EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


kary same...my son loves to kicks off the blanket when i put 4 him...but he always slide downwards when kicking lol...
i really need baby cot bumper i use towel to go round the cot but he keeps kick here n there scare he may hit his head against the side of cot...


Awww Lizzy.. I hope Ethan's passport get sorted out soon! Anyway, y din u have any problems with ur other 2 kids then? So weird.. Inconsistent treatment?

Oh Kary, u went back to India oredi? And then to UK? We will miss u and bb!

Justamom, maybe u try other pacifier brands? See if it helps?


Active Member
oh dear, lizzy, hope you'll be able to get everything sorted out for ethan!

haha my bb too... she hasn't started flipping but she'll go clockwise/anti-clockwise n get herself stuck horizontally across the cot... already hit her head even with bumper... she used to slp thru the night but recently will make noise in the middle of the night then we went to see her stuck, kicking away and as she kicks, her head hit the bumper, or her legs stuck in the rails and making noise... we hv bumper on 3 sides, but left the one side without so we can check on her while in bed... i feel safer whenever i wake up in the middle of the night i can just take a peek at her and make sure everything is ok ie. no beanie pillow on the face etc, we hv nothing else in her bed, no blanket or swaddle or pillow or bolster because she seems to need sooo much space to turn around n there's already v little space in the cot >< i really dunno how the nights will be once she started rolling around too! ><

hubby suddenly just started singing paparazzi... i asked him why is he singing paparazzi, he says teaching bb to say papa *faint*

anyway later gg out for a gathering with some close colleagues... will be leaving bb at home alone w hubby as pils went out for cantonese opera... hope everything goes well! :D


Active Member
felicity, ur hubby can handle bb alone?
wow tts Gd ..
haha i really hope he can!! i'm abt to leave now, waiting for colleague to come fetch me, and she's fussing >< hubby has to entertain her haha..

but he dunno how to wipe her so i think she has to slp dirty tonight >< i told him to change her romper n diaper b4 her bedtime.


kary oh..u went last fri i tot today..gd weather better than in sin! Super hot! But dress well ya..

LingZ: at times he will take the pacificer but those times are when he is going to zzz soon during the night...

Lizzy: hope u can settle Ethan's pass soon..can u go on social pass?

Lucas is 3mth old Today! Went for his 5-in-1 jab n pneumococcal jab.. So heartpain to c him cry..aft the jab went to nurse him to settle him down..he's also on 10%percentile.. 5.5kg 59cm..small head too..now monitoring whether he'll have fever or nt.. hopefully OK..


Thanks mummies, we're appealing in ica for the long term visit pass as for the PR application the result isnt out yet. If really denied no choice have to get married or leave the country.. I just dont get it lol he's a baby and born here so why cant have a valid pass or why cant approve it even not married. We're supporting him financially and my partner's income is way higher than a normal income (5figures a month) so why cant they just approve it without any question -_-


i feel like crying....i wonder m i important to my hubby...we always argue nwadays..getting worse..like tis mrnin just ask him to chk the milk powder if gt press down coz gng to srnd my son over to my parents...he said its still intact the bag n show me black face..ask him where to eat bfast he said he no money need to withdraw...i just wanna make sure is it so wrong...haix...


forget to add i was so hungry till not hungry coz he show temper towards me...he wasnt like this before...i so upset till lost my appetite even i m hungry also dun feel like eating at all


wat I bad weekend to start wif .. until now I still hav not swallow my anger since last night .. write here to rant ..

yesterday night bring bb over my in laws place over night .. bb was sleeping while we bring him for car ride . half way e journey he starts to wail .. no choice I gt to alight first to distract him to calm him while hubby go park his car .. he was still wailing in e lift all e way till my in-laws place .. I hav not even take off my slippers, mil snatch bb away fr me .. asking wat did I do to make him cry till tis n tt .. I told her he not sleep enough tts y crying .. wow she pointing fingers saying y I wake him tis n tt .. shit her la .. since when I wake him .. never mind asking for pacifier n handkerchief fr me I told her wif my hubby he is coming up .. obviously Hw I carry a crying wif his big bag full of his barang barang right . . then she y all dun hav ... etc etc .. I hold it there trying hard not to talk back .. hav to quickly calm e bb right she still gt time to take tissue wipe bb tears tis n tt .. n that irritate e bb more .. I buai tahan my turn to snatch bb fr her since she oso can't calm him .. eventually after I Carry bb for few min he stop crying n fall asleep in my arms ..

I was v angry I told my hubby saying y ur mum saying such things baby cry my fault ar! ! .. he was so neutral both side oso dun wan speak a word tt makes me ever more mad .. :mad:


Nessa, u can try to talk to ur hubby, mayb, he didn't up on the correct side of the bed. Hubbies are very insensitive and we are sometimes too sensitive. Like last night ard 3:30am also want hubby to help to feed my girl, but, he just told me he is very tired and don't have the strength to carry her.. Haha, such a lame excuse. But, at that point of time, I was quite pissed off, as if, I'm not tired. Anyway, with a child, a lot of problem can arise.. Talk to him and hope he will understand u and treat u better!! :)

Purpur, I understand what u meant.. Mil don't see the whole picture and always claim they can take better care of the kids. Sometimes, I just feel happy that mothers are still mothers, can manage to calm our children down faster. As for husband, they won't take side, coz it's still their mothers. At least, u r not staying with them..


Purpur - I know what you mean... my mil is quite similar takes away my bb thinking i made her cry and always says why you did this why you did that... Now ive learned the art of ignoring. And I dont get affected too much anymore. I really cant understand why they are the way they are. Like of all the things we do, one of then is to make our baby cry.. madness!


Hmm nessa dont worry maybe he's just having a bad mood today. Lol your situation isnt worst than mine, my partner and i no longer romantic or sweet to each other, we just being civil and living on the same roof cos of baby. I didnt realised it till we talk recently, thought we're just being like this cos of baby's arrival but hmm he felt that way ever since so hmm cant force him to love me back or he cant force me to it too, no affevtion towards each other only together cos of our son.. So your situation isnt that bad and btw we always argue too like worse i even sometimes think to runaway with Ethan but no choice need to stay cos i dont have a job.. So cheer up ya? :)


Nessa - dont worry too much, IMO our husbands sometimes go thru pms. But yes i know how frustrating it is..

Only yday I blurted out alot of things to my hubby cried for atleas half an hour in de car didnt even wanna get out of de car cos of that.. ever since we came bk to india we hav been living with my mil. And every night i have been eating dinner after 10:30 pm which is really really late for me. For one my mil does not cook food, two my hubby goes down so late to buy food for me. And as soon as the food is bought everyone eats, and most of the time after 9 im in the bedroom trying to put mikaela to sleep. Over the past few days everyone completes their dinner and is also almost ready to go to bed while im still inside starving and trying to put my bb to sleep. My hubby jus sits down in front of the tv, pours himself a drink too while im still starving. I did not tell him anything about how angry I am about the way he is toward me but I dont talk to him cos I try as much as possible to keep things within me.. Cos reently ive realised no matter what i tell him even if hes wrong he turns it back on to me.. yday while we were driving he brought out stuff about my mother cooking burnt food for him when he came to my house, and he jus loves picking on my parents, while i jus keep quiet about his mother.. so yday i told him atleast my mother cooks so many things plus she goes to work whereas ur mother does not. The last time i came n lived with her she made me eat the same thing fr two - three days. And from dere one thing led to another and we were screaming at each other in the car. He even mentioned that he sees us getting a divorce before we reach ten yrs of married life. Sigh. I have been so depressed for the past week that the thought of even seeing a psychiatrist has come to my mind. Atleast i know i will have someone to hear me out with all thats on my mind. But after that huge fight he started being more attentive to me, carried de diaper bag in d eve when we went out.. and i told him i hope ur consistent and this is not jus for one or two days... oh and yday my mil even told my husband what type of a person u got married to and i think she sed it so loud so that i could hear it. Bahhhh sooo cant wait to move out on our own again. Theres soo much more I wish i cud jus talk about to someone and ive already made dis a really long post.. so sorryy... :(


Lizzy ya its the same fr me.. we are no longer romantic towards each other, and even though i initiated making love the past few times he always had excuses ready so now ive told myself i am never gonna make de first move.. cos after being rejected more than three times ive learned a lesson. Now i jus keep myself occupied with mikaela and shes de only reason im happy on most days. Sigh! The story of our lives.. i wish i was dere and i could meet up with u girls..


Nessa: hubby Sometimes insensitive to our feelings.. I've also nag at times then can move them..ignore them n care for bb.. make them guilty.. or Tell yr mil hinting that u didn't even eat yet..juz bear for caring for bb.. take cr of yrself.. stock bread/ cakes in case hungry..

Purpur: mil r always like tat.. they think they brought up their kids meant they v experienced.. I always Tell my mum also..kids r different fr before.. last time we. Stupid stupid de.. nw kids v smart..ultimately bb will b closer to mummy..snatch away from her say Bb needs yr smell instead.. n walk away..yr hubby will nt take sides..cos tats his mum..

Kary: Think nx time u eat earlier.. or assign hubby to make mikaela Zzz say u r hungry.. make him guilty..or ask him carry her..say u having back ache..they r insensitive.. always thinks that it's mummy's job..

Lizzy: things will change aft arrival of bb.. everything evolves bb.. nthg more..try go out shopping shop for Bb toys/clothes n go for coffee sessions.. go for walks..hold hands while Ethan is asleep in his stroller.. have sometime together.. hug when u guys r Zzz at night..

Erlina: at least yr hubby helps feed..I dl n hubby Zzz thru the night..


Hmm thought im the only one diff and experiencing this, im not happy to kno that im not the only one having yhe situation but thankful cos my feeling's can be understood without any explanation.. Glad you mummies here to listen with rantings and such ;-)


I believe everyone has their own sets of probs.. this will make us mummies stronger in time to come! Hang in there. Having 2 kids isnt much easier..

Dunno y my patience is running low.. haiz but im glad this thread is active.... someplace to rant n in a way hear others out... it helps to balance off my emotions abit..


Active Member
Nessa, purpur, lizzy, kary, veryone!! At least we have one another to hear us out here... This thread is our own psychiatrist... We r one another's listener...

Mine is smaller issue compared to some of u but I'm so upset right now!! Just now bb was napping then hubby n I in living room.. Then later hubby says bb woke up n my in laws brought her into their room to play w her? B4 I know it they exclaimed to us very excitedly that baby first flipped!! Noooooo... I dun believe, I dun accept, baby haven't flipped until I witnessed it!!! :(