Good TCM Doctor ???


Well-Known Member
aiyo... family n work problems/stress ahr... So bad ahr!:wong29:
I went last sun, she see my bbt chart say very good and on 18 Feb i got EWCM + +ve OPK. Then she ask me to track my temp for this wk.. if drop... maybe AF reporting soon.... argh....:nah:. So seeing my temp drop for past 2 days make me feel so so bad woh!
This is the 1st time i see that i've EWCM + +ve OPK .. Y still cannot strike...? Me gog nuts ....
My work currently still ok.. but will be given more tasks soon... so i'll be very busi from Apr onwards... then even more tough to trying to concieve :we2Randy-git:

jia you jia least u try try yaaaaa....smtimes my woody oso no time to try during my ovulation....ZzzZZZzzZZ!!!!!!!!!!!

me oso super sianzz...last year i planned to do IVF this june...but now, looks like i need to defer it cos my job (sighzz, new boss building her empire...4 of us resigned leee, all replaced by her own kakis....we'll b "phase out" soon) if i changed job, i need to wait till i'm confirmed b4 doing my IVF yaaa...but on the other hand, duno if the new company will make noise if i take 2weeks leave/MC or, i'm oso stresssssssssssssssssssss.....some companies r super duper particular when it comes to preggie issue.....

as for family...sighzzz...when i mention in-law side, i guess u know how headache the issue is....forever giving me problems!!!!! super pissed off !!!!!!!!!

really bad timing for evyting....i tot tiger year will b better cos i nv "fan tai shui"....but tings r still the same....super SIANZ~:bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad::bsad:


New Member
Hi there.. I am new to this forum... Just happen to be passing by, I have a daughter, 2 years old, then had 3 subsequent miscarriages, and now in my last 4 weeks of my pregnancy, due end of the month.. I saw a TCM just before conceiving, and it just took 1 menstrual cycle and it was a one shot one kill...He is Dr Tan @ clementi...


Well-Known Member
Hi there.. I am new to this forum... Just happen to be passing by, I have a daughter, 2 years old, then had 3 subsequent miscarriages, and now in my last 4 weeks of my pregnancy, due end of the month.. I saw a traditional chinese medicine just before conceiving, and it just took 1 menstrual cycle and it was a one shot one kill...He is Dr Tan @ clementi...

WOW~~ gong xi gong xi~ :shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:

can gif us more infor maaaa??? which TCM??? address?? :001_302::001_302::001_302:


New Member
WOW~~ gong xi gong xi~ :shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:

can give us more infor maaaa??? which traditional chinese medicine??? address?? :001_302::001_302::001_302:

Its Dr Tan Kian Sing,@ TCM Healthcare Medical Centre, Blk 433 Clementi Ave 3 Got to call, state your business, make an appointment before going down... If you are not squemish about needles, he may even recommend acupuncture, and thats what helped..Good Luck!
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Well-Known Member
Its Dr Tan Kian Sing,@ traditional chinese medicine Healthcare Medical Centre, Blk 433 Clementi Ave 3 Got to call, state your business, make an appointment before going down... If you are not squemish about needles, he may even recommend acupuncture, and thats what helped..Good Luck!

thanks thanks.....currently i'm having acupuncture @ AMK.....see how tings go yaaaa.....if not good, then i will switch.....



lawla, u have to do acupuncture for how long? i am thinking of going TCM to build up my body. my friend recommend me the one at Marine Parade which i will be going after the result for the chromosome analysis is out. i hope TCM will help me for my next pregnancy!! :(


Well-Known Member
lawla, you have to do acupuncture for how long? i am thinking of going traditional chinese medicine to build up my body. my friend recommend me the one at Marine Parade which i will be going after the result for the chromosome analysis is out. i hope traditional chinese medicine will help me for my next pregnancy!! :(

u mean Ban Choon Chan Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081 ??

i went there for treatment for 3mths b4 i switch to the sinseh @ AMK......

the one @ parkway, he dun do acupuncture lehhh........

for AMK deee...the acupuncture is abt 45mins (front n back, abt 20mins each side).....


Well-Known Member

did u watch the chnl 8 charity show on sun????

u can refer to my Ting Ji's thread........

my hubby ask me to try try~
Hi All, i am new to this forum , and just finished reading most of the post here.
My husband and i have been tried for 1and half year plus , and only seeing one gynae , and also tried clomid for 3 cycles. My gynae asked me to try for HSG ( test to see whether my fallopian tube is blocked) My friend asked me to try to seek second opinion / see TCM. i am not sure whether i should do HSG as i am thinking to try on IUI also. Frankly speaking i am quite stress in a way as my husband is the only son and the MIL keep pressing on us to get pregnant, from her eyes she will think tht i am the one got problem. Actually report shows that we are normal , only my husband sperm quality not so desirable, but my gynae said it's not a problem as we only need one healthy sperm to fertilised the egg. But ,i still can feel that my MIL still think tht i cannot get pregnant. and always bring me to pray here and there, i don't mind but i don't like ppl in this way ...
Eventually i decided to go to the Chung Hwa TCM to try , i have made an appt on this wed with the infertility department, but i am not sure how is the reputation there ?
I supposed will be not bad as my friend also studied her TCM phd there.
May i know anyone has any experience with this hospital before?
Mind to share?

thank you


Well-Known Member
Hi All, i am new to this forum , and just finished reading most of the post here.
My husband and i have been tried for 1and half year plus , and only seeing one gynae , and also tried clomid for 3 cycles. My gynae asked me to try for HSG ( test to see whether my fallopian tube is blocked) My friend asked me to try to seek second opinion / see traditional chinese medicine. i am not sure whether i should do HSG as i am thinking to try on IUI also. Frankly speaking i am quite stress in a way as my husband is the only son and the mother in law keep pressing on us to get pregnant, from her eyes she will think tht i am the one got problem. Actually report shows that we are normal , only my husband sperm quality not so desirable, but my gynae said it's not a problem as we only need one healthy sperm to fertilised the egg. But ,i still can feel that my mother in law still think tht i cannot get pregnant. and always bring me to pray here and there, i dont't mind but i dont't like ppl in this way ...
Eventually i decided to go to the Chung Hwa traditional chinese medicine to try , i have made an appt on this wed with the infertility department, but i am not sure how is the reputation there ?
I supposed will be not bad as my friend also studied her traditional chinese medicine phd there.
May i know anyone has any experience with this hospital before?
Mind to share?

thank you

helo....dun feel so moralise ya....

my hubby is oso the only son in the family (he has sisters laaa)...but wad can we do? we nv choose to b like tat....n he married me NOT to make babies (production line) lohhhh....

definitely if we know we haf problems conceiving, we would haf rectify the problems....but its only when we started to plan for a family, then we found out the difficulty...

dun worry...i started back in Dec 2007 (hubby starts to release his troops inside me)....then try try until June, no luck.....then we went to see gynae in Aug only to find out tat i'm PCOS....gynae check my tubes too...they'r fine...

was on clomid for 3cycles but body dun response well...did 2 IUIs but failed...

i went TCM cum accupuncture only last year, abt 4mths baaa....AF cycle did improve (mine is super irregular, rangers from 38days-56days)......

been trying n trying n trying on our own but still no luck......

its already 2years+ tinking of doing IVF.....

dun gif up dearie..if u nv try, u totally haf no chance to strike----my sinseh keeps telling me tat to motivate me....

juz keep trying.....JIA YOU~:shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx::shyxxx:
HI Lawla, thank you for the motivation ..
Now i also dont know what is the cause of my problem. My check up was fine in everything, just that i havent done the HSG test , may be i will to do so after this month of trying . My mentrual cycle was quite regular, thats why all along i thought i am able to conceive. Most of the time ppl keep asking me when i wanna get pregnant, go this doc go to that sinseh, pray to this god pray to that god.. ,these few months i was quite depresses , everytime my AF came ,i felt quite depressed and even cried. We even went travelling to try , but still no good news..
May be god wanna test my patience but i really dont know what wrong with me , i can wait patiently, but my MIL cannot.
sorry for the ranting .. i dont mean to be negative here..
i have a friend also having the same problem, and we were saying that some people dont want children, one strike can get already, for us,who are so desperate to get one, have to go through all this..


HI Lawla, thank you for the motivation ..
Now i also dont know what is the cause of my problem. My check up was fine in everything, just that i havent done the HSG test , may be i will to do so after this month of trying . My mentrual cycle was quite regular, thats why all along i thought i am able to conceive. Most of the time ppl keep asking me when i wanna get pregnant, go this doc go to that sinseh, pray to this god pray to that god.. ,these few months i was quite depresses , everytime my AF came ,i felt quite depressed and even cried. We even went travelling to try , but still no good news..
May be god wanna test my patience but i really dont know what wrong with me , i can wait patiently, but my mother in law cannot.
sorry for the ranting .. i dont mean to be negative here..
i have a friend also having the same problem, and we were saying that some people dont want children, one strike can get already, for us,who are so desperate to get one, have to go through all this..
hi icejelly, my hubby also the only son in his family and too facing the same stress... not from my PIL but from his relatives... weird thou, his aunties always asked me why no news yet instead of asking him... my reply to them always the same "my hubby dun want" which my hubby taught me...

i have PCOS so will be more difficult to conceive.. maybe you're too stress out? relax and take it easy... just do it for enjoyment instead of work like procedure... i've learnt how to take it easy, not sad and disappointed when my AF came..

relax... i believe that there will be chance for all of us to get preggie and have a healthy baby...



did you watch the chnl 8 charity show on sun????

you can refer to my Ting Ji's thread........

my hubby ask me to try try~
hi lawla, i was thinking to go there and try too... but they only open on monday and friday, morning session... do u know if they open on PH?

it's good that ur hubby ask u to try... i'm scared that my hubby doesn't want to go and stick to the marine parade one.. also scared tat he'll say me too stress and gan jiong...
Hi Anttan , thank you for the motivation .

I did not watch the sunday charity show, but i heard from my colleague is that one of our ex colleague family was on the show, the one have the twin girls. they tried to see the doctor also , and his wife got the twins, what a blessing , as i gotto know that his wife also have some complication as well.

So, i guess may be everyone will rush to Tong Chai hospital, but maybe you gals can try there too ? I have made appointment with Chung Hwa TCM tomorrow , as they have night consultation. i will keep you gals update.


Well-Known Member
hi icejelly, my hubby also the only son in his family and too facing the same stress... not from my parent in law but from his relatives... weird thou, his aunties always asked me why no news yet instead of asking him... my reply to them always the same "my hubby dont want" which my hubby taught me...

i have PCOS so will be more difficult to conceive.. maybe you're too stress out? relax and take it easy... just do it for enjoyment instead of work like procedure... i've learnt how to take it easy, not sad and disappointed when my AF came..

relax... i believe that there will be chance for all of us to get preggie and have a healthy baby...
HI Lawla, thank you for the motivation ..
Now i also dont know what is the cause of my problem. My check up was fine in everything, just that i havent done the HSG test , may be i will to do so after this month of trying . My mentrual cycle was quite regular, thats why all along i thought i am able to conceive. Most of the time ppl keep asking me when i wanna get pregnant, go this doc go to that sinseh, pray to this god pray to that god.. ,these few months i was quite depresses , everytime my AF came ,i felt quite depressed and even cried. We even went travelling to try , but still no good news..
May be god wanna test my patience but i really dont know what wrong with me , i can wait patiently, but my mother in law cannot.
sorry for the ranting .. i dont mean to be negative here..
i have a friend also having the same problem, and we were saying that some people dont want children, one strike can get already, for us,who are so desperate to get one, have to go through all this..

yes i understand the feeling.....other couples "anyhow anyhow" oso can strike......

there's tis saying----when u wan it, u dun get it......

smtimes its the stress we'r facing (in our work, our family n ttc).....i'm sure quite a no of times when we do it esp during ovulation timing, we juz cant help tinking tat we'r doing for the sake of doing it.....i know its hard not to tink.....but how can we do tat when we need to track the ovulation timing, our body temp, check for discharge etc......

dun anyhow tink ya....evytime during CNY, me oso hear the same ting from my relatives asking me "how, still dun wanna plan arrr".......i juz smile my way off.....but they juz ask once, they nv keep pressing yaaaaa.....

for my hubby's side, his mum dun dare to ask me.....she knows i'll b pissed off....she ask my hubby behind my back.....if she wan a grandson so badly, then ask her sponsor me $$$ for IVF....if not, dun even touch on tis topic (oops, yes i'm not in a gd relationship wif my IL's side)......

heck care abt them ya...its OUR life.....its not tat we dun wanna get preggie, but we'r facing wif difficulties beyond our control n we'r trying our best to make tings work out....

even normal couples (no problems on both side), they oso take 6mths-1year+ to strike......

juz dun gif up ya...the time will come:welaugh::welaugh::welaugh::welaugh::welaugh:


Well-Known Member
hi lawla, i was thinking to go there and try too... but they only open on monday and friday, morning session... do you know if they open on PH?

it's good that your hubby ask you to try... i'm scared that my hubby doesn't want to go and stick to the marine parade one.. also scared that he'll say me too stress and gan jiong...

no..they dun open on PH...its those free med, consultation TCM.....alot of pple deee...u juz gif a small donation for their services.....

maybe cos ur hubby dun wan u to gif up on the m.parade treatment halfway lehhh....

for me, i've been wif the TCM @ AMK for abt 4-5mths...i did ask her if i can try for 3rd IUI, she say IVF would b was tinking of seeking 2nd opinion ya....i'm going tis Fri to Thong see wad they say....if they oso say the same ting, then i will "tiao tiao" my body 1st b4 the battle (IVF) begins:001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302:


no..they dont open on PH...its those free med, consultation traditional chinese medicine.....alot of pple just give a small donation for their services.....

maybe cos your hubby dont want you to give up on the m.parade treatment halfway lehhh....

for me, i've been with the traditional chinese medicine @ AMK for about 4-5mths...i did ask her if i can try for 3rd IUI, she say IVF would b was thinking of seeking 2nd opinion ya....i'm going tis Fri to Thong see what they say....if they also say the same ting, then i will "tiao tiao" my body 1st before the battle (IVF) begins:001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302:
thanks dear! in this case, i'll stick to the marine parade one as my hubby cant take leave...

good luck dear! hope tat u'll strike soon w/o going thru IVF!
Hi all ,

i went to the Chung Hwa TCM yesterday, the queue was ok , if appointment already made in advance. there is a group of doctor for female fertility( 2 of them) , then for male side they have 3 doctors. They shar the same room , for those who have fertility problem. No privacy at all , but all of them came for the same problem , so i am fine. The acupunture also done in the same rom with curtains as divider.
Doctor said i have no major problem , but he comment that my menstrual cycle too long ( 36-37 days) so he want to push my menstrual cycle to 28 days. I don't know whether my menstrual cycle is it the same last time, i can't compare. Well, anything also need to try.
he prescribed some medicine for me , twice a day , total i paid $24 for 8 days medicine, plus $10 consultation fees.


Well-Known Member
Hi all ,

i went to the Chung Hwa traditional chinese medicine yesterday, the queue was ok , if appointment already made in advance. there is a group of doctor for female fertility( 2 of them) , then for male side they have 3 doctors. They shar the same room , for those who have fertility problem. No privacy at all , but all of them came for the same problem , so i am fine. The acupunture also done in the same rom with curtains as divider.
Doctor said i have no major problem , but he comment that my menstrual cycle too long ( 36-37 days) so he want to push my menstrual cycle to 28 days. I dont't know whether my menstrual cycle is it the same last time, i can't compare. Well, anything also need to try.
he prescribed some medicine for me , twice a day , total i paid $24 for 8 days medicine, plus $10 consultation fees.

chung hwa is the TCM @ jurong east izzi ????
they have a few branches , changi also have but the one i went is in Toa payoh . i think only toa payoh (HQ) has the infertility department.
There is this Doctor Tan Kian Seng(陈健生)who also got recommended by some of the reader here who owned a clinic in clementi , is the leader of the infertility group in Chung Hwa TCM, but he is more for man.