EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Yeoymp - wow, my 1st child was born on 14 jan 11, wat abt yours? My due date for my 2nd 1 is 30 sep, how i hope she can wait and come out by 38 weeks, but she decided to come out earlier ^^

Purpur - don't worry, you know your body better, you'll know when your little one decided to come out. Wish you have a smooth delivery! :)


Hey everyone! Waterbag burst on 06.09.12 at 9.35 am.. Delivered baby boy, 3.077 kg at 8.42 pm on the same day at Parkway East. Was at 39 weeks one day. Made it thru 11 hrs of labour with laughing gas. No epidural!

Very sore below..As of right nw, i dun think i ever want to go thru the labour process again. The last few moments leading to 10 cm dilation was the hardest!

Jiayou mummies! U can do it too!
Congrats Caramellae!!!


Hi everyone,

My baby girl was born on 6.9.12 at week 36 weeks 4 days and my birth story as below:

5.30 am - woke up because have some stomach pain like diarrhea and I went to toilet, nothing, tired and go back to sleep.
7.00 am - suddenly have sharp pain like mensus cramp and jump out from bed, felt wanna pass motion and went to toilet to poo. some mild contraction, 10-15 mins interval.
7.30 am - followed by some bloody discharge and wake up hubby. Called my gynae also to inform him the situation, my gynae asked to head to hospital directly. Then, I went to take shower and had a quick bite.
8.40 am - reached hospital and asked to go delivery suite. Change and midwife do some checking on me. Was 8-9 cm dilated.
9.15 am - my gynae came and check on me again, it's already 10 cm dilated but my contraction was not consistent and not strong. Put drips on me to make my contraction stronger.
9.20 am - was told by midwife whenever contraction come, hold breath and push so that can push longer.
My gynae came in also and with 2-3 pushes, my baby came out at 9.43 am with 3 stitches below.

Although is my 2nd baby, but still very painful at the last stage when you push baby out.

That's all my birth story, now trying to breastfeed my little one. You all can do it too!
Mee212.. wow that was a quick and smooth delivery!! Was it the same wif your first child?? I'm very nervous as this is my first... afraid it might be a long labour......
Hey everyone! Waterbag burst on 06.09.12 at 9.35 am.. Delivered baby boy, 3.077 kg at 8.42 pm on the same day at Parkway East. Was at 39 weeks one day. Made it thru 11 hrs of labour with laughing gas. No epidural!

Very sore below..As of right nw, i dun think i ever want to go thru the labour process again. The last few moments leading to 10 cm dilation was the hardest!

Jiayou mummies! U can do it too!

Woww.. another no epi mommy.. congrats and rest well!!


Congrats to e mummies who have delivered!!! Enjoy motherhood! ;)

Meanwhile can chk with you gals what do you do with e formula milk once your milk supply kicks in?
as my breast milk only came on e 5th day, I was supplementing formula to my baby... The tin costs $40++
but now that I'm producing more, my boy has not drank any formula for 2-3 days alrdy. Totally on breastmilk ;) I read on the tin instruction that it has to b discard within 3weeks once open... My tin is still quite full though. If throw abit wasted right? My sis was tellin me to use it n not waste it But then again breast milk is always e best!

Do you know if I can use it in other ways? Like mayb I drink it or what?

M also looking for a good air purifier.. Air condition is so bad nowadays... Wanna put it in baby's room. Any good recommendation?


Hey everyone! Waterbag burst on 06.09.12 at 9.35 am.. Delivered baby boy, 3.077 kg at 8.42 pm on the same day at Parkway East. Was at 39 weeks one day. Made it thru 11 hrs of labour with laughing gas. No epidural!

Very sore below..As of right nw, i dun think i ever want to go thru the labour process again. The last few moments leading to 10 cm dilation was the hardest!

Jiayou mummies! U can do it too!
Caramellae - congratulations!! Wow you must have some will power to not take the epi even though u labored for 11 hours ... Take Care!! I'm delivering at PEH too can't wait for my turn :) have started walking quite a lot since yday hoping it will help me thru labor.


Yeoymp - wow, my 1st child was born on 14 jan 11, wat abt yours? My due date for my 2nd 1 is 30 sep, how i hope she can wait and come out by 38 weeks, but she decided to come out earlier ^^

Purpur - don't worry, you know your body better, you'll know when your little one decided to come out. Wish you have a smooth delivery! :)
Hi Mee212

My girl was born on 23rd jan 2011, this no.2 due on 21st Sep.......i'm into my 38weeks today, hope he can wait and come out after 39weeks (been talking to him these few days) as i will be working till end of next week.

Lot of people told me 2nd one will come out earlier ....made me very gan jiong since my 36weeks....

how is ur first labour? is it long? My first 1 was natural without epi, only laughing gas. Started wild mild contraction but cervic not fully open so put on drips and break water bag to induce......super pain for 3.5hours to give birth.

Cross my finger this time round can be more faster........


Kary - jia you to you! Every mummy is brave and tough.

Yeoymp & sapphire - my first labour was short too, start some mild pain ard 6 pm, contraction more closer at 7 pm, like 15 mins interval followed by few drops of water and pinkish discharge. Then go for shower and dinner then heading to hospital, reach hospital at 8.30 pm, was 4-5 cm dilated, 30 mins later almost 9 cm and I deliver my baby gal at 10.25 pm. No epi and laughing gas only.
I walked a lot during my pregnancy and do a lot of pelvic floor exercise. Guess this helps me to deliver easier.

Btw, yeoymp, our babies are very close age!


Hi me212

Ya, ur elder child is abt 10days older than mine. Maybe 2nd also? meaning my baby will pop next week?

Kary - jia you to you! Every mummy is brave and tough.

Yeoymp & sapphire - my first labour was short too, start some mild pain ard 6 pm, contraction more closer at 7 pm, like 15 mins interval followed by few drops of water and pinkish discharge. Then go for shower and dinner then heading to hospital, reach hospital at 8.30 pm, was 4-5 cm dilated, 30 mins later almost 9 cm and I deliver my baby gal at 10.25 pm. No epi and laughing gas only.
I walked a lot during my pregnancy and do a lot of pelvic floor exercise. Guess this helps me to deliver easier.

Btw, yeoymp, our babies are very close age!

waaahh ur first one very very fastt.. how much walking is considered alot?? I walked from my office in cityhall to my house in kallang before.. is this considered alot? I walked like an hour for that.. Knee almost break down.. huhuhuhuhu..


After reading mee212 birth story I feel nervous too .. cos tis few days keep having diarrhoea feel .. dunno whether is it a sign ?? Or jus stomach upset .. :eek:
Me too purpur! Having more diarrhea like bowel movement. But my last check up yesterday revealed nothing extraordinary-- amniotic fluid still v good and baby is growing. Doesn't look like I'll be delivering anytime soon. Sigh


Me too purpur! Having more diarrhea like bowel movement. But my last check up yesterday revealed nothing extraordinary-- amniotic fluid still v good and baby is growing. Doesn't look like I'll be delivering anytime soon. Sigh
I have loose bowels and diarrhea too... but according to gynae, he says it's cos baby is pressing onto our intestines now, so will cause us to release whatever we have inside the intestines... so it will be common to have more frequent loose bowels or diarrhea in a day.......... so as long as we dun see any "show" or have any consistent contractions, it will not seem like we will be delivering too soon i guess... haiz...


Congrats to mummies who have given birth! Also you gals are so strong not to take epi!!

I hope we can all have fast and smooth delivery!!

I'm also having daily loose stools up to 3 times a day.. actually i wonder if it has to do with the side effects of the antibiotics i'm taking.. and i'm itching badly.. sigh! Scratching uncontrollably last night in slp!!


New Member
Hi all! This is my first post, I just registered this morning. My EDD is next Thursday! Feeling very excited and spending each day wondering whether it will happen today, hehe. I have been on leave since last week since I read that first time mummies tend to get in labour early and this is now my 39 weeks already. Hope the baby will not be too late as my hubby only took leave for next week! Haha.


Hi all! This is my first post, I just registered this morning. My EDD is next Thursday! Feeling very excited and spending each day wondering whether it will happen today, hehe. I have been on leave since last week since I read that first time mummies tend to get in labour early and this is now my 39 weeks already. Hope the baby will not be too late as my hubby only took leave for next week! Haha.
Welcome altiora :) climb up stairs it will help but be very careful ya! Do squats too! :)


Hi mummies! I'm back from gynae.. Although water level is indeed lower, it is still not critically low.. Gynae initially recommended to induce todae since I'm there oredi.. But a cervix check showed me 1.5cm dilated! She said there is a chance that bb might come naturally on her own these few days.. Being pro natural, she suggest we give bb 3 more days.. If still not out by Tue, then she will induce me cos by then water level should b critically low oredi.. So excited now! She told me to go walk more, climb more stairs, do more squats these couple of days.. I hope bb comes naturally SOON! Preferably tmr.. :D