EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


hey mummies... i just had a tough night.. i think i almost concussed at 9pm after dinner.. my bb went all cranky and fussy from 4plus while i was having my massage.. i fed at 4pm , 5pm she cried non stop, my massage lady helped to massage her bloated tummy abit, and she still cried and cried.. cannot be soothed.. den asked ny hubby to feed her 40ml ebm.. she slept.. so i went to pump after my massage at around 6pm before dinner... 7pm she cried an was hungry.. i tried to latch her as i want to save the ebm for night feed.. but i already sort of emptied out my breasts.. latched her and felt she sucked v hard not satisfied.. total latching 45mins.. end up she still crying.. so topped up w ebm 40ml and she slept for half hour... woke up crying non stop again! latched her from 9-9.30pm while i was super super knocked out and couldn't even open my eyes to watch her drink.. but realise she was super angry and aggressive.. hands were struggling all over the place, mouth was moving non stop, like super kan cheong.. wonder if she is ok.. haven't seen her so worked up before... she bit me and latched , i corrected her afew times, but she still bit.. i was too tired and let her bite and i dozed on n off.. after half hour, i felt she was suckling unsatisfied, i felt so dry... milk supply haven regain after the pump i guess.. so topped up w ebm 40ml again while she was wailing non stop.. made me super heartache that i dunno why i cannot feed and satisfy her, she slept and i also slept till 12.30am just now...

Now feeling abit engorged and super sore and raw nipples.. gonna continue the battle to latch later through the night.. sigh i think i was too tired as i did not get to rest yesterday night and through the day.. not a little wink on bed... guess it affecte my milk supply and by 8plus i was switching off liao..sigh.. wonder how can hubby n i cope if it was just 2 of us... worse is if my hubby not around .. will i be able to cope alone.. what if i concussed and sleep? i worreid baby will be crying non stop and i can't hear her.. sigh haven't told CL to leave yet....


i do find myself quite wuiet towards bb.. always reminding myself to talk to her more, but dunno what to say.. try to sing, but not many songs i know.. so i also just keep saying mummy and calling her name.. look into her eyes and say mummy is here, mummy loves you.. call her chinese name repeatedly too... guess soon gotta learn some nursery rhymes to sing to her.. maybe i got deprived childhood, no many songs i know, esp dunno the full lyrics! just hum the song to her... easiest is sing ABC..

My bb full month is pushed back till 4th Nov as i couldn't get function rm on 28th.. 21st oct is too rush.. 24th is my actual full month... i guess more time to orep and settle in after CL leave, maybe i'll be happier n able to manage better by then.... hmm my hubby asked his aunt abt helping to cook for me for time being, but guess still need afew days more... so maybe i just have to tahan afew more days w CL.... she v free though coz she just need to carry bb to me when bb hungry... i latch and soothe babay to slp and put back to cot.. she basically does nothing more than that.. clothes washed on monday, hang in living room till now haven't keep and fold... she leaves dishes unwashed overnight too.. sigh just now bb cranky and wailing , she had the cheek to bring up the pacifier thingy again.. my hubby told her off.. if we want to intro pacifier, we will, dun need her to keep reminding us and when bb cries like our fault coz pacifier can solve the crying..was wondering if i use pacifier , i still need her for what? dun need to pay another person to stuff pacifier into my bb's mouth... making her job easier...


Meltie.. I fully understand hw u feeling.. I also Juz had rough night w bb..he woke up at 9+ aft last feed at 6+ then tried to bf him repeatedly n he gets frustrated.. drink a little then cry then changed side then drink n cry again..fr 10-1am changed total of 3 diapers..my Cl told me that bb laosai bcos whole day drink my bm..n says that must mix w fm 40-60% so that bb won't get diarrhoea.. that's first time I heard of it..then changing his clothes as they were stained.. she gt frustrated cos woke her up n when placing down on the changing mat I heard a thud.. she didn't put his head down softly..bb cried.. OMG..nw I finally c her handling bb when she gets impatient.. Somemore blamed me n hubby that we talked n play w bb Nt letting him feed n Zzz aft his feed..but I told her he's Nt finished yet hw to zzz? In the end I went to warm ebm n she made fm topup for him.. still he is cranky n doesn't wanna fall zzz..say nx time we will have hard time taking cr cos bb don't know day n night timing..but actual fact he zzz too much in the day nw..


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Sigh my bb is day time doesn't slp until at night too tired n cranky.. But still, whether she sleeps long or not depends on her.. Like now she's latching again while some days she can slp thru till 5am..

Meltie I always say mummy love you, mummy sayang you also... I sing her ABC song, twinkle twinkle (which is same tune as ABC song), and some times sing "ten little fingers" (I replace "Indian boys" with fingers) while counting her fingers... Also nv sing a lot of diff songs... When I make up songs usually abt her being a happy baby, mummy loves baby, cute baby with cute mummy XD etc.. I will sing good morning to her every morning to the tune of happy birthday song :)


Meltie my bb drinks alot of milk at night (if this helps) i noticed. Ill feed him 4oz by 9pm then after 30 mins he wil ask for milk again so ill make another 3 oz and give it to him he either finish it or lil bit leftover then he will fall asleep till he gets hungry (like 30 mins ago about 2pm). Now im pumping milk. As bb gets older they become wiser too, they know they wont work hard int the bottle unlike sucking breast so dont be disheartened, try to decide if you want to give bb ebm or latching.. So your bb wont get nipple confusion as this stage.


Wa felicity, u are v creative leh.. Tink I will learn from u and keep singing to her.. Though I dun tink I can sing whole day too.. Haha.. I did the mummy love u and mummy sayang u thing too, though onli wen she's cranky and I'm trying to soothe her.. Haha.. As for reading books I nvr buy anything to read to her leh...Maybe I will go online to buy too.. Hee..


hey felicity, i also sing happy bday song! lol and made up some songs w new tunes , just one or 2 lines.. baby charlotte, drink milk milk , blah blah blah.... i'm thinkingof what i can sing or do to prep her to bathe.. so far i bathed her myself yesterday for the first time.. she pee and kicked alot on me.. wailed as usual... :/ hope i can make bath time fun for her...

Hope ur baby is slping now! Hmm i just woke up at 4am to latch, bb drank for 20mins on the right.. and she slept.. can't burp too.. had to put her dwn ard 4.40am... den i went to pump and store milk.. just done.. zzz i find myself so hardworking man.. latch n pump.. taking 1.5hrs... left less den an hr to rest before bb wakes up again.... gd nite /morn to all!

Today will be a better day!


hey lizzy, thanks for ur DOM n berry essence! I was having a messy noght, havent started to drink... will try tml! Shld drink after feeding? at least let the alcohol flush out of system? :p

Hmm ur baby drinks quite alot! Hmm my bb has her own measurement of appetite, she will stop drinking when its enough for her.. recently all the snacking made her overfed i guess, end up she has been vomitting alot out.. almost every feed oso got regurgitate or vomit.. some of it can be as much as 30ml i think... denshe gets super cranky n cry non stop, den snack again... until i dunno how much ebm to supplemebt her.. in the end latch better.. but she'll be chewing frantically.... :/ Dunno if ur method will work on my bb... i'm also concerned abt nipple confusion.. so far i feel she's getting quite well w latching in day n bottle ar night... my milk supply low so i latching her whole night for now too... super tiring..


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She slept n woke up again :( n whole night I went to bring bb out of cot, latch her n changed her diaper etc, tired max.. N all my hubby does was to grumble why bb kept crying so noisy, without moving an inch to help.. I'm so frustrated n exhausted already, feel like kicking him off the bed. Ugh!!

Hee yea make up new songs or use familiar tunes... I use happy birthday song's tune n sing "good morning skyler" x4 to her every morning... Then I'll ask her to say good morning mummy.. Haha.. But today.. I just hope I get to slp later... Zzz...


Zz my bb is up again.. latching her too.. wah whole night nv get to slp much... wondering if i take care myself , how long can i last .... :p any more efficient way? i'll be alone w bb in the day from mth 2, and at noght hubby slp , cannot expect him to wake up to feed coz he got sch next day....


Ya same here. A lot of friends keep asking me to sleep when baby sleep. But, not always possible coz baby don't really sleep through for 2 or 3 straight, excluding the coaxing her to sleep time. The insufficient sleep and tiredness is causing me headache and body ache, which make me harder to take care of her. When will the cycle end? Haha, sometimes, just wish can outsource for awhile..
Now her eyes are wide open, staring at me. Oh dear.. Does she want milk again? She just had..


Sighz.. Bb oso cranky last night.. After her feed at 4am, she refused to sleep.. No matter how I pat her or switch off all the lights telling her it's night time and she should sleep, she just refused to.. Then kept fidgeting, grunting and finally crying.. Removed her soiled diaper and before I insert the new one, she pooed all over then changing mat.. Cleaned up the mat, cleaned up her butt again, insert new diaper and she pooed again.. Argh! Clean butt again, remove diaper and she pooed on changing mat again.. I realli wan to cry.. Finally put on fresh diapers and she decided she's hungry again after all e pooing.. So latch and latch and latch for almost 2hrs! Was so relieved seeing her close her eyes.. She actualli smiled in her sleep.. Milk monster! :(


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Lingz exactly!! I kept saying my bb is a milk monster when she used to latch nonstop every waking hour!! Now I'm latching her again... I wan sleep... :(

Yup erlina.. Everyone says sleep when bb sleep, my mum also says.. But she doesn't really sleep in the day... Not even up to an hour!!! At night usually she can sleep better but last night was terrible... Latched from 1+ to 2+, 3+ to 4+, 5+ to 6 and now latching again... In the day she latches every hour so there goes my rest... Sigh..

Meltie jiayou!! It's super tiring :( but we can all do it! We r super mummies!!! Zzzz...
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Hey Lingz and felicity jiayou! I'm latching my bb again.. so fast hungry again.. just fed at 6.30am, 7.30am hungry.. zzz i dunno if i can last today..... i need a break!


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Yup let's all jiayou!! Now I'm with bb while my buns r steaming n water boiling... Gg to bathe her soon... Hope after bathing n latching she will slp a bit more n I can rest!


Wow vern bb bathe so early! I normaly bathe bb 11+ :D bb woke up 2am for milk and 5am again.. I should change his sleeping patterns cos his 5 hours straight is from 9pm to 2am but thing is how will i do it lol ;)


Just wanna check did any of ur bb goes to u just for comfort suck... Recently i increase my bb intake so ytd she had 100ml then 1 hr later 40ml... N she still wanna latch... I scare i over fed her. .. After latch 5mins ko!! Many times le.. Sum times she haven even latch on will sleep on my boobs...

Middle of e night i stop supplementing with fm full latch on.. But ytd night aft her last feed of ebm.at 10pm.. She woke up at three to change diapers n only latch 15mins on 1 side... Then ko!! I wonder if enuff... Coz day time she will latch both sides.... Then 5+she latch another 10mins zzz till 7.45.am like that enough when she's awake she.drank n drank sonetimes is fm... I scare bf too little.... N i cant really pump after latch like no milk... Wondering if my 'well' dried up isit


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Lizzy haha I chop chop get it over n done w :p she just blasted a shot of explosive poo into the tub as i was abt done bathing her.. Quickly got her out of the contaminated tub n wipe her omg >< luckily she was calm throughout her bathe n only started crying as i was dressing her.. now bb latching again...

Rodorsany, my bb I dunno is it comfort suckle cos she will suckle every hour these days n on one side only :/ snacking her way thru the day n almost doesn't slp!! Keep having to latch her, entertain her or coax her.. Middle of night usually she also suckles hungrily on one side only n fell asleep... If u keep latching I dun think will dry up one... That's what I read la :p jiayou!!!