EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hi memory, when is ur due date? My friend told me that she had those feelings for 3 days before she gave birth? So, I quickly go and get ready all the last min stuff and pack my hospital bag.. Just hope it won't come when I'm at work and hope my husband will be with me..


Hi memory, when is ur due date? My friend told me that she had those feelings for 3 days before she gave birth? So, I quickly go and get ready all the last min stuff and pack my hospital bag.. Just hope it won't come when I'm at work and hope my husband will be with me..
Hi Erlina,

My due date is on 25th Sept.. How abt urs? I search through the net and it says its a sign of labour however it depends on when the real labour symptoms will kick in.. some for few days, some for weeks.. Try to pack those important stuff 1st.
Yup, me too. When u going on maternity leave?


Mine was 29th sept actually.. But, when I went for gynae checkup last week, he told me anytime is ok, as baby is quite big.. I hav actually applied my maternity leave on 24th onwards. Think I will give birth before that..

R u giving birth at tmc?


Mine was 29th sept actually.. But, when I went for gynae checkup last week, he told me anytime is ok, as baby is quite big.. I hav actually applied my maternity leave on 24th onwards. Think I will give birth before that..

R u giving birth at tmc?
ic, so ours is within the same week. My gynae also mention my baby quite big, think latest will deliver within the week.. So u not going to have 1 week rest at home? Am still considering when to start ml.. Yup. Hw abt u?


Ya, think might not take earlier.. Scare to stay at home alone too. Haha.. Plus my workplace is nice enough to sort of off load me everything.. But, sometimes, the menstrual cramp can make me worry.. So, prob will decide again once I see my gynae this fri, provided she don't come out before that.. When is ur next gynae appointment?


Hi erlina n memory... im having lotsa diahrrea too.. dr says its cos baby is pressing onto our intestine causing us to excrete more frequently... as for cramps i hav constant pain in my pelvis area.. do u all hav that? Gng to see gynae today... hope he has news as to when baby comes out... he is quite big now... abt 3.3kg at least.....


Ya, think might not take earlier.. Scare to stay at home alone too. Haha.. Plus my workplace is nice enough to sort of off load me everything.. But, sometimes, the menstrual cramp can make me worry.. So, prob will decide again once I see my gynae this fri, provided she don't come out before that.. When is ur next gynae appointment?
same too, i don't like to stay home alone.. The thought of staying home and wait is scary.. Me too, but we have to try and relax.. Mine is this sat.. Hope mine will be after this or nx week.. Had urs engaged?


Hi erlina n memory... im having lotsa diahrrea too.. dr says its cos baby is pressing onto our intestine causing us to excrete more frequently... as for cramps i hav constant pain in my pelvis area.. do u all hav that? Gng to see gynae today... hope he has news as to when baby comes out... he is quite big now... abt 3.3kg at least.....
Hi Sapphire, when is your edd? I do have constant pain in my pelvis area,especially, standing up after sitting or lying down. Sometimes, I also have sharp pain that shot all the way down. On top of that, it's the constant menstrual like cramp that we have not experienced for the past 9 months. haha.. You are seeing gynae today, mayb, can ask whether is that the symptom? =)


Hi Sapphire, when is your edd? I do have constant pain in my pelvis area,especially, standing up after sitting or lying down. Sometimes, I also have sharp pain that shot all the way down. On top of that, it's the constant menstrual like cramp that we have not experienced for the past 9 months. haha.. You are seeing gynae today, mayb, can ask whether is that the symptom? =)
Hi Sapphire & Erlina,

i have sharp pain on the pelvis area as well. Gynae mention its coz of baby pressing on it so its quite common. Just of late, having the feel of menses coming soon so not sure if its one of pre-symptom to let us take notice of it..


Eeneyminey yayy for u... Im in the 38th week now and starting to get impatient waiting for baby.

Can't wait for the day just want it to be here like now itself.. Longing to sleep on my stomach and not have heart burn anymore.... But when I look at all mommies who are having sleepless nights I'm scared of baby coming out, realized I'm not so scared of giving birth anymore just more scared of the after birth..

ohhhh YES I want to sleep on my back without feeling very uncomfortable and breathless. I want to sleep on my tummy again, SO MUCH. I want to be able to sleep through the night without getting up to pee and then not being able to sleep after because of shoulder aches. I don't want heartburns anymore, or nausea (it's coming back!! argh!). I want to go for a run again. I want to slouch on the sofa or chair. I don't want my bladder kicked about anymore. ohhhhh!! :(

yes been getting some tummyache too, and wondering if it's the start of labour, but so far, nothing. ah well. just hope it doesn't drag on for too long..


Felicity - I know trying not to worry .... My mum said that I was very troublesome as a baby, she thought she made a mistake calling me Kary cos I always wanted to be carried lol.. So maybe payback time for me after baby arrives. But yea when I'm having sleepless nights I'll just think of all of you, and will realise that you'll went through the same thing.. Everyone says the first month is the hardest, then it either gets better or you just learn to adjust and are more prepared.

Erlina, Memory and Sapphire - Even I have the same symptoms you girls are having except the diarrhoea part.. But pain in my pelvis, my stomach cramps. Everytime my stomach hardens quite a bit and I keep hoping that these are the contractions it just doesnt come back in time for me to time it.. When it comes again I even forget what time it came the previous time, so I know that this is not it. Guessing this is all in preparation for the real thing, only then it will be 100 times more in terms of pain.

Reiann - My thoughts are exactly the same, wanna sleep for atleast 6 hours continuously without having to wake up to pee or because my side or back hurts from my sleeping posture.. And I'm done having that dragon inside me breathing out sooo much fire.. bahhh.. Though I don't think the long hours of sleep are gonna be seen anytime soon, atleast now I know after I wake up to pee, I can go back to sleep ;) when the baby is around, there will be crying and pee and poo included too lol.


Wah icic.. My pd nv say anything after discharged from TMC.. So I monitor myself at home just by looking at her skin.. Get v worrying when her eyes look yellowish.. Now gg down again..

My hubby only comes once a week cos he busy w work n part time studies.. Miss him! Plus he gg overseas in dec for work... Then I will be home alone w my in laws..
yea hubby always working overseas and goin for his masters too so no choice but to take care of baby alone when he's not around :(
Erlina, we have the same edd!!! mine also on 29th sept and this friday i also have check up with my gynae, which gynae are u seeing? will u be delivering at TMC? mine is dr adelina wong.. I also starting my ML on 24th!! lolz.. dun wanna waste the time for resting before delivery, i dun feel really tired or anything as yet. somemore if i'm at home, i also will be alone, so better to be in office, if anything happen still got people here to help out.

Regarding stomach cramp or pelvin pain, just yesterday i felt like a pain on my right pelvic when i stand up n walk. but not super pain or anything.. I dunno if it means baby has engaged already or not..

As for diarrhea, i just got it today!! lolz.. just right after lunch i had a super bad diarrhea, keep farting non stop and i can say my whole life that's like the worst farting marathon i've ever had.. lolz.. lucky toilet quite empty, the smell and the sound really unbearable. felt so bad for others if they were there..

Felicity, will it helps if u give pacifiers? Thinking of your condition, i wonder how to cope too if later my baby is like that. Somemore my ml only for 2 months.. huhuhu..


Hi eeneyminey, so coincidental!! Ya, will be delivering at TMC, but I'm seeing dr Wong Mun Tat at gombak Thomson medical, near my place. Probably, we'll really give birth at the same time..

So exciting and nervous at the same time!! Hubby keep asking me not to use epidural! Wonder whether i can tahan the pain..


New Member
I'm finally finally full term!!! 37wks alrd!!

Feeling such a relieve because anything from now on will be considered as labour instead of pre-term labour!! hahhahhaa.. Feeling really nervous and anxious.. keep thinking and imagining how am i gonna get the signs (water break, show, contraction), will it be at home, at work, at night, at day time ?!! Sigh.. almost gone crazy..

Anyway, I still havent decided whether to go for c sect or normal delivery, i still hope there's a chance for me to deliver normal though, otherwise my effort to walk around and climb stairs will be like in vain.. huhuhuhu.. This coming friday will be my check up day, hopefully gynae can give me a better advise whether i have a chance to deliver normal or not.. baby doesnt seem as big as i imagine her would be, only 2.5kg during my last check up at 36wk 3d.. Deep down feel a bit sad, i feel she cant really grow inside of me coz i'm too small size.. sighz..

JY to all of us who are still in the waiting line!!
Hey eeneyminey

Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. As u said u are petite and small build. So with all the exercise maybe u can get to enjoy natural birthing which is an excellent experience. Once too big will be c-sect no choice. Anyway now u 37wks, maybe let bb decide when & how to come ba. As long healthy most important and not distress.

Btw those who delivered at TMC or delivering soon any full day carpark coupons or advise about parking? Coz the parking there is atrocious. Tia


Active Member
erlina good that u r offloaded.. Mine not, that's why I took ML earlier.. Wanted to do my own prep n run some errands.. In the end ML starts 21 aug, went back sch on 22 aug to complete some work n attend cca promotion ceremony, 23 aug morning 7+ start contraction.. Cannot imagine if I'm in sch, will be during morning assembly! Made appt to hv haircut on 24th nv get to go... V soon, all the best!

Kary ya my mummy friends in fb all telling me first mth is like that, will get better.. Must endure... so, enduring!

Eeneyminey.. My bb rejects the pacifier that I hv.. My friends recommend nuk pacifier so I told hubby to buy but he will only come over the weekend.. Hope it'll help!!


Wow felicity, so xiong.. Ya, coz change school in June, so, that's why they have prepared and plus not so much commitment. I would say I'm really lucky.. I can't imagine if I'm still in my old school, think will be like u. Work till no day no night! Think now ur full attention now is with ur baby now..

Really ah? Coming soon, can't wait for her to be out, but, also worry.. Will have another set of things to cope with..
erlina good that u r offloaded.. Mine not, that's why I took ML earlier.. Wanted to do my own prep n run some errands.. In the end ML starts 21 aug, went back sch on 22 aug to complete some work n attend cca promotion ceremony, 23 aug morning 7+ start contraction.. Cannot imagine if I'm in sch, will be during morning assembly! Made appt to hv haircut on 24th nv get to go... V soon, all the best!

Kary ya my mummy friends in fb all telling me first mth is like that, will get better.. Must endure... so, enduring!

Eeneyminey.. My bb rejects the pacifier that I hv.. My friends recommend nuk pacifier so I told hubby to buy but he will only come over the weekend.. Hope it'll help!!

felicity, maybe can try the latex one too, since it is supposed to be softer, maybe the feeling is sort of similar like nipple kind.. Hope pacifier really is the answer, otherwise really dunno how to endure it..
Now at wk 37 day 3... Baby is 3kg alr... Im starting ml this thurs! Coz i drive to work, so need to stop earlier... Otherwise, dunno what to do if i got contractions on the road! :/

Pelvic muscles always aching too... According to prenatal class, is coz joints r loose to prepare for labour... Having loose bowels too... Having menses cramps everyday too... But feet not swollen yet! :/ dunno when baby wanna see the world...

Trying to walk more, but it's really v tiring to carry a watermelon walking ard! :p


Active Member
Omg eeneyminey my hubby says he bought nuk silicon pacifier >< I tot I read newborn better use latex, later can use silicon.. He said he saw both but decided to get silicon..

Oh when I just woke up n started having contraction it felt like mild menstrual cramps with poo poo feeling, keep gg to toilet until getting more frequent (every 10 min or less?) n getting painful then realized is contractions... From 7+ to 8am, all within an hour! Thinking maybe I slept thru the mildest part of contractions...