EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Oh no nessa!! This is a good reminder to all moms to be careful of babies rolling. So never leave baby unattended on table or even bed. Never! I've so many friends whose babies unexpectedly rolled and fell!!!


i hope he will b ok...my hubby somemore blame me tat i didnt watch him...just for 1-2mins he is on the flr...i already said sorry yet he scold n shout at me..seems after having our son we been fighting alot...which we didnt in the past...haix....


i will they said not to let him be alone and must monitor the next 72 hrs...super sad and angry at myself for letting this happen...nw got to childproof the hse liao....he over active liao...


Active Member
Aiyo Lingz, I'd be v mad too!! Tsk Tsk ur mil... Just be glad she's not staying w u or persistently coming over to bother u... Good that she seldom want to come out! Heh...

Lin ur mil also la... U r the mother what... U nv complain she complain wat lol...

Oh dear nessa *bighugs* hope your baby is okay!! Baby rolling off bed seems common, really need to pay extra attn n nv leave bb alone :/

my bb is slow n not rolling yet although over 16 weeks old, maybe I should be glad... My headache not so soon... But very soon I guess.


felicity ya...i m worried abt him so much now...and he can roll in his babycot also...till hugging the side of the cot....so gt to watch him nonstop


NeSSa:737064 said:
felicity ya...i m worried abt him so much now...and he can roll in his babycot also...till hugging the side of the cot....so gt to watch him nonstop
Nessa.. hope Ryan's fine.don't worry monitor him Ya..accidents do happen.. b more careful...


Oh dear Nessa hope ur bb is fine...

To all having problems with mils, sigh hope things don't get worse! Its really a stuck situation... my mil oso majes me feel that i can't take care of bb or myself well... sighh

Gosh i'm super tired! Was out almost whoke afternn n night w bb.. she managed to slp abit here n there... but just now she woke up at 3.30am for milk, drink till squirm like mad then pooped.. changed her diaper, put ger back to drink.. 4.30am she still at it.. then she stopped n still squirming alittle, super distracted... carried her till 5am still cannot slp! i felt super giddy so asked hubby to carry (he just ended his game on com n cane in at 4plus) sigh.. he just say bb don't like jim to carry now as she will threaten to cry.. then he put her in cot .. bb fuss n talk till 5.30am! Then she cried again.. i latchdd her till now she doze here n there.. hope she slps !!! Coz i'm really super tired n dunno why giddy n sweating in aircon rm! :/ feeling abit under the weather.. sniffing n blocked nose.. sighh i need to rest but bb doesn't allow...


anyway gt to let my mil knws abt it...she may b angry but she lookin after him and i b at wrk...hopefully he is ok...


Get well soon to your bb nessa.. Be very careful this time..

My bb's nose blocked again -_- i think when i bring him out for that warehouse sale or my friend's daughter passed it to her last thurs.. Poor bub snort like a pig! Lol


oh dear.. lizzy, hope ur little bub's nose clear soon!

Me myself falling sick... sigh.. i'm not sure whats wrong w my bb.. i haven rested properly since her 3.30am feed.. she doesn't want to slp.. i think she dozed at 6am, but woke at 6.30am, latch n unlatch afew times and doze off.. ib


opps previous post got cut off...

I don't know why she so restless to drink, so i lept her in my arms, coz was v tired, when she fuss i latch her, but she will suckle abit then slp.. tried to put her in cot, she woke up n fussed.. until now! I don't know what time is her feed as she has not drank a proper feed! Sighhh i dunno if i can make it through today.....


i will update here tml nite if i can make it...doc said must monitor till wed nite..(72hrs)...if by tml he is ok maybe i can make it for the 19....
Pd said he gt eczema... poor boy...gt to constantly put cream..wail n wail aft shower..must have itch quite a bit..

what did the pd gave u? my gal got eczema too and i finally went to dr lee as recommended by meltie. she gave me atopiclair n steroid cream which i forgot the name to apply. noticed that her rashes on her face getting better. but the rashes on her back, though not red anymore but still very dry and it's in pacthes.. dr lee advised us to keep using for a week and next week back again for check up..

the challenging part is the pd asked me to be on strict diet and refrain from consuming milk, berries, egg, nuts, seafood and fish.. sighz..