EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Always envy mummies esp those who ep.. the discipline n determination to always wakeup pump feed wash n routinely 3-4hrly..think I'm too lazy to do So..what a bad mummy..


Don't say that, there are no bad mummies...
That includes you....
I don't wake up at night to pump either... Nor do I latch... Fm is ok for babies now even...
As long as you know you did your best but you got to balance it... Baby and yourself...

Try finding out why Lucas cries each time instead of allowing comfort suckle... Every baby can set a 2-3 hourly feeding... Maybe pumping now and bottle feeding will help you gauge the correct amt of milk Lucas needs...

Ling, I am using Tommie tippe pacifier. Find that no diff.. Ever give my girl the avent one too..
Then again she don't really like it and seldom use it..


Justamom there are no bad munmies la...

U did what u could... i dun pump in e middle of the night. Haha im pumping now lol cos im gg out for a hair treatment later keke


Thks mummies..I'm up too..latching Lucas.. Keatbear.. Ya will try to c hw much does he takes nw.. Think will also supplement w fm sooner or later..do u supplement Isabelle w fm during the night? If so supply is OK? Will drop?
Rodo: gd life! Gg do hair treatment! Envy! Been long since I Did my hair n nails! i Think i need to b separated fr bb ! But duno can bear nt.. cos always wondering wat is he doing etc..
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Justamom, u r a great mom. All of us are! Don't worry, things will get better! I pumped once somewhere around 10pm/11pm and the next pump is around 6am/7am unless my girl woke up in the middle of night. Then prob will pump after that. Otherwise, I'll sleepzz.. I will give my girl FM at night coz I didn't pump and I do not have EBM. Think FM is fine. We need the sleep to take care of the child the very next day.

As for setting routine, it's not easy initially. Till now, there's hiccups.. But, u can still try to feed Lucas till full full, and play with him, make him sleep till next feeding time.. Coz usually when they are full, they might not look for comfort sucking. My girl will want comfort sucking if she's partially full..

Jiayou to all mums! To those who is BF your child, it's more than 3 months of BF!! My mum told me last time where got BM, our era usually FM. To see me gg thru 3 months of BF, it's quite a surprise.. Haha, and I think I'm gg to slowly stop coz really need to manage my time when go back to work. A happy mummy will make a happy child!!!


Active Member
Good morning mummies! Happy boxing day!!

I'm up latching my bb too... Later gotta bathe her n rush out, hv a 9:30am playdate w my girlfriends and their toddlers! Haha~

I don't wake up to pump too... In fact I haven't touched my pump for 3-4 days... :/ I usually pump 12-15 min... Maybe getting impatient... Lately will pump only 12 min... Normally after 7-8 min no more output anyway n I tried to squeeze n compress till the whole breast is just one flabby flap... But no milk means no milk, so I just stop... I nv pump for 30 min b4, so really admire the mummies' determination here!!

Justamom, every mummy is doing their best, whether latch or pump, bm or fm... Don't feel bad k? *hugs*

Reiann, enjoy yourselves in Japan! :D

Lingz hope ur baby is better!! *sayang xuanxuan*

Rodorsany enjoy your hair treatment! :D
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Wah felicity, you sure have a fun filled Xmas with lots of activities... Actually we all should try and relax and enjoy our maternity...

If bf is not enough, just supplement with fm.
Justamon, yupz I give Isabelle fm at night... And bm in the day from bottle.. Now this week I'm even starting alternate feeds to be fm cause I'm prepping myself to go back to work and eventually supply may drop or I may stop pumping due to work... At least I know Isabelle is slowing easing to fm then I won't stress...
I don't have enough to store either so that's why I'm preparing myself this way...

It's coming to a new year and our babies have grown and now stronger... No one can ever break that bond. Babies themselves know who is mummy even if he or she is taken care by someone else.. As long as we keep communicating with them..

So as we start a new year,let us all be refreshed and pamper ourselves... Give a pat on your shoulder and tell yourself... Well done! I have come so far..,


Yeah! My dg 1 also on fm is growing well though abit skinny. My ils take care 70% of the time.. she still knows who is daddy n mommy.


Morning all.. I like the encouragement from Keatbear:) we all have done a good job in raising our bb... My gal has grows longer n bigger n cuter :)
Just enjoy this motherhood moment n be happy :)


Thks all mummies for their encouragement! I went thru hard time cos during confinement was giving bb mixture of fm n bm.. aft 3wks converted to full bm.. hopefully to give till 6mths min but Think quite difficult gg bk to work..n Yes..my mum n mil also always asks me to give fm so u can dun b So busy n can let them take care n I can do other stuff...


Justamom, same here.. I gave bb a mix of fm and bm during confinement.. Wen bb's finally on full bm, I was so proud of myself! Now tat I'm gg back to work, I will still try to pump if possible (though I tink at most pump during lunch cos work environment doesn't realli allow me to disappear to pump).. I'm trying to build up my milk bank now, hopefully can dong till 6mth.. If not then gotta give fm.. No choice but at least I noe I tried my best! So u are not a bad mommy, dun tink tat way.. We are all wonderful mummies who do their best for their bbs! :D

And yes.. My parents have also been super irritating wen I insist on giving bm.. They say shld expose bb to fm if that's wat I'm gg to give her ultimately.. Then say I shld give water wen she hiccup.. And say I shld give her solid food soon since she's hitting 4mths soon.. I'm getting super irritated so I jus put my foot down and say she's my bb! I will do wat I wan in the interest of my girl.. They had their chance with their kids, now's my turn with mine.. It's nt as if my girl is nt growing on bm, she's growing fine wat.. So I warned them if I see them feeding her solid wen she hit 4mths, I'm nt gonna leave my bb alone with them ever, at least not until she hits 6mths.. Sighz.. As if bf is not tough enuff, still have to fight my parents who are in the fm era.. Grrrrr..


LINgz: Ya agree..my work environment also cannot let me disappear.. So quite difficult.. also if So..have to go nursing rm.. also don't have electricity.. have to use batteries..Think better standby fm in case..also Think bb will b at my mum's place instead of infant care..too many scary stories..hopefully my mum can cope w my notti baby..n Yes..I agree..our bb is hw we want to be taken care of..their era of bringing us up is already over..jiayou!


This thread is fast! wah i have been bz and tired haha even waking up in middle of night oso no energy to check forum.. zzz i like the encouragement from all mummies!

Hey justamom, jiayou ya! I have been exclusive breastfeeding charlotte since week 3, coz hubby was bz n back to sch/work.. plus she rejected bottle frm week 6... fed on demand.. i'm sure most mummies know my stories lol! Well charlotte is finally showing signs of settling into a routine.. though still unstable in evenings.. i have ways been using the bouncer in the day to drag her feeding time.. nowadays she cries for other minor stuff. She gets fussy coz she cannot slp.. so i just rock her , if she cries continuously then i carry her and try to rock her to sleep.. will struggle with her crying for awhile and try to make her drowsy.. when she yawns, i know she is tired.. so i will continue to rock n walk around till she sleeps.. can take quite awhile at times.. and when she slps, i will hold for awhile more then put her down... normally she can sleep for awhile.. i will try to drag her to 3 hrs.. will only feed when she really wail n search like mad... when i feed also make sure she is full... (finish one side of my breast) Like this i think she got no reason to cry for milk in 1-2 hrs time in the day.. As for evenings, she normally only last 2hrs.. so i just feed when i can't drag more than 2 hrs... she feeds quite long though (an hr?) She can mostly sleep for 4-5hr stretch at night then wake up at 3.30/4/5am for milk.. zz tiring still..

As for prepping to go back to work.. wah i really got no motivation... my hubby took childcare leave for this week.. he has been training my bb on bottlefeeding..she still rejects on-off.. esp at home very hard to feed her.. outside got distraction, easier and more on schedule.. realise pur babies are more curious now.. so i will try to distract her with toys, her fav fan, my hp cover, talking to her.. etc.. I used to pump v little.. maybe once in awhile to relieve engorgement as i had oversupply before.. nowadays as need to bottlefeed, i try to pump 3hrly, but always cannot keep up.. for the past 2-3 days, i latch bb for 1st feed (4am) and 2nd feed (7am) , then got hubby to bottle feed at 10am, 1pm, 4pm .. tried 7pm onwards, quite hard as she rejected violently if npt enough distraction.. so i latch in the evenings to prevent milk wastage.. as we have been going out to bottle feed, the 1pm and 4pm feeds are by ebm.. and hence i did not manage to pump .. too much things to bring! not sure if my supply is affected... like today, i pumped at 2pm and rushed out to buy stuff w hubby n go for a farewell dinner.. brought 2 bottles of ebm(100ml each) out to feed at 5pm and 8pm.. then i was super engorged when we reached home around 11pm..latched one side n pump the other at the same time! Yielded 230ml of milk from my left (pumped around 30mins total coz alot of mulk gushing out.. rested 2-3mins in between 5-10muns pump! Baby was drinking like mad on the right sude.. guess she misses latching.. My right side lesser i guess coz last week rested it alot due to cracked nipple.. my normal 3hr pump yields around 150ml combined.. sometimes can be as bad as 80ml.. depends on how long o have not pumped.. i so lazy to pump and wash! Wish i have a maid to wash for me n clean my house! I cannot imagine how it'll be when my hubby starts to go back to work next week.. i gotta bottlefeed bb myself... and pump and wash! hope i can find time or bb can allow me!

I'm quite stressed about thinking how things will be when i go back to work.. most likely putting bb at mil's place .. but i dun think she can handle.. must start training bb n her plus her maid soon.. hope bb wun be too sticky to me.. nowadays she dun see me she'll cry n only want me to carry... dunno how i can trust mil /maid to bathe bb, feed n change diaper... n in between to tahan her fussiness! :p i'm seriously thinking of tendering my resignation and going full time taking care of bb.. but wondering if i will lose my sanity lol.. but its all for the bb.. my company doesn't allow no pay leave.. at the same time i can't trust bb in any hands except hubby n me... sighh hope finances will work out too....


Meltie gd supply u have there! I gt to combine to have only 140-160ml per day n u gt one session one breast of abt 230ml! Envious!
if finances can work out n u Enjoy being taking cr of charlotte.. y nt.. when r u gg bk to work? If quitting also need to serve notice right?I also thinking of extending till early Feb then go bk to work..nt Sure if com. Allows nt..


justamom, hmm the supply is coz missed 2 sessions of pumping lol.. wah super engorged kind.. hmm actually when i pump out in the morning, can yield more.. our supply tends to go down at night.. sometimes i feed one side and pump out the other.. or if charlotte doesn't empty the breast, i just pump it out to store.. i think slowly you'll increase your supply and be able to feed and pump.. tiring though..

i'm going back to work on 23rd jan.. boss already asking me for team lunch this fri.. he's my new manager.. hmm dunno how man.. if i were to resign, do u think its nice to drop the letter right when i return to work? or should i wait a week or 2? Not v nice to quit immediately aft maternity right? :p Well i am quite ok taking care if charlotte, love to be w her n watch her grow.. but the other part of me is quite tired and can be dreading of losing my freedom n sanity esp when she fusses for no reason and feeding going haywire... i just sold my hse too.. need to look for a new place near mil.. meed to shift out in 14 weeks... :p lotsa things to do.. don't even know if i'll have time to start packing.. go viewing and stuff.. may have to stay in mil's hse for interim period..not sure how to juggle that plus baby plus work! lol


Wow meltie, you have lots of plans ahead... Jiayou..
Personally I would feel its better to let your bosses know ASAP if you wanna quit cz to be fair to them, they would need time to search for a replacement ...
I also abit sianz... Starting work on 7 jan
These few days start trial runs in the morning to send my Isabelle to my mum's place...


Ya, meltie, can see that it'll be a busy period for u. As baby Charlotte gets bigger, it'll get better, I believe as she can respond to us.. If financial is able to support and u r happy to take care of her, I think quitting might be a better option. Ur mil can get use to look after her, then, u will hav ur freedom and sanity too! But, for me, I am looking forward to gg back to work, coz, I still prefer some balance in my life and financially, I can't afford not to work..

Ya, keatbear, me too.. Will be doing trial run once school start.. Coz both hubby and myself are teachers, have to start very early.. Poor baby, has to be sent to my mum's place early in the morning.. Also dunno how the time can work out..


Wah meltie looks like u are gg to b very bz!!

Keatbear Im also gg back on 7Jan.. dread it lol... but in a way good for me if not i'll lose my sanity

Im actually thinking of changing fm full to part time.. meaning shorter hours or lesser days. My hb just changed job will b stationed in shanghai for next 2~3 yrs... im feeling emo coz current job got those old birds keep stabbing him... anw he's not e first to leave even his manager planning to... on 1 hand happy he found a job he likes but e other is I will miss him.. the kids will too! I cant fly up to b with him as my dg1already gg k1 i dun trust their edu sys.. thats also y wanna work pt.. if not my ils totally no rest...

Haiz fm cny onwards i think i will start whinning here in forum


Wow meltie.. ur life v interesting leh.. sold hse! But I tink the packing is gonna be a big headache.. haha.. jia you! And yeah, if financially viable, quit and take care of bb on ur own is better.. if I can, I would.. I'm kinda sad tat I'm gonna miss my bb's many firsts to her nanny.. Her first flip, first crawl, first step, first word.. Sighz..

Keatbear, Rodorsany, me too! Starting work on 7 Jan.. My colleagues have oredi started watsapp-ing me the happenings in office and how they are realli glad I'm gg back soon to relieve their workload.. Argh! I'm totally not looking forward! Gg to trial run sending bb to nanny's place next week.. Sobz.. Super cannot bear to leave her! I'm so scared tat wen I leave her with nanny and walk away, I will be the one crying and not bb.. :(

Rodorsany, ur hubby gg to b outstation for so long? Gosh.. If me, I will pack and go with him! Haha..