EDD September 2013 Mummies


mrsvistamio: 2.5Kg does sound too little if compared with me. I have thought I have gained 6-7 Kg since pregnancy Day1. Went to weigh yesterday, I have gained 8-9Kg, taking that I am now around in my 5th-6th months pregnancy.

Iirc, during 1st and 2nd trimester, baby's weight is supposed to be doubled each month. Last month my baby was estimated to weigh about 400+ grams, within the acceptable range 300-600 grams. I am expecting 800+ grams in my coming gynae visit this month. Did your friend's gynae mention anything about the weight?

During my visits, my gynae does tell me about the weight and length of the baby. She also does recording in my record card. I guess you can ask her these details during your next visit. :)

I can understand why your family is against the shift during your pregnancy. If they are superstitious, they will believe these will affect the physical appearance of the baby. Personally I try to avoid. If there is a need, get out of the room and don't see the move/shift.


New Member
my gynae will tell me if baby's weight is within the acceptable range. the information is printed out on the ultrasound pic. anyway i alr put on close to 9kg!!!!!!!!! and my dearest son is only 682g when i saw the gynae this monday... i dont know what to do with the weight gain.. sigh...........


I've already put on 12kg when I was 23 weeks!! It's on the high side based on the gynae. But I've not been eating any more than normal.

Yah, if parents don't want you to move, no choice. I'm doing the ultimate. Renovation and moving twice during my pregnancy. Plus i go down to supervise. LOL. But we aren't pantang so we don't believe in it. It's quite shiok to do up the baby's room since when we first bought the place, I wasn't pregnant and in the midst of planning renovation, then found out have baby.


New Member
everytime i see my gynae, i will ask her how is the weight gain. is it ok? everytime she will tell me its fine, dont worry. its within the normal range.. im very very very close to being obese according to BMI. sighhhhhhhhh....... but as long as my boy is ok, i am willing to make the sacrifice lor..


I m having diarrheao these past 2 days :(
but my weight gain still increases n there's A jump! SSigh
anyone know if can eat charcoal pills? My gynae assistant says can as
gynae prescribes but my other friends say can't.. Eating lacteol fort now..


Raoow... Aren't u tired having to do all these?
respect u ah!
Can feel ur excitement in doing up bb room!! Heh

when we moved in to our new flat, we knock 3 rooms to 2!
wasnt for the idea but hubby says why waste space! Lets have a bigger
master room! Ha.. Now can't do up any nursery coz other room is study!
but we can put back partition when bb is older! Heng my bed is not those
build in n stuck to floor! Flexible to move around if we want I guess.


I m having diarrheao these past 2 days :(
but my weight gain still increases n there's A jump! SSigh
anyone know if can eat charcoal pills? My gynae assistant says can as
gynae prescribes but my other friends say can't.. Eating lacteol fort now..
I had diarrhoea too! But it cleared up after two days. So didn't take any medication. But if your gynae prescribed, should be safe. I know Imodium ( very effective for diarrhoea and food poisoning ) is NOT allowed.

Drink more water to replenish as you'll lose water when you have diarrhoea. Take care and get well soon!

PS: I found that when I'm pregnant, the best is to see TCM for colds etc. I recovered faster and no side effects from the medication. But for something that needs instant relief, no choice but to see doctor.
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Raoow... Aren't u tired having to do all these?
respect u ah!
Can feel ur excitement in doing up bb room!! Heh

when we moved in to our new flat, we knock 3 rooms to 2!
wasnt for the idea but hubby says why waste space! Lets have a bigger
master room! Ha.. Now can't do up any nursery coz other room is study!
but we can put back partition when bb is older! Heng my bed is not those
build in n stuck to floor! Flexible to move around if we want I guess.
Yah!! Super excited. LOL. Now can wallpaper in baby designs and plan where to place cot etc. Colour scheme also can match with cot and other things. We also combined two bedrooms to one big master bedroom! That means no study but I have a small table at the wardrobe side as my husband don't need to bring work home and I don't work. Just need space for laptop and do household admin stuffs .

Initially going down to supervise and run errands like shopping for sinks, taps, WC, tiles etc was still ok. Have to take a lot of break in between. And standing at the renovation site for a few hours to settle things. But now I'm almost at third trimester, I'm so tired!! But place is almost ready. Hopefully move in next next week!!


wow... I can't believe getting myself in the house renovation during my pregnancy. It will be too tiring for me!


wow... I can't believe getting myself in the house renovation during my pregnancy. It will be too tiring for me!
Yah lor. If we had a choice, we wouldn't too. But we bought our place last Nov and found out pregnant in Jan. Paperwork done and got keys right after CNY. But was too sick from morning sickness to do any renovation planning until April. Plus we are renting and rental ending in May. Oh well. At least the major things settled during the second trimester when no more morning sickness and stomach not too big. As I approach third trimester, can slowly unpack at new place and prepare for baby.


New Member
gals, i feel so unprepared!! i havent gotten any thing except some clothings for my baby son.. how ah? im abit panicking now but mum and hubby said shld be ok...


gals, i feel so unprepared!! i havent gotten any thing except some clothings for my baby son.. how ah? im abit panicking now but mum and hubby said shld be ok...
Hey Shuangyh, I didn't buy anything too. i am planning to buy baby stuffs when i am in my 8 months. haha. But I do have a baby stuff checklist. Do you want a copy?


I only got a cot from the Motherhood fair and a baby sling! No clothes, nothing. Have a hand me down car seat and that's about it!

I don't plan to buy breast pump cos I might not breast feed so will short list and then if necessary, get hubby to buy during my confinement. Don't want to waste the money.


I only got a cot from the Motherhood fair and a baby sling! No clothes, nothing. Have a hand me down car seat and that's about it!

I don't plan to buy breast pump cos I might not breast feed so will short list and then if necessary, get hubby to buy during my confinement. Don't want to waste the money.
The confinement lady is damn expensive. I will order confinement food to be delivered to my house.


I am having dizzy spells for the last 3 days till now. Is that normal? Any mummy facing the same situtation as me?


I am having dizzy spells for the last 3 days till now. Is that normal? Any mummy facing the same situtation as me?
I have random dizzy spells but haven't had one that lasted for so long. Were you doing something different? Like out doors more in the heat? Or standing longer? If no, you might want to give your doctor a call just to be safe.