Every how many hours and how many ml of milk should a newborn drink?

I tried to give him100ml but still the same about 2 hours , but if I give 120ml than is too much he cannot take it . Wanna will they know when they are full ?


When my boy was 6weeks, he took abt 180ml every 3hrs. Now i decreased it to 160ml every 4hrs but i feed on demand. Your baby will cry for milk every 2hrs? Or you feed on schedule?


Active Member
there is no fixed table how much to drink , it depends on the baby actually ..

for me , i'll feed on demand , if baby finish n cry for more den i'll add another 10-20ml the next feed , den trail & error on it

as long i get a happy baby after each feed ,that will be the amt my baby needs =)

for me , my baby drinks 30ml at 1mth old , even now 8mths , she's still taking not more den 60ml ..


New Member
my baby is 6 weeks old, she is drinking 60ml of formula plus ~30-50ml (depending on how much I can express) of breast milk, every 2 hourly. I am hoping to bf her exclusively but my supply is too low. When I latch her, I let her latch ~15mins per breast.
babies are very smart, they will turn away if they are full. there are babies with big appetite and some small. just give them if they are hungry, add 10-20ml more in the next feed if they tend to finish the whole bottle . and if they vomit, it does not mean overeat, it is common for new babies to puke milk out.

and also some can drink alot but dont put on much weight, while some drink less but put on more weight.

mine was born 3.56kg, i saw the schedule the nurse wrote for night feeding, he took 40ml-sometimes 60ml and he is just 2 days old.
mine was a big baby too...
already drinking 50ml during 1st week of birth however now she is 2 months plus still stuck at 100ml or at most 125ml every 3 hours... Zzz


Active Member
as long the baby is not crying after feed then he is well fed. my son sometimes cannot even finish 180ml.


New Member
Hi all mummies!

there is actually a simple formulae to gauge how much ur baby should drink each day.
your litttle one should drink approximately 150mls/kg/day.
with that total amount, divide by the number of feeds per day.
for instance, a 6kg baby should take (150x6) 900mls a day.
If baby is on four hourly feeds, each feed should take about 150mls (900 / 6).
But the general rule of thumb is a well fed baby is contented, pees and poops n is gaining weight.
try not to be too obsessed with the statistical amount ur little one is taking..
(though i know thats easier said than done: "its past --- hrs, why are u not hungry?? Or its only been --- hrs, r u hungry again??" Lol...

For breastfeeding mothers, feed on demand. Even if it is two hourly.
My three mth old baby can last 6-7 hrs through the night without me latching her.
but in the day, sometimes i have to feed her 2-4hrly.

Gradually u wil get the hang of ur little one's demands.
in the meantime, jus enjoy bottling ur little bundle of joy or that special bond when u bf him/her!



New Member
Hi germac,

May I know if the formula works for expressed breastmilk too? Thank you so much!

Hi all mummies!

there is actually a simple formulae to gauge how much ur baby should drink each day.
your litttle one should drink approximately 150mls/kg/day.
with that total amount, divide by the number of feeds per day.
for instance, a 6kg baby should take (150x6) 900mls a day.
If baby is on four hourly feeds, each feed should take about 150mls (900 / 6).
But the general rule of thumb is a well fed baby is contented, pees and poops n is gaining weight.
try not to be too obsessed with the statistical amount ur little one is taking..
(though i know thats easier said than done: "its past --- hrs, why are u not hungry?? Or its only been --- hrs, r u hungry again??" Lol...

For breastfeeding mothers, feed on demand. Even if it is two hourly.
My three mth old baby can last 6-7 hrs through the night without me latching her.
but in the day, sometimes i have to feed her 2-4hrly.

Gradually u wil get the hang of ur little one's demands.
in the meantime, jus enjoy bottling ur little bundle of joy or that special bond when u bf him/her!



I think so too.. I use this formula too.. But ppl say bm digest faster so baby hungry faster too.. Feel that whn she is younger. But since bb is abt 4 months now. I kinda feed on schedule as she set the schedule herself.


Active Member
My bb was admitted into TMC for jaundice on day 5, on day 6 I brought my ebm, on day 7 when she discharge the nurse told me she could drink 95ml every 4 hours?! My mum said when we were babies in first month usually take around 60ml only... My bb takes a lot!

But at home I latch on demand so I don't know how much she's taking and how often, even now when she's turning ten weeks old. I've been reading up kellymom and stubbornly insist on latching on demand despite her super frequent feeding (during confinement it's almost as long as she's awake she's latching) and I brainwashed myself that as long as I latch her, she'll get milk... Even at times in the third week when the supply seemed to be super low until I was super depressed n could only pump 30ml combined, I insisted on latching most of the time... Now I also dunno my supply consider low or high but I latch on demand 100%... She's rejecting bottle :/ when I need to go back to workplace at times n my mil bottle feed her, she only take around 20-30ml after taking a very long time :(


New Member
Hi germac,

May I know if the formula works for expressed breastmilk too? Thank you so much!
Actually that is a very gd question! (andie, we never really thought abt it hor? Haha..)
but like wat andie said, i think it shld generally be the same for expressed breast milk too, though ebm does digest faster.
i think its more about knowing ur baby's needs n pattern... =)


New Member
My bb was admitted into TMC for jaundice on day 5, on day 6 I brought my ebm, on day 7 when she discharge the nurse told me she could drink 95ml every 4 hours?! My mum said when we were babies in first month usually take around 60ml only... My bb takes a lot!

But at home I latch on demand so I don't know how much she's taking and how often, even now when she's turning ten weeks old. I've been reading up kellymom and stubbornly insist on latching on demand despite her super frequent feeding (during confinement it's almost as long as she's awake she's latching) and I brainwashed myself that as long as I latch her, she'll get milk... Even at times in the third week when the supply seemed to be super low until I was super depressed n could only pump 30ml combined, I insisted on latching most of the time... Now I also dunno my supply consider low or high but I latch on demand 100%... She's rejecting bottle :/ when I need to go back to workplace at times n my mil bottle feed her, she only take around 20-30ml after taking a very long time :(
Hey felicity, i do the same too. I can latch my girl any time fr 2-4 hrly, or even when she is fussy n grouchy. And that can be as short as an hr or 1.5hr.. Then she wil jus suckle n sleep, sometimes only for 5mins then drift off to lala land..
I think my boobies r an asset to me! Haha.. Im concerned next time i stop bf, what can i give to pacify her? (since i offer my nipple as a comfort measure almost everytime.. :p) tried offering her pacifier but she dunno how to suck independently, i must hold it for her...