EDD September 2013 Mummies


Bird's Nest Benefits For Expecting Mothers
Regarded as the perfect tonic for expectant mothers and their soon to be babies, consumption of bird's nest can provide the body with several rich nutrients and benefits. Regular consumption during pregnancy can strengthen the body of the woman and the foetus. In addition, women consuming pure bird's nest post birth will recover far quicker compared with women who do not. This fast recovery is attributed to the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), which is active in the nutrients of the bird's nest.


@A mummy, thanks! Still very excited about my bb being a girl, so many things I can buy for her and doll her up :) and we are already talking to her and calling her name everyday.


@StellaC: congraaaaatttsss!! heeee! I would like a girl too..but after tryg fer so long, I think a girl or a boy duzn matter la..heheh..my guess is mine will be a boy though coz I've migraines quite often now and feeling sickly still after 13wks plus..=_="

Theres this natural mangosteen soap from BKK, can get it at e airport..each yr when I go BKK I will buy loads back coz its damn good for rashes..hmm..who is at BKK nw ah..lazy to scroll back..hehehe..


Hey guys! Just want to check.. Do u know what's the market rate for giving red packet to CL when she arrives to help? Like usually must give one when she comes n give one when she goes off. Any idea how much to bao and give? ;) thanks


15 weeks today! Now that I'm feeling better ( crosses fingers ), I worry that I'm not pregnant! Hahahaha!

How is everyone?

Would love to know about the CL Ang bao market rates too! I didn't even knowing must give Ang bao. Hahahha!


Congrats raoow! Heh.. I m glad for this long weekend man! Although I got work to clear but at least can stay at home to rest too! I totally know what u mean by not geong pregnant!! Me too! I mean I get nauseous n sick sometimes n I know that's a reminder that my pregnancy is still there! But I get paranoid too n had a nightmare that I had bleeding last night!! Yikes


Congrats raoow! Heh.. I m glad for this long weekend man! Although I got work to clear but at least can stay at home to rest too! I totally know what u mean by not geong pregnant!! Me too! I mean I get nauseous n sick sometimes n I know that's a reminder that my pregnancy is still there! But I get paranoid too n had a nightmare that I had bleeding last night!! Yikes
Worrying for our baby starts even before we give birth hor? Hahaha! Rest more and go out get some fresh air! It's really nice to have a long weekend.

A mummy

Anyone felt movement? It's like a stone moving inside. weird feeling.... My pubic bone felt stabbing/throbbing pain that last for 10 counts and then comes again 12hours later...They said baby's kicking or the pubic bones enlarging adjusting for labor. Its not just contractions that we'll feel during labor but also throbbing at pubic area. I hope the throbbing pain comes again so I can physically prepare for that pain x 100 during labor.
Any mummies feel baby bump start to grow a lot ? I m into wk 15, feel the bump still same as before..is it normal ? I m worried


New Member
Anyone felt movement? It's like a stone moving inside. weird feeling.... My pubic bone felt stabbing/throbbing pain that last for 10 counts and then comes again 12hours later...They said baby's kicking or the pubic bones enlarging adjusting for labor. Its not just contractions that we'll feel during labor but also throbbing at pubic area. I hope the throbbing pain comes again so I can physically prepare for that pain x 100 during labor.
i get the same lately too. i went to google and its called round ligament pain if im not wrong. my mum said baby is kicking but i doubt so cause we wont be able to feel it until later into the pregnancy. so it shld be more like the uterus stretching? im currently in week 14/15, i cant remember exactly.. opps.


Any mummies feel baby bump start to grow a lot ? I m into wk 15, feel the bump still same as before..is it normal ? I m worried
mine is about the same size since few weeks ago. Should be okay. Everyone has different growth, so don't worry too much. :)


I think I am now in my 13-14 weeks. Vomitting has stopped since week13 but I am still sensitive to any odour and scent. I tend to have this "going to vomit" feeling/action when I come across any smell. Even the office building fragrance is making me eeeewwww.

Though vomit has stopped, appetite doesn't improve. I cannot afford to eat alot because I get bloated easily. Even if the food portion is very little, I still have to wait till 5-6 hours later for the next meal.

By the way, I am introduced to this stretch mark cream from Elancly, available at Guardian/Watsons. But it's rather ex and I heard there maybe times selling at 1-for-1.

How are the rest of the mummies here? Has vomitting stopped? Any food craving?
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I had the most horrid stitch-like pains last night! Was so freaked out. But once I went to lie down, it went away. Hope it's just the round ligaments.

My appetite is back! Though food takes time to digest, but I've been eating a lot more. But weirdly, not been craving meat. Only type of meat is ham and bacon. 15 weeks already and in the mornings, stomach is just slightly rounded.
I m into wk 15 this week, My vomit still on/off..still no appetite esp dinner.. Sometime I only drink soup or take fruit for dinner.. Don't knw when will my appetite come back


I actually did a google on why some pregnant ladies tend to vomit while some don't in their first trimester. Read through alot of articles but remembered 2 which may seen comforting for us. One article wsa saying the vomitting maybe caused by the high hormones level in us. I see this as a good thing because some mummies who have low hormones level seem to have a higher chance of miscarriage or something, and that's why they have to go for hormones injection regularly. Another article I read may sound untrue but I take it to comfort myself. High frequency of vomitting can mean the baby has high IQ/EQ based on a research done in UK. May not apply to us asian mothers but hey, this's something for us to cheer us up for we know we vomit for the sake of the little one inside us.

Congrats to the mummies who have stepped into 2nd trimester! A few weeks more to go for those who are at the end of 1st trimester!
I went for wk 14checkup today, my gynae gave me a book by hpb called " healthy start for your pregnancy" . Interesting boom to talk about pregnancy myth n what to avoid :)

A mummy

i get the same lately too. i went to google and its called round ligament pain if im not wrong. my mum said baby is kicking but i doubt so cause we wont be able to feel it until later into the pregnancy. so it shld be more like the uterus stretching? im currently in week 14/15, i cant remember exactly.. opps.
I see....I doubt because the uterus doesnt hurt at all apart from some minor cramps. That thg really flutter. The stone is definitely the baby sitting on my bladder till i press it to the side, and then i can pee peacefully. Round ligament is quite painful as I had it before ...But this one, my Pelvic bone is throbbing. Not my uterus. Ligament pain is at uterus if im not wrong. And Im already in week 18. Maybe not uterus expanding but the pelvic area expanding in length to prepare for delivery.I doubt baby kicking at pelvic.Too small to reach our pelvic haha!. I shall ask my gynae soon.

But if you do experience round ligament it's really good because it just means uterus expanding=)

A mummy

mrsvistamio My bump been increasing, it stops at week 16 but just keep on growing till now week 18.
I did clear my bowels, so definitely not my intestines with faecal material. I feel bloated every now and then so it adds to the bump too.So no worries. It will keep on growing from week 18 onwards.

And yes me too! I don't feel hungry at dinner during week 14-16 but from week 17, you'll have the urge to eat every 30min. And so thirsty.

Skt Hehe so comforting to hear!! Thanks.

raoow My stitch happens when I feel so windy at intestine area near the belly button. It hurts like......till my vagina hurts like poke2 wind.But once i squeeze it and massage, i feel better.
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