EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Nessa, are u Chinese? U can go to Chinese med hall n get fever medicine, it cost ard 5dol only. Last time my hb n bro also hi fever n I boiled the medicine for them n it was very effective. If u wan, I can ask my hb on medicine name...


went down liao...37.5....i guess what my hubby said is true...i am already sick and kanna stuck in the office that is super cold..he said my body use heat to warm me up..thats why fever...i been checking every 30mins my temp...


Awww.. Nessa, glad to noe ur temp went down to normal! Continue to drink more water ya? And do keep monitoring temperature just in case.. Rest well!


Active Member
Felicity you dont look fat on your pics! I am fat lol didnt lose my pregnancy weight at all instead i gained more! I shopped for dress earlier and i am size xl :-D im 64 kg lolol!
haha i'm 67kg! :p you don't look like XL in your pictures too!!

nessa hope ur fever goes away soon!! *hugs*

lin, like lizzy, i'm using ergo n baby's hands by the side :)


Lin, I'm using manduca too! My girl used to fuss the moment she is inside the carrier but I just kept trying.. Now she's better though she will fuss after a while (maybe too hot?).. But wen using carrier, I have to keep moving else she will get very impatient and scream! Gosh..

Oh ya.. Like Lizzy, my girl's hands are by the side.. It is as though she's hugging me.. Though sometimes her hands may sneak up to claw her face.. -_-"


yup i will still monitor...hubby on nite duty last 2 nites LOL...tml mrning my MIL will come over in the mrning as my hubby gng to work for half day...so she will help me out coz i dun think i will be fully recover..still flu and cough..i been sweating a lot so its gd...

hopefully no more fever...the last time i had fever was in CNY when i was expecting my son..had to rush to the gynae coz was 38plus and above...lucky is was ok...


Felicity, how are u carrying ur girl on 19 Dec? U bringing carrier and stroller too right? I'm still thinking whether to carry bb using carrier and lugging the empty stroller along or to just put her in stroller straight.. Cos scared she will fuss in carrier then v ma fan to unbuckle and put her in stroller.. Put her in stroller oso scared halfway along the mrt ride she demands to be carried.. Dunno how.. Hmm..

Anyway.. It seems to rain everyday these couple of days.. Let's all pray for fine weather on 19 Dec! If not dunno how to lug so many things while trying to balance the brolly.. Haha!


Reiann - Yes I googled it and found it last night... When you ordered the bravado bras, did you buy the regular size you normally use? Or do their sizes fit differently? Ive read that the bravado bras fit really well.. Gonna buy a few to store for myself, cos I definitely plan on nursing for six months and maybe one year if possible.

Oooh I got my ergo carrier today, and used it for my baby to go get food from the food court down my road today.. When I placed her in it just to try it out she kept crying quite a bit I guess she was not comfortable and its just very hot in it, but even with the ac on at home she still cried.. Anyways in the evening when I used it to go get food, she cried initially but then later kept quiet and actually dozed off, but with me walking she kept waking up now n then. But its hot! She was sweating and I was sweating too, maybe I should try it without the infant insert....


Nessa get well soon!!! I also had fever when preggy n was hospitalised... Kinda scared so now if know got fever will drink lotsa water....

Yah hope 19 weather good!! I will bb straight in stroller n push all e way to mrt... So far now my girl ok in stroller n carrier n sling... But think sling cooler then carrier...

My cough cant seem to completely clear.... Hmmm irritating


Today I brought My bb to babyspa for swimming.. he enjoyed alot! N ko Aft that! Zzz from 6-9+pm..went for dinner n managed to eat crabs! Hee..any mummies interested to go.let me know..I gt $8 voucher off..maybe we can go together www.babyspa.com.sg for more info


Nessa, hope you are feeling better now.. Must really take care, drinks lot of water and rest as much as you can if possible.

Doris, usually cough very difficult to clear.. Must drink more water.. :)

Babyspa, thinking of bringing my girl there. How many months onwards can they go? It's like so cute!!

My girl is like super timid when comes to new environment. The moment we bring her downstairs or to my friend's house to pick up something, she will fuss and show uneasiness.. Wonder how to bring her shopping or our in this manner..

But last night, she didn't sleep until ard 9:30pm, woke up at 10pm to drink milk and refuse to go back to sleep till around 11pm. Hubby dream feed her at 1am. She didn't woke up till 7am this morning. So happy, coz it's again once in a blue moon that she didn't really wake up in the night. Thought she will be super hungry at 7am, but, she only drank 100ml and refuse to drink anymore. Her normal intake can go up to 120ml. Weird..


Justamom, I oso wan to bring my girl to babyspa! How much issit? Do we have to buy float and swimming diapers etc? Does it include massage for bb? :D

My girl used to like bathing a lot but now fusses randomly wen I bathe her.. V scared she will fuss wen I bring her for babyspa.. Haha.. Hubby refused to bring her there and insist our bathtub will do.. Dun care.. If he doesn't wan to go, I will jus bring her there myself! Hmmph!


Kary - I re measured myself for the bravado bras. I got one that is my current size. In any case they have S, M and L not by inches etc. fits v well, very comfortable and really good material.

Try ergo without insert. Use it in air conditioned places and wear a thin tee shirt or something cooling. It will be warm but it should be fine eventually!


Keatbear & LingZ & erlina : babyspa is swimming. See My attached pic My boy swimming. Each lesson is abt $30 swim first time abt 30mins. Neck float and diapers provided. Let them Enjoy swimming n there's also massage if u want. My boy totally Enjoy! There's alot of outlets islandwide.. let me know if u all wana go can pass u the voucher..



Oh so cute!!!! Need to wait till their neck stable or can support like that? So cute, can't wait to see how my girl response to it..


fever is back....:( now drinking ho yan hor herbal tea hopefully to dispeal my heatiness...
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