EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Ya cannot go today went pd c my boy's rashes
..in the end he gt eczema.. poor thing..must have itch quite a bit..any mummies here gt bb who haf eczema too? Can put ruyi oil or nt Ah? I forgot to ask pd today...


NeSSa:736424 said:
same here...my son like to carry over the shoulder and his head will turn here n there...like "policeman" inspecting 360 degree....must see things..cannot carry him like a baby no more...he cannot see he is not happy...
Nessa.. my boy also like that! Need to carry upright when he cries..only way to comfort him..


Active Member
omg i dunno is it bb slept too much in the day... usually 8+ to 9 she's falling asleep but now she's still very wide awake and kicking around energetically... omg.

oh dear justamom hope his eczema will stabilize and not flare up again!

keatbear u can create an event on fb n see who not in there... send private msg if u r not comfy with divulging ur address in public platform?


Thanks mummies that update the Facebook on the warehouse sale and help me get a few items!!!! Went for hotel staycation with hubby, leaving my girl with my mum. First time not spending the night with my girl, keep worrying whether my mum can handle the night and miss her so much.. Can't really enjoy the staycation coz keep thinking of my girl.. Haha.. Conversation with hubby always revolve round my girl again.. Hubby keep asking me to relax and enjoy, but how to? Oh, but to pump milk in shopping centre is really a chore, ESP at nursing room that is standalone, felt super paiseh coz other mummies that need to change their babies diapers or mummies that need to bf their child need it more than me.. But, I really need to express out after almost 5 hours.. I'm so worried not to express milk out in time as last night, I slept thru and this morning woke up with a super hard and painful breast and what scare me was after pumping for 20mins, my milk didn't really flow out, only 30ml. My breast was still super hard and painful.. I massage my breast so super hard until very painful and red before the milk seems to flow out, before my breast becoming soft. Luckily mum around to help me take care of my girl, if not,I can't imagine what will happen to my breast..Keatbear, if we drive, can park inside ur condo? :)


Erlina.... In fact such situation... Get ur hb to suck it out.... Better then pump... N relieve u of e pain... Really! Bb suck not as strong...

Taught by mil... N uncle's wife tested n work.. No need press like mad n red


i m nt in the FB group...maybe we can meet up around 11.15-11.30am at one north mrt then we all head there...i think is not hard to miss mummies and strollers and babies LOL


tts challenging, initially bf hubby dun even dare to taste e bm can't imagine if I ask him to suck out .. I think he will run till no " tail " ..


Really? Hubby to suck? Haha, shall tell my hubby and get him to try if there's such situation next time, hopefully not.. I think he will faint, coz for now, I just said the BM tastes quite sweet, he will like "is it? U taste it? U dare to taste it?" Then I'll tell him, "ur daughter is drinking it.. I just taste it to at least know the taste and in case it turns stale." Then he ask in puzzle, "oh, u mean pump out can turn be spoilt and u have to taste it on every pump?" Lol..

Doris, hope ur girl is ok alr..


Thanks ladies! Im monitoring... Tmrw i've got a hi tea..

Purpur Erlina I think in some sense it work... No need to get e pump n only pump out a bit n still bare e pain... Most hbs wont like it unless those who like kinky staff...

If any of u gg e sales can help me get some nice dresses


Thanks ladies! Im monitoring... Tmrw i've got a hi tea..

Purpur Erlina I think in some sense it work... No need to get e pump n only pump out a bit n still bare e pain... Most hbs wont like it unless those who like kinky staff...

If any of u gg e sales can help me get some nice dresses
hey doris i wish i can go to the sale again to help u gals get more dresses!! sigh i'm packed today...

Hope ur gal's fever is ok! Hmm that time my gal's fever i only found out when i felt her v hot and measured her.. straight away 38.7! Gosh dunno why her fever always v high one.. sometimes normal days i hand itchy go measure , normally ard 36.9 to 37.5 or 37.6.. i just leave it leh.. coz it fluctuates.. she seems ok .. maybe thermometer not v accurate haha..


Fever i dun take any risk... I m a very ks mummy... Lol last time dg1 fever i can go wo sleep 3days... Then ended i zombie for a week..... Wonder hw i stayed up whole night that time hahaha

Girls since Im gg alone from west on 19.. I might b late... Mtg a forum mummy at hv do prob reach one north at 11.45... If i lost my way will ask u ladies.... Lol either lizzy or vern since i only got their nos... Hahhaa


Ya man fever is scary.. i am keeping KoolFever Patch on standby always.. :p

Hmm any mummies here got experience baby starting to be sticky to u only? My little one seems to prefer me to carry her (before or after feed) .. my hubby carry her she will fuss n 'cough' like wanna cry.. maybe coz everytime he carry her is wanna forcefeed her the bottle... :p now my hubby says 'baby don't want me to carry.. you carry better..' Yesterday through the whole expo and at orchard, most of the time i was carrying her coz she doesn't wanna lie in the stroller.. wah i super tired! Asked hubby to help.. he say he prefer not to provoke bb.. which indeed she becomes v cautious la.. :p Jialat .. like that how leh... Should i ask my hubby to carry more n do more positive things with her? But he's the only one who can give her bottle... At night after last feed, she only wants me to put her to slp.. coz i passed to hubby to rock.. she straight away woke up n make noise.... :/ she likes to stick to my breast as i cradle her and put her to slp...


any of u that a baby gal...need a pink blanket?? i bought for my friend but no chance to meet her to pass to her...its quite thick so good for aircon room....i wanna get one for my son but only got pink LOL...

if any1 wants can pass to u on 19...


Melties bb are very smart! So do let ur hb do positive things like singing playing or reading...

Nessa i stay jurong west extn.. Taking train fm pioneer.. But issue is i mtg a mummy at hv to take some pump parts


I have to give the 19th a miss as my son has been sick the past couple of days. I'd better not turn up in case my baby and I are carrying the germs. Really potent.. Son had high fever of 40 deg. Pity.. Hope there will be another gathering again. Thanks keatbear for inviting us to your condo. Have fun mummies.