Glucose tolerance test


Omg... After reading wat u all go thru during the glucose test I'm so scared... My family history gt diabetes le does tt mean I will fail the test ?? Sobz sobzzz.... Urghhhh. I dun wanna go for wat stupid course :((


I was really miserable when I learnt that I have GD, was depressed for quite a while coz I LOVE food especially sinful food and sweet stuff. But for the sake of baby, I have to endure. My gynae kept reminding me, if I don't take care, baby will either become too big or if not too small and fear of stillborn, these are the implications.

In fact, the meal plan is based on a healthy diet which we are actually supposed to follow on a daily basis anyway. Just that we have so conveniently take our health for granted by over indulgence. After a while, I got used to eating healthily and only indulge once in a while. And I also went for daily walks of 2 to 3 km (which helped in my delivery, dilation quite fast). It's a pain to do finger prick test 7 times a day, but really no choice (once stablise knowing which food ok, which food not, only test once or twice a week). With a baby, it's our responsibility to take care of our health so that we can take care of them.

Frankly speaking, it's no use kidding ourselves by 'faking' results coz at the end of the day, both mother and baby would suffer. Trust me, if you think pregnancy is tough, wait till the baby comes out, there are a million and one thing to worry about... motherhood is an even tougher journey (my baby is now 7.5 months and it's tiring every single day).

Brace up mummies!
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Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Omg... After reading what you all go thru during the glucose test I'm so scared... My family history gt diabetes does that mean I will fail the test ?? Sobz sobzzz.... Urghhhh. I dont wanna go for what stupid course :((
Not necessarily you will fail the test....don't worry too much:tlaugh:

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
I was really miserable when I learnt that I have good, was depressed for quite a while coz I LOVE food especially sinful food and sweet stuff. But for the sake of baby, I have to endure. My gynae kept reminding me, if I dont't take care, baby will either become too big or if not too small and fear of stillborn, these are the implications.

In fact, the meal plan is based on a healthy diet which we are actually supposed to follow on a daily basis anyway. Just that we have so conveniently take our health for granted by over indulgence. After a while, I got used to eating healthily and only indulge once in a while. And I also went for daily walks of 2 to 3 km (which helped in my delivery, dilation quite fast). It's a pain to do finger prick test 7 times a day, but really no choice (once stablise knowing which food ok, which food not, only test once or twice a week). With a baby, it's our responsibility to take care of our health so that we can take care of them.

Frankly speaking, it's no use kidding ourselves by 'faking' results coz at the end of the day, both mother and baby would suffer. Trust me, if you think pregnancy is tough, wait till the baby comes out, there are a million and one thing to worry about... motherhood is an even tougher journey (my baby is now 7.5 months and it's tiring every single day).

Brace up mummies!
Yup I agree with that........:tlaugh:


New Member
don't worry, the drink are not that bad, i had done the test last week and 1 shot finish up the drink. My father is a diabete and my result are ok for both my 1st and current pregnancy. But waiting for another 2 hours so that you can start to eat is terrible as you are both tired and hungry. I went for a short shopping near bugis and felt like fainting and very tired after a short walk. After the 2nd jab done after 2 hours, i went to have a my breakfast and lunch at macdonald. phew... finally it's over.


dont't worry, the drink are not that bad, i had done the test last week and 1 shot finish up the drink. My father is a diabete and my result are ok for both my 1st and current pregnancy. But waiting for another 2 hours so that you can start to eat is terrible as you are both tired and hungry. I went for a short shopping near bugis and felt like fainting and very tired after a short walk. After the 2nd jab done after 2 hours, i went to have a my breakfast and lunch at macdonald. phew... finally it's over.
Can I ask how does the drink taste like? Very scared I will vomit cuz i gt morn sickness during first tri....
I took at kkh. It's not flavoured de. It's very sweet and thick. For me I almost choke by the sweetness when I drank the 1st mouth. Better bring water with u. The nurses only gave 1/4 of water and it's really not enuff to remove the taste. I drank another mouth of water then u felt better. Btw it cost $14+ after gst at kkh.


I took at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. It's not flavoured . It's very sweet and thick. For me I almost choke by the sweetness when I drank the 1st mouth. Better bring water with you. The nurses only gave 1/4 of water and it's really not enuff to remove the taste. I drank another mouth of water then you felt better. Btw it cost $14+ after gst at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.
Ok tks.. I will bring water along for the test....Hope I can survive n pass e test...


Well-Known Member
Can I ask how does the drink taste like? Very scared I will vomit cuz i gt morn sickness during first tri....

taste abit of orange... but is very thick... taste like real sugar water.. very sweet... but gotta finish the whole cup..


We must drink the whole cup down..Its very very sweet and taste like CANE Sugar. I already failed the first test due to vomitting it out and now waiting to go for the next test on 070910....I must not vomit....


Well-Known Member
for some weird reason i feel like having something sweet ... is that a sign or G.D :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
you gg for the test tml? i have to wait till next week then check with my gynae whether i need to do the test... i just had durian over the weekend :p
Yah. I have avoid durian
Ice cream and mooncake :p dun want to jeopardize the test


Well-Known Member
At clinic doing the test. The glucose drink is not that bad :p it test like F&N orange without gas only haha