EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Yup the dry fruit almonds.. And yea confinement was followed religiously only when our mom's had us ;) and back then they followed it because everything was different for them... My mum told me no touching cold water the day I came out of hospital, but I was like there are no rules as such now, and I've carried on my life very normally and am fine I feel good... Cant wait to work out too, just that I'm all the time latching my baby and she still has no schedule, plus I have no one to take care of her...


Rodorsany - have u already started reading to ur baby?

Sometimes even I'm clueless as to how to keep my baby entertained.. I start singing nursery rhymes and kids songs to her, and then sometimes realize I've forgotten the words, then continue playing it on you tube. I keep her in her play gym if she's awake and not cranky otherwise...

When do babies turn on their stomachs?


Kary I used to sing worship songs when latching.. Well makes me more peaceful... N not so frustrating... Well it helps to calm both mummy n bb.... Lol

I started singing nursery n also story telling thereafter.... Reading of books done by my #1


Kary2500: so Yr mum nv insisted u to follow traditionally confinement rules? I'm gg crazy w all the dos n don't..plus all the stress in coping w nb additionally lack of bm somemore...


I realise soy bean helps to boost my milk... If almond helps will buy... Try my very best... My fren till 3rd mth then supply up till can store...
Any moms wif colicky bbs? How do u sooth the lil one? Mine is very upset n wails painfully whenever colic attacks him.... i'm at a loss cos seeing him in pain is really heartbreaking, sometimes he cries till i worry he'll turn pale.... help...
sapphire, u wanna bring baby to PD? he can prescribe colic drops... but u confirm is colic? he cries non stop for hours ah? if is stomach wind, can try to put ruyi oil... sometimes car rides will help to soothe colicky babies too...

my baby cries a lot too... but i think is coz he wanna suckle... and i dun really favour using pacifiers...


Justamom - I'm quite stubborn as a person and almost always do as I please when I know I'm not doing the wrong thing. How many more days for your confinement to end? If your forced to do it, I would say just complete it, October is almost half way over :) Rodorsany - yea you can try no harm in trying :) .... But I do envy people who have a lot of milk.. For the past two days my baby has been extremely cranky every afternoon, does not sleep and always wants to be latched. Sometimes I feel my milk is not much that's why she keeps drinking every little while.


Justamom: yup I don't believe in confinement, though my mum nearly cried herself to frustration and made me sooooo pissed off w her naggings. I showered after delivery, and everyday since. It feels great :) drank water, went out so many times w baby, ate whatever I wanted, especially sushi! I'm fine - testament to the fact that good sensible diet will help, not just confinement. But if you believe in it, go for it.

Kary: think can be as early as 2.5 months!


Kary /reiann: how I wish I can skip confinement.. gg crazy w the food heatiness n hot weather.. showering w super warm water..it's gg to end nx Sunday! But sat is bb shower.. I think I can shower n b clean!
W regards to bm..I hope my boy will have patience to latch on..his temper n grunting makes me goes crazy!!


Justamom bear with it.... U shd b able to bath properly la... Can expect to b sweaty n smelly when guest comes right... As for latching it takes time... Only after full.mth then my girl latches on better and.only then middle of e night latch easier n.fuss free no need make fm... Phew!! I guess like what e rest mention after full mth things get slightly better...

Thanks lizzy


Active Member
Wow today the thread is moving fast!!

My bb so far no fixed schedule.. In the day latches every hour, sleeps very little and each time less than an hr.. End up I dun get to rest much. Then every night cranky from 8 to 10... Just managed to put her down in her cot after coaxing her and walking around patting her for an hr. my hubby is no help at all. He doesn't bond w bb and the only times he's talking to her he's scolding her! When he carries her n she's wailing, he just kept scolding her for being such a nuisance. Makes me even more irritated. One bb wailing is enough, no need to hear one grown man keep scolding bb in an impatient tone. Give up on him... Carry bb myself n walked around for an hr.. Plus in the day often carrying her. Arms breaking, back breaking. :(

When she's awake n not latching, I read to her, sing to her, and most importantly keep repeating mama n mummy to her.. N also keep repeating her name.. Kept making up songs involving her name n mummy... Then every time I sing/say mummy I take her hand to tap me, and when I sing/say her name I take her hand to tap herself :)

When sing twinkle twinkle little star, I will do the hand action around in the air and her eyes will eagerly follow! So far I only hv two books from popular (today just posted pic of bb talking to the books on fb) but ordering more for her.. I'm v obsessed n keep adding more books to my wish list on amazon.com!!


Dunno y today my supply drop so much.... Sighz not sad or wat leh... But did latch more... I tot that will help increase... 4pumps cant even match up with ytd's pathetic 2pumps...

Dunno can tong how long... Envy ppl with lotsa milk....


Lizzy thank u for sharing..

Justamom u don't hav too long to go, just manage somehow since u started it..

Felicity - you are quite creative :) I keep Talkin to my baby quite a lot but bout general stuff that's happening in our lives n everyone around us.. But yea now am gonna keep sayin mama n mommy to her often so that her first word is mama ;)


Rodorsany: Ya I will have a gd shower n shampooing nx sat! My bb boy's full mth celebration! Can't wait..I'm still hanging on bf for my boy..he's lazy to latch on n gets v cranky n impatient when bm flows slow..n nw Cl wants to let him have full full fm so That he can zzz thru longer periods which means she no need to attend to him...


Think sometimes we have more supply n sometimes we don't.. v unpredictable.. I also envy those w surplus n still freeze their ebm.. I Barely can fulfil my boy's needs...