EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


erlina, I was on IV drips of antibiotics every 8hours. then doc did aspirations to drain out the milk and there were also abscess. was badly infected, that's why can't be given oral antibiotics. The aspirations is procedure like taking blood. Then I had a small wound is becoz of a milk blister.

sigh....so regret for being too stubborn, should hv see doc earlier.


Are the muscle ache, fever and breast pain early sign of mastitis? Today my breast is slight pain too and milk hardly flow out..


Hi! I've been following the thread for long time already but always busy taking care my baby and her sister which is coming to 2 years old next year jan. Tired everyday... My 2nd baby is 15 weeks old now.
How I wish I'm there too to join all the sept mummies group!
So nice by seeing all the cute babies..


Someone wrote bout getting the carrier on Facebook cheaper... I m looking at ergo. Is ergo better than manduca? I need it urgently. Anyone know if I Can hv it sent to my doorstep by eve of Xmas?


Hi lin1n84, for me, those were the symptoms and the breast becomes slight red at the affected area. When u feel it, can be painful and hard. I tried to massage and get my hubby to suck but still feel pain and block after that. The usual 60ml that I can pump out from that breast becomes only 20ml after almost half an hour of pumping. In the end, decide to see a normal doc as it was quite late after the sept mummies gathering.. Haha, still can endure and attend the gathering.. In the evening, my temperature rose to 37.3 and keep increasing. Doc did mention that the breast is still soft, but can see it's quite bad coz quite red, but not yet abscess.. So, can take antibiotics. Today feel much better, though, not much milk.. And can still feel the pain when press..

Yeoymp, u still continue bf? Will it affect the supply? U have gone through a lot of pain! Not easy..


New Member
hi mummies...

I would like to check with you all. I stopped breastfeeding after 3-4 weeks. Baby is born on 9 Sept and my period still has not come. Any advice?


jesshz17 depends some takes longer then others...i stop after 1 month but i still was having lochia for 2 months after delivery and only 3-4 days after the bleeding then i had my 1st period on 28 oct...i gave birth on 30 aug....


Mummies: is it possible the supply drop drastically from 120 to 60ml? How to recover it?? So sad... These 2days my supply is so pathetic, I dun hav any period yet..



I stopped already. Ever since i was hospitalised my boy started on fm, though the unaffected side still got lots of milk but my hubby see me like that ....asked me to stopped. So i gradually reduce the no of pumping and just press out some milk if is engorge. Already 1 week ++ after discharge, still got milk le.....

Maybe is becoz my pain threshold was high, that's why i really tahan untill very very pain and high fever then go. I was at 38.5 when i admitted......

Hi lin1n84, for me, those were the symptoms and the breast becomes slight red at the affected area. When u feel it, can be painful and hard. I tried to massage and get my hubby to suck but still feel pain and block after that. The usual 60ml that I can pump out from that breast becomes only 20ml after almost half an hour of pumping. In the end, decide to see a normal doc as it was quite late after the sept mummies gathering.. Haha, still can endure and attend the gathering.. In the evening, my temperature rose to 37.3 and keep increasing. Doc did mention that the breast is still soft, but can see it's quite bad coz quite red, but not yet abscess.. So, can take antibiotics. Today feel much better, though, not much milk.. And can still feel the pain when press..

Yeoymp, u still continue bf? Will it affect the supply? U have gone through a lot of pain! Not easy..


linl1n84:738994 said:
Mummies: is it possible the supply drop drastically from 120 to 60ml? How to recover it?? So sad... These 2days my supply is so pathetic, I dun hav any period yet..
Yes, it's possible.. It happened to me.. I used to have slightly more than enuff milk for my girl so got a bit lazy and din pump diligently.. It dropped so much suddenly tat I got quite depressed.. So after tat I started drinking a lot a lot of water and force myself to try pump at least once every 4hrs (i tried 3hrs but it was too tiring.. It's like u jus finish pumping and u had to pump again!).. I only latch my girl for night feed.. So after tat night feed, no matter how tired I am, I force myself to pump e remaining.. After one week, supply increased a bit though it never went back to the previous level.. Sighz..


Active Member
justamom hey no worries... hope u'll find the insert useful... otherwise u can wait for ur son to get bigger a bit then use the carrier ^^

wooo i wanna try a sling too!! i see some of the mummies using, seems convenient~ but i haven't tried n dare not buy on impulse, worry that i won't use =|

erlina, lin, i also need to compress and squeeze very hard when pumping... when i see no more output when just pumping, once i squeeze can see milk squirting out! means still hv... so everytime hv to squeeze and squeeze... =/ erlina hope you are feeling better!! yeoymp too!!

i find my milk supply like getting lower and lower... my friend was telling me how she always get engorged if nv latch/pump for 3-4 hours, but i won't get engorged unless after like 10hrs?! ytd i went out and i pumped b4 n after, 7 hrs apart. even after 7 hrs i can't hit 200 ml with both sides combined... i was wishing i could get at least 100 ml per side!

hello mee212 and jesshz.... welcome to the thread~ ^^

my bb just had her 2nd dose of jabs... the clinic offered numbing cream but in the end i didn't get (extra charges :p) but luckily bb also cried out when being jabbed twice... then once i cuddle her in my arms she stopped crying... phew~!! doc said my bb is very big for a breastfed bb. really?! she's only 6.6 kg for 17 weeks old! i mean... some of you have baby with bigger mass right? but she's quite tall, according to doc... 63.5 cm...

doc also remind me to let her lie on her left cos her right side head v flat... so now i'm making her lie on her left to slp...
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New Member
jesshz17 depends some takes longer then others...i stop after 1 month but i still was having lochia for 2 months after delivery and only 3-4 days after the bleeding then i had my 1st period on 28 oct...i gave birth on 30 aug....
Thanks! Mine was c-section; thus bleeding stop after 10th day followed by abit of spotting every now and then. I didnt have period coming to 4 months. Think I will KIV and see doc next year.


Felicity and erlina, I'm not sure if my massage lady can help you. You can give her a try. She helped me with my supply when I was getting stressed out at work.. She helps to stimulate your milk glands again. I can pass you her contact if you want


Piglim: few days ago I just saw someone selling preloved Manduca for 100dol, but not sure which forum, maybe u can try mummy sg or Singapore motherhood forum both under WTS section. Some mummies also selling brand new Manduca or ergo, perhaps u can google it by typing WTS Manduca Singapore motherhood. That is how I got my preloved Manduca and my gal loved it.

Ling: thanks for sharing.. Maybe becos past few days I always pumped every 5-6hr instead of 3-4hours. Now I am really depressed, plus my breast abit pain when touch and some redness. Not sure the redness is becos I press to hard or not. I'm worried of infection. Now I start back to drink more water and pump more often.

Btw will gynae know how to check for breast infection? Or must we for lac consultant? Tml I have pap smear appt at my gynae, prob will ask him..

Felicity/reiann: If we latch the bb, do we still need to pump out? Typically I only latch one side.. This weekend we bring baby for stayaction and I dun plan to pump except at night. Worried it will further reduce my supply.. Any advice?

Felicity: skyler is so brave.. I only gave my gal one injection as my heart couldn't take it seeing her being jab twice on same day so in the end I didn't take the pneumococcal jab. What jab did skyler take?


Active Member
keatbear it's effective for u? i don't mind trying at all!

lin, i latch one side per time also... then i nv pump >< i usually pump b4 i slp if my last latch was some time ago. eg: bb latches at 8+ n slept, at close to midnight i pump b4 sleeping otherwise i will wake up at 7+ with milk leaking... otherwise i pump b4/after i go out alone without baby, and mil will feed bb ebm. but i still hv excess ebm cos usually i latch...

today she took 6-in-1 jab, pneumococcal jab and the rotavirus via oral intake...


Hmm my bb's jab next year, do we need to pay the same amount as before? Lol i paid 355 before and he's having the same jab again