EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


i think i drink another 1 or 2 times of the herbal tea shld b better :)....drinking alot of water already....
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sometimes jus thinking that y in-laws jus can't treat us as their own daughters. . if is so how Gd no conflicts n misunderstanding .. then our partners won't b stuck in between to b a neutral party or acting mute at times ..


tml bringing bb for vaccination, Haiz still can't decide to go for 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 .. e extra one is rotavirus correct? ?


justamom:732985 said:
Btw hw u all added the tinker to show ur bb's age? I cannot add to signature.. u all do in the pc or via app on hp? care to teach me?
Hi Justamom! U can refer to this --> http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f117/copying-right-baby-code-baby-tickers-11160/

They have steps to teach u how to add the ticker to ur signature.. :D


Justamom, I might be bringing my girl to NEX for babyspa.. Issit the same as the one at Harbourfront? Will quoting ur member code give u tat free session even if I go NEX? Thinking of letting my girl try swimming there.. If she's ok then I might buy the pool for her to swim at home.. Currently hubby objects cos he says if bb dun like then it's a waste of money.. :(


Purpur, actually my PD nvr ask me.. He just straightaway give my girl the 6-in-1.. Haha.. And ya, tink the difference is the Rotavirus one..


purpur:733019 said:
tml bringing bb for vaccination, Haiz still can't decide to go for 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 .. e extra one is rotavirus correct? ?
Nope... Rotavirus another... If u took hep b jab when 1 mth will b 5in 1... If not 6in1

Im bringing both for jab on fri..... Big girl is mmr... Last time after jab she gotten fake measles...


Nessa, get well soon! Cough is usually quite sticky, they stick around for some time (at least for me).. If it's itchy throat, maybe can try those cough drops? Hope u recover soon! Looking forward to seeing u and bb on 19 Dec!


Rodorsany:733027 said:
Nope... Rotavirus another... If u took hep b jab when 1 mth will b 5in 1... If not 6in1

Im bringing both for jab on fri..... Big girl is mmr... Last time after jab she gotten fake measles...
Oh issit? I always tot the extra one is Rotavirus.. Haha.. Oops.. Cham dun even noe wat my PD inject my girl with..


Actually, I also know is 6in1 or 5in1, not sure what it comprises. But, after the injection, they'll actually record on the health booklet.. But, I think rotavirus is independent..


rotivirus is syrup form which they use syringe...my son had 5 in 1 coz they said already had hep b last time when he was 1 month old had the 2nd dose..no need to do 6 in 1....

5 in 1 has the following Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) / Poliomyelitis (Polio) / Haemophilus influenzae type b

6 in 1 is the above plus hep B....

actually when i went for 1st month jab the poly clinic gave me information about all these...:)

rotivirus is optional not a must...but we decided to take it...just in case...but my son spit out most of it lol...and it is 90plus


saw this on my facebook...if u can pls share...

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she also got a fracture leg...which the nanny "lie" say is sprain...if sprain how come can be in a cast?? i always sprain my leg also not in cast lor....i saw the buttocks so bruise cannot be just fall down be like this...i so hearthpain to see it...
Justamom, I might be bringing my girl to NEX for babyspa.. Issit the same as the one at Harbourfront? Will quoting ur member code give u tat free session even if I go NEX? Thinking of letting my girl try swimming there.. If she's ok then I might buy the pool for her to swim at home.. Currently hubby objects cos he says if bb dun like then it's a waste of money.. :(
Hi dear! When would you be taking he little one to Nex? :) I can let you use my membership!
Finally after her Darth vader mask therapy, my girl has recovered in time for the 19th! :)

Btw mummies, anybody finds that their little one is slowing down on the milk? My girl used to be irregular, sometimes drinking 1.5hrs-2hrs apart. But recently she drinks 3hours apart each time, and at night she can sleep for 6-8hours without asking for milk at all. I know it sounds like a good thing but I'm always so worried that she's hungry and would contemplate waking her up. :/

Anybody's little one can roll over yet? I can't wait for that time OMG! I'm already counting down the last one month before she can start on light purée. :) for now its just sleep, drink milk, poop, sleep, cry, drink milk, cry. Very boring. -.-
rotivirus is syrup form which they use syringe...my son had 5 in 1 coz they said already had hep b last time when he was 1 month old had the 2nd dose..no need to do 6 in 1....

5 in 1 has the following Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) / Poliomyelitis (Polio) / Haemophilus influenzae type b

6 in 1 is the above plus hep B....

actually when i went for 1st month jab the poly clinic gave me information about all these...:)

rotivirus is optional not a must...but we decided to take it...just in case...but my son spit out most of it lol...and it is 90plus


saw this on my facebook...if u can pls share...

Oh regarding the nanny post, I'm not sure whether to believe it or not, cause I asked a friend of mine in the police force and he said its a false post. :/ but if there's really such a nanny then it is very scary!


Camcam. My baby has four hourly feeding a in day. Lasts 8 plus hours overnight. Babies this age should be able to do this yes!


hey justamom, babyspa sounds fun! Maybe can go! Wait for my hubby to confirm when he can take leave!

hey Nessa , pls take care ya? I think rest n water is v impt esp for heatiness..

Hey mummies, i had a busy weekend and past few nights after i brought bb out for half a day and came back home, it was not v gd.. esp earlier just now, when we brought bb back frm mil place.. (the last time bb cried like mad, pukes n puked.. about a week plus ago.. ) This time aft having dinner @ mil place, i fed her in that hot hot living room..den i told myself i must not let anyone rush bb.. so i fed n tried to sit as long as possible for milk to go down.. bb pooped n i insisted on changing on a bigger surface instead of squating by the sofa.. during burping, sure enough mil wanted to carry.. i told her better not as bb might puke.. i think mil was not v happy... but after 20-30mibs, i let her carry.. but den bb wailed n wailed.. only stopped when back to my arms.. even hubby's arms oso cannot.. think bb start to stick to me liao.. so mil keep trying... end up bb cry here n there .. den she rushed us to go home coz saying bb at night dun like to be in new place, wanna go home.. so i waited den we went home.. sigh.. bb cried her way home in car seat.. den i carried her upstairs, she better.. once into the hse, she started crying inconsolably.. hubby n i wiped her down (she stopped n allowed us n was happy) .. however.. when carry her up, she cried end of the world liao.. non stop frm 9pm till 10.30pm.. she dozed for 10 mins in my arms and den i got hubby to feed her last feed.. she wailed n drank n inhaled frantically.. sigh dunno why.. maybe colic? or maybe fussiness? Drink stop, drink cry, wail, kick.. but she finished her bottle.. took in alot of air.. tried so hard to burp n rock her.. farted n burped alot of times while crying... whole ordeal ended ard 12.30am when i cradled her no use but just leave her in her cot.. she fussed abit den dozed to slp on her own.. however her slp v unstable kind.. got bouts of crying, grunting n turning n tossing.. sigh.. hubby n i was super suoer tired frm soothing her.. backs aching.. we went to wash up n slp..

Bb woke up at 2am crying.. 1st time in weeks... sigh.. fed her (think she linged for comfort of the breast) and i was super tired..,fed her dozing off till 3am.. sigh.. den i just changed her diapers.. she was worked up n was crying.. haiz in the middle if the night.. but her diaper was wet n dirty frm the farting.. after changing she cried to latch again.. latched for another 10 mins n burped her (no burp), and sat up till just now.. just put her to slp.. sighh super tired.. and she's out of schedule again.. last 2 nights though she did have some fussing before n during her last feed , she still slept thru the night. But she oso latched like crazy for minimum 2 hrs .. 10plus to 12plus.. maybe when i latch her outside, she distracted n didn't drink much? she wanna tank up for last feed and oso to seek comfort? sigh wonder how to cut down on that.. she just wail n wail after i pull her off my breast.. how to deal? v hard to soothe.. only back to me.. :(


Lingz12:733023 said:
justamom:732985 said:
Btw hw u all added the tinker to show ur bb's age? I cannot add to signature.. u all do in the pc or via app on hp? care to teach me?
Hi Justamom! U can refer to this --> http://www.mummysg.com/forums/f117/copying-right-baby-code-baby-tickers-11160/

They have steps to teach u how to add the ticker to ur signature.. :D
Thanks lingz.. I gt it nw!


meltie:733221 said:
hey justamom, babyspa sounds fun! Maybe can go! Wait for my hubby to confirm when he can take leave!

hey Nessa , pls take care ya? I think rest n water is v impt esp for heatiness..

Hey mummies, i had a busy weekend and past few nights after i brought bb out for half a day and came back home, it was not v gd.. esp earlier just now, when we brought bb back frm mil place.. (the last time bb cried like mad, pukes n puked.. about a week plus ago.. ) This time aft having dinner @ mil place, i fed her in that hot hot living room..den i told myself i must not let anyone rush bb.. so i fed n tried to sit as long as possible for milk to go down.. bb pooped n i insisted on changing on a bigger surface instead of squating by the sofa.. during burping, sure enough mil wanted to carry.. i told her better not as bb might puke.. i think mil was not v happy... but after 20-30mibs, i let her carry.. but den bb wailed n wailed.. only stopped when back to my arms.. even hubby's arms oso cannot.. think bb start to stick to me liao.. so mil keep trying... end up bb cry here n there .. den she rushed us to go home coz saying bb at night dun like to be in new place, wanna go home.. so i waited den we went home.. sigh.. bb cried her way home in car seat.. den i carried her upstairs, she better.. once into the hse, she started crying inconsolably.. hubby n i wiped her down (she stopped n allowed us n was happy) .. however.. when carry her up, she cried end of the world liao.. non stop frm 9pm till 10.30pm.. she dozed for 10 mins in my arms and den i got hubby to feed her last feed.. she wailed n drank n inhaled frantically.. sigh dunno why.. maybe colic? or maybe fussiness? Drink stop, drink cry, wail, kick.. but she finished her bottle.. took in alot of air.. tried so hard to burp n rock her.. farted n burped alot of times while crying... whole ordeal ended ard 12.30am when i cradled her no use but just leave her in her cot.. she fussed abit den dozed to slp on her own.. however her slp v unstable kind.. got bouts of crying, grunting n turning n tossing.. sigh.. hubby n i was super suoer tired frm soothing her.. backs aching.. we went to wash up n slp..

Bb woke up at 2am crying.. 1st time in weeks... sigh.. fed her (think she linged for comfort of the breast) and i was super tired..,fed her dozing off till 3am.. sigh.. den i just changed her diapers.. she was worked up n was crying.. haiz in the middle if the night.. but her diaper was wet n dirty frm the farting.. after changing she cried to latch again.. latched for another 10 mins n burped her (no burp), and sat up till just now.. just put her to slp.. sighh super tired.. and she's out of schedule again.. last 2 nights though she did have some fussing before n during her last feed , she still slept thru the night. But she oso latched like crazy for minimum 2 hrs .. 10plus to 12plus.. maybe when i latch her outside, she distracted n didn't drink much? she wanna tank up for last feed and oso to seek comfort? sigh wonder how to cut down on that.. she just wail n wail after i pull her off my breast.. how to deal? v hard to soothe.. only back to me.. :(
Meltie yup can go try swimming! If possible help me or other mummies get free session..! My code is 15427..

I feel u..maybe u shd really try intro pacifier.. it really self soothe them to bed Fast.. try few times..it will ease off comfort latching.. cos its too long that she sucks...u can get some rest too...can try..no harm..