ..too late they dun advise for wiping is bcos scare bb will catch cold .. while for morning bathe .. I normally do it after ten or during noon .. depends on whether bb still sleeping or jus eaten .. is up to u actually .. knw tt some infant care center they bathe bb as early as 8 am .. !! n I oso won't wake bb up for bathe n wipe .. so difficult to coax them to slp n u wanna wake them ..haa .. no no no way ..


wow no bad , u still can manage ur time well to do some cooking while taking care ur bb ..really not easy .. jia you !!


btw do u ladies let ur bb slp on pillow ??
I use to but cl oways remove e pillow .. was not happy abt it but I jus keep quiet ..